National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Guest Speaker’s Profile Natalie Egleton joined FRRR in 2012. Prior to DAY 1 this, she consulted with Matrix on Board, working with numerous not-for-profit organisations in program evaluation, undertaking research analysis and developing business plans. Wednesday 3 September 1.10pm She was the fundraiser and relationship manager with Evolve (Typo Station) for many years, and also spent some time with one of FRRR’s partners, ANZ Banking Corporation. Natalie is responsible for our Natural Disaster Recovery programs and helps to manage our Donor Partnerships. Presentation Synopsis Facilitator of Panel Discussion: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. Community Foundations can perform a range of roles in their communities. A panel discussion with four Community Foundations established after the 2009 Victorian Bushfires will explore the roles each has taken up during their community’s recovery and the lessons learned in this complex environment. Themes to be discussed include the impact that each of the Foundations has had for their community’s recovery and resilience, particular challenges they have faced along the way, and what the future holds. Natalie Egleton Wednesday 3 September Peter Toyne is Chair of the Kinglake Ranges Foundation, which was formed to provide support, relief, care and assistance to individuals and communities in the Kinglake Ranges who suffered directly or indirectly as a result of the Victorian Bushfires. 1.10pm Panel Member: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. The Kinglake Ranges Foundation was identified as a strategic model for community recovery and was duplicated with the formation of three other Foundations and a trust. This same model has also been duplicated post disaster in other regions. Peter Toyne Page 1 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Jennifer Wood is a member of the inaugural board of directors for the Marysville and Triangle Community Foundation. She is a social worker with experience in health and welfare settings across the Yarra Ranges, Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. 1.10pm Presentation Synopsis Panel Member: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. After the 2009 bushfires Jennifer served on the Marysville and Triangle Community Recovery Committee for three years, including Vice-Chair in 2009. She was actively involved in a range of recovery projects and activities, and as treasurer of the Narbethong Public Hall Committee, Jennifer had a lead role in rebuilding the new hall. She was appointed to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund’s Community Advisory Committee in 2011. Jennifer Wood Wednesday 3 September Jennifer's service to her local community was recognised with a Medal of the Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday List last year. Jacqui Sims lives, works and is passionate about the Mitchell Shire. Her background is in Community Development, starting as a Bushfire Recovery Community Development Officer at Mitchell Shire Council post fires in 2009. 1.10pm Panel Member: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. Jacqui has also successfully run a Community House and has worked on other community resilience projects including the Inspiring Whittlesea Township and Surrounds Community Emergency Plan. Jacqui Sims Jacqui has been employed by MCRAG since 2011 as their Executive Officer. Over that time Jacqui has overseen MCRAG’s transition from being an unincorporated committee to the now MCRAG Community Foundation as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Page 2 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Presentation Synopsis Robin Mifsud is an aircraft engineer and has lived Panel Member: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. in the Mitchell Shire since 1991. Robin has been involved with MCRAG since its inception in 2009, and this involvement continues his personal commitment of being active in his community. 1.10pm Robin is currently the MCRAG Chair and is passionate about Community Foundations and the role that they can play throughout the Community. Robin Mifsud Wednesday 3 September Loretta Carroll is Chair of the Into Our Hands 1.10pm Loretta Carroll Community Foundation, lives in the north east of Victoria in the small community of Mudgegonga, on a property farming beef and lamb. She gained a degree in Business Management in 1990. Loretta was invited to join the Community Advisory Committee of the Victorian Bushfire Appeals Fund in 2011 and is a member of the Alpine Shire’s Community Resilience Committee. Loretta was a finalist in the Bluescope Leadership and Innovation Award at the 2012 Regional Achievement and Community Awards, and that same year, received a Victorian Women’s Governance Scholarship to undertake the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course and was recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow in 2013. Loretta is involved in a number of local community organisations. Panel Member: Community-led relief and recovery post disaster: a conversation with four Community Foundations established post 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Bushfires. Page 3 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Anita Hopkins is the Senior Manager, Grants Program and Youth & Food Security Initiatives at the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation. Anita began her career with eleven years in the telecommunications industry with roles in product development, business planning and strategic planning. 