Tollgate Primary School Subject Overview Year Four Core Curriculum Autumn Term Two 2014 - 2015 Text/Focus Grammar Spelling Comprehension Writing Structure Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Narrative Novels and Stories by Significant Children’s Authors Danny Champion of the World Direct Speech Narrative Novels and Stories by Significant Children’s Authors Danny Champion of the World Fronted adverbials Poetry Creating Images Poetry Creating Images Narrative Stories set in Imaginary Worlds Leon and the Place in-between Narrative Stories set in Imaginary Worlds Leon and the Place in-between Comprehension/ Grammar assessment Commas after fronted adverbials Possessive apostrophes with regular nouns Past and Present Tense Difference between plural and possessive apostrophe Assessment Suffixes /u/sound spelt ou Words with endings sounding /zhuh/or /chuh/ Words with endings sounding /zhun/ Possessive apostrophe with regular plural words AF5 Words with the/sc/ sound spelt ch Assessment AF5 Assessment which covers AF1/AF2/AF3/AF4 and AF5 AF2 AF3 AF3 AF4 Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text. Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from text Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts including grammatical and presentational features at text level. Explain and comment on writers’ use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level. Explain and comment on writers’ use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level. Discussing dialogue and character’s language Using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions. Create settings, character and plot. Extending range of sentences using connectives. Using fronted adverbials. Discuss and record ideas Using fronted adverbials with appropriate use of commas. Compose and rehearse sentences Read aloud own writing using appropriate tone etc Indicate possession using apostrophes Create settings, character, plot. Discuss dialogue Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions. Using fronted adverbials. Discussing dialoge Proof reading Using fronted adverbials text. Assessment Phonics Mathematics Suffixes Pompous, previous, ravenous, humorous, glamorous, vigorous, courageous, outrageous, serious, obvious, furious, envious. Information, adoration, sensation, preparation, admiration. Measures To read time in digital and analogue clocks. To convert time from minutes to hours to seconds. Computing We are Software developers. To use appropriate instruments to measure and record weight, length and capacity. To use and understand the key language (Hardware, Software and Debug) /u/sound spelt ou Young, cousin, double, trouble, couple, country. Words with endings sounding /zhuh/or /chuh/ Measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure, picture, adventure, creature, furniture, departure, mixture. Words with endings sounding /zhun/ Division, invasion, confusion, decision, collision, television Possessive apostrophe with regular plural words Girls’, boys’, babies’ (plurals ending in s) Words with the/sc/ sound spelt ch Chef, chalet, machine, brochure, champagne, chauffeur Assessment Geometry, Space and Position. To compare and classify triangles and quadrilaterals base on their properties. Statistics To plan, organise, collect and interpret data. Four rules of number/Algebra To recap on the four rules of number: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Problem Solving To solve worded problems related to all aspects of numeracy taught this term. Assessment Week Areas For Development To look for areas of mathematics that can be developed further. To develop the interface for a game. To build in the games progression. To test and refine the game. To identify obtuse and acute angles. To play and analyse educational games. To solve problems using information presented in a bar chart. To build a game prototype. To solve simple algebraic equations. To add in repetition and keeping track. Science Animals including Humans. To explain that both animals and humans have skeletons inside their bodies. To make observations and comparisons about different types of skeletons. To know that skeletons are internal and grow as we grow. To understand that muscles are attached to bone. To describe the simple function of the digestive system. To identify the main part. To understand that the skeleton protects the vital organs. To identify the teeth of human and animals. To describe their function. To construct and interpret a variety of food chains. To identify producers, predators and prey.