Financial Management Help How Do I Request Funds? NOTE: Every semester there are more requests for funds than available and inevitably some requests and activities must be denied funding. Filling out the appropriate forms completely and correctly, showing up to the Finance Committee interview and participating in the Senate debate, while following the timeline listed below, is very important to the success of your request. 1. The • club treasurer needs to get a Allocation Request Form. The Club Allocation Request Form is used to request funds for new equipment and all club expenses (except specific activities). The form also provides needed information about the club. • The Activity Allocation Request Form is used to request funds for a specific activity. Please complete one form per activity; do not have two activities on the same form. 2. For finance forms, please download them from the ASUP Financial Forms page and email the ASUP Treasurer at 3. The allocation requests need to be filled out completely and turned in to the Office of Student Activities in St. Mary's no later than Friday, March 8th at 5 pm. Late forms will NOT be accepted. • Forms that are turned in via e-mail are subject to this rule as well. • It is solely the responsibility of the club treasurer to ensure that all forms are turned in (that means that if you e-mail the form, double check to make sure it was received). 4. Once the forms have been completed and turned in, a club interview should be scheduled. • The club interview is used by the Finance Committee to clarify information and better understand the needs of the club. 5. Club interviews will be held this semester on the week of March 1821 (week after Spring Break) . Meetings are by appointment only. Time slots are delegated on a first-come, first-served basis. • It is a good idea to sign up for your meeting when you turn in your request forms. • It is your responsibility to show up to the meeting; missed meetings will not be rescheduled. 6. The Finance Committee will then deliberate and create the proposed Fall 2013 Budget. 7. On Monday, March 25th the proposed budget is presented to Senate. • Senate meetings start at 4:30 PM in Shiley 301. • A copy of the proposed budget can be obtained by coming to this meeting. 8. On Monday, April 8th Senate will debate the proposed budget. • It is highly recommended that the club treasurer attend to answer questions and "defend" their budget. 9. On Monday, April 15th Senate will finish debate on the proposed budget and finalize it. When this happens, the finalized budget will become the Fall 2013 Budget. • This is the last chance to defend your budget. Copies of the Fall 2013 Budget will then be e-mailed to each club president, treasurer and advisor and posted to the ASUP page. How Do I Receive Allocated Funds? If your club or organization has been allocated ASUP funds through the normal allocation process, your organization is entitled to receive funding. To Use Allocated Funds NOTE: A copy of the current semester's budget is available at the desk of the ASUP Treasurer or in the document library on the ASUP Communities page. Also, please note that reimbursement requests are not the only mode of receiving funding--there are other options as well that do not require you to spend money up front. Please see the ASUP Treasurer with any questions. Instructions on how to fill out a reimbursement request can be found below: 10. 11. Have the club treasurer stop by the ASUP Treasurer's office to pick up the form or print out a Reimbursement form from the Controller's Office website. Fill out the form completely and attach any necessary documentation (receipts, invoices, etc.). You must have receipts or other necessary documentation for your reimbursement request to be honored. 12. Place the completed form in the ASUP Treasurer's inbox, located in St. Mary's. Forms cannot be turned in via e-mail. 13. The ASUP Treasurer will then check the form and ensure that it has been filled out correctly. Reimbursement requests that are filled out incorrectly will need to be redone. Requests for items not covered in the approved budget will not be honored. 14. Once the request has been approved, it will be turned in to the University of Portland Controller who will then process the request. • Please note that because of the numerous steps it takes to be reimbursed, this process can take up to 3 weeks. Once again, if you would like to consider other payment options, talk to the ASUP Treasurer. *** Remember that you can only spend funds for the items that have been specifically allocated by ASUP Senate. What are Finance Committee Interviews? The Finance Committee offers 10 minute, optional interviews to all clubs and organizations before the proposed budget is created. It is the goal of the Finance Committee to create a proposed budget that will maximize opportunities for student involvement, support as many clubs as possible, and support activities that will actually happen and be successful. In pursuit of this goal, the interview process allows the Committee to find out: 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. How much are club members contributing? The Finance Committee finds out what sort of fund raising activities the club engages in and where this money is spent. There are instances when the money raised is used for events not listed in the budget process. How many students will the activity affect? On a tight budget, events should be affecting large groups of students and/or have serious personal contributions as well. How have they used ASUP funding in the past? Fiscal responsibility is as important for clubs to have. Actually doing the events that received allocations is equally important. The Committee finds out how the club has historically managed their funds received from ASUP. What are their priorities for funding? On a tight budget, every club should expect to take at least some cuts. The Committee wants to fund activities that will not only affect large numbers of students but that will also actually happen and be successful. The higher the priority for the activity, the more likely it is to happen. Does every member of the Committee understand every part of the request? To be an effective and fair Committee, each member needs to fully understand every part of each budget request. How organized is the club leadership? As stated above, the Committee wishes to only fund events that will actually happen. The interview is an opportunity for the Committee to meet with the club leaders and assess them.