Dean`s Annual Accomplishments & Evaluation Summary Nicole

Dean’s Annual Accomplishments & Evaluation Summary
Nicole Pennington, Dean
Ohio University Southern
January 2016
This summary includes activities and accomplishments from July 2014 to January 2016 which reflects my
first 18 months serving in the role of Ohio University Southern (OUS) Dean. The activities and
accomplishments shared in this report demonstrate the work which has occurred during my leadership
as a result of a collaborative effort between the administration and the dedicated faculty and staff of
OUS. It has truly been a team effort through a strategic planning process which has resulted in moving
the campus forward to fulfill the campus mission and vision. I am appreciative of the shared efforts that
have occurred during this administrative change at OUS. While change can be stressful and challenging
for everyone involved, the faculty, staff, students and community members have been supportive and
focused on the success of OUS. I am grateful to be part of this campus community and to serve in this
This report includes the topics of planning and management, academics, diversity, campus safety,
communication, student orientation, fiscal planning, university relations, external relations, faculty/staff
recognition, faculty development and partnerships. In addition, the goals for the next academic year are
Planning & Management
o Led the 5-year campus strategic planning process which was implemented in January
2015 and identifies three primary campus goals:
 Increase enrollment, retention, course completion and graduation rates
 Enhance campus culture and environment
 Cultivate new partnerships and revenue streams
o Hosted the first annual leadership retreat in July 2014.
o Supported an annual faculty retreat which occurred in August 2015.
o Created a campus committee to address the Governor’s Task Force on Affordability and
Efficiency which resulted in a campus plan focused on operational efficiencies-energy
efficiency, space utilization, and course scheduling.
o Led multiple facility project initiatives including the following:
 Remodel of the food service area in the Collins Center to improve services to
students, staff and faculty
 Renovations to the Riffe Building including the remodel of two administrative
offices and a conference room
 Lighting retrofits to improve energy efficiency
 Sewer project planning process for the Child Development Center which is
scheduled for Summer 2016
 HVAC replacement project for the Collins Building, Riffe Building, Ohio Horse
Park Therapy Barn, and Campus/Community Center
 Planning for an outdoor arena at the Ohio Horse Park
 Remodel of the Science Classroom and Lab in the Academic Center
New roof project for the Campus/Community Center
Planning for renovations at the Proctorville Center including Science Lab
upgrades and an outdoor walking track
 Structure demolitions at the Hecla property site
Identified priorities for the capital budget request for the next budget cycle.
Consulted with faculty and staff to determine instructional needs.
Prepared the campus faculty and staff for the Higher Learning Commission reaffirmation
process and was one of the regional campus sites for the program review process.
Implemented a tobacco-free campus policy which became effective August 2015.
Replaced 13 staff/administrative vacancies in addition to six faculty positions.
o Hired the following faculty positions: Group I Chemistry, Group I Education, Group I
Social Work, Group II Law Enforcement Technology, Group II Biology, and (2) Group II
o Collaborated with the Associate Dean and Academic Division Coordinator to create a
new faculty campus orientation and mentoring program.
o Continued annual adjunct faculty orientation event.
o Participated in campus recruiting events.
o Participated in the 7-year review process for the Equine Associate Degree Program.
o Participated in the creation of a Higher Education Regional Partnership Coalition to
increase technical training opportunities for the Tri-State Region.
o Collaborated with Shawnee State University, Southern State Community College, and
the University of Rio Grande & Rio Grande Community College to submit a successful
RAPIDS grant proposal to the Ohio Board of Higher Education in the amount of $1m.
o Participated in the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) site visit
review process for the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
o Participated in the Higher Learning Commission site visit review process for the
Proctorville Center.
o Submitted proposal for the expansion of the Environmental Engineering Technology
Associate’s Degree from OU Chillicothe to OUS. The degree was initiated at OUS in
August 2015.
o Collaborated with the Director of Student Services to create a campus task force to
develop a seamless admission process to expedite the processing of applications and
notification to new students.
o Collaborated with the Director of Student Services to develop a staff cross-training plan
to ensure continuity and consistency of services to students.
o Hired two new recruiters to serve the Southern Campus and the Proctorville Center in
order to increase recruiting efforts in Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky.
o Initiated the planning process to merge the library and student success center in
summer of 2016 to improve continuity and consistency of services to students.
o Realigned administrative staffing to support new College Credit Plus programming which
was initiated in July 2015.
Realigned advising processes to include a case management process in which all
students are assigned an advisor in Student Services in addition to a degree program
Supported the implementation of an online campus orientation process.
Increased the number of online and blended course offerings.
Supported the increase of community education and continued education
Supported the development of an online track for the Equine Associate Degree.
o Supported diversity programming which includes a series of diversity dialogues and
celebratory events on campus.
o Provided support for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Essay Competition for local
middle and high school students.
o Supported and spoke at the annual Women’s Conference hosted by the Proctorville
o Supported a diversity training program for faculty and staff.
o Participated in various diversity events on campus.
o Attended Tri-State Diversity Conference.
