Miss Myers* 8th Grade Art

Student Name:
Miss Myers’ 8th Grade Art
Sketchbook and Art Criticism
8th Grade
What do I need to bring in from home?
Course Fee: $5
Due: ____________________
If there is any reason that you cannot pay the fee or need more time to pay, please bring a note from home or see me
ASAP. This fee is used only to purchase materials that you actually take home again with you such as paper, paint, clay,
About 8th Grade Art
This is a required course that is designed to introduce the basic elements of art and principles of design. It helps
students become aware of their artistic capabilities, to develop positive attitudes, and to encourage creative thinking
skills. Students explore the creative process of visual arts while working with a variety of art media. Students also study
possible art careers, learn art history, practice art criticism, and learn art aesthetics.
What will I have to do in this class?
In class mini-assignments:
o Complete small-scale projects, sketches or worksheets that teach skills needed to complete larger projects.
o Sketch book assignments the first 15 minutes of each class.
Major projects:
o Watch demonstrations of how to use media, learn the skills and language used for describing the processes.
o Create an ORIGINAL artwork (not a rehashing of the teacher’s example or an old project that you made before you
took this class).
Tests/Mid-Term/Final Exam:
o You will be tested in the vocabulary and skills that you learned in each assignment.
o The final is cumulative and counts as 1/5 of your overall grade for the course.
How Will I be Graded?
70% Major Projects
10% Tests/Quizzes
20% Sketchbook Assignments/Classroom Participation
What should I do if I need something from you?
o If you need a progress report signed: show it to me and place it on my desk at the beginning of class.
o If you need help in class: sign up on the help sheet, keep trying to solve your own problem, follow the “3 before me”
o Ask to speak to me in the hall.
Art Room Rules
$5.00 Course Fee Due By:__________________
Every Day:
 Be on time, put your books on the shelf, and sit in your assigned seat.
 Have a pass to enter or leave the room during class time.
 Follow directions.
Do not touch materials or equipment unless you have permission.
Be respectful of other people at all times.
During Demonstrations:
 Flip to the assigned page in your workbook or packet.
 QUIETLY, pay attention. Do not play with the equipment or materials. Do not distract other people.
During Studio Time:
Do your own work and do not distract other people.
Use tools correctly and put them back where they belong when you are done with them.
 Clean up after yourself.
During Tests:
Use a pencil. No passes. No talking.
Hand in the exam when the teacher asks.
See student handbook/planner pages: _____
Good Behavior Privileges: choose your own seat, mini-project days, or other special privileges.
Poor Individual Behavior Consequences: assigned seat, hallway discussions, calls home, detention,
referrals or removal from the class.
Poor Group Behavior Consequences: assigned seats, group discussions, loss of freedom in project choices or
other privilege loss.
Pass Rules:
Be prepared to explain where you want to go and why you want to go there. The teacher then will
decide if you may leave the room on a case-by-case basis.
Passes are a privilege not a student right. Do not plan to use my class as your daily lav or locker or
guidance break.
Every student in this room is equal. No one has special privileges.
You will have trouble with some of the work we do in this room. It is up to you to sign up for help to
wait your turn patiently. Students will be seen in the order that they are signed up unless the teacher
determines otherwise.
Creating artwork can be frustrating. Each of you will occasionally have a bad day. You may not take bad
days out on other people. Ask for a pass if you need to leave because you have a problem.
No disrespectfulness is acceptable.
I understand the classroom rules:
8th Grade Art Classroom Rules
1. I will sit in my assigned seat when the bell rings.
2. When class begins each day, I will get out my Sketchbook and work on the assigned
3. I should stay in my assigned seat and work. I will not walk around the room, stand, or sit
at other tables.
4. I will complete all directions and steps expected of me each class.
5. I will clean up my work area and not leave out supplies or materials.
6. I will act appropriately with art materials and artwork. I will not throw anything, tear,
draw on, spit on, step on, laugh at, hit or crumple any one’s art work…..including my
Consequence: teacher detention or referral.
