Solar Power Installation Guidelines for Schools

Solar Power
Installation Guidelines for Schools
Understand the benefits
Know the installation process
Get the best outcome
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Is Solar Power Best for Your School? ......................................................................................................................... 2
Expected Energy Savings and Financial Benefits ........................................................................................................ 2
Solar Power System Components .............................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Solar panels ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Inverters .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Monitoring equipment ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Optimum System Size .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Pre-installation checks ............................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Building type ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Orientation and Tilt/pitch ....................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Shading ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Power Supply .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) .............................................................................................................. 12
Contractor Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 12
8.1 Accreditation........................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Site analysis ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
8.3 Electrical Works Request ........................................................................................................................................ 12
8.4 Certificate of Electrical Safety ................................................................................................................................. 13
8.5 Compliance ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
8.6 Signing the Contract................................................................................................................................................ 13
Solar Panel Security.................................................................................................................................................. 14
10. Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
1. Introduction
With the help of solar panels, schools have the potential to use clean energy. This can mean a reduction in
energy bills and in some cases credit from electricity retailers. It must be understood that the scale of
benefits will be different for each school.
A solar power installation also provides an opportunity for students to learn more about renewable energy
resources and see the results in action.
There are many actions that must be undertaken by a number of different parties to ensure that the solar
project is successful. Therefore, it is important for schools to fully understand the purchase and installation
processes and keep check of the important steps to ensure that they get good service, value for money
and, most importantly, an effective solar panel installation.
This document is intended to provide:
A guide to assist schools in the investigating, planning and purchase of solar panels.
A clear understanding as to when schools create surplus energy, whether or not your school is
likely to receive credit for surplus energy fed into the grid, and the rate at which your school would
be credited for that energy.
Realistic expectations on both the energy and financial benefits provided by your installation.
2. Is Solar Power Best for Your School?
Before looking to invest in a solar energy solution for your school, it is important to understand that
often the best way to reduce energy costs is by introducing energy reduction measures, not energy
generation measures.
Some of the best ways to reduce energy costs are through upgrades to insulation, energy efficient
lighting, window shading, timer switches and occupancy controls. This is in addition to basic behaviour
changes such as switching off all lighting and appliances not in use. These changes are often much more
cost effective than installing large energy generating items such as solar power.
For more information about energy saving measures that could decrease your energy bill, visit
Despite the fact that solar may not always be the most cost effective solution, the introduction of clean,
green energy generators like solar will produce some energy for your school. This is in addition to
providing a great learning opportunity for students and gives a clear sign to your school community that
you care about the environment.
3. Expected Energy Savings and Financial Benefits
It is important to remember that the possible energy and financial benefits from installing a solar power
system can vary greatly between schools. Variable factors include:
School’s location
Existing energy contracts
Position of panels
Size of system
Total energy consumption of the school
Any energy generated by the system will decrease the school’s overall electricity consumption, which will in
turn reduce the cost of the school’s electricity bill.
If a solar power system generates more energy than the school actually consumes, the system can feed
that excess energy back into the electricity grid. When this process occurs, the school receives financial
compensation for the associated energy company via a ‘feed-in tariff’.
It must be noted that for the majority of schools, the minimum energy base load that occurs when the
school is not in operation (e.g. to power items such as fridges, emergency lighting, standby power on
appliances and security systems during night time and weekends etc.) can often be more energy than the
solar power system can generate. As such, schools should not rely on receiving financial benefits from feedin tariffs as a regular occurrence.
For more information on feed-in tariffs, energy and financial benefits that your school could reasonably
expect, read ‘Understanding Solar Feed-In Tariffs’ at:
4. Solar Power System Components
4.1 Solar panels
Solar panels are manufactured in three main types (monocrystaline, polycrystalline and thin film) with
manufacturers within the solar panel industry divided into three tiers of quality.
Tier 1 manufacturers use the highest grade of silicon, invest heavily in research and development, have a
largely automated production line and control the supply and manufacture of all components making up
each solar panel.
