Committee: Economic and Finance Subject: Renewable Energy Sponsor: Federal Republic of Germany Welcoming the gradual increase of the production and use of renewable energy since the 1990s as an alternative to fossil fuels which are both nonrenewable and harmful to the planet, Fully aware that despite its increase in recent years, renewable energy still makes up approximately a mere 9.3% of the worlds total energy production, Affirming the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as the leading climate researchers as selected previously be the UN, Deeply disturbed by the harmful effects of the widespread burning of fossil fuels including harmful CO2 emissions, acid rain, and global warming, Guided by the prospect of improved environmental and economic conditions with the insertion of clean renewable energy atop the spectrum of energy usage, Believing that technology in this day and age is at an ample stage to take on such a monstrous task of converting to renewable energy, Welcoming the German Renewable Energy Act of 2000 as a pioneer in renewable energy initiative and a great step in future developments upon the subject of renewable energy, 1. Commends the industrial countries around the world who have taken the initiative to produce safer, less expensive energy in renewable energy sources, 2. Supports the WWS (wind, water, and sunlight) plan for production of renewable energy as postulated by leading experts Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark A. Delucchi in the journal Energy Policy, 3. Endorses the introduction of a UN sponsored renewable energy account to be funded by 1% of each member country's annul GDP yearly for twenty (20) years, 4. Notes that Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the aforementioned Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change suggests that 1% of the global GDP will be sufficient to take on such a task and that its effects could even reverse the deterioration of the environment, 5. Instructs that levies will cease after twenty years, assuming the goal of conversion from the use of fossil fuels as the primary source of global energy to clean renewable energy is met, 6. Further instructs that the pending resolution be revisited twenty years from its presumed ratification by the Economic and Financial Committee to judge whether the goal has reasonably been met or not, and in the event that it was not met, to extend the time given for levies, 7. Calls upon countries to independently transition from the widespread use of fossil fuels for energy to clean renewable energy sources, 8. Requests that the levy rate be reduced from 1% to .5% of a country's GDP annually once the country can prove that it has successfully increased the rate of energy production to be at least 75% clean and renewable energy as a reward to commitment to global energy, 9. Urges the production of more wind mills, water processing centers, and solar grids to augment the reduction of fossil fuels for energy, 10. Expresses its hope that the conversion from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy will create jobs worldwide and increase production, having a doubly positive effect on the environment, as well as stimulating the economy as well as new technology that harbors the use of renewable energy will have to be produced and distributed.