SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSYC 2606-001), Fall 2014 Professor: Dr. Irene Blair, PhD Office: MUEN D357c Office Hours: Thur, 1:00 – 3:00 PM (or appointment) Contact: Teaching Assistant: Casey Gardiner Office: MUEN E314 Office Hours: Mon, 10:30 - 12:30 PM (or appointment) Contact: This course is designed to provide you with a basic understanding of social psychology. As such, the goal is for you to learn, (a) how social behavior is scientifically studied, (b) the major concepts, research findings, and issues in the field, and (c) how to apply social psychology to everyday life and events. PRE-REQUISITE: You must have already passed a college-level general psychology course (or equivalent) REQUIRED MATERIALS: Textbook (Gilovich, Keltner, Chen & Nisbett [2013, 3rd ed.]. Social Psychology. NY: W.W. Norton & Co.) and an iClicker remote. REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIES: Regular class attendance is necessary for doing well in this course. Additional requirements are: 3 Midterm exams (46%) and a Final exam (28%); Weekly online quizzes (12%), 1 Application paper (6%), and Classroom activities (8%). Midterm & Final Exams. The exams will cover material from both the textbook and class lectures. That is, you will be questioned about material from the lectures that is not covered in the textbook, and about material from the textbook that is not covered in the lectures. All exams will be multiple-choice, so bring a #2 pencil and an eraser to each one. The midterm exams are not cumulative; the final exam is cumulative. No makeup exams will be given. If you miss one midterm exam with an excused absence, it will not count against you; your scores from the remaining two exams will be averaged. If you complete all three midterm exams, we will drop your lowest midterm exam score. The final exam is required; you must take the final exam as scheduled. Weekly Online Quizzes. Beginning with the 2nd chapter of the textbook, there will be weekly quizzes to be completed on the D2L course website. All quizzes are available to take at any time and you have 2 tries to score your best. Quizzes must be completed by 11:59 PM on each due date (see printed schedule and D2L calendar). Application Paper. An application paper is due in the D2L dropbox on the date assigned to you (see printed schedule and D2L calendar). Late papers receive a penalty of 1 grade-level reduction for each day late. Additional information about this paper is on the class website. Classroom Activities. There will be a number of class activities throughout the semester. You must be present with your iClicker to receive credit for these activities. There are no make-up points if you miss a class or your clicker is not operating properly. GRADING: For your final letter grade for the course, a “Reference Score” will be calculated as the mean of the top five percent of the class. Your grade will be determined in relation to this Reference Score. A =93% A- =90% B+ B =87% =83% B- =80% C+ =77% C =73% C- =70% D+ =67% D =63% D- =60% F <60% Note 1: If you need accommodations because of a disability, please give Dr. Blair a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs may be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact: 303-492-8671, C4C Bldg N200, www.Colorado.EDU/disabilityservices Note 2: It is expected that you will uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in completing work for this course. Any academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for this course, and additional sanctions may be imposed by the CU-Boulder Honor Code. Lecture Date Topic Aug 26 & 28 The Basics Introduction, rules & procedures Methods of social psychology The Self Self-concept Self motives and regulation Perceiving and Judging Other People Schemas, heuristics & priming First impressions Causal attributions Errors & biases in attributions Sept 2, 4 & 9 Sept 11, 16, 18 Reading & Quiz Deadline Ch. 2 quiz due 9/4 Ch. 3 quiz due 9/11 Ch. 4 quiz due 9/18 Ch. 5 quiz due 9/18 SEPT 23 EXAM 1 Sept 25 Emotion Components & expression of emotion Emotion, cognition & perception Ch. 6 quiz due 10/2 Sept 30; Oct 2 & 7 (10/7: Paper due for last names: D, E, F, J, M, P, Q, U, V) Attitudes and Persuasion Attitudes & behavior Cognitive dissonance Persuasion & attitude change Social Influence Social norms, conformity & compliance Obedience Ch. 7 quiz due 10/2 Ch. 8 quiz due 10/9 Oct 9, 14 & 16 Ch. 9 quiz due 10/16 OCT 21 EXAM 2 Oct 23 & 28 (10/28: Paper due for last names: A, C, G, K, N, O, R, S, W) Interpersonal Relationships & Attraction Attraction Love & relationships Ch. 10 quiz due 10/30 Oct 30; Nov 4 & 6 Stereotyping, Prejudice & Discrimination Definitions and historical changes Underlying processes Consequences for members of stigmatized groups Group Psychology Social facilitation Group decision-making & behavior Ch. 11 quiz due 11/6 Nov 11 Ch. 12 quiz due 11/11 NOV 13 EXAM 3 Nov 18 & 20 (12/2: Paper due for last names: B, H, I, L, T, X, Y, Z) Aggression Socialization & media violence Situational factors Ch. 13 quiz due 11/20 Dec 2 & 4 Altruism and Cooperation Motivations for helping Five-step model of helping Cooperation Social Psychology and Health Stress & your health Coping and social support Ch. 14 quiz due 12/4 Dec 9 & 11 DEC 16 (Tuesday) FINAL EXAM, 4:30 – 7:00 PM AM 1 quiz due 12/11