UNIFIED ARTS HANDBOOK 2015-2016 For Elementary School Principals/Teachers VISUAL ART VOCAL MUSIC INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PHYSICAL EDUCATION August 10, 2015 UNIFIED ARTS Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center 546 Jack Gibbs Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43215 Sandee L. Donald, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Telephone: (614)-365-5000 E-mail: sdonald2887@columbus.k12.oh.us Paula Lasley, Unified Arts Supervisor Telephone: (614)-365-5000 E-mail: plasley@columbus.k12.oh.us Betty Hill, Unified Arts Coordinator Telephone: (614)-365-6681, ext. 1404 Fax: (365) 365-5620 E-mail: bhill1228@columbus.k12.oh.us Don Cain, Ph.D, Health, Physical Education and Dance Telephone: (614) 365-6681 Fax: (614)-365-5620 E-mail: dcain7245@columbus.k12.oh.us Gertrude Murray, Secretary Telephone: (614)-365-5024 Fax: (614)-365-4001 E-mail: gmurray@columbus.k12.oh.us Website: http://unifiedarts.columbus.k12.oh.us 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Beginning of the Year page 3 2. Scheduling page 3 3. Special Education Students page 5 4. Student Attendance page 5 5. Report Cards page 5 6. Guidelines for Unified Arts Teacher Absences page 5 7. page 6 Guidelines for Classroom Teacher Absences 8. Duties page 6 9. Budgets page 6 10. Mileage Cards page 6 11. Content Considerations page 7 12. Programs page 7 13. Religious Music Policy page 7 14. Evaluations page 8 15. End of the Year page 8 2 1. BEGINNING OF THE YEAR: Unified Arts teachers will report to their buildings the morning of Monday, August 24th. They will meet at Fort Hayes with their subject areas in the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Please consider that many teachers have new, as well as, multiple buildings. Work with these teachers to determine their teaching schedules in each building. Art, physical education and vocal music teachers should begin teaching as soon as possible, no later than Monday, August 31, 2015. Instrumental music teachers will use the first week of the school year to set their schedules, recruit students, meet with parents, and teach the 5th grade strings students. They will begin teaching no later than Wednesday, September 2, 2015. 2. SCHEDULING: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES As the district moves to 100% implementation of Professional Learning Community participation by all staff, please consider how the unified arts schedules can help facilitate this within your unified arts allocation. In developing the elementary unified arts schedules, please involve your unified arts teacher team in order to prepare schedules that meet the contractual minimum times (see below). Principals and teachers must go to the Reform Panel for a variance in order to make any adjustments in these times. Student allocations fluctuate during the school year. Elementary unified arts teachers with district unallocated time (DU) may be scheduled to teach at other buildings. Unified arts allocation needs across the district will take priority over PLC coverage. Principal collaboration is imperative for the scheduling of art, music, or physical education when teachers are assigned to two schools. Pre-K instruction is not included in unified arts allocations. Pre-K classes are to be taught only during second semester IF there is time in the schedule (20 minutes, once per week). Since not all unified arts teachers are certified to teach Pre-K, the Pre-K teacher MUST remain with class. Unified arts teachers are not expected to provide any report card grades for Pre-K students. According to the Joint Labor Management Committee for Elementary Unified Arts, the following items are to be incorporated into the unified arts scheduling process: School scheduling teams must include unified arts teachers Adequate transition time needs to be built into the schedules, especially for teachers on carts and buildings where physical education is taught in the multipurpose room (10 minutes) Schools that want to make changes in the contractual times stated in the Master Agreement must make their requests to the Reform Panel When there is a possibility that an art or music room might be changed into a classroom because of increased enrollment, principals should involve the unified arts teachers 3 SCHEDULE FORMS Once the art, music, instrumental music and physical education schedules have been determined at your school, complete the attached Schedule form (Addendum #2), sign and return them to the Unified Arts Office Fort Hayes the Art Resource Center. Schedule forms can also be found on the unified arts website at http://unifiedarts.columbus.k12.oh.us/. Schedules will only be accepted on that form. It is important to send these schedules in no later than Friday, September 4, 2015. No additional coverage can be provided without reviewing all schools’ schedules. INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE When possible, provide a room for art and music instruction. It is sometimes possible for an art and music teacher to share a room if they are scheduled to be in your building on different days. If a classroom is unavailable for the art and music teachers, provide a cart, two lockable cabinets, and a desk for each unified arts teacher. In multilevel buildings, carts and cabinets should be provided on each level. ART Kindergarten: Once per week – 30 minutes for a minimum of one semester. Grades 1, 2, 5: Once per week – 60 minutes for a minimum of one semester. Grades 3, 4: Once per week – 60 minutes for a minimum of the full year. If additional teaching time is available, classes should be taught all year long. Kindergarten classes can be increased. Art for grades K, 1, 2 and 5 must be taught at contractual minimums before additional help can be considered. VOCAL MUSIC Kindergarten: Once per week – 30 minutes for a minimum of the full year. Grades 1 – 5: Once per week – 40 minutes for a minimum of the full year. In addition, SELECTED 4th and 5th graders will participate in chorus once a week for 40 minutes all year. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 4th and 5th graders: 30 minute classes twice per week. Classes begin with students no later than Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Principals need to work with instrumental music teachers to facilitate their scheduling. There is a procedure for Elementary Instrumental Music Scheduling (Addendum #1) included in this packet. Instrumental music teachers must submit a complete weekly schedule to each principal of their scheduled buildings on or before Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Principals should review the instrument inventory with the instrumental music teacher. In addition, they should be aware of needed repairs. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, 3: Once per week for 30 minutes all year. Grades 4, 5: Once per week for 40 minutes all year. When more than minimum teaching time is available, class times should be increased. Students should wear rubber soled shoes while participating in physical education. Children cannot participate in flip-flops, shoes with high heels, socks, or bare feet. On day(s) when a physical education teacher is assigned to a school, the multi-purpose room floor should be damp mopped after breakfast and after lunch as soon as possible. 4 3. SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS: Refer to a student’s I.E.P. when making decisions regarding placement in art, music, and physical education. Mainstream special education students per I.E.P. Consider each individual student, rather than the entire class. The principal, special education teacher, classroom teacher, and unified arts teachers should consult on placement of special education students in art, music and physical education classes per I.E.P. Final placement decision is with principal per I.E.P. The following recommendations regarding instruction to students with disabilities are: 1. Mainstream a maximum of 4-5 students with disabilities during one instructional period 2. Mainstream students into a grade level no more than one grade level above/below their current grade to the greatest extent possible per I.E.P. 3. The instructional assistant assigned to ED or MD classrooms may support students during mainstreamed specials depending on the needs of the students 4. STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Classroom teachers cannot withhold students from art, music, chorus, or physical education classes for disciplinary reasons or to complete class assignments. 5. REPORT CARDS: Unified arts teachers are responsible for assigning grades to all students participating in art, music, and physical education classes. Principals should review numbers of choral and instrumental music students to verify grades given on the report cards and check the numbers of participating students against grades before the report cards are distributed. Because of the addition of Infinite Campus for grade reporting, unified arts teachers may complete grades on-line for their students. Teachers that have turned in grades to classroom teachers for grade entry in the past are encouraged to complete their own grades for increased efficiency and accuracy. If unified arts teachers choose to turn in grades to classroom teachers, the grades are to be turned in a timely manner with follow-up with the classroom teacher. 6. GUIDELINES FOR UNIFIED ARTS TEACHER ABSENCES: Contractually, absent teachers are required to make one phone call to report an absence. That call must be to the SEMS Smartfind Express System, otherwise no substitute will be assigned. A substitute must be requested. In Special Instructions teachers must indicate the work location. If principals request teachers to call them; principals in turn must contact SEMS Smartfind Express System on behalf of these teachers. In cases where the unified arts teachers have multiple buildings, the unified arts secretary, (gmurray@columbus.k12.oh.us) will retrieve absences from the SEMS Smartfind Express System and contact the appropriate schools by phone or e-mail. Remember, this procedure affects only teachers assigned to multiple buildings. Upon a teacher’s return, complete an absence form and send to the unified arts secretary in a timely manner. Absence forms for teachers assigned to only one school should be completed at the building and a copy should be forwarded to the Unified Arts secretary. If a unified arts teacher does not report for duty on their assigned day and you have not heard from the Unified Arts secretary please contact SEMS. (365-5078) 5 Reminder: Failure to report an absence properly may result in the day of absence being unapproved and may subject the teacher to possible disciplinary action to confirm the employee’s status. 7. GUIDELINES FOR CLASSROOM TEACHER ABSENCES: If a classroom teacher is absent and a substitute is not assigned, divide the students among other teachers as soon as possible. Students being divided among other teaching staff would continue in their Art, Music and Physical Education classes as normally scheduled. Students should remain with the teacher being compensated when his or her own students are going to Art, Music or Physical Education. Remember unified arts teachers are not compensated when serving additional students. Unified arts teachers should not see the same students more than once a day or week. Please consider class size, student needs, safety issues, and other contributing factors that will impact the specialist’s ability to provide meaningful instruction. If a unified arts teacher is absent and a substitute is not provided, the unified arts teachers will resume the regular schedule upon return. 