ACADEMIC QUALITY ASSURANCE Appendix 6 ANNUAL MONITORING PROCESS APPENDIX 6 - AQA MANUAL PROCEDURAL DOCUMENT ON THE ANNUAL MONITORING PROCESS 1. PURPOSE To aid the University in its pursuit of excellence; specifically: To evaluate and improve course quality To ensure the best possible student experience within the resource available To ensure that appropriate action is taken to remedy any identified shortcomings To identify and disseminate good practice To build up information needed for the periodic course review process and for external reviews 2. FEATURES 2.1 At the end of the academic year each course and subject is reviewed with regard to its operation that year and a report prepared. In the case of clustered courses a single report can be submitted, provided this adequately highlights any matters related to each specific course. It is recognised that some courses run outwith the standard academic year. Reports must still be submitted for these, as their issues would otherwise not be included in the overall monitoring process. A report should also be submitted for courses which are "running out", so that there is a complete record. 2.2 Schools are required to monitor course operation on an ongoing basis throughout the year, to take prompt action where appropriate, with feedback, and to document matters raised and their outcomes. The annual course/subject monitoring report is the summative element in this activity. 2.3 The annual course/subject monitoring report is intended to be an overview and commentary reflecting feedback from students, external examiners, employers, etc. It is expected that Schools will collect and retain full information even though this will not be presented in full in the report. The report will normally be no more than eight sides A4 in length. 2.4 At each level (course/subject; School/UCLan Campus; partner institution; University) an action plan is produced for those matters which can be addressed at that level. Any issues which are beyond the remit at that level are referred up (eg by a course to the School/ UCLan Campus and by School/ UCLan Campus to University). 2.5 Service issues are collated from Dean of School/ UCLan Campus reports and taken up with the relevant Services so that responses and action can be reported to the University at the special annual monitoring meeting of Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee (ASQAC). 2.6 Good practice issues are collated from School reports and discussed at a meeting of the Associate Deans/ School Quality Leads. 2.7 The School actions identified through the annual monitoring process are confirmed at institutional level and integrated into the School's overall delivery plan. The course actions identified through the annual monitoring process are confirmed by the Dean of School. 1 APPENDIX 6 - AQA MANUAL 3. PROCESS 3.1 Course level (including Collaborative Partners) 3.1.1 The Course/Subject Leader is responsible for producing the Course/Subject Monitoring report (partner course leader for Collaborative provision) , based on a review of the operation of the course or subject by the Course/Subject Team, and for submitting it to the Dean of School (or to AQA for Collaborative provision) by the required date(s). The report will be produced on a standard University template, with a variant for courses/subjects operating collaboratively. Features of a good Course/Subject report can be found in Appendix 1. 3.1.2 In order to meet the guidance of the QAA Code of Practice (Part B, Chapter 10: Managing Higher Education Provision with others) with respect to the monitoring of publicity materials, all Collaborative Partners are required to submit fact sheets and course specific advertising materials with the Course Leader’s report for consideration by the University. International Partners who utilise a HE prospectus are required to submit this with their Course level reports. Schools are required to ensure that the publicity materials are accurate in terms of title, method of delivery, admissions requirements and academic content. 3.1.3 It is expected that the School visits their partner institution at least twice per academic year and these visit reports should be completed by the UCLan colleague and be submitted alongside the Course/Subject Leader report. 3.2 School 3.2.1 The Dean of School will receive and consider all course/subject reports (including those from collaborative partners). The Dean of School in liaison with senior School staff will prepare a report using a standard University template. This will: Confirm that all course leader reports and action plans have been considered and submitted, noting outstanding reports Confirm that all collaborative visit reports have been considered and submitted, noting outstanding reports Provide an update to any outstanding issues that have not been resolved through the School Actions Provide detail of any School level actions already resolved Confirm any issues to be referred to the University (service level actions) Confirm publicity materials provided by relevant Partner Institutions Any actions to be taken forward, and those actions to be reported on from the previous year, should be included within the Action Plan. 3.2.2 The Rector of UCLan Cyprus and Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley will receive and consider all course/subject reports concerning their respective provision and complete an UCLan campus report. This will: Consider the progress on achieving the actions or outcomes from the previous year Comment on the statistics for the campus Comment on the student, course team and External Examiner feedback Comment on the learning resources Comment on the liaison with the UCLan host School and UCLan services Confirm any issues that should be referred to the University 3.2.3 The Dean of School has responsibility for ensuring that there is feedback to students and to external examiners. 