Campus Safety
o Hosted a safety event on campus to increase communication and improve
responsiveness with Ohio University Police Department, Ohio Highway State Patrol,
Ironton Police Department, Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department, and other first
o Implemented the OHIO Alert! System to improve emergency notification to students,
staff and faculty.
o Hosted the Click It or Ticket event for local law enforcement officials.
o Provided Active Shooter trainings by OUPD.
o Established and assembled an OUS Critical Incident Response Team.
o Designated CIRT location sites in multiple buildings.
o Increased internal and external video surveillance of all buildings.
o Replaced classroom and office door lock systems to allow for internal locking of doors in
the event of a lockdown.
o Renewed contract with Ironton Police Department to provide armed campus security.
o Led planning process for campus business continuity plan development.
o Maintained an open door policy.
o Led monthly all campus meetings for all OUS employees in order to share campus
information in a timely manner.
o Initiated an annual all campus update meeting.
o Led bi-weekly leadership team meetings.
o Created a dean’s advisory council which meets monthly.
Increased communication of campus activities in Compass newsletter.
Improved campus electronic newsletter with bi-monthly issues.
Responded to all communications in a timely manner.
Met individually with faculty and staff as needed.
Increased social media presence with Twitter and Facebook posts on a regular basis.
Hosted customer service training for faculty and staff.
Student Orientation
o Participated in student orientations and activities.
o Hosted “Doughnuts with the Dean” events during the academic year.
o Provided funding for student travel to present work at conferences and attendance at
academic enrichment events.
o Supported student initiatives to increase campus life and community services.
o Supported First Year Experience program that includes skills testing and placement,
social activities, and learning communities.
o Supported the publication of Envoi for student writers and student participation in the
Spring Literary Festival during the 2014-2015 academic year.
o Maintained an open door policy for students.
o Hosted events to recognize student achievements-Graduate Recognition Ceremony,
Scholarship Recognition Ceremony, Nursing Pinning Ceremony Reception, December
Graduate Recognition Reception.
o Hosted a Convocation event for new students.
o Supported Student Ambassador Program.
o Attended “Lunch with 12 Strangers” student event.
Completed an assessment of all campus units to determine staffing needs.
Re-organized Electronic Media, IT, Library, Student Services, and Faculty Office to create
staffing efficiencies.
Planned for a merge of the Library and Student Success Center to occur Summer 2016.
Reduced campus expenses by decreasing departmental and operational budgets.
Focused on new revenue stream development through new academic programming,
program articulations, continuing education programming, and community education
Hired a Director of External Relations to pursue workforce development, grant, gifts,
and increase alumni relations.
Identified appropriate funding for the following facility projects: a remodel of the food
service area in the Collins Center; renovations to the Riffe Building including the
remodel of two administrative offices and a conference room; lighting retrofits to
improve energy efficiency; a sewer project planning process for the Child Development
Center; a HVAC replacement project for the Collins Building, Riffe Building, Ohio Horse
Park Therapy Barn, and Campus/Community Center; planning for an outdoor arena at
the Ohio Horse Park; a remodel of the Science Classroom and Lab in the Academic
Center, a new roof project for the Campus/Community Center and planning for
renovations at the Proctorville Center including Science Lab upgrades and an outdoor
walking track; and structure demolitions at the Hecla property site.
Initiated process of having properties evaluated for possible sale or lease arrangementsHecla property, available land at Ohio Horse Park, and Child Development Center.
Held open one full-time position in EM, one full-time position at the Proctorville Center,
and one half-time position in the library.
Established a campus grants committee to focus on opportunities for campus funding.
Implemented energy saving projects which resulted in decreased utility costs: HVAC
replacements and lighting retrofits.
Implemented instructional efficiencies by combined course sections, increased the
number of courses offered by OULN, canceled low enrolled courses, and increased
online/blended course offerings.
Identified courses which needed course fees applied to them based on the cost to
deliver the course-nursing, electronic media, and equine.
Eliminated unnecessary overload contracts and stipends.
