1 Prediction of sensory characteristics of lamb meat samples by 2 near infrared reflectance spectroscopy 3 S. Andrés1,*, I. Murray1, E.A. Navajas2, A.V. Fisher,3 N.R. Lambe2, and L. Bünger2 4 1 5 AB21 9YA, UK 6 2 7 Edinburgh EH9 3JG 8 3 9 Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU SAC Life Science Group, Ferguson Building, Craibstone Estate, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, Sustainable Livestock Systems Group, Scottish Agricultural College, King’s Buildings, Division of Farm Animal Science, School of Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, 10 11 12 13 * 14 Bucksburn, ABERDEEN, AB21 9YA, Tel. +44 (0) 1224 711 201, Fax. +44 (0) 1224 15 711 292. Present address: Sonia Andrés, Departamento de Producción Animal, 16 Universidad de León, E-24071 León, Spain. Tel. +34 987 291 235 Fax +34 987 291 311 17 E-mail: sandres@unileon.es Corresponding author: Sonia Andrés, SAC, Ferguson Building, Craibstone Estate, 18 1 19 ABSTRACT 20 This study was implemented to evaluate the potential of visible and near infrared 21 reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy to predict sensory characteristics related to the eating 22 quality of lamb meat samples. A total of 232 muscle samples from Texel and Scottish 23 Blackface lambs was analyzed by chemical procedures and scored by assessors in a 24 taste panel (TP). Then, these parameters were predicted from Vis/NIR spectra. The 25 prediction equations showed that the absorbance data could explain a significant but 26 relatively low proportion of the variability (R2 < 0.40) in the taste panel traits (texture, 27 juiciness, flavour, abnormal flavour and overall liking) of the lamb meat samples. 28 However, a top-tail approach, looking at the spectra of the 25 best and worst samples as 29 judged by TP assessors, provided more meaningful results. This approach suggests that 30 the assessors and the spectrophotometer were able to discriminate between the most 31 extreme samples. This may have practical implications for sorting meat into a high 32 quality class, which could be branded, and into a low quality class sold for a lower price 33 for less demanding food use. 34 Regarding the chemical parameters, both intramuscular fat and water could be more 35 accurately predicted by Vis/NIR spectra (R2 = 0.841 and 0.674, respectively) than 36 sensory characteristics. In addition, the results obtained in the present study suggest that 37 the more important regions of the spectra to estimate the sensory characteristics are 38 related to the absorbance of these two chemical components in meat samples. 39 40 KEYWORDS: NIR spectroscopy, meat quality, lamb, sensory characteristics, chemical composition, taste panel 41 42 2 43 INTRODUCTION 44 Lamb production is an important part of UK agriculture, contributing more than 10% of 45 total livestock output (Defra, 2005). It also makes a very important contribution to 46 maintaining employment and infrastructure in rural communities and helps manage and 47 enhance landscape and biodiversity, especially in less favoured areas. For the UK sheep 48 industry to continue as a major producer and exporter of lamb it is essential that its 49 economic viability is improved. To do so, it has to provide carcasses that better meet 50 market requirements, since currently only ca. 55% of UK lambs meet target 51 specifications (MLC, 2002). 52 There is also an urgent need to refocus the sheep industry on the customer’s needs. 53 The Dewar-Durie review of the Scottish Sheep Industry (Dewar-Durie, 2001) provided 54 telling arguments to justify this and the recommendations are entirely appropriate for 55 the whole of the UK. Too often sheep meat is of variable quality, prejudicing its 56 competitiveness in the marketplace. 57 The sheep industry therefore needs a correctly functioning, transparent value-based 58 marketing system, which has to send clear and accurate market signals from the 59 consumer backward through the whole supply chain to primary producers. It must have 60 the means to identify the value of individual animals or carcasses based on carcass and 61 meat eating quality (Cross & Whittaker, 1992). This requires an objective, accurate 62 method of predicting lean meat yield and monetary value of individual lamb carcasses 63 so that pricing structures can be based on individual carcass merit. New systems based 64 on video image scanning and analysis technology (VISA, e.g. Stanford, Richmond, 65 Jones, Robertson, Prince & Gordon, 1998; Hopkins, Safari, Thompson & Smith, 2004) 66 provide a non-invasive method operating at normal abattoir chain speeds and enable 3 67 automatic acquisition of data on carcasses from the side and back view. However these 68 systems cannot classify on the basis of meat quality and need therefore to be augmented 69 with other suitable systems to measure meat eating quality traits. 