World Civilizations Project Directions2013-14

World Civilizations Project Presentations - Directions
Introduction: SO… what else happened??? This is a question you may be asking yourself as we come to the end
of our year in World Studies. We have spent much of our time going in-depth learning about civilizations in
places such as China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. Unfortunately, time has not allowed us to explore many of the
other amazing civilizations that have existed in history! With this project, however, we will have a chance to cover
a lot of history and territory in a short amount of class time.
Your Task:
In groups of 3-4, you will choose a topic to research from the list on the back of this page. After selecting your
topic, you will be asked to complete the following tasks:
1. Read the chapter(s) in the textbook relating to your selected topic. Take notes as you read.
2. Research your topic using credible Internet sources. Take notes as you research.
3. Work together to design a 15-20 minute lesson about your topic. This will include the following items:
A. A group presentation (five minutes) with a PowerPoint presentation that explains the following.
 Vocabulary – Identify important vocabulary related to your civilization (5 terms)
 Geography – Describe where your civilization/culture was located (use a map to help
 Timeline – Identify and describe 8-10 important events from your civilization
 People – Find 3-5 important people from your civilization and explain their importance
 Achievements – Describe 5-7 main achievements of your civilization
 The Fall – Describe how and when this civilization ended.
 Fun Facts – Find at least five interesting facts about your civilization (not found in text)
 Importance - Explain why this civilization is important for us to know about
B. A class activity that connects to your topic and involves ALL audience members. This could include
any of the following:
- A drawing activity
- A game
-A short reading
- A song that is taught to the class
- A crossword puzzle
- Or any other creative suggestions!
C. Three higher-level discussion questions about your topic that get the class thinking!
D. A five question quiz that the class will be able to answer based on your presentation
E. A three-dimensional artifact that is relevant to your civilization.
Group Roles (Each member in the group will have a role for this assignment)
Head Researcher/Leader: Using the notes from all of the members of your group, your job is to determine the
most important information that will be presented, and then put it into the PowerPoint.
Visual Director: Your job is to find 10-15 pictures with captions and source (URL is ok) to be used in your
PowerPoint. You will also find a video clip (maximum of 5 minutes) to be used during your presentation. You
will work closely with the head researcher to determine how the pictures and video should be used.
Activities Director: Your job is to plan and design an activity (5-10 minutes) for the class that involves everyone
in the class and connects to your topic. You will also be responsible for designing the five question quiz at the
end of your presentation.
Archaeologist: Your job is to create a three-dimensional object that connects to your civilization (ex: pyramid for
Egyptians). You will present the object to the class and explain its significance.
Due Date: The Powerpoint presentation, Activity Plan, and
artifact must be completed and submitted by the BEGINNING of
class on THURSDay, June 6th. No late work
List of topics. You will have a choice to select from the following topics:
Early Mesoamerican Civilizations (Pages 240-245)
Early Civilizations of the Andes (Pages 246-249)
Mayan Civilization (Pages 446-449)
Aztec Civilization (Pages 452-458)
Incan Civilization (Pages 459-463)
North American Societies (Pages 441-445)
The Roman Republic (Pages 155-159)
The Roman Empire (Pages 160-165, 173-176)
Greece (Pages 121-145)
Middle Ages (Pages 358-369)
Indian Empires (Pages 189-197)
Byzantine Empire (Pages 301-306)
Russian Empire (Pages 307-311)
Turkish Empires (Pages 314-317)
Feudal Powers in Japan (Pages 339-343)
Kingdoms of Southeast Asia & Korea (344-347)
West African Civilizations (Pages 413-419)
Scoring Guide:
Individual Assessment:
You will receive individual scores of 35 points on the following assignments:
 Typed notes on your topic (25 points): ALL GROUP MEMBERS due: Wednesday, May 28th
 Peer assessment (10 points) – Group members will assess each other at the conclusion of the project.
Group Assessment:
Your group presentation will be assessed on the following components of the presentation:
 Quality of Information – Information Director Leads
 Quality of Visuals – Visual Director Leads
 Activity – Activity Director Leads
 Artifact – Archaeologist Leads
You will receive a group score of 40 points for the delivery of your lesson, including the following requirements:
 Time – Presentation with activity is at least 15 minutes (5 points)
 Enthusiasm - The group is enthusiastic and involves all audience members in some way (5 points)
 Questioning – The group ends the presentation with 3 higher-level thinking questions. (5 points)
 Quiz – Presentation includes a five question quiz to be answered by the class at the end of the
presentation (5 points)
 Knowledge – Group demonstrates a strong understanding of the topic and explains it using student voice
(not word for word from the handout or textbook). The information is accurate and presented in a way
that is clear, flows well, and gives the students a full overview of the topic (20 points).
Presentations: Presentations will start on THURS, June 5th!!!