2.30pm Presentation Synopsis Measuring Community Wellbeing: Vital Signs Melbourne The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation is currently developing a Vital Signs Report for Melbourne in partnership with Community Indicators Victoria (University of Melbourne). Following a career change, she managed a small not-for-profit organisation and then went on to roles in Philanthropy Services with both State Trustees and Equity Trustees before taking on her current role. Anita has a Bachelor of Arts (Media), a Masters of Business Administration and post graduate qualifications in Women’s Studies, Public Policy and Philanthropy and Social Investment. In this presentation, Dr Melanie Davern and Ms Anita Hopkins and will provide an overview of the process undertaken to develop the report, some of the challenges, a snapshot of the information available to all Community Foundations working in Victoria, as well as a ‘sneak peak’ at what the report will look like when launched in late 2014. Dr Melanie Davern is Director of Community Measuring Community Wellbeing: Vital Signs Melbourne Anita Hopkins Wednesday 3 September Indicators Victoria (CIV) at the McCaughey VicHealth Centre for Community Wellbeing, which is located within the School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Her research interests focus on community and individual wellbeing with specific expertise in the development and use of community wellbeing indicators as a measurement tool for policy development, program evaluation and community engagement. 2.30pm Dr Melanie Davern Melanie has extensive expertise in the development and construction of community wellbeing indicators, chairs the Australian Community Indicators Network, working closely with a range of government and community partners, and is passionate about using data as a catalyst for action. The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation is currently developing a Vital Signs Report for Melbourne in partnership with Community Indicators Victoria (University of Melbourne). In this presentation Dr Melanie Davern and Ms Anita Hopkins and will provide an overview of the process undertaken to develop the report, some of the challenges, a snapshot of the information available to all Community Foundations working in Victoria, as well as a ‘sneak peak’ at what the report will look like when launched in late 2014. Page 4 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Daniel Muggeridge is Principal at Blue Bike Solutions; a team dedicated to helping organisations across the NFP and Community Sectors with vision, strategy and IT systems implementation. Daniel combines two decades of corporate management consulting with a passion for community. He now professionally assists large and small Philanthropic, faith-based, disability, educational and other organisations to maximise potential through strong infrastructure, great tools, and alignment of people, process and technology. 3.45pm Daniel volunteers in a range of organisations including The Smith Family and Crossway COACH program, and has held a number of Director and Board chair roles in community organisations. Presentation Synopsis Choosing grants and donor management software for Community Foundations We’ll look at the process around understanding and documenting your needs, and finding solutions that will best fulfil those needs. A focus on practical hints and tips for getting the most out of a strategic exercise will be rounded out by considerations for “deploying” the system and getting it running effectively. We’ll consider the specific challenges for larger organisations (primarily complexity) and for very small organisations (primarily constraints of time & money). A quick review of some of the key solutions in the Australian marketplace and group discussion on others’ experience will round out the session. Daniel Muggeridge Wednesday 3 September Sarah Thompson manages the grant making programs and services at Australian Communities Foundation, including undertaking community research on behalf of donors to support them with their giving. She also oversees and delivers the donor engagement and education initiatives and maintains a strong connection to the community and not-for-profit sectors. 