Rúbrica para el proyecto final del medio ambiente: Nombre

Rúbrica para el proyecto final del medio ambiente:
Contenido y forma
La parte escrita
Content reflects superior quality
work, with careful thought given
to the format of the project as
well as the relevant themes
Content reflects quality
work, with some thought
given to the format of the
project as well as the
relevant themes
Vocabulary used indicates careful Vocabulary used indicates
study of the thematic words used study of the thematic
in appropriate contexts
words used in
(appropriate) contexts
Correct use of verbs and syntax
Mostly correct use of verbs
(No pattern of errors)
and syntax (maybe a
pattern of errors)
Action paragraph describes what Action paragraph describes
was done with details.
what was done.
Connection clearly explains why
Connection may explain
project was chosen and relevance why project was chosen
and Reflection is thoughtful and
with some relevance and
Reflection is complete.
Rúbrica para el proyecto final del medio ambiente:
Contenido y forma
La parte escrita
Content reflects superior quality
work, with careful thought given
to the format of the project as
well as the relevant themes
Content reflects quality
work, with some thought
given to the format of the
project as well as the
relevant themes
Vocabulary used indicates careful Vocabulary used indicates
study of the thematic words used study of the thematic
in appropriate contexts
words used in
(appropriate) contexts
Correct use of verbs and syntax
Mostly correct use of verbs
(No pattern of errors)
and syntax (maybe a
pattern of errors)
Action paragraph describes what Action paragraph describes
was done with details.
what was done.
Connection clearly explains why
Connection may explain
project was chosen and relevance why project was chosen
and Reflection is thoughtful and
with some relevance and
Reflection is complete.
Falta Algo
Content does not reflect
quality work, little thought
given to the format of the
project or the relevant
Vocabulary used does not
indicates study of the
thematic words nor
appropriate contexts
incorrect use of verbs and
syntax (a pattern of errors)
Action paragraph does not
describe what was done.
Connection doesn’t explain
why project was chosen
(no relevance) and
Reflection is incomplete.
Falta Algo
Content does not reflect
quality work, little thought
given to the format of the
project or the relevant
Vocabulary used does not
indicates study of the
thematic words nor
appropriate contexts
incorrect use of verbs and
syntax (a pattern of errors)
Action paragraph does not
describe what was done.
Connection doesn’t explain
why project was chosen
(no relevance) and
Reflection is incomplete.