Tier 2 manufacturers on the other hand invest less in research and development of their product, have a
less automated production line and may not control the supply and manufacture of all components within
their solar panels.
Tier 3 manufacturers act more as an assembler only by purchasing all separate components of their panels
on the open market and then combining these into a solar panel. They therefore have much less control
over the quality of each of their components.
The three types of solar panels have different strengths, and selection can be determined by variables such
as cost, efficiency (size) and performance when hot.
Highest efficiency rates (13-17%)
Space efficient, ideal for limited roof area (1kW = as little as 6sqm)
Perform well in cooler conditions
Usually comes with a 25 year warranty
Most expensive
Reduced performance in heat (~0.3% for every degree over 25C that the panels heat up)
Good efficiency (12-13%)
Slightly cheaper than monocrystalline per watt.
Usually comes with a 25 year warranty
High embodied energy
Slightly less space-efficient than monocrystalline (1kW = approximately 8sqm),
Reduced performance in heat (~0.3% for every degree over 25C)
Amorphous Thin Film
Performance not adversely affected by heat or partial shade
Initially higher than expected performance during first 3-6 months ‘breaking in ‘ period
Lower manufacturing costs mean they are a cheaper alternative to crystalline models
Most quickly evolving type of solar power technology
Low to moderate efficiency (6-8%)
Requires about twice the roof area of monocrystalline cells, 1kW = approximately 14sqm,
Degrades faster, meaning a shorter warranty than other panels
Emerging technologies not yet on the market:
Organic Polymer and Dye-sensitised
 Very stable in heat
 Promises to be much cheaper than other technologies
Expected to eventually reach efficiencies of 20%
Very light, thin and flexible making it very versatile
Long life expectancy
Not yet available on the market.
North of the divide, consider Amorphous Thin Film panels due to superior tolerance to heat,
particularly if a supportive framework is not required to increase the angle of the panels.
If Polycrystalline or Monocrystalline panels are selected, ask the contractor to allow for airflow
behind the panels to assist cooling.
Ensure that the solar panels selected have a performance-based warranty of at least 25 years, and
a product warranty of at least 5 years.
Note: ‘Tindo’ is currently the only Australian manufacturer of solar panels. As they are a relatively new
company, their performance is not measurable. They also do not make compatible inverters. It is for these
reasons that at the time of print this brand is not recommended. More reliable manufacturers of solar
panels include Schott, Q Cells and Conenergy.
4.2 Inverters
Your system will require an inverter to control the operation of the solar panels and change the solar power
from a low and variable DC current to a 240v AC current, suitable for regular use or feeding into the grid.
Inverters can be purchased with various data capabilities and at a minimum you should be able to
download performance data by cable from the inverter itself, eliminating the need for purchasing
additional monitoring equipment.
The two types of inverters available on the market are conventional central inverters and the more recently
developed microinverters.
 Allow for one solar panel within an array to be performing poorly due to shading, debris or a failure
without impacting on the rest of the array.
 One model of microinverter can be used on any size array and many different models of solar
 German made.
 More expensive.
 Take longer to install as they need to be installed adjacent to the solar panel, which usually means
they have to be mounted on the roof.
 More difficult to maintain due to roof mounting.
Central Inverter
 Installed inside or under the eve of a building and out of the weather, allowing it to be easy to
 Less expensive.
 An issue with one panel (e.g. affected by shade, broken etc) can impact performance of multiple
There are numerous brands of central inverters. A recommended brand is the SMA Inverter. A key benefit
of this inverter is that they have the best warranty options on the market (minimum 5 years with option to
extend up to 25 years). They also have Bluetooth capability, making it cheaper and easier to install the data
monitoring component of the system, including monitoring via the Schools Water Efficiency Program
(SWEP) portal (see 4.3 Monitoring Equipment for more information).
