Final Paper -

Radiology Technology
Amelia Paone
Technology has been rapidly increasing over the last past generations. At Kent State University I am majoring in the
field of radiology technology. Radiology Technology, hence the name you could guess that it does indeed involve in
the use of technology. It’s the process of taking x-rays of different patents with their problems to help solve many
different problems of the ill. Without the use of x-ray technology many people could or I should say would have died
because no proper diagnosis would be available. I will be talking about the many different forms of technology that
this field has and how they all work, also how the technology has improved. The radiologic field is rapidly growing
also because more and more of technology keeps coming out; therefore they need more people to be involved in this
field to help manage this equipment and also the growing number of patients.
1. Introduction
Radiology technology is a general term applied
to the allied health profession that encompasses the
use of ionizing radiation, sound or radio waves,
radioactive substances to produce an image, and
magnetic imaging. These resultant images are used
by the radiologist to help in making a diagnosis.[1]
My goal in this paper is not to help improve anything,
because technology is rapidly growing, but for me to
get more out of what I am interested in and to help
you understand what I will be doing with my career.
2. Radiology
Radiological technologists take x rays and
administer non radioactive materials into patients’
bloodstreams for diagnostic purposes. Radiologist
technologists are also referred to as radiographers
who produce x-ray films of parts of the human body
for use in diagnosing medical problems. They
prepare patients for radiology examinations by
explaining the procedure, removing jewelry and other
articles through which x rays cannot pass, and
positioning patients so that the parts of the body can
be appropriately radio graphed. [1]
Formal training programs in radiography range
in length from 1 to 4 years and lead to a certificate,
an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree. Two-year
associate degree programs are most sufficient. [2]
Some 1-year certificate programs are available
for experienced radiographers or individuals from
other health occupations, such as medical
technologists and registered nurses, who want to
change fields. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in one
of the radio logic technologies is desirable for
supervisory, administrative, or specialize in one
category. [4] This is a good profession because as
long as technology expands, more and more the
radiology field will grow.
3. Computed Tomography
Computed tomography also known as CT is a
medical imaging method employing tomography
created by computer processing. Digital geometry
processing is used to generate a three-dimensional
image of the inside of an object from a large series of
two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single
axis of rotation. CT produces a volume of data which
can be manipulated, through a process known as
"windowing", in order to demonstrate various bodily
structures based on their ability to block the Xray/Rontgen beam. Although historically the images
generated were in the axial or transverse plane,
orthogonal to the long axis of the body, modern
scanners allow this volume of data to be reformatted
in various planes or even as 3D representations of
Although most common in medicine, CT is also
used in other fields, such as nondestructive materials
testing. Another example is the DigiMorph project at
the University of Texas at Austin which uses a CT
scanner to study biological and paleontological
exams generally include multiple runs some of which
may last several minutes.
Depending on the type of exam and the
equipment used, the entire exam is usually completed
in 15 to 45 minutes.MR spectroscopy, which
provides additional information on the chemicals
present in the body's cells may also be performed
during the MRI exam and may add approximately 15
minutes to the exam time. [5]
Figure 1.
4. Magnetic Resonance
Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is a
noninvasive medical test that helps physicians
diagnose and treat medical conditions.
MR imaging uses a powerful magnetic field,
radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce
detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and
virtually all other internal body structures. The
images can then be examined on a computer monitor,
printed or copied to CD. MRI does not x-ray.
Detailed MR images allow physicians to better
evaluate various parts of the body and certain
diseases that may not be assessed adequately with
other imaging methods such as x-ray, ultrasound or
computed tomography. MRI examinations may be
performed on outpatients or inpatients. You will be
positioned on the moveable examination table. Straps
and bolsters may be used to help you stay still and
maintain the correct position during imaging.
Small devices that contain coils capable of
sending and receiving radio waves may be placed
around or adjacent to the area of the body being
If a contrast material will be used in the MRI
exam, a nurse or technologist will insert an
intravenous (IV) line into a vein in your hand or arm.
A saline solution may be used. The solution will drip
through the IV to prevent blockage of the IV line
until the contrast material is injected.
You will be moved into the magnet of the MRI
unit and the radiologist and technologist will leave
the room while the MRI examination is performed. If
a contrast material is used during the examination, it
will be injected into the intravenous line after an
initial series of scans. Additional series of images
will be taken during or following the injection.
When the examination is completed, you may be
asked to wait until the technologist or radiologist
checks the images in case additional images are
needed. Your intravenous line will be removed. MRI
Figure 2.
5. Sonography
Sonography, or ultrasonography, is the use of
sound waves to generate an image for the assessment
and diagnosis of various medical conditions.
Sonography commonly is associated with obstetrics
and the use of ultrasound imaging during pregnancy,
but this technology has many other applications in
the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions
throughout the body.
Diagnostic medical sonographers use special
equipment to direct no ionizing, high frequency
sound waves into areas of the patient’s body.
Sonographers operate the equipment, which collects
reflected echoes and forms an image that may be
videotaped, transmitted, or photographed for
interpretation and diagnosis by a physician.
Sonographers begin by explaining the procedure to
the patient and recording any medical history that
may be relevant to the condition being viewed. They
then select appropriate equipment settings and direct
the patient to move into positions that will provide
the best view. To perform the exam, sonographers
use a transducer, which transmits sound waves in a
cone- or rectangle-shaped beam. Although techniques
vary with the area being examined, sonographers
usually spread a special gel on the skin to aid the
transmission of sound waves.