70 Near Infrared (NIR) technology provides complete information about the molecular 71 bonds and chemical constituents in a sample scanned, so it is a convenient tool not only 72 for characterising foods, but also for quality measurements and process control. Optical 73 devices coupled to computers offer potentially very fast data acquisition that may permit 74 decision-making on meat eating quality; albeit from a selected small surface area only. 75 For example Shackelford et al. (2004) could scan 348 carcasses per hour by averaging 76 20 spectra from an area of 19.6 cm2 of the major spinal muscle longissimus thoracis. 77 Therefore it is not surprising that there is substantial interest to use NIR on-line to 78 predict chemical parameters in the meat industry and to augment existing VISA systems 79 (Schwarze, 1996). Although distances from the production line and errors introduced by 80 sampling have been major obstacles, efforts are being made to improve NIR on-line 81 application owing to the meaningful spectra provided by this procedure. Previous 82 studies have shown that, in addition to chemical information, physical and technological 83 characteristics of meat have been measured using NIR (Mitsumoto, Maeda, Mitsuhashi, 84 & Ozawa, 1991; Swatland, 1995; Geesink, Schreutelkamp, Frankhuizen, Vedder, Faber, 85 Kranen, & Gerritzen, 2003; Leroy, Lambotte, Dotreppe, Lecocq, Istasse, & Clinquart, 86 2003; Cozzolino & Murray, 2004). 87 Eating quality and palatability are related to the interactions of many chemical and 88 physical properties of the meat. For example, it is well known that juiciness and 89 tenderness depend not only on fat content but also on the water retention in a meat 90 product as well as on structural characteristics such as the contractile state of muscle 4 91 fibres. Moreover consumers do not perceive attributes such as tenderness in isolation 92 but in relation to other aspects of eating quality such as juiciness (Warriss, 2000). If all 93 or some of these attributes could be predicted using the overall information contained in 94 the Vis/NIR spectra, this could be the first step towards on-line implementation of 95 NIRS. 96 The aims of this study were to investigate the association between chemical 97 composition and meat quality traits scored by a trained sensory panel and absorbance 98 data obtained from NIR spectroscopy, using meat samples from two contrasting breeds 99 of lamb. 100 101 MATERIALS AND METHODS 102 Experimental animals: Ewe and entire ram lambs of two divergent breeds, Texel 103 (TEX) and Scottish Blackface (SBF), were included in this two year study. All lambs 104 were grazed in single sex, mixed-breed groups at the SAC sheep unit, from weaning 105 until reaching a target condition score of 3 (on a scale of 0 to 5) and thresholds for live 106 weight (35 and 32 kg in 2003 and 2004, respectively, due to slower growth rates in the 107 second year). Age at slaughter ranged from 130 to 234 days old, with an average age of 108 171d. More details on the experiment have been given elsewhere (Navajas, Glasbey, 109 McLean, Fisher, Charteris, Lambe, Bünger & Simm, 2006). 110 Meat samples: Meat samples were obtained from 232 animals, with approximately 111 equal numbers from each breed. For NIR analysis, a 10mm thick cross-section of M. 112 longissimus thoracis was removed from the 12/13 rib region of the right sides of all 113 carcasses, within one hour of slaughter, vacuum packed and frozen at -20 ºC. They were 114 then transported for approximately 24 hours on solid CO2 and kept at –20 °C until they 5 115 were used for Vis/NIR spectroscopy. For the taste panel assessment, the M. longissimus 116 lumborum was removed from all right sides the day after slaughter, vacuum packed, 117 aged for seven days (slaughter day = day 0) at 2-4 ºC and frozen at -20 ºC. 118 Chemical analysis: The moisture and intramuscular fat contents of the longissimus 119 lumborum muscle were determined. A frozen cross-sectional slice of the muscle was 120 removed from its cranial end, vacuum packed and frozen. After thawing each sample 121 was blended to a fine paste using a laboratory blender. Sub-samples (25 mg) were 122 weighed into pre-dried and weighed plastic pots, frozen, and freeze dried (72 hrs) using 123 an Edwards Modulyo Unit (BOC Edwards, Wivelsfield Green, West Sussex, UK). Each 124 sample was then removed and further dried in a Townson and Mercer Vacuum Oven for 125 a further 5 hours, removed desiccated, cooled and re-weighed. The moisture content 126 was reported as the loss in weight of each sub-sample. 127 The intramuscular fat was extracted from each of the dried and crushed samples using 128 petroleum ether (B.P. 40-60 degrees C) as the solvent in a modified Soxhlet extraction 129 using an automatic Gerhardt Soxtherm 2000 unit (Gerhardt Gmbh, Koningswinter, DE). 