1 Occupational Health Department OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT LOCAL PROCEDURE Title of procedure Pre-placement health and disability assessment - Staff Date of issue Version November 2011 V1 May 2012 Version 2 Author Sarah Purdy Approved by Controlled document X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 2 CONTENTS Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Purpose Scope Definitions Procedure Outcomes and performance measures References Appendices X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies 3 3 3 3-7 7-8 8 8-33 University of Hull October 2011 V1 3 Pre-placement health and disability assessment - staff 1. PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure describes how Pre-Placement Assessments are to be undertaken by the Occupational Health team at the University of Hull, and how the findings of pre-placement assessment are communicated to the recruiting management team. The purpose of pre-placement assessment is: Identify health and disability needs that require support Assess ‘fitness for task’ Identify the need for baseline health surveillance. Pre-placement assessment undertaken as set out in this procedure is intended to help support the University of Hull discharge some of its obligations under the Equality Act 2010. 2. SCOPE 2.1 The procedure applies to all employed staff of the University of Hull and is implemented by staff in the Occupational Health Department. 2.2 The procedure only pertains to the Occupational Health elements of the process and specifically covers activity from the arrival of the questionnaire into the department. It does not cover any of the activities undertaken by Human Resources. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Employee – means an employee of the University of Hull, this can for pre-placement purposes be an individual who has been offered a post or an existing employee transferring to a new post. 3.2 Staff – as above for employee 3.3 Occupational Health (OH) Practitioner – can be an OH Technician, OH Nurse, OH Advisor, OH Physician 3.4 Pre-placement health questionnaire/Questionnaire – the health and disability questionnaire sent out by Human Resources to an individual who has been selected for a new post at the University 3.5 A pre-placement health assessment is a health and disability assessment of a new employee, or an existing employee moving to a new post, previously often referred to as pre-employment assessment 4. PROCEDURE X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 4 4.1 The pre-placement health questionnaire (appendix 1 and 2) usually arrives in the department as a paper copy; if it arrives electronically the questionnaire should be printed. The questionnaire should be date stamped, and an entry made on SIMS to notify Human Resources (HR) that the Occupational Health (OH) department has received the questionnaire. An Occupational health file should be created (please refer to the OH department procedure for creating and maintaining OH records) unless an OH record already exists. The questionnaire and the ‘health questionnaire paper screening checklist’ completed as far as possible (appendix 5) should be placed in the OH records. The health questionnaire should be looked through to ensure all sections are complete. If any sections from page 2 onwards are incomplete the questionnaire should be returned to the individual with compliments slip attached detailing which sections are incomplete and requesting the questionnaire is fully completed and returned. A postage paid, addressed envelope should also be included. If the details on page 1 are incomplete then the questionnaire cannot be returned to Human Resources as medical confidentiality would be breached. In this instance the relevant HR Assistant should be contacted and asked to provide the required information – they may need to liaise with the recruiting manager to obtain this information. Only once all the information is available can the questionnaire be screened. Should the above situation occur this should be documented in the OH record. If the questionnaire is returned to the individual HR and the recruiting manager should be informed 4.2. The OH record should then be placed in the pre-placement folder in the filing cabinet and the pre-placement total amended on the white board. 4.3 At the next available opportunity the records in the pre-placement folder will be paper screened by an OH practitioner. Please refer to appendix 6 for OH Technician paper screening process. 4.4 If the pre-placement assessment screening process can be completed on paper i.e. no further information is required then the ‘health questionnaire paper screening checklist (appendix 5) should be completed, the ‘Report of health: pre-placement assessment’ (appendix 4) should be completed and the ‘report of health’ should be sent electronically to the recruiting manager – named on the questionnaire and copied to the HR Advisor named on the questionnaire and relevant HR assistant (all details should be on page one of the questionnaire). A copy of this report should be printed along with the e-mail sending the report; these should be filed in the OH record. The individual should be sent Display Screen Equipment (DSE) information by e-mail or placed on the pending list for this to be sent if their start date is not imminent. The relevant section of the OH database should be completed and the records filed. 4.5 If the pre-placement health screening cannot be completed without additional information the OH practitioner dealing with the case should decide upon the next action required, this could be anyone of the following: Undertake a telephone assessment of the client Undertake a face to face assessment with the client Obtain a medical report Seek an OH Physician opinion by discussing the case with the OH physician Arranging for the individual to be assessed by and an opinion sought from the OH Physician X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 5 It may be that one of the above activities provides sufficient information for the OH Practitioner to complete the pre-placement screening process. It may however require more than one of the above activities to be undertaken before the process can be completed. In rare cases all the above activities may need to be undertaken before an opinion can be offered to the management team. At any stage in the process if an OH practitioner has any anxiety or uncertainty about the management of a case they should discuss and share the case with another practitioner in the department. At each stage the ‘Health questionnaire paper screening checklist’ (appendix 5) should be updated. The following section 4.6 to 4.10 have been set out in order however in the management of a case this order does not need to be followed and any of the further actions can be undertaken in any order. Once the next action has been decided an ‘interim statement: pre-placement’ (appendix 3) should be completed and sent to the management team this should be sent within 1 week of screening; a copy printed and filed in the OH records. 4.6 Telephone assessment of client; in many instances a telephone assessment of an individual at the pre-placement stage will provide further detail which will allow the case to be processed. Using the contact details on the pre-placement questionnaire the individual should be contacted by phone. If they are unavailable and an answer-phone facility is available a message should be left asking them to contact the OH department in relation to the health questionnaire. If there is no answerphone facility a further call should be made within the following couple of days. Alternatively an email may be sent requesting the individual to call the OH department. If no response is received after two attempts to contact the individual and a period of one week has passed since the first contact was made then the management team should be notified and instruction awaited. Management of the case should be suspended and, the ‘health questionnaire paper screening checklist’ (appendix 5) updated. If telephone contact is successful either the case can be managed with the information provided and the process completed or further action is required. If the information is sufficient then the process should be completed as outlined in section 4.4 If further action is required then the next action required as set out in section 4.5 should be decided upon. 4.7 Face to face assessment with a client; if face to face assessment is required the individual should be contacted by letter to their postal address or e-mail as per the OH appointment letter - please refer to the OH procedure on case management. In some cases it may be more appropriate to contact the individual by phone advising of the requirement for an appointment and details of the appointment. This can be supported by a letter or e-mail. If two appointments are offered and there is a failure to attend on two occasions, management of the case should be suspended and the management team advised. Their instruction should be awaited. Please see appendix 10 for guidance on face to face pre-placement assessment with a suggested framework .Following face to face assessment of the individual if enough information is available for the case to be completed then the process set out in section 4.4 should be followed. If further action is required then the next action as set out in section 4.5 should be decided upon. 4.8 Obtain a medical report; during the pre-placement assessment process it may be felt necessary to obtain a medical report. A medical report can only be obtained with the written consent of the individual. The pre-placement health questionnaire asks for consent to be given or declined see section 5b of appendix 1 and 2. This consent only remains valid for