Recycling & Market Development Grant 2016 Application Handbook Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste District 117 East High Street, Suite 257 Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 Phone: 740-393-4600 Fax: 740-392-3298 TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 Who Can Apply? ....................................................................................................................... 1 Eligible Projects.......................................................................................................................... 1 Match Funds ............................................................................................................................... 2 Allowable Costs .......................................................................................................................... 3 Unallowable Costs...................................................................................................................... 3 Funding Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 3 Application Procedures ........................................................................................................... 4 If You Receive A Grant ............................................................................................................... 4 The Grant Agreement Grant Timeline and Performance Period Payment Schedule Recycling & Market Development Grant Application Forms Final Application Checklist ........................................................................................................ 5 Recycling & Market Development Grant Cover Sheet ............................................................. 6 Recycling & Market Development Grant Executive Summary ................................................ 7 Recycling & Market Development Grant Project Detail Format............................................... 8 Recycling & Market Development Grant Budget ...................................................................... 9 Endorsement Page ..................................................................................................................... 10 Mailing Address .......................................................................................................................... 11 Important Definitions and Information ...................................................................................... 11 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 1 PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Recycling & Market Development Grant (RMDG) funding is available to incorporate recycling, composting, and other waste reduction methods into everyday applications. Grant funds can be used to design and establish projects that will assist with the collection and processing of recyclables and/or organic wastes and support the market for the following materials: corrugated cardboard, newsprint, paper, plastic, glass, steel, aluminum, electronics, construction and demolition debris (C&DD), and organics (food, fiber-based, yard waste) collected in the Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste Management District (DKMM). Applicants may address multiple materials. Projects that impact the largest DKMM service and market area and address the largest volume of recyclable materials generated from within the DKMM area will receive increased consideration. WHO CAN APPLY All schools, colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, institutions, political subdivisions and businesses located in Delaware, Knox, Marion, and Morrow Counties. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS The Recycling & Market Development Grant is designed to provide financial assistance to applicants that want to 1) incorporate recycling, composting and other waste reduction methods into everyday applications 2) collect and process the following recyclables or 3) create and support markets for products derived from the following recyclables. Corrugated cardboard, newsprint, paper, plastic, glass, steel, aluminum, electronics, construction and demolition debris (C&DD), and organics (food, fiber-based, yard waste) 1. Residential Recycling Projects (Maximum Grant Request is $20,000): Material Recovery Facility Project- MRFs process source-separated recyclables and/or recover recyclables directly from mixed solid waste. Funding is available to offset development and equipment costs. Regional MRFs that utilize planning and marketing cooperation between two or more entities can take advantage of economies of scale in marketing recyclables, thus allowing a more reliable income stream and access to better markets. Funding for new or expanded MRFs is available if adequate processing capability does not exist in the applicant's service area. Residential Recycling Collection- Funding is available for various residential recycling activities. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, curbside recycling, recycling collection drives, recycling drop-off and Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) activities. Both new and existing programs are eligible for funding. Applicants are encouraged to review the following examples and design an activity that best meets their needs. Examples of possible residential recycling activities: Curbside recycling to collect household recyclables from single-family and multi-family residences via regular curbside pickup. Recyclable materials may be collected commingled, separated or in a combination of services. Collection bins may be provided to households; Drop-off recycling to collect household recyclables from the public at semi-permanent or permanent sites. Drop-off sites may be staffed, or unstaffed with signs and instructions provided for users; Recycling collection drives to collect household recyclables from the public at temporary sites on prearranged dates. Collection drives may be staffed to assist residents and help unload cars; and, Establishing a residential recycling project in a multi-family housing complex; PAYT, a solid waste management alternative, creates an economic incentive to significantly reduce waste generation levels and increase a community’s recycling rate. In PAYT programs individual households are charged for waste collection based on the amount of waste they generate for disposal. This solid waste management system provides financial rewards for residents who choose to reduce, reuse, and recycle their solid waste. Components of this activity include equipment, awareness efforts, economic feasibility studies, illegal dump/PAYT 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 2 compliance enforcement, waste characterization studies, and PAYT implementation. All PAYT activities must be implemented in conjunction with a residential recycling program. 2. Non-Residential Recycling & Waste Reduction Projects (Maximum Grant Request is $20,000) Recycling Projects in Public and Private Commercial Facilities- funding is available to support recycling and waste reduction activities in public and private commercial facilities such as government buildings, schools, institutions, parks, offices, malls, food service vendors, retail and grocery stores, health/child care facilities, charitable organizations, churches, etc. Recycling equipment, storage and transport containers may be leased or purchased by the grantee for the grant-sponsored facilities involved in this project. All grantee purchased recycling equipment and containers will remain the property of the grantee. Examples of possible Non-Residential Recycling/Waste Reduction activities include: Establishing an office recycling program in a single or a multi-tenant building; Establishing a recycling cooperative for small businesses in a central business district or mall; Establishing a recycling program for a special event such as a sporting contest or a special event facility such as a convention hall; Modifying purchasing and reuse policies; Conducting waste reduction workshops for business or government officials; Producing awareness materials for government and/or businesses/institutions; Conducting waste assessments/audits; and, Modifying solid waste management practices. 3. Market Development Projects (Maximum Grant Request is $20,000): Feedstock Conversion Project- Projects could include a paperboard manufacturer that purchases equipment to modify its production line to accept grant targeted material as feedstock. Construction and Demolition Debris Project- Projects could include the processing and recycling of buildings, other structures, and pavement materials, generated during construction or demolition. Organics Recycling Project- Projects could include facilities that process food waste installing "in-vessel" or similar processing systems as well as traditional yard waste processing. MATCH FUNDS Applicants may be required to demonstrate a financial contribution to the project. The match must be a financial contribution (cash) or a documented line of credit, secured from an accredited lending institution, or agency and dedicated to the project. Applicants securing a line of credit from an accredited lending institution or agency should attach a letter from the institution or agency verifying that approval has been received. Required match depends upon the DKMM fund amount requested. The match requirement is specific to the project requested. If multiple projects are requested, match cannot be carried over from one project to another. Each application stands alone. Grant funds Requested Match Requirement Total Project Cost $10,000 and Below No Match Required $10,000 (maximum) $10,001 to $20,000 25% Match Required ($.25 for every grant dollar) $13,300 to $26,600 + 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 3 ALLOWABLE COSTS Grant funds may be expended only for allowable costs described below: Contracts Costs for private or public contractor contracts entered into by the grantee for equipment or services to successfully complete the grant project, not to include salaries or benefits of existing or "in-house" employees. Allowable Contract costs include, but are not limited to: collect, store, prepare for market and/or transport recyclables, or lease or rent equipment used to collect, store, prepare for market and/or transport recyclables conduct waste audits contract for site improvements where grant activities take place If any DKMM-funded activity with the site improvements ceases operation within three years, the funds must be reimbursed to DKMM according to the contract’s equipment disposition language. Equipment Typically equipment is defined as durable goods. Generally those non-expendable items costing $300.00 or more that last longer than a year. purchase, rental, lease or lease to purchase equipment Other produce, print and distribute awareness materials, including signs purchase recycling containers and recycling container liners site improvements directly related to projects purchase tools and supplies necessary to implement the project UNALLOWABLE COSTS Any grant-related expenditure made prior to the effective date of the grant agreement will not be approved for reimbursement. Costs not reimbursable with DKMM grant and/or match funds include, but are not limited to: projects that utilize technologies, equipment, or processes that have not yet been advanced to the commercialization stage, or that have not been demonstrated to operate effectively under pilot project