Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board Faculty of Health Science Course or Program Student Research Projects Ethics Clearance GUIDELINES (DO NOT SUBMIT THESE WITH YOUR APPLICATION) Many undergraduate and graduate courses include class projects and activities designed to have students engage in research. These projects may be carried out by individual students, small groups or as a single class project. The Faculty of Health Sciences wants to support instructors in providing research skill development opportunities to student within the class-room context. Class exercises may not fit the standard definition of research since the results are not intended for publication or generalization. Given that students are typically novices in research, there are potential inadvertent risks to subjects particularly concerning free and informed consent, privacy, data security, and psychological risk to participants. Course or program research activities vary in scope, but may include: having students conduct interviews, administer standard tests, or distribute questionnaires to develop interview or questionnaire design skills; conduct “mini” research projects where students pose research questions, gather data from human participants, and analyse the data for presentation; other activities that would be considered research within the disciplinary traditions in which the course is being taught; or, program evaluation activities that are not usually considered research but still need review given that students are novice researchers and/or there are vulnerable populations involved. A. Distinguishing Research from Case/Professional Skill Development In some courses, the information gathering procedures and practices students are expected to use are exclusively required for teaching or professional development purposes. These practices are not conducted within a research framework. For example, professional faculties have students conduct interviews as part of skill development or individual knowledge acquisition. Information gathering projects within these situations are not subject to HiREB review requirements, however they must align with the appropriate professional standards or codes of conduct and review processes required by the relevant Faculty. Instructors who are uncertain as to whether a learning activity or project falls outside the scope of the criteria outlined in this document should contact the Research Ethics Officer, Janice Sancan, at sancan@hhsc.ca. B. The Application Process 1. The Instructor(s) for the course takes the role of principal investigator(s) and submits a signed application form with all documentation to the Student Research Committee of HiREB. 2. The application also needs to be signed by the Instructor(s) Department Chair. This Department Chair should be the same Chair through which the course is offered. 3. All Instructors will be required to submit evidence of the Good Clinical Practice Guideline (GCP) http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/GCP.html or Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2) training http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/eng/education/tutorial-didacticiel/ at the time of application submission. 3. All students in the course will be required to submit evidence of the Good Clinical Practice Guideline (GCP) http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/GCP.html or Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2) training http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/eng/education/tutorial-didacticiel/ to their instructor prior to commencing their assigned research project. 4. If the student projects are to be carried out at other institutions or agencies (such as schools, hospitals, government agencies etc.) students should be aware that approval granting permission to access premises or to obtain private information from the other institution may be required, and should be obtained, where appropriate. Typically, letters of support would be required by HiREB at a later date. 5. All forms related to approving the ethical acceptability of each student’s project must be retained by the instructor for a period of two years. HiREB may request to review previous years’ projects. 6. Course-based ethics approval is maintained for five years, provided that there are no changes to the course assignments. One year updates will be required with examples of previous years’ projects submitted with the update. If changes are made a “Amendment Request” form must be completed and submitted to the Research Ethics Officer, Janice Sancan, at sancan@hhsc.ca. All sections of the course, whether on campus or not, must follow the procedures, and all Instructors must ensure that these policies are complied with. 7. All questions and clarifications concerning the interpretation of these guidelines should be directed to the Research Ethics Officer, Janice Sancan, at sancan@hhsc.ca. 2 2/8/2016 Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board Faculty of Health Science Course or Program Student Research Projects Ethics Clearance Please complete this form if you are an instructor and you wish to oversee the conduct of course or program student research, in accordance with the Guidelines for Ethics Review of Course-Based Research Projects Involving Human Participants. Protocol#: DATE: COURSE NAME & NUMBER: COURSE TITLE: DEPARTMENT OR PROGRAM: NOTE: This form is to be completed by the course coordinator if more than one instructor is teaching the course. Cross-listed as: Name of instructor reviewing student research: How many sections of this course? How many students are enrolled (or estimated) in this course? How many separate projects are anticipated? COURSE CO-ORDINATOR CAMPUS ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER (if course is team taught) INSTRUCTOR(S) E-MAIL (address you regularly use) CAMPUS ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL 1. Has an Approval for a Course-Based Research Project been obtained for this course on any prior occasion? YES NO DON’T KNOW 2. If Yes, please provide the following: Name of Instructor who received approval: Department/program: Name of course if different from the above: Was this a 3 or 6 unit course when clearance was previously obtained? 3 units Name of Research Ethics Board or Committee that issued the clearance: Date of the clearance and clearance number if known: 3 2/8/2016 6 units 3. ASSIGNMENT PURPOSE AND METHODOLOGY: Describe in the space below, the projects you will be requiring your students to complete (e.g., surveys, participant observation, interviews etc) and the purpose of these projects. You may write a description for the Ethics Committee or attach the written explanation that you will be providing to students and a course outline. 3b. Describe the training will you give your students in the ethical conduct of research. Will you require support from the Student Research Committee of HiREB? If so, please indicate. 5. INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED TO YOUR STUDENTS: What written or verbal instructions will you provide your students regarding the following? a. Recruitment of study participants b. Obtaining consent from study participants c. Explaining participants’ right to withdraw from the research project d. Confidentiality of data and data security e. Feedback for participants about the study (where applicable) f. Assessing and minimizing risk to participants 4 2/8/2016 g. 6. Describe how you, as course instructor, will review and approve the course projects proposed by your students, if they are not using the same standardized materials. SUPPORTING MATERIALS: Please provide copies of the following materials: a. Full course outline b. Handouts pertaining to the assignment c. Sample Letters of Information/Consent Forms that students will be using (Samples of these materials can be found on the ethics website: http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/hireb/forms.html) If applicable, please also provide copies of: d. Any standardized recruitment materials that you may be using (i.e., posters, email, telephone or verbal scripts) e. Any standardized data collection instruments that you may be using (survey questionnaires, test instruments interview guides.) f. Any standardized participant feedback/debriefing materials that you may be using g. Any standardized consent forms Other comments you feel may be relevant: 8. Instructor’s Agreement In submitting this application, I acknowledge that: I have reviewed the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board, Faculty of Health Science, Course or Program Student Research Projects Ethics Clearance and I agree to comply with the requirements of those guidelines and to ensure that the design of all student projects will fit within the criteria for course-based student projects. I understand that I will have to submit for annual renewals and will need to reapply for a course-based ethics approval after 5 years. I am familiar with and agree to abide by the ethical guidelines and policies of McMaster University, including the Tri-Council Policy Statement Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and of my profession or discipline. I will meet with the student investigators to actively monitor the research progress, and I will make myself available, should problems arise during the course of the research, to supervise the students and assist in solving such problems. If I have questions about the ethical conduct of this research I will contact the Research Ethics Officer, Janice Sancan, at sancan@hhsc.ca. _____ _______________________________ Course Instructor Date _____ _______________________________ Course Instructor Date 5 ___ _________ ___ _________ 2/8/2016 _____ _______________________________ Course Instructor Date _____ _______________________________ Course Instructor Date ___ _________ ___ _________ ___ _________ _____ _______________________________ Name of Department ____ _______________________________ Name of Department and/or Program Chair _____ _______________________________ Department Chair Signature 6 Date 2/8/2016