Viewing the screen during the scan,
sonographers look for subtle visual cues that contrast
healthy areas with unhealthy ones. They decide
whether the images are satisfactory for diagnostic
purposes and select which ones to store and show to
the physician. Sonographers take measurements,
calculate values, and analyze the results in
preliminary findings for the physicians. [3]
imaging such as CT or MRI. Nuclear Medicine
imaging studies are generally more organ or tissue
specific than those in conventional radiology
imaging, which focus on a particular section of the
body. In addition, there are nuclear medicine studies
that allow imaging of the whole body based on
certain cellular receptors or functions. Examples are
whole body PET or PET/CT scans, Gallium scans,
white blood cell scans, MIBG and Octreotide scans.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
6. Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear medicine is a branch or specialty of
medicine and medical imaging that uses radioactive
isotopes and relies on the process of radioactive
decay in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. In
nuclear medicine procedures, radionuclides are
combined with other chemical compounds or
pharmaceuticals to form radiopharmaceuticals. These
radiopharmaceuticals, once administered to the
patient, can localize to specific organs or cellular
radiopharmaceuticals allows nuclear medicine to
diagnose or treat a disease based on the cellular
function and physiology rather than relying on the
Diagnostic nuclear medicine imaging in nuclear
medicine imaging, radiopharmaceuticals is taken
internally, for example intravenously or orally. Then,
external detectors capture and form images from the
radiation emitted by the radiopharmaceuticals. This
process is unlike a diagnostic X-ray where external
radiation is passed through the body to form an
image. Nuclear medicine imaging may also be
referred to as radionuclide imaging or nuclear
Nuclear medicine tests differ from most other
imaging modalities in that diagnostic tests primarily
show the physiological function of the system being
investigated as opposed to traditional anatomical
7. Radiation
Treating cancer in the human body is the
principal use of radiation therapy. As part of a
medical radiation oncology team, radiation therapists
use machines called linear accelerators to administer
radiation treatment to patients. Linear accelerators,
used in a procedure called external beam therapy,
project high-energy X rays at targeted cancer cells.
As the x rays collide with human tissue, they produce
highly energized ions that can shrink and eliminate
cancerous tumors. Radiation therapy is sometimes
used as the sole treatment for cancer, but is usually
used in conjunction with chemotherapy or surgery.
The first step in the radiation therapy process is
simulation. During simulation, the radiation therapist
uses an x-ray imaging machine or computer
tomography scan to pinpoint the location of the
tumor. The therapist then positions the patient and
adjusts the linear accelerator so that, when treatment
begins, radiation exposure is concentrated on the
tumor cells. The radiation therapist then develops a
treatment plan in conjunction with a radiation
oncologist, a physician who specializes in therapeutic
radiology, and a dosimetrist who is a technician who
calculates the dose of radiation that will be used for
treatment. The therapist later explains the treatment
plan to the patient and answers any questions that the
patient may have.
The next step in the process is treatment. To
begin, the radiation therapist positions the patient and
adjusts the linear accelerator according to the
guidelines established in simulation. Then, from a
separate room that is protected from the x-ray
radiation, the therapist operates the linear accelerator
and monitors the patient’s condition through a TV
monitor and an intercom system. Treatment can take
anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and is usually
administered once a day, 5 days a week, for 2 to 9
During the treatment phase, the radiation
therapist monitors the patient’s physical condition to
determine if any adverse side effects are taking place.
The therapist must also be aware of the patient’s
emotional wellbeing. Because many patients are
under stress and are emotionally fragile, it is
important for the therapist to maintain a positive
attitude and provide emotional support.
Radiation therapists keep detailed records of
their patients’ treatments. These records include
information such as the dose of radiation used for
each treatment, the total amount of radiation used to
date, the area treated, and the patient’s reactions.
Radiation oncologists and dosimetrists review these
records to ensure that the treatment plan is working,
to monitor the amount of radiation exposure that the
patient has received, and to keep side effects to a
Radiation therapists also assist medical radiation
physicists, workers who monitor and adjust the linear
accelerator. Because radiation therapists often work
alone during the treatment phase, they need to be able
to check the linear accelerator for problems and make
any adjustments that are needed. Therapists also may
assist dosimetrists with routine aspects of dosimetry,
the process used to calculate radiation dosages. [6]
Figure 5.
8. Improvement
The radiology equipment has been improving
vastly over the last several years. More and more
technology keeps on coming out to help us and other
patients now and in the future. We went from x-ray
print outs from everything being done through the
use of a computer. It is easier for the doctors to get
information faster so they can get back to the patient
quicker. Different machinery is also out to make it
easier and safer to help protect from too much
radiation. It is fun and exciting to see what comes out
and doctors are very anxious to see what else will be
coming along in the future.
9. References
[1]Brant, William E., and Clyde A. Helms. “Fundamentals
of Diagnostic Radiology.” Encyclopedia of Nursing and
Allied Health, 314, 1999.
[2]Beauro of Labor Statistics. “Radiology Technology and
Technicians”, 2008
[3] “Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.”U.S Bureau of
Labor Statistics.Web. 08 Dec. 2009. <http:/www. bls.
[4]Gibson, Jan. “Radiology Technology.” Kent State
Radiology Booklet, 12, 2009
[5]"Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Body."
Radiology Info - The radiology information resource for
patients. Web. 08 Dec. 2009. <http://www.radiologyinfo
[6]"Radiation Therapists." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Web. 08 Dec. 2009. <http://www.bls. gov/oco/ocos 299