File - Little big history of horses

Works Cited
Adams, Kristina, ed. the history of horses. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
<>. Studies about the
evolution of the horse helped shape our understanding of long-term evolution in an
animal species.1,2 Horses were first domesticated in the central Eurasian steppes about
6000 years ago according to estimations. Archaeologists found early bridles dating to
4000 BC in Eastern Europe as well as antler cheek-pieces and toggles for mouth pieces
north of the Black Sea. This shows the evolution of horses and how they worked.
AQHA. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. <>. I learned about the history of the breed of
the horse and it shows how people use horses for many things. This relates to 5 because it
shows what and how people use horses for. The main idea is the history of horses. "But
the story of the Quarter Horse begins long before Texans started tying their ropes and
hard and fast to the saddle horn. The origins of the breed can be traced to Colonial
America." This shows history of the quarter horse. I belive that this is a trustworthy
website because it is the Quarter horse assosiation hence AQHA.
Big history project. "horsepower resolution." big history project. David cristian big history, n.d.
Web. 17 Dec. 2014.
7-F2B4-4F5B-B669-2B7F65270DFF}>. I learned horses are very important because if
we did not have them we would not speak the language that we do today. The threshold
this relates to is 3, it shows that the elements are created from stars that were later us and
animals such as horses. The main idea is to show readers why horses are so important. ¨
Horses are the reason diffrent countries have diffrent languages."(Horse power) This
source was helpful because it shows how horses were helpful. I know it is trust worthy
because it is the big history website and we are learning big history right now.
Dutson, Judith. Horse breeds of north america. N.p.: Storey publishing, 2005. N. pag. Print. This
book shows examples of horses, what they do and what specific breeds are best at. This
will help my research because it shows what horses are where and where they originated
from. This also shows how many breeds of horse there are. Their scientific name is
equus, with their species. There is also the bone structures of horses and their relatives.
Which are, zebras, donkeys, and many others.
Equine center. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. <>. There are 9.5 million horses in
the united states, and Texas and California. This Relates to threshold 4. The main idea of
this source is to inform people about horses and how many there are. "The United States
has, by far, the most horses in the world — approximately 9.5 million, according to the
2006 Global Horse Population report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. It shows 58,372,106 horses in the world." This shows that there are many
horses in the united states and that there have been many. I used intuition on this one as
my claims tester because it give helpful info and it is a vet website.
Eva Sideman. "" N.p., n.d.
Web. 21 Apr. 2015. <>. "Flaps, girth
straps, and stirrup leathers are typically made from animal skins taken from cattle, pig,
sheep, or deer; cowhide is the most common skin used in saddle making. Saddle trees can
be composed of several materials, including beech wood, fiberglass, plastic, laminated
wood, steel, aluminum, and iron. Seats are usually made from canvas, felt,
and wool, while panels can include plastic foam, rubber, and linen." This shows what
Raw matirials are needed to make products for the horse for example the saddle made
from leather metal and wood/ fiberglass matrial.
evolution of horses. American museum of natural history, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.
10000 years ago all of the wild horses died in the americas but they strived in europe.
This sourse relates to threshold 5, life on earth. The main idea of this source is to show
people the history of horses. "Prehistoric remains show that at the end of the Ice Age,
some 10,000 years ago, wild horses died out in the Americas and dwindled in western
Europe, for reasons that are not clear. But they thrived on the steppes of eastern Europe
and Central Asia, where short grasses and shrubs grow on vast, dry stretches of land.
Most scholars believe it was here that people domesticated the horse, forming a bond that
has endured to the present day."(Page 1 artical) This quote is helpful because it shows
that how horses got here. This sourse is trustworthy because its hard facts from a
"" horse talks. N.p., n.d. Web. 22
Apr. 2015. <>. According
to the 2006 report, there are 58,372,106 horses in the world. The United States, by far,
reports the highest total number of horses with an approximate 9,500,000. this shows
how many horses are in a given region and also the most amount in the us. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
"There are hundreds of equestrian disciplines! The many riding disciplines can be put
under two categories; English or Western. Others can be listed under groundwork and
others." (answers) this shows that there are multiple disciplines but, this helps because of
the two types of saddles. It also leads into what other disciplines there are that leads up
to the type of saddles there are. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Apr. 2015. <>.
There are 9.2 million horses in the United States.
4.6 million Americans are involved in the industry as horse owners, service providers,
employees and volunteers. Tens of millions more participate as spectators.
2 million people own horses.
The horse industry has a direct economic effect on the U.S.of $39 billion annually.
The industry has a $102 billion impact on the U.S.economy when the multiplier effect of
spending by industry suppliers and employees is taken into account. Including off-site
spending of spectators would result in an even higher figure.
This shows how horses effect the economic point in the us
Timmermann, Tammy. Personal interview. 8 Mar. 2015. Question 1- How many breeds of horse
are there? answer, not sure
Question 2- Do you know how many diffrent types of horse riding there are? answer, yes
Qusetion 3- What breed of horse do you prefer working with? answer, paint
Qusetion 4- What do you prefer teaching when working with horses? answer prefers
barrel racing
Question 5- If you got to learn a new skill with horses what would you learn? answer,
wants to learn dressage