CLOZE your Final! The ___control______ group is the group that is

CLOZE your Final!
1. The ___control______ group is the group that is opposite the experimental group. Therefore, this is the group
that is not being manipulated.
2. The function of an ____enzyme________ is to speed up a chemical reaction.
3. Three things that affect an enzyme are ___pH______ , _____temperature_______, and
4. An ____observation____ is when Lucy notices that plants grow better with fertilizer than with no fertilizer. Her
___hypothesis___ is that fertilizer increases plant growth.
5. The monomer of a carbohydrate is ____monosaccharide___. The monomer of a ___lipid____ is a fatty acid. The
monomer of a protein is an ___amino___ ___acid____. The monomer of a ___nucleic___ ___acid___ is a
6. The three parts of a nucleotide are __phosphate__ __group___, ____sugar_______, and ___nitrogenous___
7. Draw a nucleotide, and label all of its parts. Refer to pg. 47
8. The four nitrogenous bases for DNA are thymine, ___adenine___, ___cytosine__, and __guanine__.
9. The four nitrogenous bases for RNA are ___uracil__, adenine, cytosine, and ___guanine____.
10. At the bottom of an energy pyramid are the ___producers________.
11. The second level of an energy pyramid contain the ___primary______ ___consumers_______.
12. If a rabbit population dies off, the grass population would ___increase____ in numbers.
13. The chromosomes for a genetically normal female are ___XY___
14. The chromosomes for a genetically normal male are ___XX___
15. A___ mutation___ is a change in a DNA sequence that affects genetic information.
16. ___Genetic ___Engineering___ is the process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms.
17. ___ Evolution___ is a change in a kind of organism over time
18. A process by which individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce most
successfully is called ____ natural___ selection.
19. ____Photosynthesis____ is 6CO2 + __6 H2O___ = C6H12O6 + ___ 6 O2___
20. An ___adaptation___ is inherited characteristics that increases an organism’s chance of survival.
21. ___ Genetic ___drift___ is a random change in allele frequencies that occurs in small populations.
22. A chemical used by a neuron to transmit an impulse across a synapse to another cell is a
23. A___ stimulus___ is a signal to which an organism responds.
24. The location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell is called a ___ synapse___.
25. ___Antibiotics ___ are effective against bacterial infections.
26. There are ___23___pairs of chromosomes in a typical body cell.
27. Aa represents a ___heterozygous___ trait.
28. ___AA__ represents a ____homozygous ___trait.
29. The body’s first line of defense against infection is the ___skin___.
30. ___Phagocytes___ are responsible for engulfing bacteria.
31. ___Homeostasis___ is a process by which organisms maintain a stable in their environment.
32. The protein that is responsible for destroying pathogens is a ___antibody___.
33. ___3___bases code for an amino acid. This is also called a ___codon_______.
34. ___Gametes___ are produced by the process of meiosis.
35. Neurotransmitters are initially detected by the ___dendrite___ of a neuron.
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Two __ daughter _ __cells___ are produced from mitosis.
___6O2 + C6H12O6 _____  ____6CO2 + 6H2O____ + _____Energy____ is the equation for cellular respiration.
Different proteins exist because they have different ____functions___ for the cell.
A __mutation___ is a change in DNA.
When species cannot mate because they are physically separated from one another, this is called
__geographic____ isolation. When species cannot mate because they mate at separate times of the year, this is
called __temporal___ isolation. Both kinds of isolation are considered to be types of ___reproductive___
When allele frequencies change in a population, this is __genetic__ __drift__. When allele frequencies stay the
same, it is genetic ___equilibrium__.
The four evidences for evolution listed by scientists are the fossil record, ___similar___ ___ embryology__,
geographic distribution, and ___homologous___ structures.
A person infected with __HIV__ will eventually develop AIDS. This person potentially becomes seriously ill from
the common cold or a seasonal flu, because his __immune__ system is too weak.
The __skin__ is the most important line of first defense.
A __sensory__ neuron carries the message from the 5 senses to the central nervous system. The motor neuron
carries the message from the central nervous system to a muscle.
If a heterozygous female dog is crossed with a __heterozygous__ male dog, the offspring have a 25% chance of
being homozygous recessive, 50% chance of being heterozygous, and 25% chance of being homozygous
DNA contains _deoxyribose_ sugar, the nitrogenous base ____thymine__, two strands of information, and is
found in the __nucleus__. RNA contains ribose sugar, the nitrogenous base uracil, __one__ strand of
information is found in the cytoplasm.
If a carrot has 8 chromosomes, its haploid number is __4___. Its diploid number is ___8___.
If water evaporates from a leaf, this process is called __transpiration__. If water collects on a window pane, this
process is called condensation.
Colorblindness is an example of a __sex_-__linked__ trait. Women can be __carriers__ for this trait if only one of
their X chromosomes is affected. If the X chromosome is affected in males, they have the colorblindness trait,
and express colorblindness as a result.
A __pedigree___ is a family tree that shows the genotype of each person in the family.
An __adaptation___ is a characteristic that helps an organism to become “fitter” in its environment.
Lethal homozygous recessive diseases always remain in a population because its __heterozygous__ form is NOT
lethal. Carriers survive to pass on the lethal homozygous allele.
A __white___ blood cell is also known as a phagocyte, and engulfs bacteria as a part of the immune system. A
__red__ blood cell carries oxygen to cells as a part of the __circulatory___ system.
Red blood cells need __hemoglobin__ which helps bind oxygen to the cells and distribute it around the body.
The internal environment of any organism is maintained in “balance” through __homeostasis__, apart from the
external environment.
The heating system of a house can be considered a __negative__ feedback loop, because the heater shuts off if
the room gets too hot, and the heater turns back on when the room gets too __cold__. The endocrine system
of the human body works in the same way.
__Hormones__ are chemical messengers that are sent via the bloodstream to target certain body cells. An
example of these chemical messengers is adrenaline.
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59. An __immune__ response is triggered by a protein found on a foreign invader. This protein is also known as an
antigen. __Antibodies__ made by the body bind to this antigen like a “lock and key”, and causes the body to
fight off the infection using phagocytes.
60. A __stimulus__ causes a reaction in the nervous system by appealing to any of the 5 senses of the body.
61. Protein synthesis consists of 2 steps: ______Transcription__________ and Translation. In the first step, DNA is
transcribed into mRNA in the __nucleus__. The mRNA strand leaves the nucleus and enters into the
__cytoplasm__, eventually landing on a __ribosome__. This is where translation occurs. mRNA is then
translated into polypeptide chains, made up of __amino__ acids. These polypeptide chains fold in upon itself to
form a big mass called a __protein__.