EYES Clear, bright, shiny Watch out for; Excessive discharge, redness, keeping eye closed, third eyelid across, excessive blinking EARS NOSE Clean, free of discharge/waxy buildup Clear, free from discharge, doesn’t need to be wet to be healthy! Watch out for; Itching/scratching, shaking head, smelly, waxy build-up, wounds, cuts/scratches Watch out for; Runny nose, discharge, excessive sneezing TAIL No lumps and bumps, no pain Watch out for; Lumps/bumps, cuts/bruises, difficulty wagging, licking TESTES/VAGINA Males: both descended by 5 months Females: First season can be anywhere from 5 months depending on breed. Season begins with clear discharge for 7-10 days followed by bloody discharge for 7-10 days. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything wrong with your dog’s eyes Watch out for; Males: undescended testes (Contact your vet) Females: discharge or swelling (when not in season) MOUTH PENIS/URETHRA/ANUS Clean, clear, free of faeces Clean teeth, pink gums (or black if pigmented), free from foreign material Watch out for; Bleeding gums (normal when teething), broken/wobbly teeth, smelly breath, foreign material, bright red gums, pale or blue-ish gums, over-salivation Call your vet immediately if your dog has blueish or very pale gums, or is having difficulty breathing. Watch out for; Discharge, difficulty toileting, scooting, urine scalding URINE/FAECES Faeces: well-formed, no difficulty passing. Urine: clear, no blood, easily passed. Normal/healthy Watch out for; Faeces: blood, mucous, foreign material, diarrhoea, difficulty passing Urine: difficulty urinating, smelly, cloudy, bloody, increased urination. Watch out for: Alert/speak to vet LEGS/PAWS Please note: This health check information sheet is meant as a guide only and should not be a substitute for seeking advice from your vet. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s health, contact your vet immediately. SKIN AND COAT Shiny coat, no redness/soreness of the skin , no fur loss. Watch out for; Lumps/bumps, cuts/bruises, dry skin, fur loss, matted fur, fleas, ticks, Make a note of the date you first notice any lumps or bumps. This is important diagnostic information for your vet. Smooth, painless, nothing between the toes, claws not too long Watch out for; Lumps/bumps, cuts/bruises, limping, licking paws, broken claws, foreign material