
MEDIA CONTACT: Laura Soll, Communications – CT Veterans Parade, 860-688-4499 or Cell 860-833-4466
Public Invited to Wednesday, November 4 Awards Ceremony at State Capitol
HARTFORD, CONN., October 27, 2015 – Rachel Coppinger of West Simsbury, Conn. is the First Place
winner of the 2015 Connecticut Veterans Parade essay contest, a statewide competition that asked middle school
students to write an essay addressing the question, “Why Should We Honor Veterans?” Rachel is a 7th grader at
Henry James Memorial Middle School in Simsbury.
The two Runners-Up are Daniel Harper of East Hartford, a 6th grader who is home-schooled, and Jessie
Talasco of Granby, a 6th grader at Wells Road Intermediate School.
The 2015 Connecticut Veterans Parade essay contest is presented by The Navy League of the U.S. – Hartford
Council and the State of Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs. All three students will read their winning
essays at a special ceremony in the Connecticut State Capitol’s Hall of Flags on Wednesday, November 4
at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited and admission is free.
As the First Place winner, Rachel Coppinger will ride with one guest in a special vehicle in the 16th annual
Connecticut Veterans Parade on Sunday, November 8 at 12:30 p.m. in Hartford. In recognition of her
achievement, she also will receive an American flag that has flown over the Connecticut State Capitol Building.
The annual essay contest was developed to encourage Connecticut’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to learn more
about the heroism and importance of American servicemen and women throughout our nation’s history. More
than 100 entries were received from across the state. The judging criteria were: power of the message of the
essay; clarity of thought; spelling, punctuation and grammar; and overall comprehension of the topic. A panel of
judges selected the first place winner and the two runners-up.
The colorful 16th annual Connecticut Veterans Parade will honor the dedication and sacrifices of servicemen and
women from all U.S. conflicts, and offers the state’s residents the opportunity to express their thanks in a
meaningful way. Connecticut residents who are active, retired or honorably discharged member of the U.S.
Armed Forces including commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine
Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserves will participate, as will veterans groups, patriotic
commissions, and local municipalities. Many musical units, including the Central Connecticut State University
Marching Band and high school, middle school, fife & drum, and pipe & drum bands also will march.
Special parade features will include a 1:30 p.m. tolling of church bells and Moment of Silence when the parade
will pause in observance of veterans who died while serving their country, followed by the singing of the National
Anthem by Bloomfield resident Tony Harrington. The parade will be preceded at 11:30 a.m. by a Wreath-Laying
Ceremony to remember veterans at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch at Jewell St. and Trinity St. in
Hartford’s Bushnell Park, featuring a color guard, bands, and a bugler. During the parade, volunteers will hand out
American flags and “Thank You, Veterans!” signage and sell commemorative 2015 Parade lapel pins at $4 apiece
to help pay for parade operations. Pins also can be purchased now at www.CTVeteransParade.org
These essays are posted at CTVeteransParade.org/participate/essay. Parade info at CTVeteransParade.org
or call 860-986-7254; Facebook: Connecticut Veterans Parade; and Twitter: CTVetsParade
First Place Winner – RACHEL COPPINGER
7 grader of West Simsbury, Henry James Memorial Middle School
“Why Should We Honor Veterans?”
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” - Joseph Campbell
When my grandfather was a young man he left home to fight in the Korean War. He was a member of
one of the most heroic units in the Marine Corps; George Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Division. He
told me how terribly cold it was in the winter in Korea. He watched both Americans and Koreans die and
there were times he was scared he would too.
War is very sad and no one wants war, but sometimes it is necessary. My grandfather and father taught
me that it is important to fight not just for the freedom of Americans, but for the freedom of all people
because no matter what race or nationality a person is we are all the same in the eyes of God. We are
all his children.
When nations or individuals try to force their will over others and take away peoples freedoms, American
military men and women have answered the call and sacrificed their time and their lives to fight to keep
that freedom. It is the veterans who have given of themselves so that others may live free.
Many of our veterans have seen battle. Many of them managed to do heroic things in spite of their fear.
Sometimes they come home broken either physically or spiritually. We as a nation need to honor our
returning warriors because they have put themselves in harm’s way to protect others not able to or
unwilling to fight for others. They have put their jobs and education on hold and endured long
separations from their families. They have missed birthdays, holidays, and the births of their children.