4.15pm Sarah Thompson Sarah’s experience includes time spent working in corporate social responsibility and Aboriginal reconciliation programs, as well as direct community engagement and program management experience with NFP and government sectors through placed based community participation initiatives both in Australia and overseas. Sarah was recently awarded a scholarship to complete the Igniting Leadership program with Leadership Victoria. Inspiring Participation in Philanthropy - Donor engagement at Australian Communities Foundation (ACF) This presentation will describe the process and journey ACF has taken to redefine and redevelop their donor engagement and education programs. By supporting the development of donors and philanthropists, ACF believe we can achieve greater results with their grant making. The presentation will cover key questions for Community Foundations including their purpose, role and value add for the philanthropy sector, while highlighting tools, methods and theories about donor learning and education that can harness interest and inspire donors to give more. Finally, the presentation will describe the donor learning and engagement program at ACF and how we measure and evaluate this work with donors to demonstrate our impact. Page 5 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Sue Charlton AM is the inaugural and current Chairman of the Stand Like Stone Foundation. Sue is a founding member and Director of Australian Community Philanthropy, a group established to represent the interests of Community Foundations across Australia. 4.45pm Sue Charlton AM Wednesday 3 September 2007. After resigning from the Board in 2009, Wayne has again returned to ACP as a Director and Company Secretary in 2013. Wayne was a founding Director of Tomorrow:Today Foundation in Benalla, Victoria, as company Secretary 2001-2004 and then Chair from 2004-2009. Wayne Weaire Australian Community Philanthropy supporting Australian Community Foundations. Sue has pursued a career in paediatric physiotherapy, working with children and families in the Limestone Coast community for over 40 years. She is an Adjunct lecturer with both the University of South Australia and Flinders University, teaching clinical practice to physiotherapy students and a member of the Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health Clinicians Advisory Group. Wayne Weaire was a founding Director of ACP in 4.45pm Presentation Synopsis Australian Community Philanthropy supporting Australian Community Foundations. In 2009-2010 Wayne volunteered at the Southern Highlands Community Foundation in NSW. After moving to Timboon in the South West of Victoria he was appointed a Director of the South West Community Foundation in Warrnambool, Victoria. Wayne is Chief Executive Officer of Timboon Health Care and has held a number of Director positions on philanthropic, community NFP and education organisations in regional and rural Australia over the past 25 years. Page 6 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Guest Speaker’s Profile Ian Bird is the President of the Community DAY 2 Presentation Synopsis Keynote: Community Foundations in Canada Foundations of Canada. Ian joined CFC in 2011 and immediately began exploring opportunities to mobilise its diverse network in order to achieve greater collective impact. Thursday 4 September 9.50am Under his leadership, CFC established its landmark effort called Smart & Caring Communities, to ensure that every community in Canada has access to a community foundation and funds to respond to their local priorities. Ian Bird Thursday 4 September Louise Arkles works with donors, trusts and foundations to support them in their philanthropy. After a decade at Philanthropy Australia, she established an independent consulting firm Lark Philanthropy in January 2013. 12.00pm Results of the Community Foundations Mapping Survey: what we’ve learned and what comes next. Louise is currently the Development Officer at Australian Community Philanthropy, focused on growing and strengthening community foundations. Louise Arkles Louise began her career in that stalwart community resource, public libraries. After working in special libraries in industry and higher education, she gained a Master of Information Management looking at knowledge-sharing in zoos and their role in wildlife conservation. Louise sits on the Board of Project Respect. Page 7 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Thursday 4 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Alexandra Gartmann is passionate about rural communities and creating opportunities for communities to prosper. As CEO of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, she works to build partnerships between government, philanthropy and business to help build strong and vibrant rural communities. 