The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Theology Integrative Seminar II: Proclamation PROFESSOR Name: Title: Email: Phone: Office: COURSE DESCRIPTION An intensive supervised ministry experience focused on the development of preaching competencies and consisting of the following: ministry service in a pre-approved setting, involvement in a formal church-based internship / pastoral training program, and appropriate academic requirements which will enhance the student’s understanding and practice of proclamation. Pre-approval required. (6 hours). CLASSROOM VALUES OF THE LEARNING COMMUNITY The professor will guide the learning experiences in this course based on the following educational values he possesses: (the individual professor will complete this section) REQUIRED READINGS AND RESOURCES The following readings and resources are required. Books/articles will be read in their entirety unless otherwise noted. Required Textbooks: Bible (bring to every class session) Books: Carson, D. A. Exegetical Fallacies. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996. Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005. Keller, Tim. Preaching the Gospel in a Post Modern World. Unpublished manuscript. Miller, Jack. Outgrowing the Ingrown Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986. Plummer, Robert L. 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2010. Articles: (provided to students in class) “A Preacher’s Decalogue” by Sinclair Ferguson “Gospel Definitions” by Trevin Wax “Before You Preach” by Joe Thorn “Evangelism and the Sunday Morning Pulpit” by John Stark “Exposition – Components and Proportions” by Sojourn “Preaching to the Secular Mind” by Tim Keller LEARNING GOALS AND EVALUATION 1. The student will understand the importance of prayer and biblical meditation as a part of sermon preparation. 2. The student will demonstrate competency in weekly sermon research. 3. The student will demonstrate proficiency in sermon preparation and delivery. 4. The student will be able to critically evaluate sermon content, delivery, and overall communication effectiveness. SCHEDULE The professor will insert the schedule for the course. LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following assignments totaling 100 points are to be completed as described below by the dates indicated. Required Assignments Summary – 100 points o Required Reading / Writing Assignments (25 pts total / reading is 15 pts and book critiques are 5 pts each). The student will read all texts and articles as assigned and submit a reading report at the end of the semester. The professor will assign additional articles and other readings during the semester. The student will prepare a 1500 word book critique for each of the following texts (guidelines/suggestions for writing these critiques will be posted on Moodle): o Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005. o Miller, Jack. Outgrowing the Ingrown Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986. o Two Sermons. (20 pts total, 10 pts per sermon) Students must type complete manuscripts for two separate sermons. Biblical texts for the sermons should be chosen in consultation with the professor. Sermons should be 20 minutes in length. One sermon will be preached to the peer group for evaluation. The other will be preached on Sunday night in a local church, pending professor’s approval. o Sermon critiques. (15 points total, 5 pts per critique) Students must provide a 1-2 page critique of three sermons by other students. Students will be randomly assigned to critique three sermons. o Involvement in an Internship / Pastoral Training Program (20 pts). The student is expected to be involved in a church-based internship / pastoral training program where he meets with a mentor/teacher on a weekly basis for a minimum of three hours per week (this may be done through the training program and one-on-one meetings with the professor or pastors). The purpose of this involvement is the refining of ministry leadership skills, character development, and goal setting/evaluation. o Contextualized Ministry Experience (20 pts). The student is expected to be engaged in a minimum of five hours per week of supervised ministry (total of 50 hours minimum—15 pts). The student will be required to keep a weekly journal concerning the ministry involvement and lessons learned (5 pts). The student will also be required to complete all necessary records of involvement required by the professor. 2 GRADING SCALE A 4.0 96-100 A3.7 93-95 B+ 3.3 89-92 B BC+ 3.0 86-88 2.7 83-85 2.3 79-82 C CD+ 2.0 76-78 1.7 73-75 1.3 69-72 D DF 1.0 66-68 0.7 63-65 0.0 0-62 WP Withdraw Pass WF Withdraw Fail I Incomplete (no grades of incomplete will be issued for this course except in an extreme circumstance as determined by the professor) ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend all sessions. RESPECT FOR DIVERGENT VIEWPOINTS Students and faculty are to show appropriate respect for each other even when divergent viewpoints are expressed in the classroom. Such respect does not require agreement with or acceptance of divergent viewpoints. STYLE All papers should be submitted using the guidelines found in the Southern Seminary Style Manual which is available in the Lifeway Christian Bookstore. PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS In order to ensure full class participation, any student with a disabling condition requiring special accommodations (tape recorders, special adaptive equipment, special note-taking or test-taking needs) is strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the beginning of the course. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of someone else without giving them appropriate credit. Students are expected to always credit sources appropriately. Failure to do so will potentially result in the student’s failure of this course and referral to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action as is deemed appropriate. ELECTRONIC COPIES OF ASSIGNMENTS Students are expected to retain an electronic copy of all assignments submitted in this course. This will ensure that the student would able to resubmit an assignment if it was lost in the grading process. 3 Courseware and Copyright COURSEWARE This course syllabus and the accompanying course protocols are intended to reflect accurately all aspects of the course learning experience. However, the professor reserves the right to modify any portion of this syllabus as necessary because of events and circumstances that occur during the term. No part of this course, including the syllabus, handouts, web pages, and presentation software files, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the professor, except when used for instructional purposes during which the professor is acknowledged as the source of the material. COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2011 The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Theology 2825 Lexington Road Louisville, KY 40280 1-800-626-5525 4