130 pH measurement: pH was measured in the longissimus lumborum (loin) muscle in 131 all carcasses at 45min., 3h. and 24h post slaughter by direct probing using a Testo 230 132 pH meter with a glass electrode. 133 Taste panel preparation and assessment: Frozen samples were thawed at 4 ºC 134 overnight and then cut into 2cm thick steaks. They were cooked in a contact grill 135 (George Forman Double Knockout grill, model 10635) until the internal temperature 136 reached 75 ºC, measured by a thermocouple inserted into the geometric centre of the 137 sample. Between 6 and 10 assessors rated 2cm3 samples of each muscle. The assessors 138 used 8-point category scales to evaluate the following traits: 6 139 texture (1 – extremely tough, 8 – extremely tender); juiciness (1 – extremely dry, 8 – 140 extremely juicy); lamb flavour intensity (1 – extremely weak, 8 – extremely strong) 141 abnormal flavour intensity (1 – extremely weak, 8 – extremely strong) and overall liking 142 (1 – dislike very much, 8 – like very much). 143 144 Spectra collection: The meat samples were thawed in a fridge for 24 hours and then 145 taken out, stored in plastic bags to prevent water evaporation from the surface and left at 146 least one hour at ambient temperature. The surface temperature was recorded by an IR 147 'gun' (IRtec, Miniray 100, Eurotron) and digital colour photos of each sample were 148 taken. Afterwards each sample was trimmed to eliminate connective tissue and a piece 149 of intact meat of 35 mm diameter was cut parallel to the longitudinal orientation of the 150 muscle fibres (Cozzolino & Murray, 2004) and put inside 35 mm diameter quartz 151 cuvettes with aluminium foil backing. The samples were photographed twice inside the 152 cuvette and finally NIR-scanned on both sides in order to obtain a mean spectrum per 153 sample. The diffuse reflectance spectra were collected at 2 nm intervals from 400 to 154 2498 nm (1050 data points per sample at 16-bit precision) using a NIRSystems 6500 155 scanning spectrophotometer (FOSS NIRSystems, Silver Spring, MD, USA) equipped 156 with a spinning module to keep the sample rotating during the scanning time. Thus, the 157 area of the sample scanned could be increased and thereby the sampling error reduced 158 (Downey & Hildrum, 2004). Absorbance data were stored as log 1/R, R being the 159 reflectance. The instrument was operated by the software package NIRS2 version 3.01 160 (InfraSoft International, State College, PA, USA). 161 Data analysis: Calibration development and validation were performed using the 162 software WinISI II version 1.02 (InfraSoft International, State College, PA, USA). 7 163 Spectral data pre-treatments such as standard normal variate and detrending (SNV-D), 164 multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) and first or second order derivatives were 165 applied to the spectra with the purpose of reducing noise and scattering effects. Partial 166 least-squares regression (PLSR) was used for predicting sensory properties using 167 Vis/NIR spectra as independent variables. 168 Two types of outliers can be distinguished; T statistic outliers, whose predicted value 169 exceed 2.5 times the standard error of estimate, and H statistic outliers whose spectra 170 are atypical. The T statistic outliers suggest the reference data are suspect while H 171 statistic outliers suggest their spectra are peculiar for any reason (InfraSoft International, 172 State College, PA, USA). In order to avoid these samples, two passes of elimination of 173 outliers were allowed. 174 Internal full cross validation was performed in order to avoid over-fitting the PLSR 175 equations. Thus, the optimal number of factors in each equation was determined as the 176 number of factors after which the standard error of cross validation (SECV) no longer 177 decreased substantially. The accuracy of prediction is given by SECV (see formula 1). 178 This error is calculated by repeating the PLSR as many times as samples are kept in the 179 calibration set, but always withholding a sample from the modelling process so that the 180 model may be optimised by blind prediction of the sample withheld. When finished, 181 every sample has been treated as an “unknown” test object, and the SECV is 182 mathematically expressed as: 183 SECV 1 I yi yˆ i 2 I i 1 (1) 184 185 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 186 Taste panel and chemical data 8 187 The range, simple statistical means and their standard deviation of the sensory 188 properties (texture, juiciness, flavour, abnormal flavour and overall liking) given by the 189 assessors in the taste panels and of the chemical (intramuscular fat and water) and pH of 190 the lamb meat samples are summarised in Table 1. The coefficient of variation was 191 lowest for water (1.4%) and highest for IMF (45%) whereas all sensory traits showed 192 intermediate variability (11 to 18%) and the values for pH showed a relative low 193 variability as well (3-4%). 