8. DUTIES: Assign duties according to the number of days an art, music, or physical education teacher is in your building. For example, if an art teacher is assigned to your building for three days, they should receive 3/5ths of a duty schedule. Teachers who have one building should have a duty schedule comparable to classroom teacher duty schedule. **If a unified arts teacher teaches in multiple buildings and travels between buildings during the school day, the travel is considered his/her duty. 9. BUDGETS: Principals should allocate resources using the following recommended guidelines. The unified arts suggested budget (from General Fund) is as follows: Art - $3.50 per student per year. (Ex. art supplies, clay) Physical Education – $350.00 per year. (Ex. jump ropes, playground balls) Vocal Music - $350.00 per year. (Ex. sheet music) Instrumental Music- $350.00 per year. (Ex. Instruments, repairs, sheet music) The unified arts office will repair and maintain large ticket items such as kilns and volleyball standards. 10. MILEAGE CARDS: The Unified Arts secretary will create a mileage purchase order and cards for teachers with multiple buildings ONLY. Once each mileage card is full, art, music, and physical education teachers will send their mileage cards to the Unified Arts Secretary to be signed and forwarded to the Treasurer’s Office for payment. No mileage cards can be processed without a current schedule on file. Effective July 1, 2011 the mileage reimbursement rate is 56.5 cents per mile. The district will utilize the website http://maps.google.com to establish a standard mileage value for local travel. GUIDELINES FOR LOCAL MILEAGE REIMBURSMENT The district may deny payment of any mileage claim over six months old. 6 Clearly print the origin, destination, date, and mileage for each trip on your travel card (available from the warehouse). Indicate ES (Elementary), MS (Middle), or HS (High) for all schools. Limit reported mileage calculation to one decimal (tenths of a mile). Mileage cards must include claimant’s name and ID number. The Unified Arts office will insert the P.O. number and your vendor number if not known. Include an address for non-CCS locations including city and/or zip code within Franklin county. Round trips must include the final destination printed on the card. Mileage is never paid for local trips to/from an employee’s home. Parking costs are allowable. Original receipt(s) required if amount exceeds $1. Completed cards must be signed by the claimant and the claimant’s supervisor. 11. CONTENT CONSIDERATIONS: CURRICULUM GUIDES Curriculum guides and timelines are available on-line for Art, Health, Instrumental Music, Physical Education and Vocal Music. Art, music and physical education teachers will support academic content by focusing on literacy. HEALTH The Ohio Revised Code states that health education is to be included in all district-wide curriculum. Health education will be taught and graded by elementary classroom teachers for 30 minutes once a week. PHYSICAL EDUCATION See Addendum # 4 for information regarding the mandated ODE/Physical Education Benchmark Assessment. Information on the implementation of Fitnessgram as a part of the district curriculum is also included. The Ohio Department of Education Benchmark Assessment Instrument is on-line and on the unified arts website at http://unifiedarts.columbus.k12.oh.us/ 12. PROGRAMS: ARTFUL READING The Artful Reading Museum Tour program is a partnership between Columbus City Schools and the Columbus Museum of Art. This is an introduction to the museum collections. All CCS 5th grade students are required to participate in the program. Art teachers should attend with the students from their school(s) and will teach the provided studio lesson back at the home school. EXHIBITIONS Each year, artwork created by district elementary art students is displayed in fall and summer shows at the Columbus Education Center and Northgate Center. Columbus City Schools also has relationships with community partners who offer opportunities to display student artwork throughout the city. All elementary art teachers are required to submit a minimum of four pieces of framed student art per building. Artwork will be chosen from these pieces to be displayed in the fall and summer shows and the following community venues: various CCS locations, Columbus Regional Airport Authority and during CCS Family Day at the Columbus Museum of Art. Elementary art teachers will receive more detailed information during the school year. 4th GRADE ALL THAT JAZZ CONCERTS All CCS 4th grade students are required to attend the All That Jazz Concerts sponsored by the Jazz Arts Group. Each concert will last for an hour at the Southern Theatre. More information will follow. 7 UNIFIED ARTS RESOURCE CENTER The Unified Arts Resource Center is located in the basement of the Shot Tower at Fort Hayes. The Resource Center art prints and supplemental materials are available for use by district art teachers for instruction. The center is also used for Tuesdays in the Tower and other professional development opportunities. 13. RELIGIOUS MUSIC POLICY: On July 9, 2002, the Board of Education adopted policy 6131.6, which addresses the study and performance of music of religious origin. See Addendum #3 for a copy of the policy and regulations, letters that explain the resolution process for concerns related to the policy and the complaint form. 14. EVALUATIONS: The Monday morning principal is the administrator of record for elementary unified arts teachers assigned to multiple buildings. This includes evaluation and other district level business. When there are multiple building assignments, all administrators should be consulted to provide input for evaluation. 