12.00pm Alexandra Gartmann Thursday 4 September Alice Macdougall Facilitator of discussion on future directions for our section, following the Results of the Community Foundations Mapping Survey: what we’ve learned and what comes next. Prior to joining FRRR in April 2011, Alexandra was CEO of the Birchip Cropping Group. Alexandra advocates for rural, regional & remote communities through various roles including: Chair of the CSIRO Sustainable Agriculture Flagship Advisory Council; a member of the National Rural Advisory Council; a Board member of Rural Finance Corporation; as a member of the Australian Landcare Council, the Vic Agriculture Advisory Council, the Vic Women in Primary Industries Roundtable; and on the LaTrobe University Bendigo Regional Advisory Board. Alice Macdougall is a Special Counsel at Herbert 1.30pm Presentation Synopsis Smith Freehills, a large international commercial law firm. She specialises in Charity Law, specifically tax, structuring and governance advice for charities and foundations. Alice has provided advice in this area for more than 10 years and assists peak bodies, regulators and governments with education and policy. She has been closely involved with the reform processes over the past few years. Alice has worked with community foundations since the start of the community foundation movement in Australia and continues to support community foundations with pro bono educations and advice. Tax and legislation matters. Governance matters for experienced community foundations o Alice will give an update of the reform process and a valuable refresher on compliance. Page 8 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Thursday 4 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Presentation Synopsis Catherine Brown is Chief Executive Officer of the Reflections from the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship o Catherine will reflect on her key learnings for community foundations from the Skoll World Forum (April, Oxford) where she was an invited participant. Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, a position she has held since October 2011. Prior to joining the Foundation, Catherine ran a private consulting business for 11 years providing strategic, organisational development, governance and legal advice and guidance to foundations and not-for-profit organisations throughout Australia. 2.15pm Catherine Brown Thursday 4 September In 2010, Catherine published Great Foundations - a 360° guide to building resilient and effective not-forprofit organisations with ACER Press. Prior to this she worked with three charities and was in private legal practice. She has 14 years’ experience as Chair or Deputy Chair of Victorian statutory authorities in health and women’s affairs. Catherine is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Governance matters for experienced community foundations o Catherine will focus on conflicts of interest, Board development and succession planning. Dylan Smith originally moved to Fremantle to play Facilitator of Panel Discussion: "What happens when community foundations flounder or fail? Lessons from survivors". What does success or survival look like for your Community Foundation? What is one major reason you have survived the challenges of running a Community Foundation? What challenges do you face to continue operating? What social impact are you most proud of from the last 12 months? What have you learnt about the CF business in the last 12 months? What could other community foundations and the industry do to better support you? for the Fremantle Dockers in 2004 and with both the Kangaroos and Dockers Dylan played alongside modern AFL greats such Wayne Carey, Peter Bell and Matthew Pavilch. 3.45pm Dylan consulted to the AFL Players Association’s premier initiative The Ladder Program and currently delivers team dynamic and leadership programs with Tract Group. Dylan Smith Dylan recognised that Fremantle is unique because people are willing to make a direct difference to the lives of others. As a result Dylan guided the process of establishing the Fremantle Foundation in late 2010. Page 9 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Thursday 4 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Shelley Boyce is the Chair of the Southern Highlands Foundation Inc (“SHF”) and has been in that role for the past 5 years and prior to that as a director on the board. In addition to her work with the SHF, she also is the Chair of the Southern Highlands Arts Foundation, and a member and former President of the Rotary Club of the Berrima District. 3.45pm Shelley Boyce Thursday 4 September school teacher in Mildura, later completing her MBA and moving into the community development sector. She started her association with the Bass Coast Community Foundation as a volunteer, charged with raising the profile of the Foundation within the local region. Kate Dwyer Panel Member: "What happens when community foundations flounder or fail? Lessons from survivors" panel session. Shelley is the Executive Director of a company that provides administrative services to a legal practice. Shelley has a passion for giving to her community and over many years Shelley has held many public offices and worked across a varied field of charities, including Girl Guides, Lifeline and the Volunteering Wingecarribee. She is also a very active fundraiser for adolescent mental health and women's crisis care. Kate Dwyer began her working life as a secondary 3.45pm Presentation Synopsis Panel Member: "What happens when community foundations flounder or fail? Lessons from survivors" panel session. Kate became the Executive Officer of the BCCF early in 2010. Her first significant task was to help the BCCF raise $100,000 for the Victorian State Government Challenge Grant. Since then Kate has helped shape the BCCF to be the relevant and valued organisation it is today. Page 10 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Thursday 4 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Dr Gill Sellar has lived in Denmark, Western Australia for 35 years, built her own bush home, has a background in community online development, education, health and communications and run her consultancy, 1 < 2 > 1 (One-To-One) Community Technology and Education for over 25 years. Gill is also an experienced and respected facilitator, mediator and counsellor and has a keen interest in change management and knowledge sharing. 