Special workshop MULTISCALE MODELING OF HETEROGENEOUS STRUCTURES September 21 - 23, 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia ABSTRACT TITLE First A. Author1, Second B. Author2 and Third C. Author3 1 Affiliation, Postal Address, E-mail address and URL Affiliation, Postal Address, E-mail address and URL 3 Affiliation, Postal Address, E-mail address and URL 2 Keywords: Heterogeneous materials, Damage modeling, Meshless Methods. Authors are invited to submit electronically their Abstracts, to the workshop secretariat by email tomislav.lesicar@fsb.hr, before April 30, 2016. The acceptance of the contribution will be communicated to the corresponding author by May 31, 2016. The Abstract including figures, tables and references must not exceed 2 pages. The Abstract must be written in English and should outline the main features, results and conclusions as well as their general significance, and contain relevant references. The recommended font type for text is 12pt Times New Roman. Use single line spacing throughout the document. Keep all text aligned justified, and only centre the author’s name and affiliation, and captions and legends of illustrations and tables. The Abstract must contain the full name and full address of author/s. In the case of joint authorships, the name of the author who will actually do the presentation should be indicated with an asterisk. Abstracts can only be accepted on the understanding that they will be presented at the Workshop. We encourage preparation of the document using MS Word, but you can also use LaTeX template if you prefer. Always use paper of A4 size. The type area is 13.8 cm wide and 20.9 cm long. The following margin settings in MS Word will produce the correct result, for A4 size paper: top 3.3 cm; bottom: 3 cm; left and right: 2.5 cm. This area should be used to the maximum, and at the same time must not be exceeded. Do not place any text outside this area. The file must be converted to Portable Document Format (PDF) before submission. Other formats will not be accepted. Please send document in MS Word or LaTeX as well as PDF file. All figures should be numbered consecutively and captioned. The caption title should be written in 11pt Times New Roman. Figure 1. Example of figure caption A 6pt space should separate the figure from the caption, and a 12pt space should separate the upper part of the figure and the bottom of the caption from the surrounding text. Centre table captions above the table (in 11pt Times New Roman). All tables should be also numbered consecutively. Table 1. Example of one table C11 C21 C31 C41 C51 C12 C22 C32 C42 C52 C13 C23 C33 C43 C53 A 6pt space should separate the table from the caption, and a 12pt space from the surrounding text. Displayed equations should be numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses. The following example is a single line equation ij W pp ij 2 ij . ij (1) Equations should be centered, leaving a 6pt space above and below to separate it from the surrounding text. References should be mentioned in the main text by an Arabic number in square brackets, [1]. Use the Citation-Sequence System and list the numbered references at the end of paper, under the heading References. Please, use the bibliographic style presented at the end of this paper, [2] and [3]. For any question, please contact the Workshop Secretariat by e-mail: tomislav.lesicar@fsb.hr. REFERENCES [1] I. Author, I.I. Author, Title of the Book. Publisher, Place of Publication, 1985. [2] I. Author, I.I. Author, I.I.I. Author. Title of the Paper. Title of the Journal, 40, 984-996, 1987. [3] I. Author, Title of the Paper in a Collection. In: I. Editor, I.I. Editor, eds., Title of the Collection, 151-177. Publisher, Place of Publication, 1991. 2