Ongoing projects – Matra Title Theme I Learn My Identity And I Protect Myself Campaign against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in Turkey A New Tactics in Child Rights: strategic network mapping and analysis on combating impunity against children Watch your shadow: women's shadow city councils Organization Aim Human Rights/Minorities Nefes Aile ve Çocuk The project aims to raise awareness on sexual Eğitimi ve abuse and enable children to express their feelings Danişmanliği and say ‘no’, to stop such an incident and infliction Derneği / Nefes of violence. It also will enhance the capabilities of Family & Child teachers and parents in order to educate children on Training And sexual abuse take precautions and manage such Counselling incidents psychologically and on legal grounds. Organization Uluslararasi Çocuk The overall aim of the project is to support and Merkezi Derneği accelerate activities of One in Five Campaign, an (UÇM) / European wide campaign, in Turkey to facilitate International legal, policy and programme measures to help end Children`s Center sexual abuse and exploitation of children through (ICC) implementation, execution and enforcement of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (The Lanzarote Convention). Duration Budget December 2013-January 2015 TL 92.200 June 2013January 2015 TL 127.228 Gündem Çocuk Derneği / Agenda Child Association The project aims to use strategic network mapping as a new technology in analysing human rights issues to address and determine reasons and causes that govern the impunity culture. July 2014-July 2015 TL 202.560 Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği / Flying Broom Women Communication and Research The project aims to raise women's capacities for participating in local politics by providing them with knowledge on procedures of the local government (municipality council) and skills for advocacy and lobbying. September 2014Novmber 2015 TL 244.800 Association Sexual /Reproductive Rights Awareness and Advocacy Project Türkiye Aile Sağlığı ve Planlaması Vakfı / Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation The overall aim of this project is to support human rights with the promotion and protecting sexual and reproductive rights of women and men in 3 provinces (Van, Gaziantep and Kilis) through a series of advocacy efforts to be implemented in one year period by the involvement local governments, public health institutions and community organizations. The overall objective of the project is to empower girl child to combat early, arranged and forced marriages trough creating local mechanisms by strengthening the local branches and relations with local governance. December 2014December 2015 TL 162.175 Safe Space: Creating Local Mechanisms for Girl Child to Prevent Early and Forced Marriages Against Violence To Women: Butterfly Effect Project Türk Kadınlar Birliği Genel Merkezi / Turkish Women Union December 2014December 2015 TL 216.150 Bağcılar Belediyesi / Bağcılar Municipality The overall aims of this project is creating awareness for individuals of all ages living in the district of Bağcılar in order to prevent violence against women and raise the sensitivity of violence against women in the society. November 2014 – November 2015 Euro 51.000 Promoting Human Rights Based Approach to Education in Turkey Sek Sek Game on Human Rights Carpet Sabancı Üniversitesi Eğitim Reformu Girişimi/ Education Reform Initiative at Sabanci University Genç Gönüllüler Derneği / Young Volunteers Association The overall aim of this project is to improve the compliance between the national legislation on education and universal human rights norms regarding the right on education as well as the rights in and through education. February 2015 – January 2016 Euro 65.000 September 2014 – March 2015 Euro 46.991 Freedom of Information Day Campaign Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi / Istanbul Bilgi University The overall aim of this project is to improve the knowledge of school children between the age of nine and eleven on subjects such as human rights, democracy, active citizenship and European awareness. Unlike the theoretical lessons the children are thought during their classes, the project aims to stimulate the perception and awareness of the children through an informal and more practical way: the hopscotch (sek sek in Turkish) game on the human rights carpet. The overall aim of this project is to raise the awareness on freedom of information in Turkey. The project aims to investigate and research the proper application of the law on freedom of information and share the findings with the November 2014 – April 2015 Euro 53.000 public opinion on the World Freedom of Information Day. Theme Working for Transparency in Campaign and Political Party Financing Supporting Turkey in Establishment of Human Rights based Framework for Implementation of the EUTurkey Readmission Agreement Theme Multistakeholder approach for "Transparency " in corporate environment Effective AntiCorruption Programmes for the Turkish Business Community Law and Legislation Sabancı Üniversitesi– İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi / Sabanci University-Istanbul Policy Center Uluslararası Göç Örgütü / The International Organization for Migration (IOM) August 2014July2015 TL 207.390,50 The overall objective is to support the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) mainstreaming human rights and international standards in implementing obligations falling under the EU-Turkey readmission agreement. The specific objectives of the project are: to strengthen DGMM´s legislative, administrative and technical capacity on readmission; to ensure that the international and human rights standards are applied in removal centers. Governance, public order and police Şeffaflık Derneği / The project aims to strengthen Turkey's business Transparency environment and to reduce the level of uncertainty International-Turkey and complexity of the legal and institutional system of anti-corruption in Turkey. Therefore it has been specifically aimed to empower companies in knowhow and also establishing adequate procedures for managing corruption risks and to comply with the best practices and international anti-corruption and good governance