Ch 6 Skeleton Practice Test Key 1. The functions of the skeletal

Ch 6 Skeleton Practice Test Key
1. The functions of the skeletal system include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. support and protection
b. movement and leverage
C. transport of materials via its fluid matrix
d. blood cell production
e. storage of minerals
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #1
Type: Knowledge
2. The skeletal system helps maintain homeostasis by
a. acting as a calcium buffer and storage site.
b. acting as a phosphate buffer and storage site.
c. acting as an energy buffer and storage site.
d. acting as a blood cell production site.
E. All of these aid in maintaining homeostasis.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #3
Type: Comprehension
3. Bones are a type of
a. cartilage.
b. epithelial tissue.
c. muscle tissue.
D. connective tissue.
e. multi-cellular membrane.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #5
Type: Knowledge
4. The extracellular matrix of tendons and ligaments is made up of
A. primarily collagen fibers.
b. collagen and minerals.
c. collagen and proteoglycan
d. osteocytes.
e. chondrocytes.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #8
Type: Knowledge
5. During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length is the
a. medullary cavity.
b. marrow.
C. epiphyseal plate.
d. endosteum.
e. periosteum.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #9
Type: Knowledge
6. Compact bone consists of cells called osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix called
a. lamellae.
b. haversian canals.
c. canaliculi.
D. lacunae.
e. medullary cavities.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #12
Type: Knowledge
7. In compact bone, a haversian canal, with the lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it are called
a. lacunae.
B. osteon.
c. canaliculi.
d. cancellous bone.
e. medullary cavities.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #13
Type: Knowledge
8. The periosteum
a. contains blood vessels and nerves.
b. contains osteoblasts.
c. is composed of dense connective tissue.
d. covers the outer surface of bones.
E. All of these are correct.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #17
Type: Knowledge
9. Which of the following pathways correctly follows the flow of nutrients needed by the
osteocytes in compact bone?
a. Osteocytes  lucane  blood vessels in central canals  diffusion through the canaliculi 
blood vessels in periosteum & endosteum  general circulation
b. Osteocytes  lucane  diffusion through the canaliculi  blood vessels in central canals 
blood vessels in periosteum & endosteum  general circulation
c. Blood vessels in central canals  blood vessels in periosteum & endosteum  diffusion
through the canaliculi  lucane  osteocyte
D. Blood vessels in periosteum & endosteum  blood vessels in central canals  diffusion
through the canaliculi  lucane  osteocyte
e. Blood vessels in periosteum  direct diffusion through the hard, ossified matrix  osteocyte
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #19
Type: Knowledge
10. After _____ (bone forming cells) become completely surrounded by bone matrix, they are
called _____ (mature bone cells).
a. osteocytes, osteoblasts
b. osteoblasts, osteoclasts
c. osteoclasts, osteoblasts
D. osteoblasts, osteocytes
e. osteocytes, osteoclasts
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #21
Type: Knowledge
11. Which of the following bones were likely produced through endochondral ossification?
A. femur
b. frontal
c. parietal
d. temporal
e. None of these bones were formed through endochondral ossification.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #25
Type: Knowledge
12. The two bones of the skull in which teeth are located are the
A. maxilla and mandible.
b. zygomatic and mandible.
c. maxilla and zygomatic.
d. maxilla and frontal.
e. frontal and mandible.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #29
Type: Knowledge
13. Which two bones contribute to the nasal septum?
a. vomer and maxilla
b. vomer and sphenoid
c. maxillary and palatine
D. vomer and ethmoid
e. ethmoid and sphenoid
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #31
Type: Knowledge
14. The palate
a. separates the nasal cavity from the mouth.
b. consists of a hard palate and a soft palate.
c. is a point of attachment for tongue muscles.
d. is formed by the palatine and sphenoid bones.
E. both separates the nasal cavity from the mouth and consists of a hard palate and a soft palate.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #34
Type: Knowledge
15. Which of these vertebrae is NOT correctly matched with their identifying characteristics?
a. thoracic vertebrae — articular facets for ribs
B. lumbar vertebrae — transverse foramina in transverse processes
c. atlas — articulates with occipital condyles
d. axis — allows lateral motion as in shaking one's head "no"
e. sacrum — has sacral hiatus and sacral promontory
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #37
Type: Comprehension
16. Given these structures:
1) body
2) jugular notch
3) manubrium
4) xiphoid process
Arrange the structures in the correct order from superior to inferior as they occur in the sternum.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 3, 2, 4
c. 2, 1, 3, 4
D. 2, 3, 1, 4
e. 3, 1, 2, 4
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #40
Type: Comprehension
17. Fibrous joints between the bones of the skull are called
A. sutures.
b. synovial joints.
c. gomphoses.
d. cartilaginous joints.
e. syndesmoses
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #48
Type: Knowledge
18. Which of these statements about synovial joints is correct?
a. Articular cartilage covers articular surfaces of bones.
b. Synovial joints contain synovial fluid.
c. The synovial membrane may extend as a pocket or sac, called a bursa.
d. The joint cavity is enclosed by a joint capsule.
E. All of the statements are correct.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #49
Type: Knowledge
19. You turn the doorknob clockwise with your right hand to open the door. The movement your
hand makes would be called
a. extension.
b. flexion.
c. adduction
d. pronation.
E. supination.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #51
Type: Application
20. Which of these bones touches all of the others?
a. frontal
b. temporal
C. sphenoid
d. parietal
e. maxillary
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #52
Type: Comprehension
21. John Flashback was running downfield with the football. As he tried to avoid a tackle, he
stepped in a hole and his foot was twisted under him with great force. The X-ray shows a
"broken ankle". The structure that is most likely broken is the
a. calcaneus bone.
b. the patella.
c. a bone in the second metatarsal.
D. the lateral malleolus of the fibula.
e. the head of the fibula.
Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #56
Type: Application
22. Vertebrae are best classified as
a. long bones.
b. short bones.
c. flat bones.
D. irregular bones.
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #60
Type: Comprehension
23. A __________ is a term describing a hole found in bone.
a. canal or meatus
b. fissure
c. fossa
d. sinus
E. foramen
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #67
Type: Knowledge
24. There are _______ bones in the human body.
a. 200
B. 206
c. 400
d. 412
e. 602
Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 006 Skeletal... #83
Type: Knowledge
25. The cells that actively break down osseous tissue are
a. osteoblasts
B. osteoclasts
c. osteoprogenitor cells
d. osteocytes