Corporate Services for the Natural Resource Sector <Note: Replace (or delete) bracketed and/or Green text with required information> <This is an interim template that will be reviewed and revised as time and resources permit. In the meantime, it is available to use and change as desired.> [Project Name] [Name of Ministry] Communications Plan Project Manager: Creation Date: [Date – YY/MM/DD] Last Updated: [Date – YY/MM/DD] Document Number: 6450-25/[Project Name] Version: 0.0.1 Approvals: Project Sponsor Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date [Name] [Title] Project Manager [Name] [Title] [optional others] [Name] [Title] NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 2 of 10 VERSION HISTORY Version Date Responsible Notes 0.0.1 2014-04-04 Ronda Cunningham 1st Draft for interim NRS template for posting on the SDLC NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 3 of 10 Purpose of the Document The Communications Plan (MPP) identifies the types of messages to be communicated, responsibilities, audience, and methods of delivery and schedule for each communication. <For smaller project, the communications plan may be incorporated into the master project plan.> The communications plan should provide: How various types of information will be gathered and from whom. A structure which shows how information will flow and to whom. This structure must be compatible with reporting relationships on the project organization chart. A description of each kind of information to be produced and distributed. Schedules showing when each type of communication will be produced, with procedures for obtaining feedback. A method for updating the communications plan. Related Documents: <add/delete as appropriate> Master Project Plan NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 4 of 10 Table of Contents Purpose of the Document .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.0 Purpose of the Communications Plan ................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 Key Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Audience/Stakeholders ...................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 Schedule of Communications Activities ............................................................................................. 7 6.0 Communications Tools ....................................................................................................................... 8 7.0 Resources ........................................................................................................................................... 8 8.0 Vulnerabilities/Potential Issues .......................................................................................................... 8 9.0 Measures of Success ........................................................................................................................... 9 10.0 Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................... 9 11.0 Reviews and Document Control ....................................................................................................... 10 NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 5 of 10 1.0 Purpose of the Communications Plan <Provide a concise statement of the purpose of the communications plan.> The purpose of this communications plan is to describe how communications will occur for <insert project name>. <describe more about the reason for the communications plan – how the strategy will create awareness, understanding and support from those being communicated with.> 2.0 Objectives <This section should describe the communications objectives, not project or program objectives. They should be specific, describe what is to be achieved, or what action the team wants stakeholders to take.> <Examples: to inform, to encourage participation, to increase use, to promote, to solicit support, to gain acceptance, to listen, to get input, to educate.> The objectives of the communications plan are to: <list> 3.0 Key Messages < The key messages should include three to five succinct statements that will be used repeatedly in project communications. These are the key messages that the project/team wants the stakeholders to know and remember. These messages should clearly state the benefits of the project or program.> The key messages of the project are: <list> 4.0 Audience/Stakeholders < This is a list of the groups of people that have a vested interest in the project, would benefit from knowing of it, or whose support/understanding is required to ensure success. The stakeholders should have been identified in the stakeholder analysis. These audiences/stakeholders groups (i.e., employees or customers) could be sub-divided into smaller subsets so that communications strategies can be developed that better address the needs of the specific target audience.> The primary audiences and stakeholders listed below will benefit from communications about <insert project name or other relevant description>. <list> NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 6 of 10 5.0 Schedule of Communications Activities <This section provides a schedule of communications activities to be performed during the project. This schedule need only be in point form including activity name/description, responsible individual/group and the targeted completion date. The activities should be grouped by audience and describe how the communication will be done and, to some extent, what will be communicated.> <A communications matrix format has been provided as a suggested format with some content examples. Communications tools can be included with the mechanisms or a separate section can be added to the communications plan so they can be documented.> The communications matrix below identifies target stakeholders and interested parties, the messages they need to receive, the mechanisms and timings of the messages, and the responsible person/group for ensuring the communication is conveyed. TARGET Sponsor MESSAGE 1. 2. 3. Steering Committee 1. 2. MECHANISM Status (schedule, progress, issues). Issues/Resolutions. Special Reqmnts. 1. Content, Progress, Invite ongoing communications. Special Requirements TIMEFRAME Status Report (HC or Email). Decision request Email, in person 1. Weekly 2. 3. As Required. As Required. 1. Monthly mtgs., Email bulletins. 1. Monthly. Bi-weekly. 2. . 1. Email, mtgs., in person 2. As req’d. Sponsor (Project provides supporting docs.). 1. At sponsor's discretion, as req'd. 2. 3. Executive 1. Overview, Status, Issues Project Team Members 1. Context, Overview 1. Project Kickoff Meeting, Project File. . 2. Status, Issues 2. 3. Special Requirements 3. Team meetings, Status Reports, Issue Log, Email notes Email, mtgs., in person NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> 1. At Project Start Ongoing access 2. Weekly, or as required 3. RESP Proj Mgr. Proj Mgr. Sponsor Proj Mgr. Project Team Members One-off ASAP. Page 7 of 10 Users/ System Owners 6.0 1. Context, Overview 1. Project Kickoff meeting, Master Project Plan 1. 2. Technical Reqmts, Input and Update 2. Meetings, E-mail, Deliverable Reviews 2. 3. Project Status, Deliverable Status 3. Meetings, E-mail, Reviews 3. 4. Issues/Resolutions. 4. (In) E-mail, Mtgs., In person; (Out) E-mail, Letter 4. At start of project, as available Based on project schedule Biweekly/ Monthly, as necessary ASAP, as necessary Proj. Mgr., User Rep. Communications Tools <This section contains a list of the communication tools that will be used to implement the communications action plan. Examples of tools are: e-mail, brochure, newsletter, static displays, on-line bulletin boards, demonstrations, presentations, meetings, status reports, etc.> A variety of communications tools will be used including: <list> 7.0 Resources <This section includes the resources that are required to implement the communications plan. The resources should be split into human resources and financial resources. The financial information should be integrated into the overall project budget.> The human resources required to implement the communications plan include: <list> The financial resources required to implement the communications plan include: <list> 8.0 Vulnerabilities/Potential Issues <These are point form statements of the issues that could hamper the success of project communications. An action plan should be defined to avoid these potential issues. These issues should be derived from and related to the project risk analysis and critical success factors.> <This information may be included in the Risk Management Plan or in the Risk Management section of the Master Project Plan instead of the Communications Plan.> NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 8 of 10 The table below shows potential risks that could hamper the success of the communications plan and actions that could be initiated to mitigate the impacts. POTENTIAL RISKS 9.0 POTENTIAL IMPACT ACTION PLAN Measures of Success <A point form list of measures against which the success of the project communications strategy will be evaluated. This should include a measure of actual performance against planned schedule and budget, and some means of verifying the effectiveness of the strategy on the audience (i.e. customer satisfaction surveys, etc.).> The communications plan will be considered a success when: <list> 10.0 Evaluation < The communications strategy for the project should be evaluated in terms of the measures of success identified in the section above. This evaluation should be done at key milestones throughout the project and again at the end of the project. Any corrective actions that result from the interim evaluations should be added to the action plan.> NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 9 of 10 11.0 Reviews and Document Control Reviews This document has been sent to the following for their review and comment. Name Position Project Management Name Position <name> Project Manager Document Control <Drafts start at 0.1 whereas a document ready for signature becomes version 1.0. > Date Version Change Reference <date> 0.1 Reviewed by Original document NRS Communications Plan <insert project name> Page 10 of 10