standards. September 2014September 2015 Euro 135.000 June 2014 April 2015 TL 89.910 Şeffaflık Derneği / January 2015 – January 2016 Euro 69.995 Transparency International Turkey The project aims to mobilize public demand for transparency and reform of political party financing and to support the building of consensus among diverse civic, political, academic and media actors on specific changes in law and regulation. This project aims to promote awareness and understanding on ‘anti-corruption compliance’ programmes among the business community and strengthen self-monitoring systems of Turkish enterprises. Through a systematic approach, producing a roadmap for adoption of a proactive approach towards possible corrupt relations as well as stimulating change towards a corruption-free business environment is being targeted. Ongoing projects – Human Rights Title Theme Elimination Worst Forms Child Labour Seasonal Commercial Agriculture hazelnut harvesting Ordu of of in in Organization Aim Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Uluslararası Çalısma The project aims to eliminate worst forms of child Örgütü / labour (WFCL) in seasonal commercial agriculture in International hazelnut harvesting in Ordu province, a city in the Labour Organization Black Sea Region, through developing a strategic (ILO) intervention model which would in turn contribute the policy-making process for the elimination of WFCL in Turkey. Duration Budget November 2012- June 2015 Euro 180.000 December 2014-July 2015 TL 196.040 December 2014December 2015 TL 169.570 May 2014March 2015 TL 20.000 in Corporate Social Responsibility for Enterprises Theme Using HRE as a Tool to Activate Human Rights Defenders Theme Unheard, Unseen: Mapping Violence Against Transgender Women in Turkey and Provision of Türk Girişim ve Iş This project aims to increase awareness and Dünyası develop capacity of TURKONFED member companies Konfederasyonu / on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Eastern Turkish Enterprise and Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey and Business Confederation Support to Human Rights Activists İnsan Hakları There is a need for activating human rights activists Derneği / Human on discrimination oriented especially towards Rights Association migrants and LGBTI community in Turkey. Activation of human rights activists is important to secure the sustainability of activism and social movements LGBT Rights Kırmızı Şemsiye Cinsel Sağlık ve İnsan Hakları Derneği / Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association The general aim of this project to increase awareness on problems of transgender women and mapping violence they face in ten (10) cities (Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Mersin, Konya, Eskişehir, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Antalya, Bursa) in Turkey. Legal Support for the Victims Transgender Hotline Theme Supporting and Implementing Projects on Communication and Development The State Democracy Turkey of in Theme Increasing Women in Politics Trans Danışma Merkezi Derneği / Counselling Center for Transgender People (T-Der) August 2014January 2015 TL 85.500 November 2014 - November 2015 Euro 23.730 Have an open discussion with university students and in the format of a round-table on democracy, with a special focus on women’s rights and social media and internet freedoms, in Turkey on the basis of Turkish Policy Quarterly magazine that will be published on these subjects.. November 2014 - May 2015 Euro 21.410 The overall aim of this project is to raise the representation of women in local governments by raising awareness about the importance of having women in representative positions in politics in general and having them involved in decision making mechanisms. The implementing organization hopes to achieve this by actively reaching out to women candidates and nominees in order to increase the number of women representatives in their local branches. The overall aim of this project is to increase the awareness of women who were forcibly married at a young age and girls who run the risk of being married off. In order to prevent forced and early marriages of women who are vulnerable to psychological, physical, sexual and economic abuse and exploitation; women, their families, communities, local governments and NGO’s should be informed about their rights December 2014 – June 2015 Euro 24.000 November 2014 - July 2015 Euro 24.000 The aim of the project is to help Trans-genders during their transition process. Freedom of information/belief IPS İletişim Vakfı / The overall aim of this project is to contribute in raising IPS Communication and strengthening media awareness, particularly Foundation-Bianet mainstream media, on peace journalism via release of a guidebook and online library on peace journalism. The broader aim of the project is contributing in raising and strengthening public awareness on social and political reconciliation. Toplumsal Katılım ve Gelişim Vakfı / Social Participation and Development Foundation Women’s Rights Ka.Der Kadıköy Awareness Activities against Forced Marriage of Children Başak Kültür ve Sanat Theme Other important Vakfı / Başak Culture and Art Foundation Own Your Vote Youth Disseminating Life Skills Human Right subjects Oy ve Ötesi / Vote and Beyond Association Çocuk Koruma Merkezlerini Destekleme Derneği / Association of Support for Child Protection Centers improving citizens’ engagement in local governance strengthening social cohesion and interaction between different segments of society (highly polarised groups, socially disadvantaged groups) by needs assesment, meetings with local authorities, monitoring and networking activities and advocacy for improvement of legislation in the process of decision making for the needs of all citizens. December 2014 – December 2015 Euro 24.500 The overall aim of this project is to put an end to the lack of knowledge under university students concerning child abuse and neglect. With this project the implementing organization hopes to increase the knowledge and capabilities of university students whose future work-life is more prone to aspects related to violence against children e.g. medicine, media, social services, health services etc. November 2014-November 2015 Euro 24.681,-