3.2.4 The Dean of School and RDT will produce a separate report on the operation of research degree programmes operating within the School. Any actions to be taken forward, and those actions to be reported on from the previous year, should be included within the Action Plan. 2 APPENDIX 6 - AQA MANUAL 3.3 UK Partner Institution – Institutional level 3.3.1 The Principal (or nominee) of a UK partner institution will receive and consider all course/subject reports for courses operating within their institution and will prepare a report, using the standard template, for AQA, identifying issues to be addressed by the College/institution (action plan) and issues to be referred to the University. 3.3.2 The Principal or nominee is responsible for monitoring institutional action plans. 3.4 Services 3.4.1 Services provide routes for addressing operational issues throughout the year so that only those which cannot be resolved by the relevant Director of Services are referred to ASQAC. 3.4.2 These issues will be taken up with the relevant Services and a report on their responses prepared for the special annual monitoring meeting of ASQAC. An updated listing of service issues will be completed following receipt of the updated Dean of School report (taken from on-campus postgraduate provision). 3.4.3 Academic Quality and Awards (AQA) will provide updates to the Schools on Service Issues. 3.5 University 3.5.1 School reports, accompanied by all supporting course reports, will be scrutinised by a group including representative School Quality leads/ Associate Deans. The Chair of ASQAC will provide an overall report to the special annual monitoring meeting of ASQAC to initiate the debate on those issues which the Committee may wish to endorse as priorities for action and to provide an update on the actions achieved in the previous year at institutional level. 3.5.2 Partnership Development Office will prepare a report on generic UK partnership course operation issues for the special annual monitoring meeting of ASQAC; International Office will prepare a report on generic overseas partnership course operation issues for the special annual monitoring meeting of ASQAC. 3.5.3 The Head of the Graduate Research School will prepare a report on the operation of research degree programmes for the Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee (RKTC) and ASQAC. The report will include an Action Plan identifying Service level and Graduate School issues. 3.5.4 ASQAC will agree any changes to the annual monitoring process for the subsequent year. 4. Timetable for annual monitoring process, including feedback Note: For specific deadlines please refer to the Academic Quality and Awards webpage. All dates refer to the academic year following that under review Date Responsible person/group Activity Course level Ongoing Course leader/team Autumn September January Course leader/team Course leader/team Collect student data and evidence in preparation for annual review (e.g. minutes from SSLCs, student results, progression and withdrawals) Undertakes review and prepares report, including CAP Uploads report and any collaborative visit reports to SharePoint 3 APPENDIX 6 - AQA MANUAL Ongoing End session of Course leader/team Course leader/team Monitors progress on CAP Reports progress on CAP to Dean of School and to students (normally via SSLC) School /UCLan Campus level September January January January Ongoing End of session End of session End of Session Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley Dean /Rector of UCLan Cyprus /Strategic Lead for UCLan Burnley RDT/Dean Reports to be available via SharePoint Prepares draft School/UCLan Campus report, including School Action Plan Uploads Dean of School /UCLan Campus report to SharePoint Monitors progress on CAPs, and on SAP Receives progress reports on CAPs from all courses in School /UCLan Campus Reports progress on CAPs and SAP to School /UCLan Campus Prepare a report on the operation of the School’s research degree programmes. Partner Institution level Oct/ Nov Dean/ Principal Beg Nov Dean/ Principal Prepares draft Partner College/institution level report, including action plan Uploads report to SharePoint University level February February NovemberFebruary Ongoing February AQA AQA International Office and Partnership Development Office SDS AQA February Head of Graduate Research School End of session Chair of ASQAC Key: CAP SAP Course action plan School action plan Agrees actions with Services Prepares draft report on University issues, including UAP Prepare reports on generic partnership issues (UK and International respectively) Monitors progress on SAPs via delivery plan Considers (UK and International) and draft report on University issues Prepares a draft report on University issues and Graduate Research School issues, including UAP and SAP. Reports progress on UAP to Schools UAP SSLC University action plan Student-Staff Liaison Committee 4