Production Meeting

Department of Theatre Arts
Production Meeting Notes
Stage Manager:
Laurie Kincman
June 9, 2015
The team opted to keep the 2:45 time in spite of the location
Specifics of hair and makeup can be a bit more relaxed now
Joe is intending to have everyone in their actual costumes
We no longer need a keyboard or microphones
Kat suggested making a small flyer to help promote the performance and the show itself
Director: (Mary)
The Tribune photo will be on Tuesday June 16 at 6:00 pm. Actors will be called at 5:30. We just need Roxie
and Velma. (Mary will also do her interview at 5:30)
Mary is interested in a look for the band that fits into the world of the play and not traditional “concert
blacks” if that is possible
Choreography (Kathy)
Unable to attend today
Musical Director (Kat)
Gave Nick and Ron a rough sketch of the pit setup
Will confirm with Matt if his keyboard can stay in the theatre after Sunday
Discussed placement of video monitors to minimize the audience seeing the screen
Ron will place the “logo” on the side of Kat’s music stand so that it will still face downstage
Kat and Matt will stay up on the platform after Sunday’s band rehearsal
Scenery & Technical Direction (Ron)
Confirmed hanging locations for the noose (line set 10), the glimmer curtain (line set 6) and the mirror ball
(line set 5)
The shop is currently busy wiring and painting
Would like to try frosted bulbs in the footlights (based on current inventory) but will have clear bulbs around
the false proscenium
Hopes to have the girders in place tomorrow
Will give stage management a one-day heads-up on painting the floor so that spike marks can be maintained
for rehearsal
The old fashioned mic is in progress
Asked Mary to consider the red seats on the bentwood chairs
Costumes (Joe)
Is working on the rhinestone buckles—and confirmed they may not actually need to attach to the shoes
Requested some additional fittings
Lights (Derrick):
Will have stand lights in place for the Sunday band rehearsal (okay if not in a dimmer—just need the lights)
Will sit with Mary during Friday’s run so that she can share information as we go along
Will set trim and fly the electrics in to a mock height for Friday so Mary can evaluate seeing the instruments
Sound (Nick/Ron):
Sound load-in can now take place sooner since the microphones will not be going to Artspire
Power in the pit will be labeled so that musicians do not plug lights into the clean sound power and create a
Nick will do some additional set up on Sunday night after the band rehearsal
Stage Management (Laurie):
Requested two additional bentwood chairs to ease the backstage chair tracking
Would like to turn the top light system on for Friday’s run
Will finish updating the character/scene breakdown after the run
Will set the height of the microphone stand tonight
Paper Tech will take place on Thursday June 18 at 10 am
Prop View has been cancelled
OUR NEXT MEETING: will be on Tuesday June 16 at 12 noon in Room 70