Using the urban environment to make a living: The principles of pollution and profits in urban farming applied to the city of Cleveland Alexander Hogan 4/23/2013 EEB 3256 Professor, Dr. Felix Coe Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -1- 4/16/2013 ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine the issues associated with farming in urban environments, especially the city of Cleveland, including soil pollution, and how to make a profit with sustainable farming methods. A review is made of heavy metal pollution in Cleveland soils, techniques for remediating soils, and reasons and methods for growing organic foods in urban areas. Future trends that are likely to promote increased practice of urban agriculture are also discussed. INTRODUCTION and BACKGROUND Urban inhabitants are increasingly growing their own food plants. In the developed world, urban inhabitants are most likely to grow plants for food security or to build a community, but there are also enterprises seeking to monetize food grown in cities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the issues associated with farming in urban environments, particularly the city of Cleveland, Ohio, including soil pollution, and how to make a profit with sustainable farming methods. In many cities in the United States, Cleveland included, soil contains heavy metals that make exposure to the soil unsafe for inhabitants and unsuitable for growing food (McClintock 2012, Pfaff and Jennings 1996, Jennings et al. 2002, Petersen et al. 2006, Srinivas et al. 2009). Lead is one of these contaminants, however lead containing soils may be treated to lessen the risk of exposure (Ruby et al. 1994). When suitable land is found and cultivated, the method of cultivation and marketing has an impact on the profits from the crops. Organic produce tends to sell more readily than conventional produce to customers in urban areas, as reported by managers of farmers’ markets (Kremen et al. 2004, Oberholtzer et al. 2008). Farmers can take advantage of this trend, and expand it by engaging other urban inhabitants and teaching their fellow city dwellers about agriculture and caring for plants. As the trend of sustainable farming, Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -2- 4/16/2013 of which organic urban agriculture is a part, continues more farmers may turn to roofs for growing space (Whittinghill and Rowe 2011), or consider human waste as a fertilizer (Richardson 2012). While the future for urban agriculture may be bright, the current reality is that there are several difficulties in establishing and running a farm in an urban environment. Business based on selling local food in a city must consider where to farm, and where and how to sell their goods in addition to the concerns of raising healthy crops despite air and soil pollution. Some companies have found success in urban agriculture (Cheney 2005), but Cleveland, along with many historically industrial cities in the United States, still faces polluted soil and food deserts1. Local urban farmers’ markets may be a step toward opening up access to healthy foods and preventing the limited access that defines food deserts. The location of food deserts may guide the location of markets, but the locations of farms follow other rules. Uncontaminated growing media is necessary for a farmer to produce healthy crops. When growing crops in vacant lots, this medium is soil. City inhabitants may turn to brownfields, “abandoned or underutilized industrial properties for which concerns about environmental problems are assumed to increase the difficulty of redevelopment,” (Jennings et al. 2002) when looking for free land to farm (McClintock 2012). Unfortunately, these brownfields are subject to heavy metal contamination deposited from heavy machinery discharge or particles in the air that originated in smelting operations or traffic and from paints (Jennings et al. 2002). Other substances such as reactive nitrogen, copper, and zinc also pollute the air and soil of cities and threaten to interfere with crop quality (Zbieranowski and Aherne 2012, Srinivas et al. 2009). The above contaminants may be in the soil, but remain nonhazardous. Creating soil that is within acceptable ranges of hazard 1 Food deserts are urban areas in which residents lack reasonable, spatial access to: fresh fruits and vegetables, food from all the major food groups required for an adequate diet, and food items priced competitively compared to the same item in a higher income neighborhood (Eckert and Shetty 2011). Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -3- 4/16/2013 based on published environmental guidelines is the point of soil remediation. Some soil remediation techniques rely on reducing the bioaccessibility of the hazardous material and therefore the harm the materials can cause when humans are exposed to them (Ruby et al. 1994). Other remediation techniques wash the hazardous material out of the soil but are costly because the soil must be removed, treated, and then replaced (Pfaff and Jennings 1996). One of options in selling the crops grown in urban farms is a farmers’ market. Selling in a farmers’ market is a popular option for urban farmers and gives the farmers almost complete control over how their products are sold. Such markets are also more flexible for farmers who may not be able to reliably supply a retail