Kinder Writing ELP-AZCCRS Pacing Guide

Writing Pacing
Guide Correlation
The Writing Pacing Guide is constructed from the 2010 Arizona English Language Arts Standards. The writing standards are
broken down into quarters based on specific types of writing. Language standards have also been clustered in each quarter
and build on one another throughout the year. Each quarter emphasizes a different style of writing. For your convenience, the
page numbers of The Write from the Beginning manuals have been identified. Please refer to these pages when planning your
writing instruction. The year-long standards should be integrated within each quarter and type of writing.
ELP/AZCCRS Writing Pacing Guide Correlation
Year Long Standards:
Production and Distribution of Writing:
K.W.5 With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
K.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Comprehension and Collaboration
K.SL.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others, taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
b. Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
K.SL.2 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and
requesting clarification if something is not understood.
K.SL.3 Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas:
K.SL.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
K.SL.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Conventions of Standard English:
K.L.1.f Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
ELP Standards
W3:HI-3: revising original draft for clarity by adding additional details to improve audience understanding.
W3:HI-5: finalizing an original piece of writing for an intended audience.
W2:HI-3: using resources throughout the classroom to spell words.
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
K.W.3 Use a combination of
drawing, dictating, and writing to
narrate a single event or several
loosely linked events, tell about the
events in the order in which they
occurred, and provide a reaction to
what happened.
(Narrative Modeled Journal Writing,
WFTB Narrative Manual, Pg, 17-32)
K.W.1 Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to compose
opinion pieces in which they tell a
reader the topic or the name of the
book they are writing about and state
an opinion or preference about the
topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is
. . .).
(Explain why Modeled Journal Writing
WFTB Expository Manual Pg. 21-43)
K.W.2 Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to compose
informative/explanatory texts in
which they name what they are
writing about and supply some
information about the topic.
(Report Info Modeled Journal Writing
WFTB Expository Manual Pg. 37-347)
With guidance and support from
adults, produce functional writing
(e.g., classroom rules, experiments,
notes/messages, friendly letters, labels,
graphs/tables) in which the
development and organization are
appropriate to task and purpose.
(WFTB Expository Manual Pg. 319-330
& 445-446)
W1:HI-2: writing expository
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W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include
ELP/AZCCRS Writing Pacing Guide Correlation
responses using simple
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
spelling to describe, explain, or
W1:HI-3: writing to provide
directions or information related
to real world tasks using simple
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
K.W.8 With guidance and support
from adults, recall information from
experiences or gather information
from provided sources to answer a
W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include
sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express
W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include
sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W1:HI-3: writing to provide
directions or information related to
real world tasks using simple
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
W1:HI-5: responding to literary
selections by writing simple
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
on ideas independently by
drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers.
(e.g., storyboard)
W1:HI-2: writing expository
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
responses using simple
writing a draft for a specific
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic purpose.
spelling to describe, explain, or
W1:HI-5: responding to literary
selections by writing simple
W3:HI-1: generating or
expanding on ideas
independently by drawing
pictures and using key
K.W.7 Participate in shared research
and writing projects (e.g., explore a
number of books by a favorite author
and express opinions about them).
W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include
Glendale Elementary School District 2/8/2016
sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
on ideas independently by
drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers.
(e.g., storyboard)
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
writing a draft for a specific
K.W.7 Participate in shared research
and writing projects (e.g., explore a
number of books by a favorite author
and express opinions about them).
W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include
sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W1:HI-3: writing to provide
directions or information related to
real world tasks using simple
sentences that include sight
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W1:HI-3: writing to provide
directions or information related to
real world tasks using simple
sentences that include sight words,
CVC words, and phonetic spelling.
W1:HI-4: writing friendly letters or
thank you notes using simple
sentences that include sight words,
CVC words, and phonetic spelling.
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
on ideas independently by drawing
pictures and using key vocabulary
in graphic organizers. (e.g.,
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
writing a draft for a specific
W3:HI-4: experimenting with
reviewing the draft for errors in
conventions including left to right,
return sweep, capital letters at the
beginning of sentences and names,
spaces between words, and ending
W3:HI-5: finalizing an original piece
of writing for an intended audience.