7. If at any time, I show that I am not able to handle the work being done, I will be
assigned book work (reading and writing essay) to complete for a project grade and
parents will be notified.
I understand poor individual behavior consequences are:
First Verbal Warning
Second Verbal Warning and seat moved
Call home/Detention
Removal from class
Sign your name with today’s date at the bottom that you understand the Art
Room Rules!
New York State Art Standards
Copied and Format Simplified from the Accelerate U Website
Standard 1
Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Arts
Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music,
theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts.
Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, and metaphors. Students
will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own
ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use
appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.
4A Students create a collection of art work, in a variety of mediums, based on instructional assignments and individual
and collective experiences to explore perceptions, ideas, and viewpoints (a).
4B Students create art works in which they use and evaluate different kinds of mediums, subjects, themes, symbols,
metaphors, and images (b).
4C Students demonstrate an increasing level of competence in using the elements and principles of art to create art
works for public exhibition [c].
4D Students reflect on their developing work to determine the effectiveness of selected mediums and techniques for
conveying meaning and adjust their decisions accordingly (d).
Standard 2
Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources
Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the
arts in various roles.
Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes. Students will know about
resources and opportunities for participation in visual arts in the community (exhibitions, libraries, museums, galleries)
and use appropriate materials (art reproductions, slides, print materials, electronic media). Students will be aware of
vocational options available in the visual arts
4A Students select and use mediums and processes that communicate intended meaning in their art works, and exhibit
competence in at least two mediums (a).
4B Students use the computer and electronic media to express their visual ideas and demonstrate a variety of
approaches to artistic creation (b).
4C Students interact with professional artists and participate in school and community-sponsored programs by art
organizations and cultural institutions [c].
4D Students understand a broad range of vocations/avocations in the field of visual arts, including those involved with
creating, performing, exhibiting and promoting art (d).
Standard 3
Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art
Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to
other aspects of human endeavor and thought.
Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate works of art, using the language of art criticism. Students will analyze the
visual characteristics of the natural and built environment and explain the social, cultural, psychological, and
environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will compare the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes, and
concepts are expressed through the visual arts with the ways they are expressed in other disciplines.
4A Students use the language of art criticism by reading and discussing critical reviews in newspapers and journals and
by writing their own critical responses to works of art (either their or those of others) (a).
4B Students explain the visual and other sensory qualities in art and nature and their relationship to the social
environment (b).
4C Students analyze and interpret the ways in which political, cultural, social, religious, and psychological concepts and
themes have been explored in visual art [c].
4D Students develop connections between the ways ideas, themes, and concepts are expressed through the visual arts
and other disciplines in everyday life (d).
Standard 4
Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts
Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how
the arts in turn shape the divers cultures of past and present society.
Students will explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art
plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual
characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural, and environmental
dimensions of human society.
4A Students analyze works of art from diverse world cultures and discuss the ideas, issues, and events of the culture
that these works convey (a).
4B Students examine works of art and artifacts from United States cultures and place them within a cultural and
historical context (b).
4C Students create art works that reflect a variety of cultural influences [c].
Elements of Art:
CLaSS F TV “Elements are easy”
1. Shape:
Organic Shape:
Geometric Shape:
2. Line:
3. Form:
4. Texture:
5. Color:
6. Space:
7. Value:
Principles of Design:
BRRUVE MC “Principles are a pain to explain”
1. Balance:
2. Repetition:
3. Rhythm:
4. Unity
5. Variety:
6. Emphasis:
7. Movement:
8. Contrast:
How to FRET
Art Criticism:
Throughout the year you will look at different famous artworks and your own
artworks and discuss them using art terms. To make this easier for you to do well
we will use the FRET method.
You will do this at the beginning and end of every project, on the midterm and on
your final exam.
Formal properties: look for the elements and principles of design. List and
explain at least 2 of each.
Representational properties: consider the things or ideas represented by
the artwork. What does it remind you of? Why?
Expressive properties: what does the work express? (A feeling or thought.)