a period of up to 6 months. If consent is given a medical report may be obtained from the health professionals detailed on the X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 6 consent. The OH local operating procedure for case management should be referred to. If consent has been declined a report cannot be obtained. The management team should be advised that a medical report is required in order that a health opinion can be offered but in the absence of being able to obtain a report an opinion can only be offered based upon the information available. Upon receipt of a medical report this may provide sufficient information to process the case and process outlined in section 4.4 should be followed. If the medical report does not provide sufficient information then further action as set out in section 4.5 should be decided upon. 4.9 Obtain an OH Physician opinion; during the pre-placement process it may be felt necessary to obtain an opinion on the case from the OH Physician. This involves the case detail being discussed with the OHP either face to face or over the phone, and their advice being sought. If this provides sufficient information for the case to be processed then section 4.4 should be referred to. If this does not provide sufficient information then further action as set out in section 4.5 should be decided upon. 4.10 OH Physician assessment; it may be felt that a case needs to be referred to the OH Physician for assessment and opinion. This referral can be made at any stage of the process. The individual should be contacted this can be by phone, letter or e-mail advising them that they have been referred to the OH Physician and the providing details of their appointment. If the individual declines to attend an OH Physician appointment or fails to attend on two occasions then management of the case should be suspended and the management team advised. Their instruction should be awaited. Following assessment the OH Physician will write to the management team, section 4.4 should be referred to and followed. Consideration however should be given to provision of the ‘Report of health: pre-placement assessment (appendix 4). If the OH Physician report covers all the detail contained in the ‘report of health’ then duplication of information should be avoided. If however it is felt that provision of this report is not duplication of information then it should be sent. 4.11 In addition to the above where an individual will be undertaking specific tasks as part of their role consideration should be given as to the need for pre-placement health assessment below is a list of activities that are likely to require a health assessment (this is not an exhaustive list): Work at height Work in a confined space Working in a health care setting Food handling Working with sewage Working in extremes of temperatures Driving a University vehicle on University business Undertaking vocational diving Please note as at the time writing this procedure measures are not in place to undertake all the above health assessments 4.12 In addition to the above consideration should be given to identifying individuals from the preplacement information that will be working with specific health hazards who may require health surveillance (this is not an exhaustive list): X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 7 Working with respiratory sensitizers Working with skin sensitizers Working with high levels of noise Work involving exposure to hand arm vibration Please note as at the time writing this procedure measures are not in place to undertake all the above health surveillance 4.12 Pre-placement assessment of staff who will be working for the Post Graduate Medical Institute (PGMI), in addition to the above staff working for PGMI should at the end of the assessment be asked to complete in conjunction with the OH practitioner the’ Occupational Health report with consent – following pre-placement assessment of clinical practitioners Post Graduate Medical Institute’ form (appendix 8). The rational for this is that although employee’s of the University of Hull and therefore the University has responsibility to assess at the pre-placement stage this group of staff will work predominantly and often exclusively in an NHS Trust or other Healthcare setting. The place of work may require to know that these staff have been assessed and ‘cleared’ to work as a health care worker in order to discharge their responsibilities; they may wish to know if clearance has been given for Exposure Prone Procedures (EPP) or not, they may wish to have details of their immunisation history. Some of this information cannot be divulged without the individuals consent. It is therefore felt to be prudent to discuss these issues with this group of staff and request their written consent to divulge appropriate information to relevant parties. Disclosure of this information would be to Occupational Health Department staff, who would treat as medically confidential. 4.13 Academic cardiology; for staff who will be observing and/or working in academic cardiology a letter (appendix 9) should be sent to the individual with a ‘ Confidential pre-placement questionnaire health care worker ‘ (appendix 1). Upon return of the completed health questionnaire the pre-placement assessment procedure as outlined above should be followed from section 4.7 onwards. Upon completion of the screening process the ‘report of health pre-placement assessment’ (appendix 4) should then be sent to the Assistant to the Divisional Manager – Division of Cardiovascular & Respiratory Studies. 4.13 Individuals who are identified from the pre-placement information as potentially having support needs. If an individual has divulged health or disability information that leads the OH practitioner to believe that support at work may be needed or they have specifically identified that they have support needs the OH practitioner will contact the individual. 4.14 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data – Where the information contained within the questionnaire indicates that an individual has a health issue or disability that may deem them as disabled within the terms of the Equality Act 2010 (please refer to section 2c,d&e of appendix 1 and 2), and they have consented then the relevant section of the HR database should be completed. This data is for statistical purposes only and is anonymous. 4.15 Please note that there is available a manager’s information sheet (appendix 11). This sheet has been designed with the intention of the HR team issuing to the recruiting manager at the point at which they ask the recruiting manager to complete/provide information for page 1 of the preplacement questionnaire. This element is out-with this procedure. The information sheet however X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 8 may be used for other reasons such as a manager making a generic enquiry about the pre-placement process. 5.OUTCOMES AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 5.1 That all pre-placement assessments are undertaken within the time frame set out within the OH dept KPI document and to the criteria set out in relevant policies and procedures. Performance measure will include measurement of activity against KPI’s, clinical process audit of pre-placement screening and monitoring of level of complaints received. 6. REFERENCES Preparing and Recording Occupational Health Records Procedure X drive/Occupational Health Folder/Quality/Policies Case Management Procedure for Management Referrals X drive/Occupational Health Folder/Quality/Policies Occupational Health Department Key Performance Indicators X drive/Occupational Health Folder/Quality /KPI’s 7. APPENDICES Appendix 1 – Confidential pre-placement health questionnaire Health care worker Appendix 2 – Confidential pre-placement health questionnaire non-health care worker Appendix 3 – Interim statement: pre-placement assessment Appendix 4 –Report of health: Pre-placement assessment Appendix 5 – Health questionnaire paper screening checklist Appendix 6 - Process for ‘first pass’ pre-placement assessment by OH technician Appendix 7 -OH Technician report of health: pre-placement assessment Appendix 8 - Occupational Health report with consent – following pre-placement assessment of clinical practitioners Post Graduate Medical Institute Appendix 9 – Letter – staff working in academic cardiology observing clinical practice Appendix 10 – Pre-placement assessment guidance Appendix 11 – Managers information sheet – pre-placement assesment X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 9 Appendix 1 Confidential Pre-placement Health Questionnaire Health care worker Section 1a. To be completed by the appointing person Name: Date of birth: Job applied for: Department: Start date: Job profile: Expected contract end date: Section 1b. To be completed by the appointing person in consultation with the head of department or section The job involves: Yes No Details Lifting weights above 10kg Vocational driving -please provide details Work at height Work in a confined space Working with a VDU Genetic manipulation Exposure prone medical procedures Night work Food handling Working with equipment that produces hand arm vibration Working with noise above 80Db(A) Other – please specify There is potential exposure to: Eye injury Excessive dust Fumes -please provide details Solvents Ionising radiation Lasers Carcinogens Blood and body fluids/tissues Cytotoxic agents Anaesthetic gases Respiratory sensitizers or skin sensitizers The job involves contact with: Patients Children Food Animals Any other relevant factors: Name of appointing person completing section 1 ..................................... Name of head of Department/section Signature Signature X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies ...................................... University of Hull October 2011 V1 10 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 2. The questionnaire below when completed will be reviewed by a member of the Occupational Health team. A health opinion on suitability for work including any specific tasks will be given to the appointing manager and HR Advisor. This questionnaire will be used by the team to help assess your fitness for work and consider what if any support may be required during your employment. Please return this completed questionnaire prior to the commencement of your role to the: Occupational Health Department University of Hull Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RX Complete all relevant sections and provide details where appropriate. There is additional space at the end of the form where there is insufficient space in the box provided. At the end you will be asked to sign a declaration, indicating that you have answered the questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. Section 2a. To be completed by the individual Surname............................................................ First Name(s)............................................................. Title Prof/Dr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Mr/Other...................................... Date of birth..................................... Previous surname................................................................................................ Male/Female Address................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................... Post Code........................................ Contact Telephone Number(s)................................................................................................................ E-mail address........................................................................................................................................ National Insurance number.............................................................Place of birth................................... Section 2b. To be completed by the individual Have you previously been employed by the University of Hull? If yes please give dates Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? If yes please provide more detail Please briefly list previous jobs in the last 10 years X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Yes/No Yes/No (Continue on separate page if necessary) University of Hull October 2011 V1 11 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 2b. continued In your previous employment have you ever been exposed to any hazards? If yes please detail Yes/No If yes please detail any monitoring performed Hazard: Monitoring: Section 2c. To be completed by the individual Disability – Please refer to the information in appendix 1 before completing section 2c, 2d and 2e Yes No Yes No Yes No Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If you have answered ‘yes’ to section 2c please complete section 2d Section 2d. Do you have? A specific learning disability (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia) General learning disability (such as Down’s syndrome) Cognitive impairment ( such as autistic spectrum disorder or suffered head injury) Chronic health issue ( such as HIV, diabetes, or epilepsy) Mental health condition ( such as depression or schizophrenia) Physical impairment or mobility issue Hearing impairment Visual impairment Other type of disability – please provide further detail Section 2d. continued Would you like the Occupational Health team to contact you to discuss support needs? Section 2e. It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act that you give explicit consent for ‘sensitive’ data such as disability to be retained as part of the University’s computerised record. This information will be included in a confidential statistical record. This will only be used in connection with the fulfilment, monitoring and development of the University’s equality and diversity policies. I DO / DO NOT (please delete as applicable) give consent for this data to be retained as set out above Signed X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Date University of Hull October 2011 V1 12 Section 3. To be completed by the individual Do you have or have you ever had Yes No Details (If answered yes) Mental health issues, depression, anxiety, psychosis, self harmed or have an eating disorder? Psychiatric or psychological treatment or counselling? Disorders affecting back, neck, shoulders, hand, arm knees, hips, arthritis? Gastric tract disorders, bowel or stomach problems, hernia or rupture? Heart or circulatory problems, raised blood pressure, angina, chest pain palpitations? A urinary tract disorder, kidney or bladder problem? Breathing problems, asthma COPD, bronchitis, persistent cough, chest disease? Visual problems, ear, nose or throat problems? Skin problems, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis? Chronic fatigue? Disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy, fainting, balance problems, dizziness, migraine or frequent headaches? Diabetes or other endocrine disorders? Known allergies, including latex? Any impairment affecting communication? Drug or alcohol misuse? Are you attending hospital or your GP or receiving any medical treatment at present? Do you take any medication, have injections or use any ointments regularly? Have you had any operations, serious accidents or illnesses not previously mentioned? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 13 Name: .............................................................. Section 4. 4a)To be completed by the individual Have you had any of the following infectious diseases? Yes No Date of Birth: Don’t Know ........................................ Details Measles Mumps Rubella (German Measles) Chicken Pox Whooping cough Diphtheria Hepatitis Typhoid or paratyphoid Have you ever had tuberculosis (TB), do you have a family history of TB or close contact with anyone suffering from TB? Please indicate in which country your immunisations were given ................................................... 4b) Immunisation history (To be completed by the individual’s GP practice and/or Occupational Health department) Yes No Date Comment TB skin test (Heaf, Mantoux) BCG Hep B 1 Hep B 2 Hep B 3 Hep B surface antibody MMR1 MMR 2 Rubella Rubella titre level Varicella vaccination Varicella immunity (blood test) Hepatitis B surface antigen HIV Hepatitis C Other –please specify Note: If the GP practice or OH dept cannot provide the above information this form should still be signed and stamped by the GP Practice/OH dept. Comments: Signature of practitioner................................................................................................. Title ............................................................................... Date........................................ Practice/Department stamp: X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 14 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 5. To be completed by the individual 5a) Declaration In signing this questionnaire you are confirming that all the information is true to the best of your knowledge. You accept that if it is subsequently shown that relevant medical information has not been disclosed or has been misleading or false, in some circumstances you may reasonably be regarded as unfit for employment. The University of Hull complies with data protection legislation. In signing this declaration you confirm that you have given your consent to the University of Hull to process your personal information with respect to your employment. This form will form part of your Occupational health record, which will be retained by the University for at least the period of your employment. It may be required that you attend for health screening or medical assessment in relation to the health assessment. In signing this declaration you confirm your consent to undergo further medical assessment in relation to the health assessment process. Dependent upon the responses above the University of Hull may require further medical information via a report. Further medical information can only be sought with written informed consent from yourself. Please see box below. Signature................................................................................ Date................................................ 5b) Consent Please read and retain information in section 6 below before completing this section I understand my rights under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 and have read the summary of principal rights. This consent will remain valid for a period of up to six months from signing. A copy of this consent shall have the validity of the original. *Please delete whichever is not applicable *I consent to a medical report being obtained OR I do not consent to a medical report being obtained *I wish to see the report before it is sent OR I do not wish to see the report before it is sent Name and contact details of GP from whom a report may be requested Name and contact details of specialist or health care professional from whom a report may be requested Signature................................................................................ X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Date................................................ University of Hull October 2011 V1 15 Additional information (please attach further sheets as required, with your name and date of birth on) Section 6. To be retained by the individual Summary of your principal rights under the access to Medical Reports Act 1988 This is a summary of your principal rights under the above act which is concerned with report provided by a medical practitioner who is or has been responsible for your clinical care. Option A: You may withhold your consent to an application for the report from a medical practitioner but should note that the inability to obtain up-to-date medical information may affect decisions made about your suitability for work placements by the University. Option B: You may consent to the application for a report, but indicate your wish to see the report before it is supplied. You must make your own arrangements to see the report it will not be automatically sent to you. The medical practitioner will be informed that you wish to see the report and will allow 21 days for you to view and approve it before it is sent to the Occupational Health Department. If the Medical Practitioner has not heard from you in writing within 21 days of the application for the report being made he/she will assume that you do not wish to see the report and that you consent to it being supplied. When you see the report if there is anything in it which you consider incorrect or misleading you can request (this must be in writing) that the medical practitioner amend the report. He/she is not obliged to do so. If the medical practitioner refuses to amend it you may: 1) Withdraw consent for the report to be issued 2) Ask the medical practitioner to attach to the report a statement setting out your own views 3) Agree to the report being issued unchanged Note: The Medical Practitioner is not obliged to show you any parts of the report which they believe might cause serious harm to your physical or mental health or that of others, or which would reveal information about a third party or the identity of a third party who has supplied the practitioner with information about your health unless the third party also consents. In those circumstances the Medical Practitioner will also inform you. Your access to the report will be appropriately limited. Option C: You may consent to the application for the report but indicate that you do not wish to see the report before it is supplied. Should you change your mind after the application is made and notify the medical practitioner in writing they should allow 21 days to elapse after such notification so that you may arrange to have access to the report (if the report has not already been supplied before you changed your mind). Option D: Whether or not you decide to seek access to the report before it is supplied, you have the right to seek access to it from the medical practitioner at any time up to 6 months after it was supplied. Information acquired will be included in the student health record in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 16 Appendix 1 Disability disclosure – To be retained by the individual Section 2c, 2e and 2d of this questionnaire pertain to disability. All information provided will be held confidentially and treated as medically confidential. Why is this information being collected? There are three reasons to collect this information: Each year all universities have to provide statistics about their staff to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). These statistics help to indicate what needs to be done to encourage more people with disabilities to work in the sector. To help the university understand how well it is doing in recruiting and supporting disabled staff. Without an idea of the numbers of disabled staff, it is difficult to know whether our policies and practices are really providing equal opportunities for disabled people. The third and most important reason is to provide you with information about the types of support available to disabled people working at the university. What does the term disability mean? The term ‘disabled’ covers a wide range of impairments and health conditions. The definition within the Equality Act 2010 states ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities. It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list but conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, dyslexia, multiple sclerosis and cancer may be considered a disability So what now? If you have a disability you may feel that you have support needs either now or in the future. There is a range of support available to disabled staff at the university. Occupational Health department Staff in the OH department support staff with disabilities. Your support needs can be discussed with them and advice offered to both you and your manager on making changes; this may include assistive software, provision in equipment, support workers, modification to working arrangements. If you would like to speak to a member of the OH team they can be contacted on telephone number 01482 466011 or by e-mail at occupationalhealth@hull.co.uk Equality and Diversity Advisor The Equality and Diversity Advisor can provide advice, information and training on all equality and diversity issues which includes disability. They can be contacted on 01482 466333 or by e-mail at a.mwangi@hull.ac.uk Disabled staff network The university has a network of disabled staff who provide mutual support and advice to one another. The network can be accessed by contacting the Equality and Diversity Advisor as above. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 17 Appendix 2 Confidential Pre-placement Health Questionnaire Non-health care worker Section 1a. To be completed by the appointing person Name: Date of birth: Job applied for: Department: Start date: Job profile: Expected contract end date: Section 1b. To be completed by the appointing person in consultation with the head of department or section The job involves: Yes No Details Lifting weights above 10kg Vocational driving -please provide details Vocational diving Work at height Work in a confined space Working with a VDU Genetic manipulation Exposure prone medical procedures Night work Food handling Working with equipment that produces hand arm vibration Working with noise above 80Db(A) Other – please specify There is potential exposure to: Eye injury Excessive dust Fumes -please provide details Solvents Ionising radiation Lasers Carcinogens Blood and body fluids/tissues Respiratory sensitisers Skin sensitizers The job involves contact with: Patients Children Food Animals Any other relevant factors: Name of appointing person completing section 1 ..................................... Name of head of Department/section Signature Signature X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies ...................................... University of Hull October 2011 V1 18 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 2. The questionnaire below when completed will be reviewed by a member of the Occupational Health team. A report of health giving a health opinion on fitness for work including any specific tasks will be given to the appointing manager and HR Advisor. This questionnaire will be used by the team to help assess your fitness for work and consider what if any support may be required during your employment. Please return this completed questionnaire prior to the commencement of your role to the: Occupational Health Department University of Hull Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RX Complete all relevant sections and provide details where appropriate. There is additional space at the end of the form where there is insufficient space in the box provided. At the end you will be asked to sign a declaration, indicating that you have answered the questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. Section 2a. To be completed by the individual Surname............................................................ First Name(s)............................................................. Title Prof/Dr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Mr/Other...................................... Date of birth..................................... Previous surname................................................................................................ Male/Female Address................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................... Post Code........................................ Contact Telephone Number(s)................................................................................................................ E-mail address........................................................................................................................................ National Insurance number..................................................................................................................... Section 2b. To be completed by the individual Have you previously been employed by the University of Hull? If yes please give dates Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? If yes please provide more detail Please briefly list previous jobs in the last 10 years X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Yes/No Yes/No (Continue on separate page if necessary) University of Hull October 2011 V1 19 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 2b. continued In your previous employment have you ever been exposed to any hazards? If yes please detail Yes/No If yes please detail any monitoring performed Hazard: Monitoring: Section 2c. To be completed by the individual Disability – Please refer to the information in appendix 1 before completing section 2c, 2d and 2e Yes No Yes No Yes No Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If you have answered ‘yes’ to section 2c please complete section 2d Section 2d. Do you have? A specific learning disability (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia) General learning disability (such as Down’s syndrome) Cognitive impairment ( such as autistic spectrum disorder or suffered head injury) Chronic health issue ( such as HIV, diabetes, or epilepsy) Mental health condition ( such as depression or schizophrenia) Physical