3.45pm Dr Gillian Sellar Presentation Synopsis Panel Member: "What happens when community foundations flounder or fail? Lessons from survivors" panel session. Initiating the Denmark Community Foundation (WA) Inc. became a long term commitment after she project managed the Denmark WHO Healthy Community Project (2005-2008), through which many unheard community needs were highlighted. After a number of challenging years and setbacks, the Foundation is rising again to address some of the needs and aspirations of a small community on the far southern coast of WA. Page 11 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker DAY 3 Guest Speaker’s Profile Presentation Synopsis Emily Fuller is the Foundation Manager of Vincent With information, imagination and initiative – CFs achieving a bigger voice for communities. ‘Whether they are working in small towns, rural villages or large cities, and irrespective of whether they have large financial investments or depend on limited resources, CFs have found that with information, imagination and initiative, there are many ways to make things happen for communities.’ Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF). She recently completed the Senior International Fellows Program at the Centre on Philanthropy and Civil Society, City University of New York, considering community and place-based philanthropy. Emily is a Director of Mundango Abroad, a PAF grant maker in PNG and a member of the Advisory Council for the Sydney Women’s Fund, part of the Sydney Community Foundation. Friday 5 September 9.10am Emily Fuller Friday 5 September Before joining VFFF in 2008, Emily worked in social and market research in Sydney and international development in Hanoi, where she helped Marie Stopes International to launch Vietnam’s first social franchise. Emily began her career in communication and brand strategy with M&C Saatchi. Dr Andrew Young has been CEO of the Centre for Social Impact since 2012. Andrew is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of social impact across the social purpose, government and corporate sectors in Australia. 9.40am In 2013 the Centre for Social Impact co-published a report on philanthropy called Where the Money Goes: Private Wealth for Public Good. Andrew Young CFs play many different roles and using many different tools to champion their communities. Case studies from Brazil, Romania and the USA highlight some of the ingenious ways they are driving outcomes and being effective voices for their communities. CFs however, are really hitting their stride when they function as a network. Building the network is the key opportunity for other funders who see support for CFs as a means to achieve a bigger voice and better outcomes for local communities. Keynote – Policies shaping our sector now, and policy drivers for the future. The world of social impact is changing. Budgets are under increasing pressure and governments are looking for new ways to work with “industry” to deliver (and demonstrate) social outcomes. Whether we like it or not, these are trends that can only intensify. What are some of the key directions in government policy in the short term, and the key drivers of policy in the longer term? While there are a lot of uncertainties about the future, change brings opportunity as well as challenge. Andrew will summarise the drivers for change and explore some key big-picture themes. He will comment on how communities, organisations and funders can prepare for this uncertain future, and help shape the agenda, keeping in mind our common goal of improving outcomes for the disadvantaged in our society. Page 12 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Friday 5 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Louise Walsh brings extensive corporate, Presentation Synopsis Philanthropy Australia government, not-for-profit and philanthropic leadership experience to her role as CEO of Philanthropy Australia. 