Review sheet answer key

Answer Key
Definitions are in packet
Chapter 1: Section 1
Review Sheet
Test Date: _____________________________________
 Please be able to identify and apply the following vocabulary words for your test:
Primary source
Secondary source
Oral tradition
Paleolithic Age/Old stone Age
Neolithic Age/New Stone Age
Catal Huyuk
***Excavate: means to uncover by digging carefully
 Please be able to answer the following questions using specific details:
1. Describe the main difference between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age.
 Old Stone Age people obtained food from hunter and gathering and were
nomadic (moved from place to place)
 New Stone Age people obtained food primarily through agriculture
(farming revolution) and lived in communities
2. Why were paintings important during the Paleolithic Age?
 Used as form of communication (no language)
 Showed where animals/food would be
 Religious meaning
3. What technology did people rely on during both the Old Stone Age and New
Stone Age?
 Stone tools
4. Describe the effect of fire.
 Fire-warmth-cooked food-survive in colder climates-agriculture-formed
communities-grew a surplus-specialization-trade
5. How did agriculture affect life during the New Stone Age? What did it allow
people to do?
 Agriculture allowed people to obtain their food from their farms. They
did not to rely on hunting and gathering as there only method of survival.
They settled in communities and non-farmers were able to learn
specialization. From there they were able to grow a surplus of food (extra
supply) and then begin to trade.
6. Identify the Iceman’s findings and know what life was like during his time.
 Found in the Alps between Italy and Austria
 Tiny crystals of sulfur and iron attached to fungus showed evidence of a
medicine bag
 Carbon-14 dating showed how old the iceman was
 A cooper ax indicated at this man was from Neolithic era and it was an
extremely interesting find
 The net was compared to a modern-day net used in Europe to catch birds
 Refer to class handout
7. Understand life in the well-known Neolithic community, Catal Huyuk.
 Domesticated animals-trained animals to be useful to humans, they were
able to breed and produce necessary materials for survival. Ex: sheep for
their wool
 Depended on grain stores in clay pots (used their surplus)
 Protected themselves from invaders (buildings were attached together with
doors on their roof)
 Obsidian products were found in Syria which indicated that Catal Huyuk
8. What were the causes and effects of specialization?
 The cause of specialization was farming and a surplus of food
 The effect of specialization was trade (non-farmers could specialize)
 In addition to the vocabulary and questions, please review chapter 1:section1 and
all materials handed out. Your test will include additional information and facts.
Classroom discussions will also be included on this exam.
 Document-Based Questions
 Reading Comprehension Questions