University Relations
o Served as regional campus liaison dean with the School of Nursing.
o Attended Board of Trustees meetings.
o Attended Foundation Board meetings.
o Attended bi-weekly regional campus dean’s meetings.
o Attended monthly academic leadership team meetings.
o Hosted RHE Faculty Conference in August 2014.
o Hosted Board of Trustees meeting in June 2015.
o Attended RHE Faculty Conference at the Zanesville Conference in August 2015.
o Attended RHE Leadership Retreat in August 2015.
o Attended National Association of Branch Campus Administrators Conference in April
o Attended Regional Branch Campus Administrators Conference in June 2014 and 2015.
o Nominated and accepted into HERS Leadership Institute for FY16.
o Participated in Senior Leadership Development Program (SLDP).
o Served on the RHE Assessment Council.
o Attended the RHE and College of Arts & Sciences annual planning meetings.
o Agreed to serve on upcoming committee for Modern Think Climate Survey.
o Agreed to serve on upcoming a sub-committee for the President’s Disability Steering
External Relations
o Joined Lawrence County Rotary and attended weekly meetings.
o Hosted multiple campus friends and donor events:
 “Day at the Races” event-Keeneland Trip
 Campus Halloween events
 “Meet the Dean” events
 Donor scholarship events
 OU Tailgate events
Hosted three community job forum events to determine regional workforce needs.
Attended and participated in the Lawrence County Fair.
Hosted campus visits by Chancellor Carey and Senator Uecker.
Participated and presented at the Lawrence County Annual Retreat.
Participated in several Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce events:
 Festival of the Trees event
 Chamber Spotlight events
 Annual Awards Banquet
Participated in the creation of the Higher Education Regional Partnership Training
Coalition with Shawnee State University, Southern State Community College, University
of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College, and the Ohio Strategic Training
Attended a variety of “Business After Hours” events.
Participated in a variety of radio and newspaper interviews.
Hosted meetings for community college partners: Mountwest Community College,
Ashland Community and Technical College, University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande
Community College, Southern State Community College, and Shawnee State University.
Attended Tri-State Small Business Award Luncheon.
Participated in the Tri-State Community Health Improvement Coalition.
Attended ribbon cutting ceremonies: Holiday Inn Express, Port at South Point, Higher
Education Regional Partnership Training Center.
Attended and presented at annual meeting of local superintendents.
Participated in local celebrations and fundraisers.
Participated on the Inter-University Council Regional Deans Committee.
Hosted quarterly meetings of the OUS Coordinating Council.
Faculty/Staff Recognition & Development
o Supported annual faculty awards for teaching, service, and scholarship which are
awarded at the annual Graduate Recognition Ceremony.
o Hosted a faculty/staff retiree reception for six retirees.
o Recognized faculty milestones at the Graduate Recognition Ceremony.
o Consulted with Group I faculty regarding P&T dossier preparation and process.
o Consulted with Grout II faculty regarding promotion dossier preparation and process.
o Met with various program advisory councils.
o Worked with faculty to review academic policies and procedures.
o Supplemented faculty development funding.
o Highlighted faculty/staff achievement in Compass publication, social media, and campus
o Publicized significant faculty contributions to student achievement both internally and
o Provided support for community service initiatives of faculty and staff.
o Recognized faculty accomplishments at annual RHE conference.
o Recognized faculty accomplishments at quarterly Coordinating Council meetings.
Sent personal cards/emails to faculty and staff to recognize their service and
Supported new faculty mentoring program initiation.
Continued new adjunct faculty orientation program.
Hosted E-Learning at OUS to provide faculty training on the creation of online and
blended classes.
Led leadership book reading in bi-weekly leadership team meeting: 360° Leader by John
o Created new partnerships with local community colleges and universities: Southern
State Community College, Shawnee State Community College, University of Grande &
Rio Grande Community College, and Ohio Strategic Training Center. A memorandum of
understanding was created between OUS and the partnering institutions.
o Partnered with above institutions to submit a RAPIDs grant proposal to the Ohio Board
of Higher Education.
o Continued to support existing partnerships with Ashland Community & Technical
College, Mountwest Community College, and Ohio Strategic Training Center.
o Hosted campus meetings to support external partnerships.
Summary & Goals
It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve as Ohio University Southern Dean. I greatly
appreciate the opportunity to communicate the achievements of OUS during my first 18 months
in this role. I look forward to continuing to serve the campus in the coming year and to work
with the committed faculty and staff of the campus. I am grateful to be part of this dedicated
campus whose commitment is to provide high quality education to the region.
My campus goals for the upcoming year include:
o Effectively communicate the priority goals and objectives of the campus to internal and
external constituents.
o Expand and improve external campus relations through purposeful and effective
o Continue to learn and understand more about best strategies to manage overall campus
financial performance and to use financial analysis to evaluate strategic options and
o Continue to improve campus advising processes through the implementation of an
effective case management advising process.
o Increase opportunities to interact with campus students, faculty, and staff by hosting
and attending events and activities.
o Increase technology literacy by attending technology training opportunities.
o Grow enrollment and increase student retention.
Encourage the growth of campus academic programs through the development of both
blended and fully online courses in addition to the development of partnerships and
Continue in increase campus safety initiatives.
To secure University Curriculum Council and Ohio Board of Higher Education approval
for the delivery of the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Biology.
Explore additional partnership opportunities.
Increase campus revenue streams through the offering of continued education
programming and workforce development.
Successfully merge the library, student success center, and open computer lab.