194 Table 2 shows the correlation among all the chemical and sensory characteristics 195 scored by the taste panel. The main traits influencing the overall liking of the meat were 196 texture (tenderness), flavour and abnormal flavour with correlations between –0.57 and 197 0.65. The chemical parameters (IMF and water content) were positively and negatively 198 correlated, respectively, with texture, flavour and overall liking. 199 200 Study of the spectra 201 The spectra of the 232 lamb meat samples showed excessive noise beyond 1900 nm 202 due to the high absorbance and short penetration path-length at long wavelengths, so 203 this area was avoided in the study. Shorter wavelengths (VIS & Herschel NIR; 400- 204 1400nm) seemed to be more analytically useful. 205 Variation in intramuscular architecture will affect not only tenderness but also the 206 light penetration path length into the muscle. This results in changed IR absorbance of 207 the more tender/tough samples. Figure 1 shows the average spectra (400-1900 nm) of 208 the 5 most tender meat samples vs. the average spectra of the 5 least tender meat 209 samples according to the TP assessors. As can be observed, the most tender samples 210 showed higher absorbance in the visible (400-950 nm) and lower absorbance in the NIR 9 211 region (1100-2498 nm) of the spectra. This is in accordance with results reported by 212 Hildrum, Nielsen, Mielnik, & Næs (1994), who observed that tougher beef samples had 213 overall higher absorption in the NIR region than the tender specimens and in particular 214 between 1150 and 1300 nm. Later work confirmed this fact (Hildrum, Isaksson, Næs, 215 Nielsen, Rødbotten, & Lea, 1995; Park, Chen, Hruschka, Shackelford, & Koohmaraie, 216 1998; Rødbotten, Mevik, & Hildrum, 2001). 217 These variations could be explained by differences in the cold-shortening process 218 (NIR scanned samples were frozen pre-rigor), which could affect the path-length when 219 the sample was irradiated to record its spectrum. According to the Beer Lambert law the 220 absorbance will increase multiplicatively with increasing sample mean penetration path- 221 length (Hildrum et al., 1995). Therefore a possible explanation for the higher 222 absorbance values in the NIR region of the tougher samples (very shortened 223 sarcomeres) can be a deeper penetration path-length than samples with longer 224 sarcomere length (Rødbotten et al., 2001). This is especially important because the meat 225 samples were scanned in their intact form, that is to say, not minced or ground. 226 Nonetheless, this fact does not explain why the absorbance data for the tough 227 samples in the present study were lower in the visible region. Maybe a possible reason 228 can be found in the different ability of the meat to scatter the light depending on the pH. 229 At low pH the meat appears pale and has a greater ability to scatter the light so that the 230 amount of absorbed light is low (Warriss, 2000). Low ultimate pH also increases 231 oxidation of haem pigments, purple or red myoglobin and oxymyoglobin changing to 232 brown metmyoglobin. The ability of the pigment to selectively absorb green light, and 233 therefore appearing red, is consequently reduced (Warriss, 2000). 10 234 In any case, extreme samples show spectra with very different tendencies (Figure 1) 235 so it is possible that information related to the organoleptic characteristics of the meat 236 samples could be explained using the absorbance data. In order to check this possibility 237 prediction equations were developed. 238 239 Prediction of the sensory and chemical characteristics 240 Prediction of organoleptic quality parameters using Vis/NIR spectra as independent 241 variables was explored initially using the whole sample set (n = 232). Table 3 242 summarises the statistics regarding these mathematical models. As can be observed 243 (Table 3), none of these equations showed coefficients of determination higher than 0.4, 244 so the predictability of the sensory characteristics from Vis/NIR spectra seems relatively 245 poor. A validation of these novel findings with literature data was not possible as no 246 studies concerning the estimation of sensory properties using Vis/NIR spectra of lamb 247 meat samples have been found. Nevertheless, our results are in broad agreement with 248 those found for beef samples by other authors trying to predict juiciness, flavour and 249 overall liking (Hildrum et al., 1994; Byrne, Downey, Troy, & Buckley, 1998; 250 Rødbotten, Nielsen, & Hildrum, 2000; Venel, Mullen, Downey, & Troy, 2001). 