FAMILY COUNCIL MEETING – 06-19-14 FAMILY MEMBERS PRESENT: Lloyd Hackbart, Phyllis Zocher, Jo Carpentier, Sue Voelz, Andrea Fischer, Sandy Ewan, Linda English, Lenore English, Terry Benzinger, Lynda Honsa, Dennis Fox, Earleen Fox, Beverly Hassel – Volunteer Ombudsman RESIDENTS PRESENT: Lu Benzinger, Dorothy Plamann STAFF PRESENT: Lisa Gervais, Sara Sedo, Mary Klade, Deb Kohler, Karen Larsen, Irene Wedemeyer, AGENDA: 1. Sara Sedo welcomed everyone and introduced staff members. 2. Deb Kohler, Dietitian, talked about dietary changes and gave update on the dining changes that happened in July. Residents now select their menu items at the table. The resident gets served very quickly. There has been less food waste and residents are eating more. The Fall/Winter menus will be coming out on October 19th. They will have different items on the menu like squash and sweet potatoes. On October 1st, there will be a resident BBQ for all residents. They will be served chicken, brats, and corn on the cob cooked on the grill. There has been a resident BBQ every third Wednesday of the month during the summer months. October Fest will be on October 15th. Families, residents and others from the community are encouraged to attend. There will be root beer, sauerkraut and sausages served along with other food items. During the winter months, there will be a Resident Meal of the Month picked by the residents. In November, there will be a baked goods and craft sale. The money raised will go to the Resident Fund. . 3. Kathy Brecke spoke about how billing is done here. She talked about Patient Liability. If a resident is on Medical Assistance, they may be required to pay a patient liability. This is determined by the Northern Income Maintenance Consortium. It is based on income and certain credits subtracted such as for health insurance. The resident gets to keep $45 for his/her personal needs. Kathy also went over the Mission and Vision statements of the facility. Kathy talked about the resident, staff and family surveys that are being conducted. Everyone’s input is very important. Families, who were at the meeting, were given surveys to fill out. The rest of the families will get theirs in the mail. 4. Lisa Gervais, Administrator, talked about the CNA class that NTC will be teaching at Pine Crest. It did start this week and will run until the beginning of December. Pine Crest now has a Facebook Page that is up and running. The Pine Crest Website should go live on September 29th. Information about Pine Crest will be posted such as Activity calendars and dietary menus plus pictures and information about the facility. Next Wednesday, the Department Heads will participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge. Residents, staff and family members were praised for their participation in the Fill the Gazebo Competition. 5. Kathy Weix-Klippel, Family Nurse Practitioner, from the Marshfield Clinic, spoke about Adult Immunizations. She shared the following information: Immunizations are helpful in trying to prevent problems. The types of adult immunizations are flu, pneumovax, zoster and Tdap. 36,000 deaths each year from the flu virus. Immunizations prevent illness and protect others. Some diseases such as small pox and polio have been wiped out due to vaccinations. The flu is a virus. The symptoms are fever, cough, chills, sore throat and body aches. The peak season is January- February. You should receive an immunization one time a year. You should definitely get the flu shot if you are over 65, children and pregnant women. You can get the vaccine by nasal spray or shot. An extra strength shot is recommended for older persons. Immunity takes two weeks to build. Getting the shot earlier is better. Influenza is not nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. It is a respiratory illness. People can die from the complications. Severe reaction to the shot could include: wheezing, swelling of mouth and throat, severe rash. Do not get the shot if you are feeling under the weather. Other reactions are pain at the site, fever and weakness. Pneumovax shot is given to those who are older. If you are over 65, you are at increased risk to get sick from the pneumococcal virus. It can result in death, heart failure, seizures and hospitalizations. Symptoms are fever, chills, cough, chest pain and stiff neck. Those recommended to get the shot are: elderly, nursing home/ CBRF patients, smokers, immunocompromised, and those with no spleen. The vaccine is 60-70% effective. The shot lasts about six years. Reaction to the shot is pain, fever and muscle aches. Shingles or Zoster Vaccine. Shingles is a painful disease. It is a reactivation of the chicken pox virus. It is a painful rash. It is itchy and picky. It is usually on one side of the body. It follows nerve pathways. It can have post neuralgia pain that can last months to years. There are 1 million cases every year. If you get it, an antiviral can help. You can even get the shot after having the shingles as it can prevent reoccurrence. People who should not get it are those with Aids, those on prednisone and chemo and if you are pregnant. Reactions to the shot include redness, soreness, headaches and a mild form of shingles. TD or TDap vaccine. Should get one shot of TDap as an adult as it covers the pertussis or whooping cough. It also covers Tetanus. This is also known as lock jaw. It covers diphtheria. This is a bacterial disease which causes breathing problems and heart failure. You should get the TD shot at least once every 10 years and the TDap at least once as an adult. Severe reactions to the vaccine include: severe allergic reaction, neurological disorders. Normal reactions include: pain, redness, swelling, fever, diarrhea and head ache. Other adult immunizations that are offered are: Hepitis B, Hepitis A, and MMR. You can get your vaccinations at Pine Crest, your local clinics and Lincoln Co. Health Department. Pine Crest offers flu shots to all residents, staff, volunteers and some family members. It is Pine Crest policy that if staff do not get the flu vaccine, they will have to wear a mask from December 1st through March 31st. 6. Families and residents were given the opportunity to ask questions. One family asked about the 90 minute rounding and if it will start again. Lisa said that this may start again in November. Lisa also talked about new hours for CNA’s . The shifts will now be 6-2pm, 2-10pm and 10-6am. This coincides better with activities ending at 3:00pm. This should help provide better resident care. 7. Meeting was adjourned.