First year of teaching - University of West Florida

Impact Plan – First Year Teaching
In order to provide for systematic, continuous improvement of
our programs, it is necessary to have a plan in place that can be
used to assess the impact of our first year teachers’ on P – 12
learning. This plan will utilize data gathered from four sources:
first year teachers’ FCAT student performance data supplied by
Commissioner of Education; Unit Plan pre-test and post-test data;
Principal Follow-Up Survey data, and the Alumni Follow-Up
The data from these four sources are used by our Program Review
Committees to determine the effectiveness of UWF’s first year
graduates’ ability to impact P-12 learning. From the analyses of
these data, program improvements are made to enhance the
effectiveness of future graduates’ impact on P – 12 learning.
FCAT Data: Using these data, the Program Review Committees
make recommendations with regard to course requirements,
course rotations, prerequisite course work, and grade
Unit Plan Pre & Post-test Data: Beginning with the 2010 –
2011 AY, first-year graduates of programs for whom FCAT data
are not furnished (Middle Level Education program graduates)
will be asked to provide pre and post-test data results from
unit plans that they have taught during their first year
teaching. University Supervisors who evaluate student
teachers will be assigned follow-up responsibilities for one or
more first-year graduates of UWF’s Middle Level Education
program. The resulting impact data will be analyzed and
reviewed by Teacher Education Student Services, SOE/DOE
Office of Assessment, and Program Director(s) and
Coordinators. These data will be reported annually to the
Program Review Committees for recommendations of program
improvements if action is needed.
Impact Plan – First Year Teaching
Principal Follow – Up Data: Beginning in 2009, the following
criterion was added to the Principal Follow-up Survey to comply
graduates have a significant impact on the academic success of
your students. Responses to the impact on student learning
prompt for the previous two years has been overwhelmingly
positive with more than 90% of the Principals rating UWF’s
graduates as meeting or exceeding expectations on their impact
on the academic success of their students.
Alumni Follow-Up Survey: In order to gain as accurate a data set
as possible, a random sampling of first-year graduates who are
teaching in Florida will be surveyed about their impact on P - 12
learning. Details regarding this survey instrument are currently
being discussed and developed. When drafted, it will be vetted
through the review system (i.e., Professional Education Council,
Program Review Committees, and School of Education Advisory
Council) for further feedback prior to implementation. Once the
instrument is fully developed, data will be collected, analyzed and
shared in order to make informed programmatic changes.
Impact Plan – First Year Teaching