251 However, in most of these studies (Hildrum et al., 1994; Byrne et al., 1998; Rødbotten 252 et al., 2000; Liu, Lyon, Windham, Realini, Pringle, & Duckett, 2003) tenderness could 253 be predicted with a higher degree of accuracy (R2 = 0.45-0.90) compared with our 254 study (R2 0.40). In this respect it is of note that all these authors used meat samples 255 with different ageing times, so the variability related to the structural properties of the 256 muscle fibres was larger than in our study. On the contrary, we tried to simulate NIR 257 on-line conditions for industry, where all the samples must be scanned immediately 11 258 post-mortem even if it is to predict organoleptic and other quality attributes. With this 259 regard, all the NIR samples were frozen pre-rigor without ageing, whereas all the TP 260 samples were aged for the same duration, so this could be another explanation for the 261 poor results obtained in the present study. 262 As reported by other authors (Hildrum et al., 1994; Byrne et al., 1998; Rødbotten et 263 al., 2000; Venel et al., 2001), the prediction of the sensory characteristics may be 264 improved if the group is segregated in more specific sub-groups. Therefore, criteria such 265 as breed, and sex were used for dividing the initial sample set into sub-groups; however 266 the correlations in these sub-groups were not higher (results not shown). 267 An improvement in R2 was observed when, according to the 'overall liking'- 268 parameter, the 25 best and the 25 worst meat samples were selected (Table 4), however 269 the R2 values were still mostly below 0.8, a value that might be considered as a 270 workable threshold for reliability. Also, there is a risk that the use of a small sample set 271 reduces the accuracy of prediction and may overfit the data. 272 In accordance with our results, Liu et al. (2003) found no improvement when the 273 samples were sub-grouped according to different criteria. The discrepancy between all 274 these studies may be attributed to the use of different meat samples and their intrinsic 275 variability arising from different types of animals, slaughter ages, meat ageing times etc. 276 for the development of prediction equations, the number of samples used for calibration 277 and the precision of the reference values. 278 In the present study the sensory parameters that were found to be more correlated 279 with the spectral data of the 232 lamb meat samples were juiciness, flavour and overall 280 liking, but even in these three cases the associations were relatively low (Table 3). The 281 spectral data predicted intramuscular fat and water much better than any of the sensory 12 282 characteristics. The relationships between intramuscular fat and eating quality traits are 283 themselves low, albeit important. Tenderness, juiciness and flavour are complex traits, 284 being affected by many factors in production and processing and their variation having 285 multiple biological causes. There is also an element of subjectivity in their estimation 286 by the taste panel, however well trained (Warriss, 2000). In agreement with Hoving- 287 Bolink, Vedder, Merks, de Klein, Reimert, Frankhuizen, van den Broek, & Lambooij, 288 en E. (2005), the relationships between spectral data and pH were weak when all 289 animals were considered (Table 3) but there was a high R2 (0.89) involving pH 290 the restricted data set (Table 4), suggesting that early post-mortem drop in pH was 291 associated with changes in absorbance in these extreme examples. 45 min in 292 It must also be mentioned that the present experiment was designed to examine 293 typical lamb meat samples obtained from normal production systems under grazing 294 conditions. Thus, animals were slaughtered with a normal commercial age range for 295 slaughter lambs, that is to say, age ranged from 4.5 to nearly 8 months for those animals 296 assessed by taste panel. Some were also quite fat at the time of slaughter (several at 297 condition score 4). However, lambs slaughtered at a fixed age, rather than being 298 finished at a fixed live weight and condition score as here, might have shown a higher 299 variability, thus allowing the assessors to find clearer differences among them. In 300 addition, nutrition is a factor that influences IMF and its composition (Varnam & 301 Sutherland, 1995; Wood, Richardson, Nute, Fisher, Campo, Kasapidou, Sheard, & 302 Enser, 2003), but all these animals were grazed on the same pastures. Moreover, all of 303 these samples were aged for one, not several, conditioning period after slaughter. 