We should honor our veterans because without their sacrifices we would not have any of our freedoms
…freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to live one’s life without government
interference. From the Revolutionary War to the present war on terrorism, our military personnel have
been the frontline against tyranny and oppression.
My father is also a veteran. He left our family to go overseas to aid the war against terrorism. He didn’t
want to go, but he felt it was his duty and an honor to serve his country. He said that every time we say
the Pledge of Allegiance or wave a flag we owe a debt of gratitude to a veteran.
War taught my grandfather that life is very precious. He watched soldiers die on foreign soil so that
democracy could remain every human beings individual right. They are “the hero who has given his or
her life to something bigger than oneself.” A veteran never has to ask himself if his or her life mattered or
if they did something to make the world a better place. That is why we should honor veterans.
One of Two Runners-Up – DANIEL HARPER
6th grader of East Hartford, Home-schooled
“Why Should We Honor Veterans?”
My barber, Joe Picard, has tears in his eyes as he is telling me a story of his time fighting in the Korean
War over 63 years ago. He tells how bullets were flying everywhere, and his comrades were getting
picked off, one by one. He doesn’t know how he survived without a scratch, but he has committed to
using his life to take care of his family, love God, and serve others. Mr. Picard has given my family and
many others at our church free haircuts for over 20 years just because he is grateful for his life and
freedom. I can’t think of a more deserving veteran to honor. We should honor veterans because they
have bravely faced danger and death for our country, heroically put others’ needs before their own, and
sacrificially didn’t ask for anything in return.
Many of America’s veterans, like my friend Joe Picard, have bravely faced danger and death for their
country, family, and friends. One day the North Koreans shot a mortar shell that landed right in front of
Mr. Picard and his friends. It just so happened that the shrapnel from the explosion exploded away
from them and did not kill them even though the impact was so close. Their bulletproof vests had
pieces of shrapnel stuck in them, but otherwise, they were safe. Many veterans remember similar
times of terror. In spite of their fear, they still defended, fortified, and fought for our freedom. How can
we not honor those who would risk their lives to protect ours?
Another reason we should honor veterans is that they have heroically put other people’s needs before
their own. For example, Mr. Picard and many other veterans have given the scared and hungry civilians
food, water, and clothing even when their own lives were in danger. They have rescued their comrades
in the heat of battle. Despite being terrified of jumping from an airplane as a paratrooper, Mr. Picard and
so many other veterans bravely did the impossible in spite of the great risk to their own lives because
they wanted to know that they were doing something to protect their families and friends at home.
Finally, we should honor our veterans because they sacrificially didn’t ask for anything in return for
their service. Although Mr. Picard is thankful when friends and strangers thank him for his military
service, he tells me that he considers it a privilege and an honor to have served our country. Our
veterans loved our country by thinking about the future of our next generations, not about their own
personal welfare. We can honor our veterans’ sacrifices by making sure that their medical needs are
met and that they get the help and treatment they need to live a normal life.
We should gratefully honor the bravery, selflessness, and sacrifice of America’s veterans. Let us
follow the example of our veterans who are still working to make our country a better place.
One of Two Runners-Up – JESSIE TALASCO
6 grader of Granby, Wells Road Intermediate School
“Why Should We Honor Veterans?”
We should honor veterans because they sacrifice their lives for us. Every day that they are called, they
go and they fight for us, our freedom, and for their country. They risk their lives going to war and they
leave behind their homes, their children, and their families just so they can fight for our country.
We should honor veterans because they had the chance to get injured, they had the chance to get killed
and they still went to fight for our freedom. They could have been killed or seriously hurt but they went
on and they fought for everyone’s freedoms.
Every time you think of America and the freedoms we have, you should also think about or honor those
people who got us that freedom and kept us our freedom all of these years. Every time you hear a
gunshot you should think about those people who hear that every day.
We should honor veterans because without them the things you do daily could not happen. Every
freedom you have including your speech and your actions are kept safe by these people. So every time
you express yourself and feel proud of that, you should also feel proud of the people that protect your
right to do that.
So next time you think your life is hard you should think again about what veterans have to deal with
every day. Nobody's life is perfect but because of veterans it's possible to be very close to living a
perfect life. They fight your big battles for you, so you should honor them.
All in all, you should honor veterans mainly because they make all the good things in your life possible.