Jet Stream Student Worksheet - Answer Key

Jet Stream Worksheet - Answer Key
Answers given are taken directly from the article.
1. What is the jet stream?
Jet streams are like rivers of wind high above in the atmosphere. These slim strips of strong winds
have a huge influence on climate, as they can push air masses around and affect weather patterns.
2. Where are the jet streams?
Jet streams are 20,000 feet to 50,000 feet about 7 miles above the troposphere.
3. What influences the velocity (speed) of the jet stream?
Temperature influences the velocity of the jet stream: the greater the difference in air temperature,
the faster the jet stream.
4. What do jet streams have to do with cold and war air?
Jets streams usually separate colder air and warmer air.
5. What can happen with warmer jet streams?
When the jets streams are warmer, their ups and downs become more extreme, bringing different
types of weather to areas that are not accustomed to climate variations.
6. How can jet streams impact weather?
Jet streams generally push air masses around, moving weather systems to new areas and even
causing them to stall if they have moved too far away.