The Haven Property Owners Association Annual Meeting Minutes November 29th, 2011 Cafeteria at Captain Shreve High School Board attendees: Ken Antee - President Mark Gilliam - Treasurer Everardo Recendiz – Secretary Mark Nelson Robert Latour Betty Mitchell Professional Management Services attendees: Lisa Stallcup Other attendees: Michael Corbin – City Council Capt. Bill Offer – SPD Lt. Paul Random – SPD Sgt. Keith W. Grant – SPD Cpl. Robert Elliott – SPD A list of the homeowners attending, proxies and vote records can be reviewed upon request at Professional Management Services. Meeting called to order at around 6:30 by Ken Antee Mr. Antee welcome the attendees and introduced the members of the board. Then he introduced Councilman Corbin to speak to the membership and take questions from the attendees: We are a mini city that takes care of our own situations. He offered to speak with any member about city issues. Mr. Corbin gave a status on the bond issue and project advance, some of which will start on the second quarter of 2012. Most of the proceeds will be used in infrastructure therefore most of the work will be unseen except for road repairs. SE Shreveport suffered for draught, he encouraged homeowners to review their homes for leaks and repair them accordingly. Mr. Corbin informed about the development of SE Shreveport, changes and improvements. LA-3132 still pending on feasibility to be completed in the first half of 2012. Mr. Corbin gave us his number to contact him as necessary 318-678-3513. His information is also available on the City Council website. Members asked about trash trucks that drop oil on the streets. Mr. Corbin explained that because of the nature of the operation (hydraulic) oil will spill, if the issue is large a call should be put to Waste Management to address. Lid issues with the recycling bins, they are left open due to efficiency, recommended to drill small holes at the bottom in case it rains. The City will also change the policy about large loads of furniture or other trash outside of the regular trash collection. Mr. Antee then introduced the Police Department representatives. Corporal Robert Elliott (Liaison for District 6) encouraged members to contact him regarding any issues that may arise where the police needs to get involved. Also encouraged members to watch out for each other, main doors and garage doors should always be closed, anything strange should be reported to the police, it is our business. Also spoke about Twitter and Facebook to see what is happening. Call 911for emergencies and for other issues call (318) 673-2583 and press #3 for a live operator and please call Cpl Elliot (318) 402-2691 right after to make sure he can follow up with you. Mr. Elliot informed that on private property they can enforce DWI, Hit and Run and Reckless Operation which can include driving fast in the neighborhood, any person can call and report instances of such when the violator or vehicle can be identified. Members can also address questions or report issues by emailing: Captain Bill Offer introduced the other representatives from the Shreveport Police Department. Capt. Offer explained that this area of the city is one of the lowest in crime. He explained also about speeding and stated he will need to find about the legality of speeding tickets in low speed areas much like the neighborhood, he will speak with the city attorney and give us an update through communication with the board. He also introduced Mary Ellen Hoffman (Neighborhood Assistance Team Coordinator for Area 2) for neighborhood watch programs and encouraged members to contact if we want to pursue this option. Contact her at (318) 673-7397 or by email at Lt Paul Random informed that there is only one incident in record for the neighborhood in 2011 and that for the district the main crime is shoplifting. When asked about graffiti in the neighborhood, he also informed that graffiti is more of a nuisance and will be investigated when reported. KA then introduced Mark Gilliam for the financial report. He explained the financial statements and the losses due to unpaid water bills from 2 months in 2010. He also explained of the issues with the city due to discrepancies in water charges and how the board has addressed the issues. We have taken care of all our liabilities but the dues had to go up to match the expenses. There are no additional expenses, other than purchasing 2 spare fountains we have only covered operating expenses. Sam Hall inquired about if an audit was performed with the original change from Lea Hall and it was explained that the previous boards had not done so (due to the high cost of doing a full audit) however a review has been performed each year and will be done each year as required by the bylaws. Mark Gilliam explained the financial management concerns that were being experienced with Lea Hall, even though no suspicion of foul game was considered but due to the inadequate response from Lea Hall, internal controls (bill paying and check signing) were instituted and an outside firm was secured to keep the financial statements. The cost of that work was deducted from Lea Hall’s management payments. Lisa Stallcup is now auditing all payments from members of the association since 2010 to make sure every property is collected upon. Payment coupons will be sent this year to make sure everyone knows how and when to pay. Lane Jackson inquired about insurance, insurance is for common areas liability and equipment that can be insured. At this time the property management does not have authority to write checks. No attorney expenses were incurred this year, some expenses were incurred to file liens against properties. 