EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE SENATE AND THE PRESIDENT’S CABINET OF THE MARIST COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION ON NOVEMBER 12, 2014 In room 1207 of the Student Center, a joint meeting was held on November 12, 2014 from 11:05am to 11:55am between the Senate and the President’s Cabinet of the Marist College Student Government Association. PRESENT PRESIDENT’S CABINET Christos Pietris– Student Body President Madeline Kachou – Chief Financial Officer David Gunter – Chief Information Officer Samantha Monroe – Chief Public Affairs Officer Mark Soranno – Director of Community Outreach Emily Lubrano – Historian Omar Mahmud – Press Secretary Robert Tognetti – Chief Pollster Tyler Robinson – Director of Safety and Security SENATE Joseph Theall –Senate Speaker Brandon Heard – Pro Tempore Corinne Bruckenthal – Class of 2015 President Elizabeth Peper – Class of 2016 President Mary Katherine Kilgallen – Class of 2017 President JohnMichael Chiriyan – Commuter Senator Ryan Kiggins –Resident Senator Brian Lampert –Resident Senator Gabrielle Revis –Resident Senator OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Recognized new guest: Patricia Cordner. Upon review of the minutes from November 5, 2014, the minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS THANKSGIVING BUS SHUTTLE J. Theall stated that sales are going well so far; however, he was concerned with the shortage on the Boston and New Jersey shuttles. The plan was to state that there was a limited amount of tickets available to push the final sales. Moreover, J. Theall stated that he needed help selling tickets Wednesday and Thursday in the Student Government Office from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. J. Theall stated that a Mar-STU was sent out a few days ago as well as an email to those you signed up during Family Weekend about the shuttles. He stated, if need be tickets will be sold next week to fill the buses. Moreover, he noted that seats for the buses could not be reserved. C. Pietris added that the advertisements should showcase the amount of money students would be saving. TOWN HALL MEETING The Town Hall Meeting will be Sunday in two different locations: 1. The Student Center from 7:00pm and 8:30pm 2. Jazzman’s from 9:00pm to 10:30pm The Town Hall Meeting would be conducted as follows: students would come in and receive a handout of Student Government’s Goals, including the steps that would be taken to achieve said goals. On this handout, students will fill in their opinions and rank the goals based on what they view as most important. Moreover, students who come to the Town Hall Meetings will have an opportunity to speak upon their opinions as well. S. Monroe stated she would need help posting the flyers around campus, and C. Pietris asked everyone to share the event on Facebook. Recognized new guests: Samantha Sprague and Brooke DiPalma. Currently, 100 seats have been reserved for this meeting. J. Theall stated that Student Government may be advertising for the meeting too late to receive a good turnout. M. Kachou added that the event could be done in the Dining Hall, and students could use their CWID numbers would be entered into a raffle as enticement. P. Cordner stated that if the event is done in the Dining Hall, students will know about it and will be enticed to attend the event. She added that even if students don’t come to the town board meeting, they can put their opinions in a comment box and have their voice heard. P. Cordner stated that if Student Government planned on marketing/hosting the event in the Dining Hall, Sodexo would need to be contacted. M. Kachou suggested hosting the meeting next weekend and to leave this week for advertising and preparing. T. Robinson thought it would be better to stick to the original plan in order to give off a good impression with our rebranding. B. Lampert stated that the point of the meeting was to have students there to give their opinions and that Student Government needed to make sure that students would be at the event. C. Pietris moved to vote on whether the Town Hall Meeting should still be held the weekend of November 16, 2014, T. Robinson seconded. TOWN HALL MEETING VERDICT President’s Cabinet and Senate Combined Vote: 6-4-0 The Town Hall Meeting will still be occurring on Sunday, November 16, 2014. Recognized new guest: Samantha Devito and John DiBella. At this point and time, the discussion on the Town Hall Meeting continued. Teams were composed teams whom would go to the Dining Hall during peak hours (6:30pm), and discussed the forms needed to hand out (which would include Student Government goals and an opinion space). In terms of the raffle, it was noted that the prize would most likely come from Rossi’s. LUNCHEON PLANNING C. Pietris announced that the speaker of the luncheon would be Dr. Joanna Myers. She and other faculty members have formed a committee and she will be presenting on the committee and then Student Government members would have an opportunity to ask questions and commence in discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55pm. Executive Assistant: Ariana McCumber