chain. Also, farmers’ markets give farmers a chance to directly interact with customers which may help increase a customer’s likelihood of buying sustainable products (Kremen et al. 2004). Organic farming is one of the main avenues to sustainable farming, and is appropriate for urban farms and for urban farmers’ markets. The avoidance of chemical pollution by petroleum-based fertilizers, the growing demand for sustainable food (Woolverton and Dimitri 2010), and the ability to farm without great monetary investment make organic farming a sensible choice for urban farmers (Kremen et al. 2004). SOIL POLLUTION and REMEDIATION Soil quality is important to consider when assessing the possibility for farming a plot of land. Polluted soil is unsuitable for crops because crops will take up pollutants, and can spread these pollutants to humans upon ingestion (Srinivas et al. 2009). Urban farms in particular must consider soil pollution because city soils are often polluted with heavy metals and other contaminants (Petersen et al. 2006, McClintock 2012). The occurrence of polluted soil in cities restricts the possible location of urban farms. Another factor to consider in planning the location of an urban farm is inhabitant access to fresh foods. While this consideration for food deserts is Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -4- 4/16/2013 most important for planning markets, it affects farms because farm proximity to markets lessens transportation. Unfortunately, the locations within a city that are most in need of fresh food from farms are also often the most polluted (McClintock 2012). Farm locations that best influence the health of the surrounding community, and may therefore earn sustainable profits, should be close enough to sell food in food deserts, but cultivating soil that is free of soluble heavy metal contamination. The goals of proximity to food deserts and land free from contamination may be difficult to fulfill in Cleveland; many plots of available land in Cleveland are heavily contaminated with heavy metals (Jennings et al. 2002, Petersen et al. 2006, Pfaff and Jennings 1996). Another complicating factor in deciding whether urban land is suitable to farm is the variation in acceptable concentrations of heavy metals in soil caused by differing local, state, or national guidelines (Petersen et al. 2006). There are several possible methods to follow when testing for soil contamination. The various procedures rely on different solvents, from H20 to HF to extract heavy metals from soil, and the discovered concentrations may be graded at different levels of hazard (Petersen et al. 2006). Because of this variation, different states permit different concentrations of heavy metals in tested soils before requiring remediation. Some brownfields containing heavy metal contamination may therefore be considered usable or unusable depending upon the state regulations observed. In Cleveland, the acceptable levels of lead contamination are 420 mg/kg for industrial soils and 400 mg/kg for residential soils (Petersen et al. 2006). Other heavy metals the contaminate Cleveland soils Land in Cleveland is especially at risk for lead. In a study of heavy metal contamination in Cleveland brownfields, Jennings et al. found levels of lead in 53 out of 53 tested sites that were at least double the background levels for lead in Ohio farm soils (2002). Thirty of the Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -5- 4/16/2013 tested sites were even above the acceptable level of contamination of 400 mg/kg for residential soils, a measure more appropriate when considering potential agricultural land. Other heavy metal contaminants include cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc (Jennings et al. 2002, Petersen et al. 2006). However, the burden of lead is of particular interest because of the Polluted soils often have a history of industry. Urban centers, land zoned for industry, and land with old housing structures in Oakland, CA were shown to have greater concentrations of lead than areas outside of industrial and urban centers and land with newer housing stock. These spatial concentrations of lead support the conclusions that lead is deposited into soil from industrial and automobile emissions as well as from lead based paint used especially on pre-1940 housing. Another factor that positively correlated with presence of lead contamination in soil was proximity to an airfield. Recent replacement of soil for landscaping or fill lowered the likelihood of finding lead contamination at a testing site (McClintock 2012). In a study of Cleveland brownfield soils, the presence of a railway was noted as correlating with lead contamination (Jennings et al. 2002). Both situations in which lead appeared more prevalent in soil involve industrial use of land and suggest that special attention should be paid to testing the soil of land in industrial centers before planning to farm such a plot. Despite the presence of heavy metals, soil may be safe for growing plants. There is some uncertainty in the relationship between lead occurring in the soil and plants taking up lead. Of four tested plants, lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn., Malvaceae) and capsicum pepper (Capsicum annum Linn., Solanaceae) contained more lead when grown in soil with 15 mg/kg lead rather than soil with 48 mg/kg lead. