American Literature Unit One, Test Two: The Crucible STUDY GUIDE The following is a study guide set up just like your test. Know the answers to these questions frontwards and backwards and you will ACE the exam. 1. Know the information on each of the main character detailed in the Crucible power point for questions 1-3. 2. Know the information on each of the main character detailed in the Crucible power point for questions 1-3. 3. Know the information on each of the main character detailed in the Crucible power point for questions 1-3. 4. What is the definition of tragedy? 5. What is the definition of stage directions? 6. What are the characteristics of a comedy? 7. Who wrote The Crucible? 8. The beginning of The Crucible, Act 1 describes children who had to “walk straight, eyes slightly lowered…mouths shut until bidden to speak,” what kind of life do you think the children in Salem had? 9. In The Crucible, Act 1, which of the young women has the most influence over the others? 10. In The Crucible, Act 1, what can the reader infer about Salem, based on the fact that Reverend Hale asks Giles why his wife is reading books and reading them? 11. In the beginning of The Crucible, Act II, what is the relationship between the Proctors like? 12. What is the “poppet” that is used in The Crucible? 13. Why does Proctor think Abigail accuses his wife of witchcraft in The Crucible, Act II? 14. Why does John Proctor bring Mary Warren to court in The Crucible, Act III? 15. Why is Giles Corey’s refusal to name names important in The Crucible, Act III? 16. In The Crucible, Act III, why does Mary Warren change her testimony and join Abigail and the other girls? 17. How does Elizabeth show that she understands John at the end of The Crucible, Act IV? 18. Proctor’s decision to tear up the confession conveys which important message about life in The Crucible, Act IV? 19. In The Crucible, conflicts occur between John Proctor and which other characters? 20. What is the climax of the story, when the central problem reaches its highest point? 21. What is the setting of the play? 22. John Proctor’s moral character could best be described as a ________. 23. What is the main idea of The Crucible? 24. According to Cheever, what was the evidence against John Proctor? 25. Elizabeth urged John to go to Salem to tell that the accusing girls were frauds. What can the reader tell about Elizabeth during this conversation? 26. Why did Mary Warren turn on John Proctor and change her story in front of Danforth? 27. What caused Mrs. Putnam to be eager to make accusations of witchcraft against some of the women? 28. When Reverend Hale spoke with Danforth and Elizabeth at the jail, the reader can conclude what about Hale from their conversation? 29. The author compares the church-vs-devil events of the play to a conflict taking place at the time the play was written. What was this conflict? 30. Know the order of plot events in the story… This question deals with the order of events. 31. A metaphor is an implied comparison between two unlike items. Know how to recognize a metaphor. 32. During the final conversation between Elizabeth and John Proctor, she implied that she---. 33. The character whose attitude towards the trials changes the most throughout the play is---The following questions 35-40,will be true/false over the following topics found in your power points. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Puritan’s beliefs of witchcraft. Reasons why the Puritans would have easily believed the girls were possessed. Number of people imprisoned/ hanged for witchcraft. Person responsible for the communism scare/invesigations in America. Facts about Miller’s life in regards to McCarthyism. Drama definitions from the power point slides. Drama Definitions from the power point slides. No essays for this test.