11.00am A former corporate lawyer with Allens Arthur Robinson, Louise worked on Sydney's Olympic Bid and corporate partnerships for the 2000 Olympic Games and the City of Sydney, before becoming Director of Development for the Sydney Symphony. Louise Walsh Friday 5 September 11.15am Marion Webster More recently, Louise was the founding Director of Artsupport Australia, an initiative of the Federal Government agency, the Australia Council for the Arts, to grow cultural philanthropy. During her 10 year tenure, Artsupport Australia facilitated over $77 million of philanthropic funds nationally for cultural sector across hundreds of organisations and individual artists. Marion Webster has had a long history of Hot Topic - Sustainability involvement with the not for profit and philanthropic sector. Over the past 20 years her focus has been mainly on community foundation development and growth. She was instrumental in establishing what is now Australian Communities Foundation, was CEO of the network of community foundations in the United Kingdom and was a founding director of Auckland Communities Foundation in New Zealand. Marion’s presentation will be on the choices we make about how to position our community foundations and whether sustainability is ever truly achievable. In 2004 Marion undertook a fellowship on community foundation sustainability at the City University of New York and has undertaken extensive developmental work with government and other community foundations. Page 13 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Friday 5 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Krystian Seibert is the Policy & Research Hot Topic – Talking with Government Manager at Philanthropy Australia. Engaging effectively with Government is vital for community foundations, both to grow awareness and support for their important work in communities across Australia, but also advance broader policy changes which support the flourishing of those communities. In this session, Krystian will walk participants through some of the key aspects of an effective approach to engaging with Government. He will offer useful tips based on his own experience working in Government, and answer questions participants may have. Krystian has broad experience in public policy development, and an in-depth awareness of government, legislative and political processes. He has particular expertise in not-for-profit sector policy and in regulatory reform. 11.15am Krystian Seibert Friday 5 September 11.15am Julia Keady Presentation Synopsis Prior to joining Philanthropy Australia, Krystian was an adviser to former Australian Assistant Treasurer, David Bradbury. In this role he oversaw the delivery of major not-for-profit sector reforms including the passage of Australia’s first comprehensive statutory definition of charity, the Charities Act 2013, and the establishment of the Australian Charities and Not-forprofits Commission (ACNC). Julia Keady is a marketing and social investment Hot Topic – Working with the Media strategist with 20 years' experience across media, marketing, events, philanthropy and major projects. She has a Masters in Philanthropy and Social Investment, was the inaugural CEO of Australian Women Donors Network, and in her role now as Director of Xfactor Consulting, works on projects and campaigns for numerous for-purpose organisations including the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E), Northern Rivers Community Foundation, Regional Universities Australia, Federation University Australia and more. The media landscape has changed significantly in the past few years. We now talk in terms of a 'PESO' Model: Paid – Earned – Shared – Owned Media Platforms. In this presentation, Julia Keady will show trustees and executive officers how to take a 360-degree view of your organisation's news and content, and how to curate it across all channels, in order to optimise your profile with your most important stakeholders. She has also developed and executed content marketing initiatives for 30+ well-known Australian companies including Australia Post, NAB, Melbourne Cup Carnival and more. She is an experienced media professional and is renowned for – and passionate about – putting organisations 'on the map'. Page 14 National Community Foundations Forum 2014 An Australian Community Philanthropy event proudly supported by Philanthropy Australia and FRRR Session Date & Time Guest Speaker Friday 5 September Guest Speaker’s Profile Genevieve Timmons is Philanthropic Executive of the Portland House Foundation and Deputy Chair of the Inner North Community Foundation. Genevieve is recognised as a thought leader in philanthropy in Australia and New Zealand. 2.15pm She is author of Savvy Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy, Director at the George Hicks Foundation, and sits on the Council of Philanthropy Australia. Genevieve Timmons Presentation Synopsis What comes next? Positioning, Pathways and Partnerships - Genevieve Timmons, Keynote Listener Genevieve will comment on some of the options and challenges ahead for community foundations in Australia, as individual foundations and also as a strengthening network. As a Keynote Listener, Genevieve will reflect on what has been covered in the Forum program, with particular interest in: o how community foundations can strengthen their positioning as contributors to communities o what pathways exist to grow as a network and build capacity o how partnerships with donors, other funders and policy makers can be advanced in the future. Page 15