15. END OF YEAR: Principals will decide the last day of instruction for art, music, and physical education in their buildings. The Unified Arts office suggests that unified arts classes not meet beyond Monday, May 30, 2016, especially if teachers have more than one building assignment. Unified arts teachers will be notified about contract signing times and locations. Instrumental music teachers will complete instrument inventories as a part of their year-end duties. Addendum #1 PROCEDURES FOR ELEMENTARY INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Instrumental Music instruction begins in fourth grade. Students enrolling in Instrumental Music will supply their own instrument and instruction book. If a student cannot pay for their instrument, each building has a limited number of instruments for this purpose (see instrument inventory from June 2015). Fourth Grade: Orchestral strings only - Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass. Fifth Grade: Continue strings instruction or begin any standard band instrument. Classes: Twice weekly for thirty minutes all year. Class schedule will be determined by enrollment. Classes may be scheduled through recess. Some of the elementary schools may have difficulty scheduling instrumental music classes twice weekly for 4 th and 5th graders. This is a result of many factors from availability of the students to the number of schools that the instrumental music teachers work with each week. In some cases, scheduling instrumental music classes will require additional flexibility and creativity. Here are some suggestions in the order that they are to be used: Recess and lunchtime may be used for instrumental music classes, keeping in mind students need time to eat and teachers need to have a 30 minute duty free lunch period sometime during the school day. 8 Instrumental music students may be pulled from art, vocal music, and physical education classes. As a last resort, instrumental music students may be pulled from the core subjects: reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies. Teaching Station: Ideally, the teaching station should be acoustically isolated from other areas and large enough to accommodate the students enrolled (e.g. violinists need elbow room). Recruitment: Teachers are expected to meet with all fourth and fifth grade classes as part of the demonstration/recruitment process. Teachers are encouraged to plan evening parent meetings. Students may enroll in Instrumental Music through the first week of October. Instrumental music teachers are to begin instruction no later than Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Programs: Elementary instrumental music classes are expected to perform at least twice a year, usually in conjunction with school assemblies or evening activities. The first performance should be scheduled in December before the winter break. The second concert is typically scheduled in the spring at each assigned building. Principals should meet with the music teachers to review the song list and give approval prior to finalizing the program. Teachers should submit the date and times of the two performances to the Unified Arts Office. 9 CCS Unified Arts Teacher’s Daily Schedule for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: Return this form to Unified Arts Office: bhill1228@columbus.k12.oh.us Fax: 614-365-5620 Teacher: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY School Principal Time Principal Teacher/ Group Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Grade Room A.M. Lunch School Principal Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Principal Grade Room Time Teacher/ Group Grade Room P.M. PRINCIPAL 1: PRINCIPAL 2: A copy of a reform panel variance must accompany this schedule if any arts classes are less than contractual length. Addendum #3 Policy 6131.6 INSTRUCTION Elementary, Middle, and High School Study and Performance of Music of Religious Origin District schools are places in which beliefs and religious convictions are treated with respect and in which the religious liberty and rights of all students are protected. Columbus schools may not promote, endorse, or prohibit religion. A comprehensive music education requires the study of a broad range of music including music outside of the student’s musical experience. As with many other types of music, music of religious origin or with sacred lyrics has played an important role in American culture and history and may be a part of classroom instruction, school concerts, and programs, if the following criteria are met: 1. The musical selection is chosen based on sound educational principles and is used for pedagogical purposes that demonstrably support the district’s music and other curricula; 2. The musical selection is chosen to help students develop musical skills and abilities set forth by the district's music curriculum such as expressive singing, increased tone production, balance, blend, phrasing, articulation, rhythm, dynamics, range development, competency in part singing and sight singing; 3. The musical selection has: a. recognized artistic merit; or b. historical, social, or cultural significance defined by and studied as part of the district’s curricula; 4. The musical selection is part of a balanced program or course of instruction; 5. In the context of the concert program or course of instruction, the musical selections respect diversity and do not manifest a preference for religion or particular religious beliefs; 6. The musical selection serves to prepare students