Medium Term Plan Edwards Hall Primary School

Medium Term Plan
Year: 1
Subject: R.E.
AT2: Learning from religion.
2c identify what matters to
them and others, including
those with religious
commitments, and
communicate their
Edwards Hall Primary School
Term: Summer 1 What makes a book special?
L1 I can say what is important in my life.
I can talk about the parts of life I find
SMSC Links:
An increasing ability to reflect and learn from this reflection
A desire to explore their own and others’ views
Next Steps/Evaluation:
Teachers: Mrs East/ Mrs Eve
Introduce new theme. What books are
special to you? Why are they special?
Present for something special, given
by someone special, favourite story
etc. Talk Partners. Share a favourite
book with the children. Explain why it
is special.
How do we treat our books?
Discuss books at home, school, library
Children will write about a special
book saying why it is special for them.
EXT children will write about another
persons special book.
All will understand some people have
special books.
Most will be able to say why a book is
special to them.
Some will understand why certain
books are special for other people.
AT2: Learning from religion.
2c identify what matters to
them and others, including
those with religious
commitments, and
communicate their
SMSC Links:
Next Steps/Evaluation:
L1I recognise religious objects.
I know about some of the things that
people of a religion do.
L2 I can describe some religious objects.
I can describe some religious practices.
L.O. To identify the importance of the
bible for Christians.
Show children different copies of the
bible. Why do they look different?
Used in church, by adults, children.
What do children know about the
bible? What stories are in it? Explain
Old and New Testament and some of
the stories found in each. Creation,
Noah’s Ark, Moses, Jesus birth, Easter,
etc. When are they used? Where are
they used?
L.A. Will design a cover for a bible.
M.A. Will Create a mind map about the
H.A. will write about what they know
about the bible.
All will understand the bible is a
special book for Christian people
Most will understand the bible is split
into two main parts.
Some will understand what is found in
the old and new testament.
AT2: Learning from religion.
2c identify what matters to
them and others, including
those with religious
commitments, and
communicate their
L1I recognise religious objects.
I know about some of the things that
people of a religion do.
L2 I can describe some religious objects.
I can describe some religious practices.
SMSC Links:
A desire to explore their own and others’ views
Next Steps/Evaluation:
L.O. To identify the importance of the
Qu’ran for Muslims.
Show children a copy of the Qu’ran.
What do they notice? Wrapped in a
cloth. Not written in English.
Explain the Qu’ran is a very special
book for Muslims and they treat it very
carefully. Wash their hands before
reading, keep it in a cover, use a book
stand. In it are messages from God
given to Mohammed which tell
Muslims how they should live their
lives. Muslims believe Mohammed was
God’s messenger,
L.A. Will decorate and answer
questions about the Qu’ran.
M.A. Will decorate and create a mind
map about the Qu’ran
H.A. will write about what they know
about the Qu’ran..
All will understand the Qu’ran is a
special book for Muslim people.
Most will understand the Qu’ran is
written in Arabic.
Some will understand that Muslims
believe the qu’ran contains messages
from God.
AT2: Learning from religion.
2c identify what matters to
them and others, including
those with religious
commitments, and
communicate their
L1I recognise religious objects.
I know about some of the things that
people of a religion do.
L2 I can describe some religious objects.
I can identify what is important to me and
what guides me in my life.
I can describe some religious practices.
L.O. To make links between religious
language and stories and beliefs that lie
behind them.
Recap the Qu’ran as the special book for
Muslims. Explain to the children that we
are going to learn about Muhammad
who Muslims believe is God’s
Read the story of Muhammad. Explain
that Muslims believe the Qu’ran
contains the messages from God that
teach them how God wants them to live
their lives. There are five beliefs or
pillars of Islam. The first and most
important one is Shahadah ‘There is no
God but Allah and Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.’ All Muslims can
recite this belief. It is very important to
them and is written beautifully in Arabic
because it is so special. Ask the children
if they have any beliefs or rules that they
live by. E.G. Being kind to others. Love
other people. Look after the world
around us. Make good choices. Etc.
All children will decorate the Shahadah.
M.A. will write what the Arabic means.
H.A. will also think of a rule or belief that
is important for them.
All will understand the Muslims believe
the Qu’ran contains messages from God.
Most will understand the Muslims
believe Muhammad is a messenger from
Some will understand that Muslims
believe the Qu’ran teaches them how to
live their lives.
SMSC Links:
A desire to explore their own and others’ views
Next Steps/Evaluation:
P4C Lesson. What makes a book special (See separate plan.)