impairment or mobility issue Hearing impairment Visual impairment Other type of disability – please provide further detail Section 2d. continued Would you like the Occupational Health team to contact you to discuss support needs? Section 2e. It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act that you give explicit consent for ‘sensitive’ data such as disability to be retained as part of the University’s computerised record. This information will be included in a confidential statistical record. This will only be used in connection with the fulfilment, monitoring and development of the University’s equality and diversity policies. I DO / DO NOT (please delete as applicable) give consent for this data to be retained as set out above X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 20 Signed Date Section 3. To be completed by the individual Do you have or have you ever had Yes No Details (If answered yes) Mental health issues, depression, anxiety, psychosis, self harmed or have an eating disorder? Psychiatric or psychological treatment or counselling? Disorders affecting back, neck, shoulders, hand, arm, knees, hips, arthritis? Gastric tract disorders, bowel or stomach problems, hernia or rupture? Heart or circulatory problems, raised blood pressure, angina, chest pain palpitations? A urinary tract disorder, kidney or bladder problem? Breathing problems, asthma COPD, bronchitis, persistent cough, chest disease? Visual problems, ear, nose or throat problems? Skin problems, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis? Chronic Fatigue? Disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy, fainting, balance problems, dizziness, migraine or frequent headaches? Diabetes or other endocrine disorders? Known allergies, including latex? Any impairment affecting communication? Drug or alcohol misuse? Are you attending hospital or your GP or receiving any medical treatment at present? Do you take any medication, have injections or use any ointments regularly? Have you had any operations, serious accidents or illnesses not previously mentioned? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 21 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 4. To be completed only by individuals who undertake a role involving food handling. Yes No Details Have you ever had typhoid or paratyphoid fever? Are you suffering from any of the following? Skin rash or skin conditions Boils Diarrhoea and /or vomiting now or within the last seven days Discharge from the eye Discharge from the ear Discharge from the nose Problems with teeth or gums Have you ever lived abroad? If yes please detail which country/s and applicable dates Have you travelled abroad recently (within the last month)? If Yes please detail which country/s and applicable dates X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 22 Name: .............................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Section 5. To be completed by the individual 5a) Declaration In signing this questionnaire you are confirming that all the information is true to the best of your knowledge. You accept that if it is subsequently shown that relevant medical information has not been disclosed or has been misleading or false, in some circumstances you may reasonably be regarded as unfit for employment. The University of Hull complies with data protection legislation. In signing this declaration you confirm that you have given your consent to the University of Hull to process your personal information with respect to your employment. This form will form part of your Occupational health record, which will be retained by the University for at least the period of your employment. It may be required that you attend for health screening or medical assessment in relation to the health assessment. In signing this declaration you confirm your consent to undergo further medical assessment in relation to the health assessment process. Dependent upon the responses above the University of Hull may require further medical information via a report. Further medical information can only be sought with written informed consent from yourself. Please see box below. Signature................................................................................ Date................................................ 5b) Consent Please read and retain information in section 6 below before completing this section I understand my rights under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 and have read the summary of principal rights. This consent will remain valid for a period of up to six months from signing. A copy of this consent shall have the validity of the original. *Please delete whichever is not applicable *I consent to a medical report being obtained OR I do not consent to a medical report being obtained *I wish to see the report before it is sent OR I do not wish to see the report before it is sent Name and contact details of GP from whom a report may be requested Name and contact details of specialist or health care professional from whom a report may be requested Signature................................................................................ X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Date................................................ University of Hull October 2011 V1 23 Additional information (please attach further sheets as required, with your name and date of birth on) Section 6. To be retained by the individual Summary of your principal rights under the access to Medical Reports Act 1988 This is a summary of your principal rights under the above act which is concerned with report provided by a medical practitioner who is or has been responsible for your clinical care. Option A: You may withhold your consent to an application for the report from a medical practitioner but should note that the inability to obtain up-to-date medical information may affect decisions made about your suitability for work placements by the University. Option B: You may consent to the application for a report, but indicate your wish to see the report before it is supplied. You must make your own arrangements to see the report it will not be automatically sent to you. The medical practitioner will be informed that you wish to see the report and will allow 21 days for you to view and approve it before it is sent to the Occupational Health Department. If the Medical Practitioner has not heard from you in writing within 21 days of the application for the report being made he/she will assume that you do not wish to see the report and that you consent to it being supplied. When you see the report if there is anything in it which you consider incorrect or misleading you can request (this must be in writing) that the medical practitioner amend the report. He/she is not obliged to do so. If the medical practitioner refuses to amend it you may: 4) Withdraw consent for the report to be issued 5) Ask the medical practitioner to attach to the report a statement setting out your own views 6) Agree to the report being issued unchanged Note: The Medical Practitioner is not obliged to show you any parts of the report which they believe might cause serious harm to your physical or mental health or that of others, or which would reveal information about a third party or the identity of a third party who has supplied the practitioner with information about your health unless the third party also consents. In those circumstances the Medical Practitioner will also inform you. Your access to the report will be appropriately limited. Option C: You may consent to the application for the report but indicate that you do not wish to see the report before it is supplied. Should you change your mind after the application is made and notify the medical practitioner in writing they should allow 21 days to elapse after such notification so that you may arrange to have access to the report (if the report has not already been supplied before you changed your mind). Option D: Whether or not you decide to seek access to the report before it is supplied, you have the right to seek access to it from the medical practitioner at any time up to 6 months after it was supplied. Information acquired will be included in the student health record in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 24 Appendix 1 Disability disclosure – To be retained by the individual Section 2c, 2e and 2d of this questionnaire pertain to disability. All information provided will be held confidentially and treated as medically confidential. Why is this information being collected? There are three reasons to collect this information: Each year all universities have to provide statistics about their staff to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). These statistics help to indicate what needs to be done to encourage more people with disabilities to work in the sector. To help the university understand how well it is doing in recruiting and supporting disabled staff. Without an idea of the numbers of disabled staff, it is difficult to know whether our policies and practices are really providing equal opportunities for disabled people. The third and most important reason is to provide you with information about the types of support available to disabled people working at the university. What does the term disability mean? The term ‘disabled’ covers a wide range of impairments and health conditions. The definition within the Equality Act 2010 states ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities. It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list but conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, dyslexia, multiple sclerosis and cancer may be considered a disability So what now? If you have a disability you may feel that you have support needs either now or in the future. There is a range of support available to disabled staff at the university. Occupational Health department Staff in the OH department support staff with disabilities. Your support needs can be discussed with them and advice offered to both you and your manager on making changes; this may include assistive software, provision in equipment, support workers, modification to working arrangements. If you would like to speak to a member of the OH team they can be contacted on telephone number 01482 466011 or by e-mail at occupationalhealth@hull.co.uk Equality and Diversity Advisor The Equality and Diversity Advisor can provide advice, information and training on all equality and diversity issues which includes disability. They can be contacted on 01482 466333 or by e-mail at a.mwangi@hull.ac.uk Disabled staff network The university has a network of disabled staff who provide mutual support and advice to one another. The network can be accessed by contacting the Equality and Diversity Advisor as above. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 25 Appendix 3 Interim Statement: Pre-placement assessment To: Recruiting Manager Human Resources Name: Date of Birth: Location: Post: The above named has undergone: Health Questionnaire Screening Health Assessment Further action: OH are awaiting immunization information OH are awaiting medical information. Further assessment is required. An appointment has been sent by Occupational Health the appointment time and date is Specialist assessment recommended – OH Department will Facilitate this Please Note: The OH pre-placement assessment process has not yet been completed. You will receive a ‘report of health’ when the process is complete. Remarks/Recommendations Signature: Name: Designation: Date: X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 26 Appendix 4 Report of health: Pre- placement Assessment To: Recruiting Manager Human Resources Name: Date of Birth: Location: Post: The above named has undergone: Health Questionnaire Screening Health Assessment Outcome He/she should be able to offer reliable and effective service for the above post Recommend a workplace assessment to be undertaken by an OH Team Member on commencement of employment Cleared for patient contact Yes/No/NA Cleared for exposure prone procedures (EPP) Yes/No/N/A Cleared to undertake *…………………….as part of their pre-placement assessment Health Surveillance is required. An appointment will be made to be seen in the OH department Recommend a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) is made Remarks/Recommendations Signature: Name: Designation Date: X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 27 Appendix 5 Health Questionnaire Paper Screening Check List Name: ............................................................ Date of Birth: ................................. Job Title: ........................................................ Start Date: ................................. Questionnaire Received Date: ....................... Health Questionnaire Screened Date: ........................ Further Information Required? Yes/No Telephone Face to Face Appointment Immunisation Information Date Interim Report of Health Sent: Date Third Party Reports OHP ........................ Action Signature Date Final Report of health sent to H.R./Faculty: ................................. Report Attached: Yes/No H.E.S.A. Code: Yes/No Code:........................... Signature: .............................................. Name: ........................................................ X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 28 Name ............................................................. Job Title ...................................................... Date of Birth .................................................... Department .................................................. Date & Time X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 29 Appendix 6 Process for ‘first pass’ pre-placement assessment by an OH Technician. Upon receipt of a pre-placement health questionnaire into the OH department the procedure pertaining to all OH department staff should be followed (section 4.1 and 4.2). An OH Technician should only undertake ‘first pass’ pre-placement assessment screening once they have been trained to do so and been signed off as competent. An Occupational Health Technician can paper screen the health questionnaire which incorporates the staff disability disclosure questionnaire. The OH Technician should: Ascertain if there are any fitness for task* (health assessment) issues Ascertain if any health issues have been declared – section 3 Ascertain if any disability issues have been declared – section 2c,d&e Ascertain if there are any health surveillance* requirements If the response to all the above questions is no then the OH Technician can complete an’ OH Technician report of heath: pre-placement assessment’ (see appendix 7). This should be sent via e-mail to the recruiting manager and HR assistant, a copy of the report of health and the ‘sent’ e-mail should be printed and filed in the individuals OH record. The OH Technician should then complete the ‘health questionnaire paper screening check list’ (appendix 5). The relevant section of the OH database should then be completed. Where required (see section 1b of health questionnaire) Display screen equipment (DSE) user information should be sent or, the staff member placed on the pending list for this to be sent at their employment start date. The OH record can then be filed. If the individual reports on the questionnaire that they are pregnant or breastfeeding then the case should be discussed with an OH Nurse and their advice sought before the OH Technician screening process is completed. If the response to any of the above questions is yes then the questionnaire should be discussed with an OH Nurse and their advice sought or returned to the pre-placement folder for screening by an OH Nurse at a later date. If there is any uncertainty about the responses on the questionnaire in relation to the above key questions then the questionnaire should be discussed with an OH Nurse and their advice sought. *Health assessment/fitness for task includes (this is not an exhaustive list), information in section 1b is relevant: Health care workers Food handlers Confined space workers Working at height Vocational Drivers Vocational divers X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 30 *Health surveillance includes individuals exposed to health hazards such as (this is not an exhaustive list) information in section 1b is relevant: Noise Hand arm vibration Respiratory sensitizers including work with animals Skin sensitizers Radiation Asbestos Lead X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 31 Appendix 7 OH Technician Report of health: Pre- placement Assessment To: Recruiting Manager Human Resources Name: Date of Birth: Location: Post: The above named has undergone: Health Questionnaire Screening Outcome He/she should be able to offer reliable and effective service for the above post Remarks/Recommendations The above person has not declared any health or disability issues and they do not require any health surveillance, or any health assessments in relation to their role Signature: Name: Designation Date: X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 32 Appendix 8 Occupational Health Department Occupational Health report with consent – following pre-placement assessment of clinical practitioners Post Graduate Medical Institute To: Occupational Health Department Section 1 Employee details Name..............................................................................DOB....................................... The above person has been employed by the University of Hull Post Graduate Medical Institute. Section 2 Report They will be undertaking the role of.................................................................................................................................... Pre-placement assessment has been undertaken and they have been given health clearance for the above role. They are cleared to undertake exposure prone procedures YES/NO Section 3 Consent I (the person named above in section 1) give my consent for the records of my immunisation history and test results to be copied to the Occupational Health Department at the hospital where I will be undertaking clinical practice – should they be requested. Hospital...............................................................Department........................................ Signed................................................................ Date................................................... Section 4 OH practitioner details Name of OH practitioner .......................................................... ................................... Signature....................................................................................................................... Title .......................................................................................... .................................. Date............................................................................................................................... X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 33 Appendix 9 Occupational Health Department T 01482 466010 E occupationalhealth@hull.ac.uk 08 February 2016 Dear I have been informed that you will shortly be joining the Academic Cardiology department at the University of Hull to observe clinical practice. You will therefore need to provide evidence of immunity/immunisation to the following diseases: TB Rubella Measles Varicella Hepatitis B - evidence of a positive Mantoux/Heaf test or BCG scar - evidence of immunity - evidence of immunity - confirmed history of infection or evidence of vaccination - evidence of immunisation and of immunity Should you be involved in surgical procedures we would need to test for Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and HIV. I enclose a health questionnaire for completion and would be grateful if you could return it to the Occupational Health Department along with your immunisation details as soon as possible. An appointment has been made for you to be seen in the Occupational Health Department at the University of Hull on . The Occupational Health Department is situated on Cottingham Road opposite the main University of Hull campus. The entrance to the department is at the bottom of the drive to the left of the Newland Health Centre. Yours sincerely Name Title X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 34 Appendix 10 Staff pre-placement assessment guidance Section 1 -Introduction This guidance outlines the assessment of physical and mental health issues as part of the staff preplacement health assessment and offers a suggested framework for capturing information. It is intended for use in face to face assessment, but the framework principles could be applied in a telephone assessment. It is intended as guidance and to offer a framework to practitioners to support the assessment process and provide some consistency in assessment within the OH Team. It is not intended to be prescriptive. This guidance has been adapted from the student pre-registration health assessment guidance. During the assessment either the mental health or the physical health assessment may be used depending on the health issues declared. Equally both may be required. If during the assessment process it is felt that the individual maybe deemed as disabled under the terms of the Equality Act 2010, then, consideration should be given to highlighting this to the recruiting manager/HR and an entry to this effect made in the Occupational Health records. 1. Suggested framework for capturing information – see section 6 Specify whether telephone or face to face assessment Explore health issues declared – you may wish to use the framework in section 2 and 3 Detail past medical history Treatment – including medication. This could be current or recent treatment Investigations - undertaken or awaiting Social history Outline of proposed work role – including any fitness for task elements Occupational History Consider ability to undertake activities of daily living Consider any adjustments required Summary of your opinion Detail OH actions to be taken 2. Mental health issues If they declare a mental health issues then the questions in section 2, tier 2 should be asked and observations made recording responses to questions in the OH records. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What was it When was it? Are you currently suffering from any symptoms? How was it treated? Are you currently being treated? If so is it ongoing? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 35 6. Why did it occur? 7. Are there any effects on activities of daily living? Observations Eye contact Anxiety/agitation Personal Care Confidence Rational thinking General demeanour If it is felt that insufficient information is available then the questions at tier 3 should be applied. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself or others? If so how? Do you have an eating disorder? If so what type and when? Is you BMI 16 or below? Do you have suicidal thoughts? Have you made plans or attempted suicide? If so how and when? 5. Have you ever been hospitalised due to mental illness? Was this voluntarily or not? 6. Are you/have you received any therapies? If so was this from a counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist? How long and when? 7. Are you/have you received medication? If so what medication/dose, how long for and is this ongoing? If it is felt that at stage 3 a clear opinion cannot be formed then tier 4 should be progressed to, where a number of options are available to the practitioner. They may wish to undertake one or more options. The options are; discuss the case with the OH team to seek their opinion; discuss the case with the OHP to seek his opinion; obtain a medical report; refer the student to the OHP for assessment and opinion. At any time during stage 2 or 3 the practitioner may wish to progress straight to stage 4, if the individual is uncooperative or unable to provide the information required the practitioner again may wish to progress to stage 4. 3. Physical health issues If they declare a physical health issue then the questions in section 3, tier 2 should be asked and observations made recording responses to questions in the OH records: Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. What was it When was it? Are you currently suffering from any symptoms? How was it treated? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 36 5. Are you currently being treated? If so is it ongoing? 6. Why did it occur? 7. Are there any effects on activities of daily living? Observations of Gait Use of mobility aids Hear conversational speech? Evidence of visual impairment If it is felt that insufficient information is available then tier 3 should be applied, assessing functional capability using the assessment tool: Assessment tool – work ability index see section 5 of guidance If it is felt that a clear opinion cannot be made then tier 4 should be progressed to, where a number of options are available to the practitioner. They may wish to undertake one or more options. The options are; discuss the case with the OH team to seek their opinion; discuss the case with the OHP to seek his opinion; obtain a medical report; refer the student to the OHP for assessment and opinion. At any time during stage 2 or 3 the practitioner may wish to progress straight to stage 4, if the individual is uncooperative or unable to provide the information required the practitioner again may wish to progress to stage 4. Responses to questions and information gathered should be documented in the Occupational Health records in line with the OH department Local operating procedure for record keeping. Section 2- Aide memoire – mental health Tier 1 Individual has declared on their pre-placement questionnaire that they have suffered with a mental health problems. This should be confirmed with them If they confirm yes move to tier 2 of the assessment Tier 2 – Mental health Observations Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What was it When was it? Are you currently suffering from any symptoms? How was it treated? Are you currently being treated? If so is it ongoing? Why did it occur? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Eye contact Anxiety/agitation Personal Care Confidence Rational thinking General demeanour University of Hull October 2011 V1 37 7. Are there any effects on activities of daily living? If it is felt that further information is required to enable full assessment move to tier 3 of the assessment Tier 3-mental health Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself or others? If so how? Do you have an eating disorder? If so what type and when? Is you BMI 16 or below? Do you have suicidal thoughts? Have you made plans or attempted suicide? If so how and when? 5. Have you ever been hospitalised due to mental illness? Was this voluntarily or not? 6. Are you/have you received any therapies? If so was this from a counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist? How long and when? 7. Are you/have you received medication? If so what medication/dose, how long for and is this ongoing? If it is felt that a clear opinion on medical fitness for the proposed role cannot be made or the reasonable adjustments to support the individual in the role cannot be identified then move to tier 4 of the assessment Tier 4 – mental health One or more of the following options may be taken Team discussion – Nurses Discussion of case with the OHP Obtaining a medical report Refer to OHP for assessment No further action at present Section 3 - Aide Memoire Physical health Tier 1 Physical health Individual has declared on their pre-placement questionnaire that they have suffered with a physical health problems. This should be confirmed with them If they confirm yes move to tier 2 of the assessment Observations Tier 2 – physical health Questions 1. What was it 2. When was it? X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies Gait Use of mobility aids Hear conversational speech? Evidence of visual impairment University of Hull October 2011 V1 38 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you currently suffering from any symptoms? How was it treated? Are you currently being treated? If so is it ongoing? Why did it occur? Are there any effects on activities of daily living? If it is felt that further information is required to enable full assessment move to tier 3 of the assessment Tier 3-physical health Assessment tool – work ability index (see appendix 4) If it is felt that a clear opinion on medical fitness for the proposed role cannot be made or the reasonable adjustments to support the individual in the role cannot be identified then move to tier 4 of the assessment Tier 4 – physical health One or more of the following options may be taken Team discussion – Nurses Discussion of case with the OHP Obtaining a medical report Refer to OHP for assessment No further action at present Section 4 – Issues for consideration – mental health assessment Consider nature, duration and severity of condition including level of awareness/ insight into condition – lack of self awareness increases risks When was the client last treated? o Community Mental Health Team o Therapy o Where they recently discharged o Consider what medication past and current Risks are increased if currently or recently engaged with services What has the