Other quality brands of central inverters on the market include Fronius, Power-One and Conenergy, which
are all manufactured in Germany. These manufacturers all have an online portal for the display of the solar
power produced, however those portals are generally not as easy to work with as the SMA monitoring
The inverter is the most important component of your entire solar power system so it is highly
recommended to purchase a reputable brand with the following features:
Maximum power point tracking to maximise the output they produce.
Grid tie only, not stand alone inverters for off grid systems.
High efficiency inverters with a rating close to 98%.
Manufacturer must make a wide range of inverters from 2 to 30kW (the latter of which may need
several inverters wired in series).
A sine wave AC output in preference to a square wave or modified sine wave - modified sine wave
inverters can reduce efficiency of the transfer from AC to DC by about 20%.
Capacity to export data via a File Transfer Protocol in the correct format at the correct frequency to
enable connection to programs such as the SWEP. Note: SMA inverters are recommended for this
Warranty of at least 10 years.
4.3 Monitoring equipment
It is important to be able to monitor if your solar power system is working, and working as efficiently as it
should. This ensures that any required maintenance occurs as soon as possible and the school is not missing
out on the energy and financial benefits of the system.
In addition, through monitoring the performance this information can also provide an educational benefit if
included in science and maths classes.
There are many different types of monitoring devices with which to view and monitor the performance of
the solar panels. These provide varying quality of output, and are purchased at a wide range of prices.
Examples include:
Wireless monitoring and display device,
connected directly to the inverter or a sensor on
the power cable itself.
Network box, to collect wireless data from the
inverter to a PC, a website, or a public display
Public display screen, showing live data for
education and promotion (in an entry foyer
Meter data collectors, which can add the capability
of showing total school energy consumption
alongside solar production (this device may depend
on compatibility with the school’s main meter).
External sensors, to show additional data such as
sunlight intensity and solar cell temperature,
which could complement the data from the
Web visualisation. Some providers of hardware
offer free internet portals.
Web visualisation is a very effective way to monitor both the solar energy generation and the electricity consumption
at the school, and can be a valuable educational tool.
Many different brands of web portal systems are available, with some of the popular brands shown below.
Sunny Portal
Sunny Portal is a free site,
and can be tailored to the
school’s preferences.
Information is
sometimesdifficult to
Information can be publicly
accessible or can be secured
via password login.
Bright Future
Bright Future is a publicly
accessible site and is visually
easy to interpret.
Can provide additional
information on the system
components (system and
inverter size etc), and also
‘live’ data such as current air
temperature and rainfall.
Sunskool is a publicly
accessible site and is visually
easy to interpret.
It converts the generated
electricity and greenhouse
gasses not emitted into the
atmosphere into tangible
figures like an equivalent
number of cars that have
been removed from the road.
The Schools Water Efficiency
Program (SWEP) site
monitors schools’ water
consumption via water data
logger technology. The
program is currently being
expanded to allow schools to
monitor solar power
generation and electricity
consumption. SWEP is a
Victorian Government
initiative managed by the
Department of Environment
and Primary Industries and
the Department of Education
and Training.
For schools already part of
SWEP, or considering signing
up to SWEP, this web portal
is highly recommended.
 Consider how you would like to view the performance of your solar panels and ask the contractor
to provide this in the quote.
 Confirm that the system has the required data collection possibilities, and any expansion
capabilities to add any monitoring equipment you think you may want in future.
 If monitoring electricity consumption, ask the contractor to investigate how the consumption is
currently metered and verify if the entire school’s consumption can be monitored, or only selected
 Ensure that a minimum of two staff, preferably including the school’s IT technician, are taught how
to read and understand the monitoring system, and are provided with any login details where
5. Optimum System Size
The amount of energy your solar system generates will be influenced by how many solar panels you
have, how large they are, the location of the panels and the direction they face. Variables that might
influence your choice of solar capacity should include cost, feed-in tariff rates, available roof area, and
the energy demand of your school.