conditions recycling of hazardous waste overhead, indirect costs, land acquisition and facility lease beautification projects, food and entertainment costs costs related to non-contractual labor and salaries refuse and solid waste removal or servicing of solid waste receptacles (except PAYT and certain compaction uses) FUNDING CRITERIA DKMM will consider the following elements in the process of application review and final determination of grant awards: adherence to application guidelines, including deadlines and format instructions submission of required forms and comprehensive responses to the all applicable questions targeted project listed on pages one or two addresses at least one of the targeted materials located on page one assurances that the project will accomplish stated goals and the established methods can be used as a standard for similar projects demonstration of positive economic and environmental impact on regional audiences and/or targeted material markets potential for evolution into a permanent service or program without future DKMM funding applicant’s past performance in grant administration and project management, if applicable financial need of the applicant will be taken into consideration 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 4 consistency with the strategic goals of the DKMM solid waste management plan APPLICATION PROCEDURES Applicants must submit their grant application no later than January 22, 2016. Following a comprehensive review of the full applications, DKMM will announce grant awards in February, 2016. At that time, all applicants will be notified of DKMM's decisions. Applicants are required to submit five unbound (staples okay) complete sets of application forms for each proposed project. The application must be U.S. Postmarked by January 22, 2016 or hand delivered to the DKMM office listed on the cover page of this document by 2:00 p.m. that date. The applicant can request the return of confidential information related to proprietary attributes of the process, product and financial documents requested as a result of this grant. Each page should be marked as confidential and a return addressed envelope should be included. Applications will have no more than two double-sided narrative pages for each proposed project. Pages 5-12 provide more guidelines on what should be included in the grant application. IF YOU RECEIVE A GRANT The Grant Agreement The grant agreement specifies the total grant award, detailed budget and stipulates exactly how the grant funds will be spent. All grant recipients must enter into this agreement with the DKMM to authorize receipt and expenditure of grant funds. Use grant funds only for approved and allowable activities Submit required reports by stated deadlines Establish an accounting system adhering to State of Ohio accounting and audit guidelines Maintain interest earned on grant funds within a separate account and expend such funds for project use only Grant Timeline and Performance Period The grant agreement will become effective once all parties have signed the agreement. The effective date of the grant agreement will be March 1, 2016, or the date, on which the agreement is signed by DKMM, whichever is later. Grant and match funds cannot be expended prior to the effective date. The maximum grant period is 10 months and will expire on December 31, 2016. Grantees may request to close out the grant early. Closing out requires submission of all specified DKMM grant closeout reports. Payment Schedule Upon approval of the agreement and subject to cash availability grantees will receive an advance grant payment of 50% (fifty percent) of their grant award in March, 2016 and a second payment of 40% (forty percent) in August, 2016. These payments are to be used for program costs according to the Grantee’s approved application and grant agreement. The remaining grant balance of 10% (ten percent) will be held in reserve to reconcile the grant at closeout. Any grant-related expenditures, including match expenditures, made prior to the effective date of the contract will not be approved for reimbursement. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 5 2016 MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROPOSAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST Applications must be U.S. postmarked or hand delivered to the DKMM's office by 2:00 p.m., January 22, 2016. Acceptable applications must include all of the following items: use this checklist to insure that your application is complete and acceptable. Five complete sets of the original application forms and financial documentation for every proposed project. Recycling & Market Development grant Application Cover Sheet (provided). Recycling & Market Development Grant Executive Summary - limit to one, double-sided page in narrative form (provided). Recycling & Market Development Grant Budget (provided). Recycling & Market Development Grant Endorsement Page - submit this document with original signatures in blue ink (provided). Recycling & Market Development Grant Projects Details Format - provide comprehensive responses to all applicable questions in the format outlined (provided). Limit to three, double-sided pages. The grantee's (Business Applicant's Only) most recent Dunn & Bradstreet Business Information Report ( for the existing business; or an Income Statement reflecting the grantee's financial status for a startup company. The applicant can request the return of confidential information related to proprietary attributes of the process, product and financial documents requested as a result of this grant. Each page should be marked as confidential and a return addressed envelope should be included If applicable, an original letter from an accredited lending institution or agency, verifying an established line of credit to satisfy the Recycling & Market Development Grant match requirements. Mail Applications To: DKMM Solid Waste District Cheryl Corbin 117 E. High Street, Suite 257 Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 Program questions should be directed to Cheryl Corbin at or 740-393-4600. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 6 2016 RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT COVER SHEET Applicant: __________________________________________________________________________ County: ____________________________________________________________________________ Federal Tax ID #: ____________________________________________________________________ Current # of Employees: _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Person to be contacted with questions related to this application: Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ Project Type Targeted Material(s) Grant Funds Requested Tons Processed Currently Match Funds Committed Total Project Cost Projected Tons To Be Processed 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 7 2016 RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Limit to one, double-sided page) Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________ Applicants should provide an overview of the proposed project, the project’s purpose and scope, and the specific methods and technologies that will be incorporated to implement the project. If applicable, this section should describe the business’s history, primary product line, current industry trends impacting the business, and the specific location where the project will be conducted. The summary should include a timeline in narrative form for the major project events (i.e. securing of permits, licenses, construction of facilities and completion of service contracts, etc.), and budget justification explaining all expenditures required for the project. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 8 2016 RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROJECT DETAILS FORMAT Applicants should provide detailed and comprehensive information about the proposed project. The project details must be limited to a total of three, double-sided pages. Responses must be titled and listed in the order in which they are provided in this format. ALL APPLICANTS 1. Need - demonstrate the financial and operational rationale for the requested funding and provide supporting information. 2. Project Budget and Match Commitment - provide a detailed breakdown of the total expenditures required for the proposed project. Clearly identify which expenditures will be paid with DKMM grant funds and matching funds. Explain if additional funds will be expended beyond the required match. 3. Service Area - define the service area based on population and geographical area and explain how the target service area was determined. 4. Diversion Rate - state the tonnage of material being diverted from the baseline amount of waste generated in the service area or being received by a facility. 5. Sustainability - describe the long-term, local commitment to continue the project operationally and financially. 6. Performance - state the project’s goals and the methods employed to measure and evaluate the project. 7. Facility Details - provide details, including contact information, regarding the actual location of the facility and equipment to be utilized in the project. MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICANTS ONLY 1. Income Statement - provide a financial statement of business showing the details of revenues, costs, expenses, losses and profits for the past three years. 2. Material Description - identify type and quantity of materials utilized as feedstock for this project - classify as post-consumer, post-commercial or post-industrial. Provide data on total volume and calculations for percentage of recycled content. Name the sources and locations of materials utilized as project feedstock. 3. Sales Projections & Product Distribution - provide a three-year estimate of future sales based on current trends. Discuss the company’s method of product distribution. Provide a project "payback" schedule. 4. Financial Statements/Reports - any financial statements submitted must be certified by an independent accounting firm, or by the CEO. Provide a financial profile of the company that includes the following: A Dunn & Bradstreet Business Information Report for existing companies or a Projected Income Statement for start-up businesses. (Please attach to application) 5. Markets - define the targeted market, describe the company’s growth potential within the market and discuss the barriers to market entry. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 9 2016 RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT BUDGET Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________ Applicants must use this form. Required match, if applicable, must be stated. Match is required to be a cash contribution and/or a letter confirming a certified line of credit from an accredited lending institution or agency. Grant Funds Contracts Subtotal Equipment Subtotal Other Subtotal TOTAL REQUESTS Match Funds Total Funds 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 10 2016 RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT ENDORSEMENT PAGE I, the undersigned *Authorized Official*, hereby authorize the below-named grant applicant to file a grant application with the Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste Management District to acquire funds for a 2016 Recycling & Market Development Grant. I further certify: 1. That the ____________________________________________________ is authorized to enter (eligible entity applying for a grant) into an agreement with the Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste Management District to implement said Recycling & Market Development Grant program 2. That the applicant is in compliance with all health codes, environmental codes and permit requirements, or is actively seeking compliance and permitting 3. That by submitting the 2016 Recycling & Market Development Grant application, the applicant acknowledges that the proposed project is in the best interest of the citizens and recycling infrastructure of their respective political subdivision and there is a reasonable expectation that recycling will improve as a result of such activity 4. That other grant funds will not be used as match for the 2016 Recycling & Market Development Grant, and that this grant’s local cash match is not used as match for any other grants is designated as the grant application’s 5. That (Authorized Official’s name – type or print) Authorized Official and is authorized to request revision to this application as allowed by the Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste Management District and to sign all grant documents. (Authorized Official’s signature) (Date) * Authorized Official: the signatory authority for the grantee or their designee. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 11 Applications must be U.S. postmarked by January 22, 2016, or hand delivered to the DKMM's office by 2:00 p.m. on that date. Mail Applications To: DKMM Solid Waste District Cheryl Corbin 117 E. High Street, Suite 257 Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS & INFORMATION Applicant - a DKMM area business, political subdivision, or institution that meets all requirements established in this manual and illustrates a measurable commitment to increase the collection, processing, and utilization of recyclable materials within the District's manufacturing processes. Applicant/Grantee Authorized Official - the person designated by the Applicant (Grantee) to administer the grant and sign the grant reports and revisions. Commercial Recycling - activities involving the collection, sorting, processing and conversion of materials generated by businesses, such as office buildings, retail and wholesale establishments, and restaurants, hospitals, schools and universities. Composting - the process specifically involving the decomposition of organic matter that requires controlled conditions and yields temperatures conducive to thermophilic microorganisms, resulting in a humus like organic material. Composting Facilities - those designated facilities where composting of solid waste occurs in accordance with Chapters 3745-27 and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code. Composting facilities include those areas of material placement and any leachate management system structures. Facilities may use "in-vessel" or traditional yard waste processing. Construction & Demolition Debris - waste building materials from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of homes, commercial buildings and other structures, and pavements. Contact Person - the individual(s) responsible for administering the grant and overseeing grant progress on behalf of the grant. Contracts - contractual agreement for temporary work, directly related to the project, rendered to the grant by companies and individuals not on the grantee’s payroll. Deconstruction - a systematic and cost effective process or processes involved in the removal of residential and commercial structures and their base components. Such processes are performed mostly by hand, and can maximize material recovery of up to 85% of a building's material. Diversion Rate - the total tons per year of diverted waste/recycled material versus the total tons of waste generated in a service area or being accepted by a waste facility. DKMM Funds - those funds, which are awarded to the grantee. Effective Date - the date when all parties have signed the contract. Fiber-based Material - material comprised of paper fibers. Grantee - an applicant whose application was accepted for funding by the DKMM. 2016 DKMM SWMD RECYCLING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION HANDBOOK PAGE 12 Grant Agreement (DKMM) - contract between the grantee and DKMM that documents the grant award, and stipulates exactly how DKMM and match funds will be spent. Grant Funds - those funds which are awarded to the grantee. Grant Period - the period beginning March 1, 2016 or the effective date of the grant agreement, whichever is later, and ending December 31, 2016, (or sooner if the grant is closed-out early). Institution/Institutional Recycling - recycling of waste generated from an establishment including but not limited to, government facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, schools and universities. Match Funds - those funds provided by the grantee for use towards proposed project expenses. Organic Matter - material that is carbon (food and yard waste) or fiber based and can be easily processed through acceptable composting methods. Processing - to prepare recyclables for marketing. Recycling - the collection, separation, recovery and sale or reuse of materials which would otherwise be disposed or processed as waste. Sustainability - those projects determined to have both the financial and operational ability to maintain a current level of service without the infusion of external funding sources. Total Project Cost - the sum of all DKMM and match costs that must be incurred to perform the project. Transferability - those qualities, which allow a process or grant to be utilized in different operational settings or geographical areas and realize similar results.