client done in recent years? o Where they actively engaged in study o Where they holding down work o Are there any gaps in activity/periods of inactivity X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 39 Mental Health robustness is needed to work/study Look for evidence of productivity in the last year Patterns of illness o Recurrent illness or one off episode? o Circumstances of illness Stress Drugs Transition o Any evidence of non-compliance o Lifestyle - ? abusive partner Insight into illness o Recognition of patterns o Efforts to change patterns o Evidence of insight into vulnerability to relapse o Do they acknowledge they need support? o Have they engaged with support services Look for evidence of insight into condition Domestic situation o o o o What support network do they have (if any) Friends Family Any financial pressures Evidence that they can form appropriate relationships Family history of mental illness Triggers o Are there any identifiable triggers for episodes of mental ill health /relapses X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 40 Section 5– Work ability index 1. Current work ability compared with the lifetime best Assume that your work ability at its best has a value of 10 points. How many points would you give your current work ability? (0 means that you cannot currently work at all) unable to work at present 0 1 work ability at present 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Work ability in relation to the demands of the job How do you rate your current work ability with respect to the physical demands of your work? very good 5 rather good 4 amoderate 3 rather poor 2 very poor 1 How do you rate your current work ability with respect to the mental demands of your work? very good 5 rather good 4 amoderate 3 rather poor 2 very poor 1 3. Number of current diseases diagnosed by a physician In the following list, mark your diseases or injuries. Also indicate whether a physician has diagnosed or treated these diseases. For each disease, therefore, there can be 2, 1, or no alternatives circled. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 41 Injury from accidents 01 back 02 arm/hand 03 leg/foot 04 other part of body, where and what kind of injury? Yes - own opinion Yes – Physician’s opinion 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 ............................................... Musculoskeletal disease 05 disorder of the upper back or cervical spine, repeated instances of pain 06 disorder of the lower back, repeated instances of pain 07 (sciatica) pain radiating from the back into the leg 08 Musculoskeletal disorder affecting the limbs (hands, feet), repeated instances of pain 09 rheumatoid arthritis 10 other musculoskeletal disorder, what? .............................................. Cardiovascular diseases 11 hypertension (high blood pressure) 12 Coronary heart disease, chest pains during exercise (angina pectoris) 13 coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction 14. cardiac insuffi ciency 15 other cardiovascular disease, what? ................................................ Respiratory disease 16 repeated infections of the respiratory tract (also tonsillitis, acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis) 17 chronic bronchitis 18 chronic sinusitis 19 bronchial asthma X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 42 20 emphysema 21 pulmonary tuberculosis 22 other respiratory disease, what? 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 ................................................. Mental disorder 23 mental disease or severe mental health problem (for example, severe depression, mental disturbance) 24 slight mental disorder or problem (for example, slight depression, tension, anxiety, insomnia) Neurological and sensory disease 25 problems or injury to hearing 26 visual disease or injury (other than refractive error) 27 neurological disease (for example stroke, neuralgia, migraine, epilepsy) 28 other neurological or sensory disease, what? ................................................. Digestive disease 29 gall stones or disease 30 liver or pancreatic disease 31 gastric or duodenal ulcer 32 gastritis or duodenal irritation 33 colonic irritation, colitis 34 other digestive disease, what? Genitourinary disease 35 urinary tract infection 36 kidney disease 37 genitals disease (for example fallopian tube infection in women X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 43 or prostatic infection in men 38 Other genitourinary disease, what? Skin diseases 39 allergic rash, eczema 40 other rash, what 41 other skin disease, what? Tumour 42 benign tumour 43 malignant tumour (cancer), where? 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 ................................................. Endocrine and metabolic diseases 44 obesity 45 diabetes 46 goitre or others thyroid disease 47 other endocrine or metabolic disease, what? ................................................. Blood diseases 48 anaemia 49 other blood disorder, what? .................................................. Birth defects 50 birth defect, what? .................................................. Other disorder or disease 51 What? .................................................. 4. Estimated work impairment due to diseases Is your illness or injury a hindrance to your current job? Circle more than one alternative if needed. There is no hindrance/I have no diseases X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies 6 University of Hull October 2011 V1 44 I am able to do my job, but it causes some symptoms 5 I must sometimes slow down my work pace or change 4 my work methods I must often slow down my work pace or change my work methods 3 Because of my disease, I feel I am able to do only part-time work 2 In my opinion, I am entirely unable to work 1 TOTAL SCORE Evaluation Completion of the questionnaire results in a figure or score which lies between 7 and 49. The figure describes the current work ability of the respondents and, at the same time, permits forecasts to be made of the health risk. A high value indicates a good work ability, a lower value an unsatisfactory or jeopardised work ability. Depending on the level of the figure it is recommended to maintain, support, improve or reinstate the work ability Result 2-27 28-36 37-43 44-49 Category poor medium good Very good Work ability action Reinstate work ability Improve work ability Support work ability Maintain work ability Note: low work ability values indicate incongruity between the work demands and the work capability of the employee. X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 45 Section 6 - Suggested framework for capturing information Telephone or face to face assessment Include if face to face the location of the assessment, document that you have explained the purpose of the assessment and that you have discussed confidentiality Health issues declared Detail and explore health issues - you may wish to use the framework in appendix 1 and 2 Past medical history Treatment Including medication. This could be current or recent treatment Investigations Undertaken or awaiting Social history Outline of proposed work role Including any fitness for task elements, shift patterns, hours of work Occupational History Activities of daily living Consider ability to undertake activities of daily living and any limitations Adjustments Consider any adjustments required, whether these would be permanent or temporary Summary of your opinion Include whether the individual is likely to be deemed as disabled under the Equality Act 2012 Detail OH actions to be taken Signature, name title X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1 46 Occupational Health Department Appendix 11 Information for managers – pre-placement assessment What is a pre-placement assessment? It is a health and disability assessment undertaken prior to a new employee starting in post or moving from one post to another. They were previously known as pre-employment assessments. Why do we do them? There are three main reasons: To identify health/disability issues that require support at work, which supports the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 Assess ‘fitness for task’ where required, for example a health care worker assessment for staff working in health care To assess the need for baseline health surveillance where required, for example staff working with high levels of noise requiring hearing tests. What does the recruiting manager need to do? Fully complete page one of the questionnaire. This provides the OH Team with all the information to make a full assessment and, therefore offer you the most accurate advice. We are unlikely to be able to complete the assessment without this information. How long does it take to clear an individual? Most assessments can be completed within one or two days, however some will take longer. This may be because an individual needs to be seen by an Occupational Health Nurse/Advisor, a medical report obtained or a referral to the Occupational Health Physician. We will keep you updated at each stage, when we have screened a pre-placement assessment but cannot offer a health opinion we will send you an interim statement outlining our next steps. The OH department has a KPI for preplacement assessment. We endeavour to complete the assessment as quickly as possible. How will I know when an individual is health cleared? You will receive via E-mail a ‘Report of Health’ from OH. This will provide our health opinion and any recommendations. What do I do if I have any questions or concerns? At any stage you may contact the OH Department to discuss any concerns or raise any questions you have. Telephone 466011, E-mail occupationalhealth@hull.ac.uk X:\Occupational Health Folder\Quality\1.Policies University of Hull October 2011 V1