Eastern Region

Pathways to Ministry

Diocesan Celebration
of Catechetical Ministry 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
Holiday Inn, Liverpool
Diocese of Syracuse
Celebration of Catechetical
Evening Schedule
5:30 - Registration – cash bar available
6:15 - Opening Prayer
6:30 - Dinner Buffet
Program of Certification, Recognition and Award
Most Rev. Robert Cunningham
Catechetical Certification: Level I & Level II
Seeds of Faith Award
Associates of Faith Formation
Advanced LIMEX Certification
Directors of Faith Formation
Anniversaries of Ministerial Service
Bishop Harrison Award ~ Bonnie Barker
Opening Prayer
Call to Prayer
God of peace,
in baptism you call us to be Christ for one another.
Having responded to that call,
we come before you in thanksgiving
for all the good works you have accomplished through us.
Continue to nourish us through word and sacrament
and may our efforts lead your people closer
to the reign of promised peace.
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen
Scripture: A reading from St. Paul to the Philippians (4:4-9)
Brothers and sisters, Rejoice in the Lord always!Again I say,
rejoice!Let your
gentleness be known to everyone.The Lord is near.
Do not worry about anything, but in
everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known to God.And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever
is pleasing, whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of
praise, think about these things.Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and
heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
The Word of the Lord.
All: Praise be to God.
Reader:May our actions reflect our words as we share the Good News of Christ…
All: With joy, hear our prayer.
Reader:May our families be strengthened through Your love and the love of one another…
All: With faith, hear our prayer.
Reader:May the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to guide and inspire the baptized to serve
as missionary disciples...
All: With hope, hear our prayer.
Reader: May we remember to be grateful for all Your Creation and help us be reverent to all
All: With love, hear our prayer.
Reader: May we be of those who despair and struggle physically, mentally or spiritually…
All: With mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: May we as witnesses of your Word, help open the hearts of all your children to seek
justice and compassion….
All: With peace, hear our prayer.
Blessing of Gratitude
Reader: O God of the covenant,
You give us every good gift.
Help us to see in the food spread before us
another outpouring of your grace.
Be with us as we share this meal
and keep us ever mindful of the hungry
Bless us and this food we are about to receive.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
All: Amen
Program of Certification & Recognition
Level I Catechetical Certification
Eastern Region
Georgina Amodio
Albert Brockway
Virginia Craiglow
Dorothea Iselo
Joan Lamb
Mary Rathmell
Kim Ocuto
Tonya Smith
Lisa Darling
Amy Falvo
Mary Harrod
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
St. Peter, Rome
Historic St. John, Utica
Historic St. John, Utica
Historic St. John, Utica
Scott Tanner
Christine Gray
Historic St. John, Utica
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel/Blessed
Sacrament, Utica
Richard Hensel
St. Anthony/St. Agnes, Utica
Nina Ranieri
Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica
Mark Ranieri
Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica
James Roddy
Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica
Nadia Zayas
Sacred Heart/St. Mary of
Czestochowa, New York Mills
Western Region
Vincent D’Angelo
Jennifer Fischer
Thomas Jones
Elizabeth Neis
Stephanie Stewart
Joan Stoker
Holy Family, Syracuse
St. Mary, Cortland
Immaculate Conception, Fayetteville
St. Patrick, Chittenango
Western Region Office
St. James, Cazenovia
Southern Region
Mary Lou Ekstrom
St. Francis of Assisi, Binghamton
Denise Canino
St. Vincent de Paul-Blessed
Sacrament, Vestal
Gregory Hrostowski
St. Vincent de Paul-Blessed
Sacrament, Vestal
Brendan Mahon
St. Vincent de Paul-Blessed
Sacrament, Vestal
Dennis White
St. Vincent de Paul-Blessed
Sacrament, Vestal
John Yacynych
St. Vincent de Paul-Blessed
Sacrament, Vestal
Level II Catechetical Certification
Northern Region
Diane Zeller
Maureen Wills
St. Paul, Oswego
St. Mary of the Assumption,
Eastern Region
Anne Carlone-Elacqua
Sacrament, Utica
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel/Blessed
Western Region
Catherine Mackey
St. John the Baptist/Holy Trinity,
Sr. Katie Eiffe Seeds of Faith Award
Northern Region
Patty Mancino
Holy Trinity, Fulton
Eastern Region
Marian Niles
St. Mary/St. Peter, Rome
Western Region
Crystal Rudd
Pope John XXIII, Liverpool
Southern Region
Mary Lou Ekstrom
St. Francis of Assisi, Binghamton
Eastern Region
Mary LaForest
St. Helena, Sherrill
Sr. Martha Larkin, C.S.J.