2010’s legal expenses amounted over $35,000. A question was raised about the patio home maintenance account, Mark Gilliam explained that the account is an internal control and all expenses have been paid as needed from the operating account. Although repeatedly requested from Lea Hall the maintenance account should be funded they failed to do so, this is a control that needs to be instituted again by the board this year. Lane Jackson asked about the change in property management and whether the board had obtained other bids for the work in choosing the new company. Ken Antee replied that we did not because the change was done at the same cost as what we were paying Lea Hall and we had the opportunity to bring in someone who had years experience with the neighborhood, someone whose only responsibility is the neighborhood. Ken asked for a show of hands approving the budget, the majority of the attendees raised their hands. 5 people raised their hands against presented budget. Ken Antee proceeded then to the President’s report. Lea Hall was changed because of the lack of array of the finances of the association as well as their ability to maintain a satisfaction level from the members due to lack of contact and the lack of follow through with decisions from the board. Lea Hall is a good company but this association was above their ability to manage effectively. The agreement to change was mutual and the termination fee was discounted from the fees paid to the new company, there was no additional cost to make the change. Lisa Stallcup was selected for the reasons above. She has endeavored in reconciling payments from members to make sure underpayment, past dues and overpayments are current and cleared once and for all. Ken also informed that royalties from gas leases should come in the next 60 days or so. We are expected to receive approximately $3000 per month depending on production amounts and price. Money will come to the association and money will be put on reserves. Ken Antee also explained that this year development should be completed and roads will be completely repaired by the developer. Sprinkler schedule has been implemented to reduce over consumption and waste, next year the schedule will be reduced to 3 days a week. Because we buy the water in bulk is a lot less expensive than for single users. The boat launch was completed and residents need to buy their stickers. This is only for use by the residents. Please refer to the rules in case of questions. Lisa Stallcup provided then the Property Management Report. She goes through the neighborhood once a day, she has been responding to any and all requests since October 1st, 2011. Please contact Lisa for any requests by email at Ken Antee proceeded then to the vote for new board positions. One year position left by Ivory Angello to be filled, the board nominated Be Mitchell; Sam Hall was nominated from the floor. Ballots were given out and gathered. While the ballots were being counted, Ken Antee opened the floor for member comments. Members requested that for all nominees bios be provided to the membership so members had an opportunity to review the candidates before there were voted upon. Bios of current members are posted on the website and it is agreed from now on that for future meetings all nominees known ahead of time can submit their bios to the webmaster to be posted on the website prior to the annual meeting. Members also inquired why we do not have Christmas decorations or more than just the guard house. Ken Antee expressed that the new board will consider doing more than just Christmas lights but also consider Mardi Gras, 4th of July and Halloween. The idea is that the Social Committee coordinates resources and members to participate in doing this type of activity. Both Ken Wojcik and Sam Hall are the chairs of this committee. Sam Hall inquired about upgrading the video surveillance system, Ken Antee responded it will be looked at in future board meetings. Sam Hall also inquired about the sidewalk that comes from the entrance to the back lake, he asked if where it bends towards the pond its incomplete because he thought it should have continued as a sidewalk all the way to the ramp. Ken Antee explained that it is a walking trail rather than a sidewalk and that to our knowledge it is complete, he asked Lisa Stallcup to confirm with Matt Locke if any further walking trail pending to be completed. Mrs. Reeder (Daughter of Col. Reeder) expressed that it was very disappointing that the meetings were being used as a forum for some members to attack others. She was referring to a circular that was passed before the meeting where Mr. Lane Jackson was raising questions and making assumptions about previous and current board members and decisions. She praised Ken Antee for not allowing unfunded accusations to be taken further and encouraged the membership to focus on the Haven business instead of gossip. Ken Antee then announced that Be Mitchell had been selected to fill the one year term. The two 3 year positions that were opened were for Debbie Monsour who had served almost the 3 year term before her resignation and Everardo Recendiz who was voted in the previous election to fill a one year term. Ken Antee announced that the board had nominated Robert Latour and Everardo Recendiz to fill the positions and asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. Sam Hall once again asked to be included in the ballot. Once all ballots were given out and gathered most members started to leave. Once the count was complete Ken Antee announced that Everardo Recendiz and Robert Latour had been selected by the membership to fill the 3 year terms to the board. Ken Antee moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mark Nelson and all members were in favor. Meeting was ended at 8:53 pm.