The following table is designed to give schools a quick reference guide to the optimum size of solar
power system based on the number of enrolments. It must be noted that this table is a rough guide only
and does not take into account contributing factors such as school age and location, energy efficiency
opportunities, roof size and orientation, and for small schools if the power supply is single or three
phase. Schools with single phase power supplies are generally limited to a solar power system of no
larger than 6kW by the electricity distribution company.
Red Energy
School Size
Up to 30
31 to 60
61 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 250
251 to 350
351 and above
400 - 600
601 - 800
801 – 1,000
1,001 – 1,200
1,201 – 1,401
1,401 and above
System Size
To help understand typical power consumption versus solar power production and understanding how
much power you can expect to generate, see the guideline Understanding Solar Feed-in Credits on
6. Pre-installation checks
6.1 Building type
Solar panels should not be installed on a relocatable building or a building that may be removed or
demolished. This may lead to extra costs in relocating the system, installation or tariff complications, and
even loss of the panels.
In addition, schools should be aware of installing solar panels on buildings under warranty. For example,
if the roof begins to leak for a reason unrelated to the solar panels, you may find that the roof warranty
has been negated by the installation of solar panels.
It is recommended that solar panels are installed on buildings less than 25 years old and that have an
expected long future, or alternatively on heritage listed buildings where it is known that they will be
retained in any school development program.
6.2 Orientation and Tilt/pitch
When completing an installation, the pitch of panels can be pivotal to the power they generate. The
optimum pitch to mount the panels is 22 degrees, and ideally they should be mounted on a north facing
roof that is not affected by shade. Mounting solar panels flush against a flat roof instead of at the
optimum angle can make a negative difference on the power output.
Mounting on a north facing roof will maximise performance year round. If a due north facing installation
is not possible, a north west or north east could be considered. Solar panels should never face due east,
west or south, and a school should not consider solar if their roof orientation is not acceptable.
6.3 Shading
Shading by trees or adjacent buildings will have a negative effect on the output of the solar panels,
depending on time of day and for how long the panels are shaded. Any potential shading should be taken
into account when positioning panels.
6.4 Power Supply
Schools with a single phase power supply are limited to installing systems of a maximum 6kW capacity.
Only schools with a three phase power supply can support installations larger than 6KW.
When providing a quote, the installer must check the power supply to the school can support the size of
the system being installed. As part of the check, an ‘Embedded Generator Pre-Approval’ form should be
completed by the installer and sent to the electrical distributor (e.g. SP AusNet) to ensure they approve
the system size before final contracts are signed and the installation commences.
7. Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are a tradeable commodity attached to eligible installations of
renewable energy systems (including solar panels, solar water heaters and heat pumps). Under the
Federal Government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), when you install an eligible system,
you may claim a set number of these STCs. This is a way of encouraging the installation of renewable
energy systems by effectively subsidising them.
The number of STCs awarded is based on the assumed energy output potential over the following 15
years (1 STC is equivalent to 1MWh). A reasonable price an electrical contractor would pay for them
after taking a percentage might be $30-35 per STC.
A school’s location plays a factor in how many STCs they may be eligible for. To determine how many
STCs your school’s system is eligible for, use the Small Generation Unit STC Calculator located at
When using the calculator, note that schools are not eligible for Solar Credit Multipliers.
It is recommended that schools trade any applicable STCs to gain an upfront discount on their solar
power system installation.
8. Contractor Requirements
8.1 Accreditation
Installation of solar panels should be done by a renewable energy installer who is certified by the Clean
Energy Council. You can search for a Clean Energy Council accredited installer at
8.2 Site analysis
The contractor must perform a site analysis test using a Solar Pathfinder, Suneye or similar device on the
roof for a short time to measure the potential performance and shading of a solar installation in that
position. Using this information they will give you a formal report about what type of results to expect.
This is to ensure that you get the best performance from the system.