Parishes of Holy Family, Vernon &
St. John the Evangelist, New Hartford
Western Region
Theresa May
Julie Sheridan
Theresa Vaga
Western Region Office
Most Holy Rosary, Syracuse
St. Margaret, Mattydale
In Appreciation for all the years of faith-filled service and dedication to the
catechetical ministry, we recognize these catechetical ministers:
First Year of Ministry
Donna Farrell
Jennifer Fischer
Gary Krajacic
Margaret Ostaszewski
Denise Pedericini
Ken Puchalski
St. Mary, Minoa
St. Mary, Cortland
St. Francis of Assisi, Bridgeport
St. Stephen, Phoenix
Holy Family, Syracuse
St. Joseph, Lee Center
Five Years
Donna Prusko
Kristine Skinner
St. Mark, Utica
St. Augustine, Baldwinsville
Ten Years
Robert Cargill
Angela Coyle
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Endicott
St. Mary, Kirkwood
Kristen O'Hara
St. Joseph, Camillus
Cheryl Smith
Annunciation, Clark Mills;
Eastern Region Office
Associate of Faith Formation
Eastern Region
Ginger Poppleton
Christ Our Hope, Boonville
Associate of Faith Formation Recertification
Eastern Region
Cheryl Smith
Jean Bauer
Annunciation, Clark Mills;
Eastern Region Office
St. Peter, Rome
Western Region
Kristine Skinner
St. Augustine, Baldwinsville
Advanced LIMEX Certification
Andrea Schaffer
Southern Region Office
Director of Faith Formation Certification
Eastern Region
Annette Gape
Historic St. John, Utica
Director of Faith Formation Recertification
Northern Region
Deanne Hall
Northern Region Office
St. Mary of the Assumption, Oswego
Fifteen Years
Deanne Hall
Madonna Hurchla
Northern Region Office
Ss. John and Andrew, Binghamton
Sharon Hunger
Andrea Schaffer
Andrea Slaven
Nancy West
St. Mary, Baldwinsville
Southern Region Office
Eastern Region Office
Our Lady of Lourdes, Windsor
Twenty Years
Marge Babcock
Bonnie Barker
Western Region Office
Church of St. Michael/St. Peter,
Twenty Five Years
Renee O'Connor
St. Francis Xavier, Marcellus
Thirty Years
Paula Jahelka
St. Cyril and Methodius,
Thirty- Five Years
Kathy Fitzgibbons
Kathy Meus
Holy Cross, DeWitt
All Saints, Syracuse
Forty Years
Patricia Decker
St. Rose of Lima, North Syracuse
Fifty Years
Angela Obernesser
St. Anthony/St. Agnes, Utica
Retiring Faith Formation Leaders
Jeannie Bryant
Jo Anne Hibbard
Patricia Whaley
Joan Wolek
Cathy Wolf
Patricia Wood
St. Vincent de Paul, Syracuse &
Christ the King, Liverpool
St. Joseph, Sanitaria Springs
St. Peter/Sacred Heart, Oswego
St. Joseph, Oriskany Falls
St. Joseph, LaFayette
St. Mary, Kirkwood
The Sixteenth Annual
Bishop Frank J. Harrison Award
Bonnie Barker, DFF
St. Michael/St. Peter, Syracuse
The Bishop Frank J. Harrison Award is an annual award presented by the Diocesan Office of
Faith Formation to a person who has
given “outstanding service in catechetical ministry.”
One who has significant length of service in catechetical ministry
One who has served the catechetical ministry by mentoring and encouraging others
One who has lived the vision of Vatican II in his/her ministry
One who has witnessed to the importance of ongoing, lifelong faith formation for self and others
One who “stands in the midst of the people of God to serve”
Sending Forth Blessing
Reader:Taken from the first Pathways to Ministry program, this
blessing reminds us of all
who led the way along this path, and will carry us forward into the future as we are all called to
share God’s gracious love.Let us pray…
Compassionate and Loving God, we have gathered here to celebrate the presence of the gifts of your
Spirit in our lives.We pray that through the power of this same compelling Spirit, we might know the
unity that is ours: sisters and brothers of a common family, sharing a single home on this, our earth.
With this shared hope and faith, we ask your blessing for one another and for the work of the gospel
of Jesus Christ, our friend and companion on this pathway to you.
Closing Hymn: Are Called
Come!Live in the Light!
Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
To live in the freedom of the city of God!
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,
We are called to serve one another;
To walk humbly with God!
Come! Open your heart!
Show your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless,
So all hatred and blindness will be no more!
Sing! Sing a new Song!
Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other
As sisters and brothers united in love!