SCHEDULE E – INTEGRATED REPORTING INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRIS) IRIS USER POLICY To be completed by each Programme Implementer and returned to the LCDC as part of the Annual Plan requirements which will be outlined to the Programme Implementer in early April 2015. A copy of the suggested user compliance sheet should be uploaded to IRIS and one held on file in the event of an audit. Who does this apply to? This IRIS USER Usage Policy applies to all employees of <INSERT and consortium members (if applicable) > who have access to IRIS and its SharePoint folders to be used in the performance of their work. Use of IRIS by employees of <INSERT or the Consortium > is restricted to licence holders. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary and/or legal action against the SICAP contract holder. All employees are required to acknowledge receipt and confirm that they have understood and agree to abide by the rules hereunder. About IRIS The IRIS application is a customised online CRM application that must be utilised by those implementing the SICAP programme in each LCDC Lot. Accessing IRIS A limited number of licences will be awarded to SICAP Programme Implementers for the purpose of programme implementation and compliance with programme monitoring requirements as specified in the funding agreement. Pobal is not obliged to grant access to any party other than the lead party in the case of a consortium. The IRIS application is accessed via the internet using Internet Explorer 8,-11. It is recommended that IE10 or IE11 be utilised. ). It is the responsibility of the Programme Implementer to ensure that it has the necessary Microsoft software (Windows Vista, 7 or 8) installed to ensure optimum utilisation of the system. Neither Pobal nor the LCDC is responsible for advising on hardware, software and broadband connectivity. A firewall allowing for standard web port 80 or 443 if using IFD is required. It is a requirement that each Programme Implementer will appoint a lead person responsible for quality control and attending training in relation to IRIS at the commencement of the SICAP programme or in relation to any training that might be required as a result of IRIS upgrades in subsequent periods. IRIS User Groups The following organisations have access to the IRIS system. Access is granted in line with the requirements of their role: DECLG programme managers LCDC management /administrators Programme Implementer (Implementing Body IB) finance staff and development workers Pobal development coordinators/team leader The SICAP programme falls under the remit of the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. The Department will have no direct input into the running or management of the SICAP system but may require access to reporting tools. An annual SICAP budget will be allocated by the DECLG to each lot Primary responsibility for co-ordinating, planning and overseeing SICAP funding, the appraisal and on-going implementation of the annual plan) Although the LCDC responsibilities will primarily focus on the initial approval of the annual plan, review progress and make payments to the implementing bodies, the LCDC will be required to provide first line support for the implementing bodies and will therefore require full training on all aspects of the SICAP ICT system Input mid year and annual headline targets for each LCDC/Lot Input LECP objectives Input details of payments to implementing bodies Access reporting system Representatives from the LCDCs will form part of the UAT team Provide IB registration details Develop annual plan and record details including goals, actions, targets and costs Input details in relation to all beneficiaries supported, including profile information, details of all supports and interventions delivered and progression/outcomes On a regular basis capture details of work carried out including outputs and costs incurred On an annual basis input qualitative details on the progress and challenges for each action on the annual plan Access reporting system to generate/review local programme information Representatives from the IBs will form part of the UAT team Review annual headline targets for each LCDC/Lot Carry out technical review of annual plans Review progress on outputs and costs incurred and feed back to the LCDC Provide first line support for the LCDCs and will therefore require full training on all aspects of the SICAP ICT system Access reporting system Representatives from CCSD will form part of the UAT team Pobal monitoring officers/team leader Pobal finance staff/team leader Pobal Management Pobal ICT Support Review completeness/quality of data being captured and feedback any concerns to the LCDCs Provide annual progress reports at a National level for the Department. Provide ad hoc reports as requested Representatives from the Monitoring will form part of the UAT team Financial management co-ordinating and oversight role for SICAP to monitor and review the costs incurred by implementing bodies and ensure that financial guidelines are adhered to Input annual budgets for each Lot Access to key financial reports Access to key reports and information provided as part of annual plan Provide ICT support including system availability and user connectivity issues Security roles Security Role POBAL Management Description Read Only access to all entities at Organisational (global) level. DECLG Read Only access to most entities at Organisational level with create/update access to specific entities such as Notes, Internal Notes etc. LCDC Chairperson Read Only at LCDC level with create/update access to specific entities such as Notes, Internal Notes etc. Read Only access at LCDC level for most entities, with create/write access to some specific entities such as IB Payments, LECP Objectives, Notes, Internal Notes etc. Read Only access at Organisational level for most entities with write access to some specific entities such as Annual Plan Notes and Internal Notes. LCDC Finance / Admin POBAL Development Coordinator POBAL Finance Officers Read Only access at Organisational level for most entities with create/write access to some specific entities such as Annual Plan and create/write access to Notes and LCDC Internal Notes. POBAL Monitoring officers Read Only access at Organisational level for all entities. Create/Write access to Notes and LCDC Internal Notes. IB Finance Create/Write access to most entities and at IB level. No delete access for any entities but ability to Deactivate Create/Write access to all monitoring related entities and Read Only access to financial entities. No delete access for any entities but ability to Deactivate IB Monitoring Good use of licences It is the responsibility of the lead partner to ensure that all reporting requirements and standards requirement are met by any consortium or sub contracted parties. For the purposes of programme monitoring, it is the preferred that the system is utilised on an ongoing basis to ensure that programme reporting dates can be met. With that in mind, it is suggested that IRIS be updated on a daily basis. In cases where it is evident that IRIS is not being utilised by licence holders, Pobal has the right to remove that license. A signed data consent form needs to be uploaded to the system in the case of information pertaining to individual or personal information. A licence may be removed for the following but not limited to these reasons: Clear demonstration that the system has not been accessed and updated by that user for a period greater than 4 weeks. Exception may be made in cases such as sick leave, extended annual holidays etc. Such decisions are at the discretion of Pobal. It is the responsibility of the Programme Implementer to ensure that its reporting obligations can be met in such cases. When Pobal and the LCDC deems that the user has displayed poor ability at utilising the system When a user is found to be no longer in the employment of the contract holder or on special leave such as maternity leave/long term illness. In such cases the contract holder must notify immediately Pobal and the LCDC to ensure that access is restricted immediately. The licence can be reassigned to other nominated staff in such cases. Unacceptable use of IRIS but not limited to Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else's password without authorization Downloading, copying or utilising personal data of SICAP beneficiaries for use outside of programme business Uploading of personal information without the prior written consent of the beneficiary Introducing malicious software onto the company network and/or jeopardizing the security of the IRIS system Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to SICAP purposes or activities User compliance I understand and will abide by the IRIS Usage Policy and am aware of my obligations to ensure that I treat the data contained in the system with confidence. I am also aware of my obligations as set out in my employers data protection policy. I further understand that should I commit any violation of this policy, my access privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken against my employer by the Contracting Authority or Pobal. _________________ Licensee signature ______________ Date