2013 Virginia Commonwealth University Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Ginter House 901 West Franklin Street P.O.Box 842527 Richmond, Virginia 23284 provost.vcu.edu [NAME OF PROGRAM] For an explanation of whether the organizational change is simple or complex see the SCHEV website for organizational changes at: http://www.schev.edu/adminfaculty/PoliciesProceduresPublicInstitutionsInternalOff-CampusOrgChanges.pdf The completed organizational change must be accompanied by the SCHEV form found Under the Academic and Faculty Affairs site or at www.schev.edu for organizational changes along with the appropriate attachments. Complete the information beneath each of the headings. TITLE: PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE EX: VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY: PROPOSAL TO_________ RATIONALE: Rationale for the proposed change: How does the proposed change fit within the context of the institutional mission? What was the rationale for the decision for the proposed organizational change? What analysis was used to determine the necessity for the proposed changes? What prompted the institutional need for the change? How does the organizational change meet the needs of the students involved in the programs (if applicable)? How does the change meet the needs of the citizens, employers, local area, region and/or Commonwealth? Does the change reflect national or discipline specific trends? IMPACT: Impact of the proposed change on: The scope of the program, department, or center DEGREE PROGRAMS/CERTIFICATES List the degree programs in the units involved in the organizational change. Detail the impact of the organizational change on the degree programs listed in this section. PERSONNEL What are the impacts of the proposed change on the number of faculty, changes in administrative titles, loss or creations of new positions? These impacts should be explained. RESOURCES This section should present the real cost of the organizational change. Include the cost of: Faculty, staff and administrative personnel salaries, costs associated with facilities, and finally, supply costs, ordering new business cards, stationary, web site redesign, etc. If there are any cost savings that arise as a result of the reorganization these should be stated here. Include vacant and unfilled positions which will not be filled or the cost of new positions that will be created. Finally a statement about how these associated costs will be covered is needed in this section. ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS Include organizational charts depicting the organizational reporting structure of the unit(s) before the reorganization as well as an organizational chart depicting the new reporting structure in the reorganized unit. (Not needed for a name change) Table 1: Title of Table 1 INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 2016 February 8, LETTERS OF SUPPORT If an organizational change involves two or more units, support letters from each of the representative units must be included and attached to the organizational change packet. These letters accompany the packet through the approval process. 2 INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 2016 February 8,