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, Solanaceae) and bimli (Hibiscus cannabinus Linn, Malvaceae) contained more lead when grown in the more highly contaminated soil (Srinivas et al. 2009). When considering concentrations of lead greater Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -6- 4/16/2013 than 400 mg/kg, a 30 mg/kg difference in soil lead concentration does not seem that great. However, it is important to consider that phosphate soil remediation reduced dissolved lead in soil pore water from 6500 μg/L to 0.12 μg/L (Ruby et al. 1994). The drastic reduction of soluble lead obtained through phosphate soil remediation may lead to soil that is appropriate for growing plants. It is uncertain what dry weight concentration a pore water concentration of 0.12 μg/L represents, but it may bring the concentration of lead into a range more appropriate for farmland rather than a range typical of contaminated urban soil. Because of the discrepancy in plant matter lead concentrations, an important consideration for the assessment of risk is the bioavailability of the contaminants, and there are strategies for minimizing the bioavailability of lead in contaminated soils. Phosphorous and chlorine remediation produced the reduction in soluble lead cited above. The process of adding phosphorous and chlorine to lead contaminated soil stimulates the formation of pyromorphite compounds (Ruby et al. 1994, Yang et al. 2001). The most effective way of introducing phosphorous into soil in order to bind lead into pyromorphite compounds was found to be rototilling rather than pressure injection or undisturbed surface application (Yang et al. 2001). Introducing phosphorous into soil in order to immobilize lead is a method of remediating a soil in situ. In order to pull the lead out of the soil, ex situ methods of remediation are more effective. Despite the greater effectiveness in removing pollutants, ex situ methods are not always as practical because the required removal, transportation, and replacement of soil is expensive and time consuming (Pfaff and Jennings 1996). In order to treat soil effectively and prepare for growing crops, it is important to test soil and remediate effectively for the level of contamination found. AIR POLLUTION Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -7- 4/16/2013 Deposition of particulates from the air affects agricultural practices in measurable ways (Zbiernowski and Aherne 2012, Zbiernowski and Aherne 2013, Srinivas et al. 2009). Although air particulate presence did not correlate as strongly with pollutant presence in plant material as pollutant presence soil correlated with contaminated plant material, air pollution still affects plant growing conditions because substances settle out of the air into soil (Srinivas et al. 2009, Zbiernowski and Aherne 2012). Air pollution is not unique to urban environments, but the difference between urban and air pollution in traditional agricultural fields is great enough for some consideration. The presence of heavy traffic is a major factor that affects urban air and creates a situation different from rural environments. One of the measurable differences that may be caused by the environmental difference is a greater presence of reactive nitrogen in urban air compared to rural air (Zbiernowski andAherne 2013). Reactive nitrogen is essential for plant growth because most crops cannot integrate atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into plant structures. Instead, plants require ammonia (NH3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric acid (HNO3), or some type of organic matter containing nitrogen as sources of one of the essential building blocks of life. In cities, reactive nitrogen often occurs as nitrogen dioxide, and at concentrations about five times greater than agricultural environments (Zbiernowski and Aherne 2012). Ammonia occurred more often in air in an agricultural location, but only produced a median difference of 1.06 μg/m3, rather than the 20.72 μg/m3 difference in nitrogen dioxide concentration (Zbiernowski and Aherne 2012). Despite the increased presence of reactive nitrogen, urban farms still require more fertilizer than rural plots (Whittinghill and Rowe 2012). ORGANIC FOOD and FARMERS’ MARKETS Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -8- 4/16/2013 Organic farming should be the primary method of agriculture in urban areas. Farming organically avoids the necessity of spreading petrochemicals in the soil, and the pollution from conventional farming is inappropriate for the dense population of a city (Richardson 2012). Besides the environmental and health concerns, there is a significant economic motivation for farming city plots organically. Organic food products are gaining popularity with producers and handlers, with more companies supplying organic materials (Oberholtzer et al. 2008). Also, consumers, particularly those shopping in farmers’ markets seek organic food (Woolverton and Dmitri 2010, Kremen et al. 2004). Farmer’s markets in the United States provide a venue for farmers to sell their products in a place where the farmer has control. Without a retailer or wholesaler in between the producer and consumer, the farmers are responsible for selling their goods to the customers and occasionally managing the market. There is a complex of factors making farmers’ markets perhaps