304 It has also to be noted that the tissue samples that were NIR-scanned (M. longissimus 305 thoracis) were not strictly the same tissue samples tasted by the panellists (M. 13 306 longissimus lumborum), so this is another factor which can partially explain the lower 307 correlation between panel scores and NIRS. 308 However, as stated previously, the spectra corresponding to samples scored with 309 extreme values by the taste panels were indeed totally different. In other words, the 310 assessors could discriminate among the most extreme samples, these differences also 311 being detected by the spectrophotometer. This finding can have practical implications. It 312 would be possible to use visible and NIR spectroscopy to classify these two extremes 313 (Næs & Hildrum, 1997; Park, Chen, Hruschka, Shackelford, & Koohmaraie, 2001). 314 Maybe this is the most important challenge, because it seems improbable that the 315 consumer can detect small changes in any of these sensory parameters when the 316 samples are closer to the mean. 317 A principal component analysis (PCA) of the second derivative spectra of the 50 318 extreme lamb meat samples was performed to detect the main source of variation in the 319 meat samples. Thus, the original absorbance data matrix was reduced to a coordinate 320 axis system (principal components, PCs) where the samples were located according to 321 their scores for each PC. Two different clusters could be observed according to breed, 322 with almost no overlap between Texel (T) and Scottish Blackface (B) meat samples 323 (Figure 2). A possible explanation of this fact is the significant differences for fatty acid 324 composition found for the two breeds (data not shown). Vatansever, Kurt, Enser, Nute, 325 Scollan, Wood, & Richardson (2000) also perceived a clear genetic effect on fatty acid 326 composition of beef from different cattle breeds. In our study, this source of variation 327 might have been detected by Vis/NIR spectra (García-Olmo, De Pedro, Garrido-Varo, 328 Jiménez, Salas, & Santolalla, 2000; García-Olmo, Garrido-Varo, & De Pedro, 2001). It 329 has been demonstrated that changes in fatty acids give rise to variation in flavour, and 14 330 hence in overall acceptability of the meat (Varnam & Sutherland, 1995; Wood et al., 331 2003). Notwithstanding, the direct effect of breed on eating quality is often very small 332 and confused with other factors such as nutrition, parasite stress and processing 333 procedures (Dundon, Sundstrom, & Gaden, 2000). 334 In order to identify any specific region of the spectra that might be useful to classify 335 samples in the absence of taste panel data, the correlation between overall liking and the 336 absorbance data along the wavelength space was plotted (Figure 3). The region around 337 the third stretching overtone of the C-H bonds of the IMF (950 nm) and the O-H bonds 338 of the water (890 nm) (Shenk, Westerhaus, & Workman, 1992) showed important 339 correlations with the overall liking attribute. Water and IMF are constituents influencing 340 the perception of the overall acceptability of the meat by the assessors (Table 2). This 341 region of the spectra (850-1000 nm) provides information on both from a large depth of 342 penetration, thus avoiding longer wavelengths that might be less repeatable due to 343 greater absorption (Shackelford, Wheeler, & Koohmaraie, 2004). So even if these 344 wavelengths (850-1000 nm) only explain approximately 30% of the variance in the 345 extreme specimens (that is to say, the coefficient of correlation R = ± 0.55, Figure 3), 346 this region of the NIR spectrum may have practical value to identify lamb eating quality 347 in the absence of data from a taste panel. 348 15 349 CONCLUSIONS 350 In light of the present results it seems possible to use spectroscopy to discriminate 351 between samples with extreme scores for sensory eating quality attributes. The region of 352 the spectrum between 890 and 1000 nm seems to be particularly useful for this purpose, 353 as it significantly related to the water and IMF content of meat samples. This could have 354 practical advantages when meat cuts with low or high overall quality need to be 355 identified for sorting into classes or grades for branding or downgrading for less 356 demanding food use. However the procedure has to be improved for on-line application. 357 358 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 359 The financial support of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 360 (Defra) and the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department 361 (SEERAD) are gratefully acknowledged. S. Andrés is grateful to the “Fundación 362 Alfonso Martín Escudero” (Spain) for financial assistance under a post-doctoral grant. 363 364 REFERENCES 365 Byrne, C. E., Downey, G., Troy, D. J., & Buckley, D. J. (1998). Non-destructive 366 prediction of selected quality attributes of beef by near-infrared reflectance 367 spectroscopy between 750 and 1098 nm. Meat Science, 49(4), 399-409. 368 Cozzolino, D., & Murray, I. (2004). 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