Why do you think this?
Technical properties: what technique(s) were used by the artist? What is
the work made of?
Think of as many DIFFERENT LINES as you can!
Copy Line Designs
The Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh (Dutch,
Saint Rémy, June 1889. Oil on canvas,
29 x 36 1/4" (73.7 x 92.1 cm). Acquired
through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
This principle is shown by:
Try to make as many types of lines
as you can.
Repeat each type of line several
Try all types of lines: wavy, curly,
jagged, dashes, fat, thin, etc.
Fill your page with as many lines as
you can.
create your design
Solomon R. Guggenheim
Frank Lloyd Wright
New York, 1943-1959
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Unlike the expressive, directional lines are
very precise. Lines should all be the same
thickness. These lines look as if they are
bending and overlapping. This is not "free"
like expressive lines) but calculated constant,
and even.
Start anywhere on your paper. Move
in a certain direction. stop and begin
in a new direction
Keep lines in a group the same
distance apart.
Try to go in every direction at least
“The City”
Fernand Leger
1919. Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
"Related Phrase"
Illustrate a two-word phrase using drawings of
objects related to its meaning.
--- tool shed --- race car --- field goal ----- wild cat ------- text book --- bike path ----- high jump --- hot dog ------ mind meld --- chemistry lab ------- musical instrument ----
Remember to center by placing the
middle letters in the middle of the lines
Fill up the space! Add color! Shade for 3-D
effects! Use your imagination. Originality will
give you more points.
The Sleeping Gypsy
Henri Rousseau
(French, 1844-1910)
1897. Oil on canvas, 51" x 6' 7"
(129.5 x 200.7 cm). Gift of Mrs.
Simon Guggenheim
Formal Properties:
 One element used by the
artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Blind Contour
Learning to draw accurately depends on many hours of practicing the skill of coordinating your visual skills
with your drawing hand, until your eyes and hand work together effortlessly. This fun project enhances your
observation skills by encouraging you to very closely examine your subject. In essence, you draw by looking
only at your drawing subject, rather than your subject and your pencil and paper.
BONUS POINTS!!! What is the difference between an organic shape and a geometic shape? Draw a small example of
Reliquary guardian figure (mbulu-ngulu)
“Kota”, Gabon
19th or early 20th Century
Wood, copper, iron, and brass
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was:
This element is seen by:
Another element used by the artist was:
This element is seen by:
One principle used by the artist was:
This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Upside-Down Drawing
Draw the image below exactly how it lays (the image is upside down)
Scale – Your drawing should take up the entire rectangle and should touch
the edges.
Line – Use pencil only, do not shade.
Focus – Draw with your eyes not with your mind.
“Red Room (Harmony in Red)”
Henri Matisse, 1908-1909
Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Shading Exercises
“Unique Forms of Continuity In Space”
Umberto Boccioni,1913 (cast in 1931)
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Stippling (USING DOTS) Exercises
“Melancholy and Mystery if a Street”
Giorgio de Chirico, 1914
Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Shiny things Sketching and Drawing
Pay attention to the high contrast areas of the metal. Rendering these makes the object appear shiny.
Look closely at your subject for the first 3 minutes.
Pay attention to what you really see and not what you think you see.
Now draw only the projected image and shade using blended shading techniques. DO NOT SMUDGE!
“Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying”
Kazimir Malevich, 1915
Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
Shade the provided images to create the illusion that they are 3D.
Andy Goldsworthy
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
DAY 11
Drawing Hands
Learning to draw hands is easier than it seems, as though they are complex forms, they become less daunting by simplifying the
shapes. The formulaic approach to drawing hands using circles and ovals is helpful to start with, but the shapes needed will change
according to the position of the hand, so it is much better to train your eye to see what is required. It can help to see each part of the
finger as a short cylinder, depicted with an oval overlapping the next to form the joint, but from there the subtle variations of shape
must be built up.
1. Rough in the overall form.
Imagine the hand is encased in a tight mitten, and sketch the basic shape formed by the hand and fingers. Mark the imaginary lines
through the joints.
