BCC Meeting Minutes 3/19/2012 Location: Paul Revere K-8, 555 Tompkins Ave Attendance Members Present: Kim Garcia-Meza, Cindy Choy, Erika Delacorte, Leonor Jackson-Flores, Lisa Gutierrez- Guzman, Flor Ramos, Maria Teresa Ponce, Gladys Soto, Darlene Anaya, Elvira Ebalo Members Absent: Edwin Yuen, Tina Alejo. SFUSD: Jen Fong, ELSS Supervisor and BCC Liaison; Christina Wong, Special Assistant to the Superintendent; Sherry Vaughn, ELSS Supervisor Members of the public: 1. Review and approval of 2/27/12 minutes Postponed 2. New Business: Lisa Gutierrez-Guzman began a discussion about layoff notices of approximately 500 paraprofessionals and a proposal to skip layoffs in the Superintendent’s Zone, which the teachers’ union is taking to court. Kim Garcia-Meza would like a report from the district on the balance of children accepted to Immersion Pathways. Last year, there were some problems with student assignment to Immersion Program. Staff will request a report from the Educational Placement Center. Cindy Choy informed the committee that Superintendent Carlos Garcia is retiring and that there is an informal appointment to Deputy Superintendent Richard Carranza. 3. Board Report Elvira Ebalo was appointed to the BCC by Commissioner Emily Murase. Commissioner Rachel Norton has two openings. Kim asked Darlene if she could ask Commissioner Rachel Norton for 2 new appointments. Darlene Anaya said that Tina Alejo wants to resign. Kim Garcia-Meza said that Tina Alejo needs to resign formally even via e-mail. 4. Presentation from Sherry Vaughn Follow up presentation on previous month’s Biliteracy Pathways including potential changes to the Biliteracy Pathway model. The objective is that Spanish and Cantonese Biliteracy Pathway students will enter the Secondary Dual Language Pathway along with the students from Dual Language Immersion Pathways. Spanish was the language of instruction throughout the day. Chinese was used only for clarifying or giving instructions. The models will be changing. Biliteracy used to be called a Bilingual Program that ended in 5th grade. Bilingual Programs, for example, by 4th grade was probably 15 minutes a day in Spanish, but the proposal is to teach both English and Spanish for the same amount through 5th grade. One proposed change is to give math instruction in English starting in Kindergarten. During English, students would be regrouped by ELD level. For Chinese Biliteracy, students are exposed more to English than Spanish Biliteracy students because Chinese speakers have to learn Chinese symbols/signs and an alphabetical language. Because the alphabet is similar between Spanish and English, there is more transfer. There was a question about layoffs and new teachers’ proficiency in pathway language. It was suggested that the BCC send questions to Sherry Vaughn to be addressed at the next meeting. 5. Ongoing Dialogue with Internal Oversight Committee Staff will be presenting to the Board’s Curriculum Committee on a variety of topics. 6. Site Visits a. Two visits still to occur: i. Francisco on April 11th ii. Tenderloin on April 5th b. Please give site visit reports to Maria Teresa Ponce. c. Kim Garcia-Meza requested that SFUSD not send a representative to have a more candid meeting, but according to Christina Wong, the Deputy Superintendent Richard Carranza wants a SFUSD representative present at the site visits. The rationale behind it to get immediate feedback and immediate solutions. In previous years, sites did not receive any feedback from the BCC. d. Christina Wong described the IOC Site Visits, which are all day audits. When BCC members asked if BCC members could attend, Christina Wong said “yes.” 7. Next meeting April 30, 2011, 6:00-8:00 pm, Moscone Elementary School, 2576 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Library