for future music education or careers in music; 7. For large groups, soloists, and ensembles that participate in competitions conducted by the Ohio Music Educators Association or similar organizations, the selections are part of the performance list compiled by the sponsoring organizations. The district will establish a resource committee consisting of the district’s music coordinators and their supervisors, district legal counsel, a school principal, and a music teacher. The chair shall be designated by the superintendent and shall have authority, on behalf of and in consultation with, the resource committee to oversee and enforce this policy. Principals, teachers, parents, and community members are encouraged to seek information and advice from the resource committee on questions concerning the application of this policy and the district’s curriculum regarding the selection of musical pieces for performance or instruction. The board of education expects that all affected administrators and teachers will adhere to the requirements of this policy and directs the administration to develop a plan for implementation of this policy within 60 days of its adoption. The plan shall: 1. Establish goals for selection of music as part of a well-rounded education; 2. Set forth criteria for selection of music and for music curriculum development; 3. Establish mechanisms for on-going communication with and training programs for all administrators and teachers affected by this policy; 4. Promulgate regulations, including regulations that protect students who do not subscribe to a personal religious persuasion; and 5. Draft and distribute guidelines and timelines for recourse if parents, teachers, or students perceive that their beliefs concerning religion are not respected or a failure to comply with this policy. The guidelines shall encourage informal resolution of complaints. The process shall be initiated when the complaining student, parent or teacher submits to the teacher or principal, as is appropriate, a written description of the matter of concern. The guidelines shall also set forth a procedure for reporting to the resources committee of complaints and their resolution. Except as prohibited by state or federal law, all reports made to the resource committee are public records pursuant to R.C. 149.43. If the student, parent, or teacher is not satisfied by the resolution at the school level, the complaint may be brought to the resource committee, which shall investigate the matter and issue a written determination, which shall be transmitted to the complaining party, the affected administrator and teacher, and such other persons as the resource committee deems appropriate. Except as prohibited by federal and state law, the written description of the matter of concern and the written determination are public records pursuant to R.C. 149.43. The purpose of graduation is to recognize and celebrate the achievement of high school seniors and to allow their families and the community at large to honor their accomplishment. Because the performance of vocal music containing religious lyrics at Commencement exercises may distract from this purpose and be inconsistent with the criteria mandated by this policy, it shall not be performed at graduation ceremonies. Policy Adopted: 07-09-02 Columbus Ohio City School District Page 3 of 3 MEMORANDUM UNIFIED ARTS DEPARTMENT Paula Lasley SUPERVISOR 2001 Hamilton Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211 Ph. (614) 365-5000 plasley@columbus.k12.oh.us Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community. TO: Principals FROM: Paula Lasley, Unified Arts Supervisor RE: Resolution Process for Policy 6131.6 DATE: August 10, 2015 If you have a concern related to School Board Policy 6131.6 which addresses the Study and Performance of Music of Religious Origin, several options are available to you. First, you may seek informal resolution of your concern through conversation with the music teacher. This is an important first step since the teacher will play an important role in resolving the concern. If you are unable to get a satisfactory response through the informal process, then you may complete the attached form and forward it to the unified arts office at Northgate Center. When your formal concern is received, a process will be followed to try to resolve your concern. Be sure to complete all of the sections of the form. Missing information may slow down the process of resolving your concern. In the event that you are involved in an informal resolution of a concern brought by a parent or teacher, it would be very helpful if you could communicate the concern and the resolution to the unified arts office. An attempt is being made to keep data about the number and nature of concerns and the use of informal resolutions. In particular, we would like to know if any of the alternatives provided in the training were used to resolve concerns. sgrhett@columbus.k12.oh.us The Columbus City School District does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, ancestry, familial status and military s tatus with regard to admission, access, treatment or employment. This policy is applicable in all district programs and activities. . MEMORANDUM UNIFIED ARTS DEPARTMENT Paula Lasley SUPERVISOR 2001 Hamilton Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211 Ph. (614) 365-5000 plasley@columbus.k12.oh.us Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community. TO: Music Teachers FROM: Paula Lasley, Unified Arts Supervisor RE: Resolution Process for Policy 6131.6 DATE: August 10, 2015 If you have a concern related to School Board Policy 6131.6 which addresses the Study and Performance of Music of Religious Origin, several options are