the best option for selling food produced in urban farms. One factor is that many urban growers do not produce the volume of crops necessary for retail establishments. Retail stores offer greater security and the benefit of allowing a farmer to focus exclusively on farming. However, farmers’ markets offer greater control and require lower initial capital. Because urban farmers sell to a population of consumers in poverty stricken areas, minimizing cost is an important approach to urban agriculture (McClintock 2012). Selling products at a farmers’ market allows farmers to invest their time to sell their products instead of money (Oberholtzer et al. 2008). According to Kremen, Greene, and Hanson (2004) the farmers who sell well in a farmer’s market are those that sell high quality goods, provide goods that are difficult to find elsewhere, and treat their customers well by speaking with them and appearing regularly at the market. Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -9- 4/16/2013 Another aspect that positively influenced the sales of organic farmers was customer interest in agricultural issues. The correlation between customer education of agricultural issues and customer demand for organic, local food was strong enough to prompt the conclusion that, education about agricultural practices and how to properly handle food was the element most likely to increase consumer demand for organic products (Kremen et al. 2004). Another trend that correlates with higher sales is locating a market near a community building. A community building such as a university, church, or holistic health care center may help a group of people to identify with the market and encourage the customers to consider agriculture a part of their lives. The interest in agriculture that will probably be stimulated by this identification also increases the likelihood that customers will purchase food grown sustainably. As businesses grow, there are now models for growth that can illuminate a path of economic growth that also respects sustainable farming practices. The importance of remaining sustainable arises from consumer demand for organic products and transparency. A growing company often becomes difficult for consumers to understand, but with some effort, green companies can maintain their sustainable practices and consumer image as they grow (Woolverton and Dmitri 2010). CONCLUSION Organic, local foods will probably become more available as more consumers educate themselves about agricultural issues and take more responsibility for finding sustainably grown food. The movement for sustainably grown food may have numerous effects on urban and rural cultures and the lives of people around the world. Urban agriculture in particular, bringing the production of food into densely populated areas, is one of the practices rising with the increased demand and supply of sustainable agricultural products, and more sustainable lives in general, at Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -10- 4/16/2013 least in the developed world. There are at least seven government projects around the world aimed at providing food in an urban environment. The projects considered in Europe include Pig City, Skyland, Plantagon Greenhouse, Cultivating the city, Tour Vivante, and Urban Farm; a project titled Agro-housing is also being developed in China (Torreggiani et al. 2012). Some developing parts of the world are also integrating agriculture into urban settings as cities grow. These movements in the developing world are also refining the use of human waste as fertilizer, especially in Africa (Richardson 2012). Experiments in Sweden have also measured the efficacy of human waste as a fertilizer, with some success (Berndtsson 2006). As more and more urban inhabitants learn about and support local agriculture, there are several urban legislative and cultural changes likely to be effected. Currently, land in urban settings is expensive, and may not be regularly observed by owners (McClintock 2012). Increased use by farmers of urban that has been abandoned by industry may increase the attention given to land rights and zoning laws in urban areas. As urban farmers build upon experience and grow more prevalent and successful, there will likely be more formal recognition of agriculture as an urban endeavor (Torreggiani et al. 2012, Whittinghill and Rowe 2012). The trend of sustainable consumption has already influenced food producers and created an increase in organic food production, and the more informed a population is about agricultural issues, the more likely it is to seek sustainable products (Kremen et al. 2004), so as the organic industry grows and becomes more visible, it is likely to cause increased conversion to organic. There is likely a maximum growth point that will be reached, but it is not yet in the near future. Alexander Hogan EEB 3256 -11- 4/16/2013 REFERENCES Berndtsson JC. (2006). Experiences from the implementation of a urine separation system: Goals, planning, reality. Build Environ, 41, 427-437 Cheney C. (2005). New York City: Greening Gotham’s rooftops. In: Arpels M, Chrisman S, Sommerfield H, Towers J, Berkowitz E, Brainard G, Hickey L, eds., Green Roofs: Ecological Design and Construction by Earthpledge. Schiffer Books, Atglen, PA, 130133 Eckert J and Shetty S. (2011). 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