Jan 24th Story - Central in Janesville

January 23rd & 24th, 2015
Large Group
Large Group // Power Up!- Self-Control Week 4
Bible Story: Just Hit Stop (Too much of a good thing) • Proverbs 25:16
Bottom Line: Know when to STOP.
Memory Verse: “A person without self-control is like a city whose walls are broken through.” Proverbs 25:28,
Life App: Self-control—choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 20-25 minutes)
Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a Large
Group setting.
STORYTELLER: “Let’s just hope he wakes up in time to close us out. You know, there’s nothing wrong with
watching your favorite show. That’s a good thing, actually. It’s entertaining and funny. But did you know that it’s
possible to have TOO MUCH of a good thing? It’s true! Sometimes we have to show self-control when it comes
to the things we like. You guys remember our Life App, right—self-control?
CG: Self-Control Slide
“Read it with me.”
STORYTELLER and KIDS: “Self-control is choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.”
STORYTELLER: “That’s right. And last night, I think [Host’s name] should have chosen to go to bed on time,
especially since he had to be here with us today. It reminds me of a verse from one of my favorite books in the
Bible, Proverbs. All month long, we’ve been looking at the book of Proverbs. It’s a book of wise sayings that
were mostly written by a man named Solomon. Solomon was a king who asked God for wisdom and God
made him very, very wise. In fact, Solomon became the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon wrote down the
wisdom God gave him and those wise sayings make up most of the book of Proverbs. And when God Himself
gives us His wisdom, we should read it and follow what it says. Let’s look at the screen and read this week’s
Bible verse.
CG: Proverbs 25:16 Slide
“‘If you find honey, eat just enough. If you eat too much of it, you will throw up.’ (NIrV) See? Honey is yummy.
It’s sweet and delicious. I really enjoy honey. But too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing. Too much
honey will make you throw up, just like too much of your favorite TV show could make you act like a crazy
person on stage.”
Note: Stage directions for Storyteller are written right into the
script. They are meant for Storyteller to do while he is telling the
story. He doesn’t need to stop every time and do the action
described—just do them naturally as part of the story.
STORYTELLER: “Let me tell you guys a quick story that will teach us how to [Bottom Line] know when to
STOP. That’s our Bottom Line, by the way.”
CG: Bottom Line Side
January 23rd & 24th, 2015
Large Group
[Bottom Line] “Know when to STOP. So, there once was a dog named Rogue. (Hold up stuffed animal dog.)
Rogue was a fuzzy-furred, long-eared Labra-sam-aussie-shoodle dog. Which really meant he was a mutt.”
STORYTELLER: “Rita the Redhead, on the other hand, was human—a human with red hair. Rita the Redhead
and Rogue did everything together. They ran outside together. (Run in place with dog.) They napped together.
(Hug dog and snore.) They even ate their meals together. (Sit down and place dog in front of doggy bowl. Take
out a slice of chocolate cake.) Rita the Redhead and Rogue were best friends.”
STORYTELLER: “One day, Rita the Redhead and Rogue were eating. Dessert for Rogue was a doggy biscuit.
Dessert for Rita the Redhead was chocolate cake. But Rita the Redhead was too full to eat all her cake. She
decided to put it away for later. And then Rita went to bed. You can probably guess what happened next. While
Rita was sleeping, Rogue started sniffing the chocolate cake.
(Put stuffed dog beside cake.) “Rogue started off with just a small lick of chocolate cake. He thought it was
yummy. So he had a nibble of the cake … then another nibble … then a big bite. Then, before he knew it,
Rogue had eaten an entire piece of chocolate cake!”
STORYTELLER: “The next morning, Rita the Redhead woke up to the strangest smell—the worst smell. In
bed beside her was Rogue … only his hair had chocolate throw-up all over it! Rogue had gotten sick from the
chocolate cake. He was SO sick that Rita the Redhead rushed Rogue to the vet right away. You see,
chocolate is not good for dogs. In fact, too much chocolate can actually POISON a dog! Luckily, Rogue had
vomited up a lot of the cake and he was okay, but Rita the Redhead learned to never leave her desserts out
again. And Rogue learned that too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing. In fact, it’s a really, really bad
thing. And it’s very important to know when to stop.”
STORYTELLER: “Remember our verse for today?
CG: Proverbs 25:16 Slide
“‘If you find honey, eat just enough. If you eat too much of it, you will throw up.’ (NIrV) Now that’s pretty funny
verse, isn’t it? But this truth from Proverbs totally applies when it comes to the choices we make, because if we
don’t have self-control, we can really get ourselves in trouble. God wants to protect us from those
Let’s check out this video.
CG: Bottom Line Slide
“So we’ve got to [Bottom Line] know when to STOP! All of us have things that we like to do that are great
when you do them just enough, but we can get carried away, and when we do too much of those things, it can
get us into trouble.
“But here’s the great thing! We can ask God for His wisdom. We can ask Him to help us say, ‘STOP.’ That can
be a hard thing to do, but it will definitely help you to grow into the kind of person God wants you to be. Let’s
pray and ask God for help right now.”
January 23rd & 24th, 2015
Large Group
STORYTELLER: “God, thank You for giving us truths like this one to help remind us that too much of a good
thing is a bad thing. Thank You for reminding us that we need to know when to stop. Help us to show selfcontrol. Help us to be like cities that are safe—cities with strong walls. We ask these things in Jesus’ name,