available to you. First, you may seek informal resolution of your concern through conversation with the music teacher. This is an important first step since the teacher will play an important role in resolving the concern. If you are unable to get a satisfactory response through the informal process, then you may complete the attached form and forward it to the unified arts office at Northgate Center. When your formal concern is received, a process will be followed to try to resolve your concern. Be sure to complete all of the sections of the form. Missing information may slow down the process of resolving your concern. In the event that you are involved in an informal resolution of a concern brought by a parent or teacher, it would be very helpful if you could communicate the concern and the resolution to the unified arts office. An attempt is being made to keep data about the number and nature of concerns and the use of informal resolutions. In particular, we would like to know if any of the alternatives provided in the training were used to resolve concerns. The Columbus City School District does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, ancestry, familial status and military s tatus with regard to admission, access, treatment or employment. This policy is applicable in all district programs and activities. . MEMORANDUM UNIFIED ARTS DEPARTMENT Paula Lasley SUPERVISOR 2001 Hamilton Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211 Ph. (614) 365-5000 plasley@columbus.k12.oh.us Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community. TO: Parents/Guardians FROM: Paula Lasley, Unified Arts Supervisor RE: Resolution Process for Policy 6131.6 DATE: August 10, 2015 If you have a concern related to School Board Policy 6131.6 which addresses the Study and Performance of Music of Religious Origin, several options are available to you. First, you may seek informal resolution of your concern through conversation with the music teacher and the school principal. This is an important first step since these are the people who will ultimately resolve the concern. If you are unable to get a satisfactory response through the informal process, then you may complete the attached form and forward it to the unified arts office at Northgate Center. When your formal concern is received, a process will be followed to try to resolve your concern. Be sure to complete all of the sections of the form. Missing information may slow down the process of resolving your concern. The Columbus City School District does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, ancestry, familial status and military s tatus with regard to admission, access, treatment or employment. This policy is applicable in all district programs and activities. . MEMORANDUM UNIFIED ARTS DEPARTMENT Paula Lasley SUPERVISOR 2001 Hamilton Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211 Ph. (614) 365-5000 plasley@columbus.k12.oh.us Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community. Columbus Board of Education Religious Music Policy 6131 Complaint Form Date _____________Concert Date_________ Informal____ Formal____ Contact Information Title________ Name______________________________________________________ Address__________________________City________________OH Zip______Phone________ School Information School______________________________________Phone______________________ Incident Vocal/Instrumental Write your concern (add sheets as necessary) Who have you talked to at the school? _________________________________________ What happened after the school conversation? __________________________________ What other steps have you tried in order to resolve these problems? _________________ ____________________________Staff Processing_________________________________ Investigation Principal Contacted Teacher Contacted Checklist Reviewed Alternative Activity Selected Referred to Resource Committee Committee Decision The Columbus City School District does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, ancestry, familial status and military s tatus with regard to admission, access, treatment or employment. This policy is applicable in all district programs and activities. . Addendum # 4 Physical Education Physical Education Benchmark Assessments MANDATED by Ohio Department of Education starts with the 2012-13 school years. MASTER SCHEDULING IMPACT CCS Physical Education teachers will test all students in Grades 2, 5, 6 and PE II. This Physical Education Assessment will be reported on the State Report Card. It will be shown by building composite score and an overall district composite score of High, Moderate or Low. This PE assessment score does not affect the academic achievement data on the State Report Card. The Unified Arts office will develop a timeline for implementation and data recording of the ODE Physical Education Benchmark Assessment for all PE teachers. This document will be given to PE teachers in August. All PE teachers, including Adaptive PE, will continue to receive professional development on the mandated ODE PE Benchmark Assessments starting in the fall of 2013. FitnessGram Grades 2, 5, 6 and PE II School Year 2013-14 CCS will implement FitnessGram as part of our PE curriculum. All PE teachers were trained on FitnessGram during the 2011-12 school year and will continue to receive training during the 2013-2014 school year. The assessment consists of the following observable physical fitness tests that assess students in Grades 2, 5, 6 and PE II: 1. Aerobic capacity 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance and flexibility 4. Body composition The School Nurse will give the PE teacher the weight and height data from students in grades 2, 5, 6, and students taking PE II.