How the Earth Was Made (Part 2)

How the Earth Was Made (Part 2)
The History Channel, 2007
Granite Planet
1) The oldest continental rock on Earth can be found in South Africa…it is ancient __________________ which
is the nucleus of one of the world’s oldest continents.
2) 3.5 million years ago, _______________ was appearing everywhere because of an upsurge in volcanism.
Granite is the first true ___________________ _________.
3) Granite rock has a much lower __________ than basaltic rocks which are found on the bottom of the ocean.
The continents that are light and buoyant ___________ on the mantle.
4) The granite crust was also tough enough to withstand the erosive power of the ________________.
5) On the continental coast an organism appeared that was going to transform
the planet: the __________________ which could live off of
_________________ and fill the atmosphere with ____________________.
6) ______________________ can be found today on the Western Australian
coast in Shark Bay. They are ____ foot wide and _____ feet high mounds
made by bacterial algae that precipitate ________. They are the ancestors of
all _______ on Earth.
7) 2.5 billion years ago, __________________were blossoming globally and
filling the atmosphere with oxygen through _________________. This
happened over a period of _____ billion years. At first the gas dissolved in the
water in the oceans and ______________ out the iron. Then it began to build
up in the _____________________ and diluted the ____________ ________________ which cleared the air.
8) When the iron left the oceans they turned from _____________ to _______________. When the oxygen
filled the sky, they turned _____________ as well resulting in the __________ planet.
9) The iron accumulated on the floors of the ocean is the source of all the iron ________________ mined
10) Plate Tectonics is the study of __________________ ___________________. Historically it was believed
that the continents were fixed in place and never moved. However there was a problem in the fossil record.
The fresh water Paradoxides trilobite ___________ was found on both the east coast of North America and on
the western coast of Britain.
11) Alfred Wegener, a German weather scientist, boldly claimed that the continents had once been
____________ together, but had ____________apart. Because he was a meteorologist, and not a geologist
most people rejected his ideas. He died in Greenland, in 1930, lost in a ________________.
12) The US Navy produced a global map of the __________ _________ during World War II and revealed one
of Earth’s greatest secrets. The maps revealed a fractured network of submarine _____________, volcanic
________ and ____________ that split the oceans into enormous __________ of ____________.
13) Plate Tectonics is driven by the ___________________ of the old and the _______________ of the new.
14) Draw a convection current within the mantle here:
15) Where the currents rise, _________ form creating new ______________ crust within the gap. Where the
currents sink back down towards the center of the Earth, old ____________ crust is dragged down with them
in a continuous cycle. The oceanic plates drag the __________________ like a conveyor belt.
16) The process of ocean crust creation is present above the water in _________________. Iceland is on a
mid-Atlantic ridge.
17) Fissure eruptions are ___________________________ and appear on Iceland. They mark the path of the
plate boundaries scaring the rocky landscape with shallow canyons that are very slowly widening Iceland and
creating the ____________ ocean. At their base is _____________ crust slowly pushing ___________ and
________________ apart.
18) The rate of continental drift averages _________ cm/year (one inch). Over millions of years, this speed of
movement is enough to shift the continents ________________ of miles.
19) The movements of the continents can be tracked back a _________________ years.
20) The supercontinent called ________________ was lifeless and barren. North America and ____________
made up its core.