BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques ScientificTechniques Assignment brief – QCF BTEC Assignment front sheet: 4.3 Instruments and Sensors Learner name Target Assessor name D* Ms Fensome Date issued Completion date 11/04/2016 27/05/2016 Submitted on Unit number and title Unit 4: Scientific Practical Techniques Assignment title Instruments and Sensors In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: Task No. Evidence Use instruments/sensors to test substances or materials. P4 Calibration of a microscope and standard operation 1 Calculating the resistance in a circuit investigation 2 Determining the concentration of copper ions in a solution 3 Justify the choice of instruments in the practical exercises. M3 Calibration of a microscope and standard operation 1 Calculating the resistance in a circuit investigation 2 Determining the concentration of copper ions in a solution 3 Evaluate the accuracy of the measurements taken. D3 Calculating the resistance in a circuit investigation 2 Determining the concentration of copper ions in a solution 3 Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Learner signature: Date: 1 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques ScientificTechniques Assignment 4.3 brief Qualification BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit number and title Unit 4: Scientific Practical Techniques Start date 11/04/2016 Deadline 27/05/2016 Assessor name Ms Fensome Assignment title Instruments and Sensors The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate use of a range of practical techniques used in science such as the use of instruments/sensors (e.g. microscope, pH meter, balance, colorimeter, pipette, micrometer screw gouge). Scenario As part of your training, you have been moved into the laboratory which uses simple instruments and sensors. You will learn about the instruments so that you can select which one is the best to use in a given situation. You will then have to recommend the most appropriate instruments to use in certain situations. You must keep accurate records of all your work. Task 1 P4 Use instruments/sensors to test substances or materials. M3 Justify the choice of instruments in the practical exercises. You are going to use a microscope to draw and measure a blood smear. Firstly you must calibrate the ocular eye piece at a magnification of x 100 using a using a stage micrometer. Once you have determined the scale you are to draw and measure a cell under x100. With your drawing you need to submit an explanation of standard operation of how to calibrate a microscope and an observation sheet. Due date: Task 2 This provides evidence for P4 and M3 (part) P4 Use instruments/sensors to test substances or materials. M3 Justify the choice of instruments in the practical exercises. D3 Evaluate the accuracy of the measurements taken. You are going to investigate the resistance in a circuit using a variety of different meters. Before you start you are going to calibrate the experimental set-up using a known resistor. You will be provided with a method. Set up the circuit as shown in the method using an analogue voltmeter and ammeter. Alter the variable resistance and calculate the resistance using the formula R=V/I. Repeat to collect 5 sets of data. Calculate the resistance each time and produce a current/voltage graph of your results. Repeat the investigation using a digital voltmeter and ammeter. Record all your results and produce a current/voltage graph. Once you have finished your investigation you are going to report on your findings and justify which procedure allowed more accurate measurements to be taken. Ensure that you submit your raw data, your results, your report and an observation sheet for the practical. Due date: This provides evidence for P4, M3, D3(part) 2 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Task 3 P4 Use instruments/sensors to test substances or materials. M3 Justify the choice of instruments in the practical exercises. Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques ScientificTechniques D3 Evaluate the accuracy of the measurements taken. In this experiment you are going to compare two methods of calculating the concentration of copper ions in a solution. Firstly you are going to follow a given method and perform a titration to determine the concentration of copper ions with a solution that you have been provided with. During this investigation you will use a top pan balance. Repeat the titration three times in order to take an average and report on the standard operation of using a top-pan balance. Once you have completed the titration you will next determine the concentration of copper ions in your solution using a colorimeter. You will firstly need to calibrate the colorimeter by filling a curvette with distilled water and ensuring that the transmittance is set to 100%. You need to follow the method to determine the concentration of copper ions in the solution and record all of your results. Once you have completed the experiments you need to prepare a written report on your findings. Include a brief method, a full risk assessment, explanation of standard operation on how to use a top-pan balance and the calibration and standard operation of the colorimeter, You need to submit your results and evaluate the accuracy of the two procedures. You need to include a full explanation of the difference in the accuracy of the two pieces of equipment used to measure the same measurement. Make sure that you compare both methods for accuracy. Ensure that you submit an observation form along with your report. Due date: This provides evidence for P4, M3 and D3 (part) Evidence checklist [Summarise evidence required, e.g. ‘leaflet’, ‘presentation notes’ etc.] [tick boxes] Report on the standard operation and use of the microscope, including drawing and observation form. Report on the resistance in a circuit comparing two different meters. Report on the comparison of two different methods to determine the concentration of copper ions in a solution. Sources of information Annets F, Foale S, Hartley J, Hocking S, Hudson L, Kelly T, Llewellyn R, Musa I and Sorensen J – BTEC Level 3 National Applied Science Student Book (Pearson, 2010) ISBN 9781846906800 Coyne G S – The Laboratory Companion: A Practical Guide to Materials, Equipment and Technique (John Wiley & Sons, 2005) ISBN 9780471780861 Dean J R et al – Practical Skills in Chemistry (Prentice Hall, 2001) ISBN 9780130280022 Lawn R and Prichard E – Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guide: Measurement of Mass (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003) ISBN 9780854044634 Prichard E and Lawn R – Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guide: Measurement of Volume (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003) ISBN 9780854044689 A virtual laboratory 3 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques ScientificTechniques This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose Assessor Ms Fensome Signature Internal verifier Signature Date 06/07/2015 Date 06/07/2015 Mrs N Turner-Smith 4 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques ScientificTechniques Assessor's comments Qualification BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Assessor name Unit number and title Unit 4; Scientific Practical Techniques. 4.3 Instruments and sensors Learner name Criteria reference Ms Fensome To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: P3 Use scientific techniques to separate substances including precipitation; crystallisation; filtration; drying; distillation; solvent extraction; chromatography; electrophoresis and centrifugation Use scientific techniques to assess the purity of different substances M2 Discuss the factors influencing purity, D2 Evaluate the accuracy of all the methods chosen to estimate purity. P2 Achieved? Learner feedback Assessor feedback Assessor signature Date Learner signature Date 5