ELP/AZCCRS Writing Pacing Guide Correlation
vocabulary in graphic
organizers. (e.g., storyboard)
sight words, CVC words, and
phonetic spelling to express ideas.
words, CVC words, and phonetic
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
writing a draft for a specific
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W1:HI-4: writing friendly letters or
thank you notes using simple
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
W1:HI-3: writing to provide
directions or information related to
real world tasks using simple
sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
W1:HI-5: responding to literary
selections by writing simple
K.SL.4 Describe familiar people,
places, things, and events and, with
prompting and support, provide
additional detail.
K.L.1.a Print many upper- and
lowercase letters.
W1:HI-4: writing friendly letters or
K.L.2.a Capitalize the first word in a thank you notes using simple
sentences that include sight
sentence and the pronoun I.
words, CVC words, and phonetic
K.L.2.b Recognize and name end
W1:HI-5: responding to literary
selections by writing simple
K.L.2.c Write letter or letters for
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
most consonant and short-vowel
on ideas independently by
sounds (phonemes).
drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers.
K.L.5.a Sort common objects into
(e.g., storyboard)
categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to
gain a sense of the concepts the
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
categories represent.
writing a draft for a specific
W3:HI-5: finalizing an original
piece of writing for an intended
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
on ideas independently by
drawing pictures and using key
vocabulary in graphic organizers.
(e.g., storyboard)
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
writing a draft for a specific
W3:HI-5: finalizing an original
piece of writing for an intended
K.L.1.c Form regular plural nouns
orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog,
dogs; wish, wishes)
K.L.1.e Use the most frequently
occurring prepositions (e.g. from,
out, by, with).
K.L.5.b Demonstrate understanding
of frequently occurring verbs and
adjectives by relating them to the
Glendale Elementary School District 2/8/2016
K.W.8 With guidance and support
from adults, recall information from
experiences or gather information
from provided sources to answer a
W1:HI-1: writing narratives using
simple sentences that include sight
words, CVC words, and phonetic
spelling to express ideas.
W1:HI-2: writing expository
responses using simple sentences
that include sight words, CVC
words, and phonetic spelling to
describe, explain, or inform.
W1:HI-5: responding to literary
selections by writing simple
W3:HI-1: generating or expanding
on ideas independently by drawing
pictures and using key vocabulary
in graphic organizers. (e.g.,
W3:HI-2: experimenting with
writing a draft for a specific
K.L.1.f Produce and expand complete
sentences in shared language activities.
ELP/AZCCRS Writing Pacing Guide Correlation
K.L.1.b Use frequently occurring
nouns and verbs.
K.L.1.e Use the most frequently
occurring prepositions (e.g. to, in, on,
off, for, of)
K.L.2.d Spell simple words
phonetically, drawing on knowledge
of sound-letter relationships.
K.L.5.d Distinguish shades of meaning
among verbs describing the same
general action (e.g. walk, march,
strut, prance) by acting out the
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opposites (antonyms).
K.L.5.c Identify real-life connections
between words and their use (e.g.
note places at school that are
ELP/AZCCRS Writing Pacing Guide Correlation
ELP Gap Standards
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
W2:HI-1: writing legibly and with
correct formation all of the lower
case and upper case letters of
the alphabet.
Clock: a, c, g, o, s, f
Line: m, t, i, h, w, n, e, p, u
W2:HI-1: writing legibly and with
correct formation all of the lower
case and upper case letters of the
Clock: d, qu
Line: b, j, k, l, r, v, x, y, z
W2:HI-5: using a capital letter at
the beginning of sentences and
proper nouns.
W2:HI-4: using capital letters to
write student’s own first and last
W2:HI-2: applying letter-sound
relationships to write simple CVC
words and attempt more complex
W2:HI-9: using prompt, write
simple declarative sentences
(e.g., S-V, S-V-C) with subjectverb agreement.
W2:HI-8: using the placing of
spaces between words.
W2:HI-10: writing yes/no
questions beginning with “to be”.
W2:HI-7: using left to right
directionality in writing.
Quarter 3
W2:HI-6: using ending
W2:HI-11: using interrogative
sentences in a variety of writing
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Quarter 4