8.3 Electrical Works Request
The contractor must also submit an Electrical Works Request (EWR) to your energy retailer to allow the
retailer to:
1. Arrange for the distributor to set up the meter to allow this solar power feed-in data to be
2. Set up its database and your electricity bill to include feed-in-tariffs.
In the past, schools have missed out on financial credit for any power they feed into the grid because
their meters and billing have not been properly set up.
To ensure that the retailer will be able to credit the school for surplus energy, schools should ensure that
the EWR states that it acknowledges that the EWR is due to a solar installation, and that it indicates the
solar capacity in kilowatts.
8.4 Certificate of Electrical Safety
The contractor must supply a Certificate of Electrical Safety (CES) at the completion of the job. An
electrical inspector will undertake the inspection for CES usually within 8 business days of completion.
The electrical inspector can also ensure the system is connected to the grid.
The company you choose to install your system should be able to organise the required inspections as
well as complete the required paperwork.
Without a CES, the property may not be covered by insurance in the case of an electrical fault.
8.5 Compliance
All solar power installations must comply with the Standards for Wiring Rules (AS/NZ 3000), and other
solar power system installation guidelines that are published and updated by Standards Australia.
The following Australian Standards must be adhered to:
 AS 3000: 2007 Wiring Rules
 AS 1786: 2007 Lightening Protection,
 AS 4777: 2005 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters,
 AS 1170.2: 2002 Structural Design Actions, Part 2 wind actions,
 AS 5033: 2005, Installation of photovoltaic arrays.
At the time of the installation, the panel used must appear as compliant as per AS 5033.
In addition, the inverter being installed must appear on the Clean Energy Council’s list of tested and
approved grid connected inverters.
AS 4509: 2009 Stand Alone Power Systems is not relevant as all systems will be connected to the grid.
Schools are strongly encouraged not to install stand-alone power systems due to the additional
maintenance and safety requirements associated with battery banks.
All installers will be bound by the Clean Energy Council’s “Code of Conduct” and must comply with this
code during all installations. Installers must also understand that the provision of false or misleading
information contravenes Section 24B of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. Failure to comply
with the Act can result in penalties and prosecution where warranted.
Before finalising any payments, it is highly recommended that the installer provide the following to the
 A list of all items that have been installed;
 Certificate of Electrical Safety;
 Electrical diagram of the system; and
 Photos of the system.
8.6 Signing the Contract
Careful consideration of both price and quality should be undertaken to ensure your school’s best option.
Always get at least three suppliers to quote for the same size system so you are able to compare prices
before signing any contracts.
When shopping for your system, make sure you understand what the installer is willing to do for the
installation price and what you are required to do.
Ensure all quotes and contracts provide detailed information on the system components being provided,
total costs including GST and timelines for the installation.
Final balance payments should not be made until the system is fully operational.
9. Solar Panel Security
Although it is rare, there have been instances where solar panels have been stolen from the roofs of
school buildings – generally during times of other building works on the site. It is highly recommended
that security measures be in place to prevent and deter the theft of the expensive equipment.
Security measures could include:
Non-reversible screws. These are highly effective, but will reduce the ability to remove the panels
at a later date without destroying the framework and brackets, which are connected to the
panels. The time taken to remove the panels will also be significantly increased.
High security screws, which require a special tool that is registered to the police.
Tying the panels together using a heavy braided cable, to make removal more difficult.
Ensure that you have a record of serial numbers for your individual solar panels and associated
Ensure that the solar panel system is added to the school’s insurance policy.
10. Contacts
For issues surrounding mandated electricity State Purchase Contracts, which cover all electricity supplied to
schools, contact your regional office Provision & Planning Unit or email
Billing and other invoicing or supply matters should first be raised with the appropriate retailer.
These are:
Red Energy – for all sites with usage of >160MWh pa (megawatt hours per annum)
Phone 03 9425 0590 or email
Power Direct – for all sites with usage of <160MWh pa
Phone 03 8633 6823 or email