2. Form the fingers.
Observing carefully the shape of the space between them, draw and check the relative size and
placement of the fingers and thumb.
3. Refine the drawing.
Indicate the main visible creases, especially where the thumb folds into the hand. Refine contour
lines defining the palm and thumb.
4. Describe the form with tone.
Here some rough shading is added to bring out the form of hand. Once you have the basic form
down, try more subtle shading, and observe the fine lines and visible veins.
In this example some fingers are partially hidden. Draw the closest
finger first and allow the others to sit in behind it, drawing only the
portion you can see, or lightly indicating the hidden lines to help judge
Practice with your own hand, but try closing one eye to avoid seeing from a different angle with each eye (try it and see!)
Keep your drawing consistent with the rest of the figure. If you've used a fairly free approach, then don't overwork; if you
have thoroughly worked the figure, give the same attention to the hands.
Try to have interesting or 'friendly' poses, resting on a surface or holding an object. Avoid interlaced fingers.
Become familiar with the underlying anatomy.
Post a small example on the forum for feedback!
Veins and tendons often show as lighter areas. (A study after Michelangelo)
Draw your hand in three different positions in blind contour line.
“The Kiss”
Gustav Klimt, 1907-1908
Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _________________________________________________________
This element is seen by: _________________________________________________________
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
 One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
 This principle is shown by:
 Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
DAY 12
Special note: If you know how to
letter in another language/alphabet,
include that as a style, too!
Must do's:
Fill the page with a variety of
lettering styles. Be creative! Find a
poem - a favorite song - a list of
favorite sayings - your favorite
things Perhaps start with pencil (very
light) then move to markers or
colored pencil
Perhaps divide your page into
separate shapes, perhaps use
Include color
Fill the page
Have five or more styles
Ken Price (American,
born 1935)
1995. Synthetic polymer paint on fired
clay, 17 x 23 x 18 1/2" (43.2 x 58.4 x
47 cm). Gift of Edward R. Broida. ©
2009 Ken Price
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
This principle is shown by:
Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
DAY 13
"All the Letters in Your Name"
Start: At any place on your page - this example started at the lower left. Draw the first letter (from
your name) with an outline shape (lower case letters are the most interesting.)
Before you draw the second letter, turn it, so that it creates interesting negative shapes.
Let the letters touch each other in order to close off more of the negative spaces.
Fill your page, adding and turning letters, and creating interesting negative spaces between them
Georgia Ram’s Head. Georgia O’Keefe.
Oil on Canvas
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
This principle is shown by:
Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
DAY 14
Hand Fully Shaded
Look closely at your subject for the first 3 minutes.
Pay attention to what you really see and not what you think you see.
Now draw and fully shade a drawing of your hand.
Self-Portrait, Chuck Close (American, born 1940)
1997. Oil on canvas, 8' 6" x 7' (259.1 x 213.4 cm).
Formal Properties:
One element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
Another element used by the artist was: _____________________________
This element is seen by:
One principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
This principle is shown by:
Another principle used by the artist was: _____________________________
Representational Properties:
This artwork reminds me of:
It reminds me of the above because:
Expressive Properties:
This artwork expresses a _________________________ feeling to me.
I think this because: _________________________________________________________________________________
Technical Properties:
This artwork is made of materials like: __________________________________________________________
DAY 15
ANOTHER Hand Fully Shaded
Look closely at your subject for the first 3 minutes.
Pay attention to what you really see and not what you think you see.
Now draw and fully shade a drawing of your hand.
Self Evaluation
Flip through this sketchbook and art criticism book. On a scale of 1-10 rate how well YOU think you did this semester.
Hardly any effort
Tried my absolute best
Explain your effort this semester in Art 8:
Explain the strengths you found within this class:
Explain the weaknesses you found within this class:
Most beneficial:________________________________________
Least beneficial:________________________________________
Miss Myers’ Comments:
Sketchbook and Art Criticism Grade: