The Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services: Funding Application for Best Practices Aligned to the Framework BACKGROUND This CLF grant program is made available through funding from the Rose Community Foundation. Application and Grant Guidelines The intent of this funding is to advance best practices in social, emotional, and behavioral health in Colorado school districts and schools to improve student outcomes and school climate and culture. The initiative seeks to provide guidance, financial resources, technical assistance, and support to school districts to improve: universal social and emotional learning opportunities, behavioral health referral systems, partnerships and MOUs between behavioral health professionals and districts, universal behavioral health screening, and much more. The goal is to support measurable, sustainable and innovative approaches to social and emotional wellness because of the clearly established link between healthy students and/or staff, positive school climate, and improved academic outcomes. These outcomes include but are not limited to: increased learning readiness, school engagement, improved academic performance, and decreased absenteeism, behavior issues, and truancy. The Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services for school districts and schools was developed to assist school and district leadership or wellness/RtI/PBIS/MTSS teams in the creation of comprehensive school behavioral health systems. Grant proposals that most closely align with the Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services will be more favorably considered for funding. NOTE: Please see the attached one-pager that lists the best practices that are in the Framework to ensure your proposal aligns with the best practices guide. The best practices guide along with tools and resources for the Framework will be released in November. The Colorado Legacy Foundation will provide ongoing technical assistance to schools as needed to complete activities related to this funding. Due November 22nd, 2013, by 5:00 p.m. Funding available for Colorado K-12 School Districts, Colorado BOCES and Charter School Organizations INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Funding of at least $5,000/year is available to at least 5 school districts/schools to develop strategies that promote the positive development of students’ social, emotional, and behavioral health and that are aligned to the Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services. The grant cycle begins January 2014 and ends December 2014. The grant cycle may be extended for a second year. In order to qualify for funding, school districts must address two or more of the best practice components of the Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services. The best practices are listed on the last page of this document. School districts can target funding to one or more schools in the district. Only one application will be considered per applicant organization. Applications must be received on or before November 22nd, 2013, by 5:00 p .m. and can be submitted by postal mail, e-mail, or hand delivery. Grant applications will be reviewed by a committee of experts, and grant award announcements are planned for December 16th, 2013. For those applications that are awarded funding, Grant Progress Reports and Financial Statements will be due November 14th, 2014. These progress reports and financial statements are an essential tool for the Colorado Legacy Foundation to monitor the effectiveness of the grant program and a method for grantees to measure their own progress. The Grant Progress Reports and Financial Statements guidelines and forms will be emailed to you 60 days prior to the report due date. The Colorado Legacy Foundation welcomes your questions about the reporting process or the grant guidelines. The CLF staff listed below will be available to answer your questions: Eryn Elder Phone: 720.502.4702 Email: Eryn Elder Coordinator, Initiatives Colorado Legacy Foundation 1660 Lincoln, Suite 2000 Denver, CO 80264 2 GRANT APPLICATION FORM Date ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Name of Contact for School District/BOCES/Charter School: Title: Name of School District/BOCES/Charter School: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email: Signature*: Name of Superintendent, BOCES Director or Charter School Director: Signature*: Telephone: Email: District(s) served by this application: School(s) served by this application: Count(ies) served by this application: Number of students served through this grant proposal: Number of employees served through this grant proposal (if applicable): Total number of students: Total number of staff: *If you do not have an electronic signature to import, please print this completed page, sign and fax, e-mail or mail to: 3 Attn: Eryn Elder Fax: 866.611.7509 E-mail: Mail: 1660 Lincoln St., Ste. 2000, Denver, CO 80264 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE – PLEASE LIMIT TO 5 PAGES Proposal Overview Please provide brief background information about the students or staff you will be serving with this funding and explain what need(s) this proposal addresses. Successes and Challenges Briefly describe some of your school or school district's greatest successes and challenges in social, emotional, and behavioral health. TEAM Do you have a Wellness Team, Leadership Team, or RtI/PBIS/MTSS Team at the School District/BOCES/Charter School or school level that is poised to guide this work? Yes No If yes, list the titles of the members (i.e. Principal, Parent, Student, Science Teacher, etc.): 4 Do you have a Wellness Policy at the district or school level that includes social, emotional, and behavioral health? Yes No How might the outcomes of this proposal inform changes to the district's or school's current wellness policies? PROPOSAL SUMMARY Please summarize in a few sentences, a description of your proposal. Districts/schools must address two or more of the components of the Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services. Please refer to the last page of this document for the best practices that are listed in the Framework. Please check each of the following areas of focus the proposal addresses: Social and Emotional Learning Opportunities Professional Development Data and/or Accountability District/School Partnerships with Behavioral Health Professionals Family-Community-School Partnerships School Behavioral Health Services Workplace Wellness Universal Screening Mental Health Stigma Reduction Other Summary: 5 What objective(s) do you hope to achieve? When answering this question, remember two tips: Grant proposals that most closely align objectives and activities with the Framework best practices will be more favorably considered for funding. Use SMART Objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) Examples might include, but are not limited to: By December 31, 2014, X amount of middle schools in ABC school district will implement social, emotional skill building opportunities across the curriculum, as measured by teacher and student surveys. By May 31, 2014, District ABC will have created a school behavioral health services team that focuses on implementing strategies X and Y from the Framework and will measure the impact of strategies through interviews and surveys. By December 31, 2014, X amount of school professionals will be trained in Mental Health First Aid Youth Curriculum, and school staff will be surveyed about how they use the strategies in their classrooms. By December 31, 2014, school X will have a partnership with a Community Mental Health Center, School-Based Health Center, or other behavioral health professional, and data will be tracked to determine how many students received services. By December 31, 2014, X amount of schools in ABC school district will be using a universal screening system, and data will be tracked to decipher how many students screened at elevated levels and how many students received appropriate interventions. By December 31, 2014, district school behavioral health professionals will partner with the Community Mental Health Center to conduct two community-wide mental health stigma reduction trainings, and participants will be surveyed and interviewed about the effectiveness of the training. Objectives: 6 Action Steps: What activities will be completed to accomplish the objective(s)? Describe the plan for evaluating your proposal. i.e. How will you know you have accomplished your objectives? SUSTAINABILITY How will you sustain the outcomes of the proposal beyond the grant term? 7 BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS In the space below, please create a proposal budget that accounts for all of your projected costs based on your proposal. The below budget spreadsheet is an example of possible direct costs. Please feel free to change/add/delete line items. Direct Costs Proposal Expenses Description/Justification Expense PERSONNEL PROGRAM COSTS TRAVEL/MILEAGE CONFERENCES/MEETINGS TRAINING OTHER Grand total costs ($5,000) GRANT SUBMISSION Please make sure all sections of this grant application are complete before submitting. All sections of this proposal, including the signature pages, must be received by November 22nd, 2013, by 5 p.m. 8 The Best Practices in the Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services *District and school teams guide the behavioral health work. Foundation – Best Practices Districts and schools have strong family-school-community partnerships. District, school, and community leaders ensure pointed efforts to reduce the stigma around mental health. Staff professional development opportunities address: working within a comprehensive school behavioral health system; creating trauma-sensitive and culturally-responsive schools; understanding child and adolescent development; and promoting staff self-care. District and school leaders prioritize a positive school climate and culture. Social, emotional, and behavioral health efforts are included in accountability systems. Schools use data-based decision making to guide their behavioral health efforts. Tier 1 Services – All Students – Best Practices Positive behavior supports are implemented across the district. Evidence-based/practice based1 social, emotional learning opportunities are included across classes and curriculum. Schools include universal behavioral health screening. Districts and schools have a formal referral process in place. Tier 2 Services – Some Students – Best Practices Schools offer evidence-based group and/or individual interventions. Progress monitoring is integrated into the school day. Tier 3 Services – Few Students – Best Practices Schools offer opportunities for individual and group counseling/therapy during the school day. Schools have a re-entry program for students transitioning back from hospitalization or residential treatment. Schools have a crisis response plan in place. Specialized Services Delivery Best Practices that Link with 1 of 3 Specialized Services Delivery Models: School-Based Health Center Services, School-Based Services, or Community-Based Services Schools ensure adequate information sharing between the behavioral health professional, other youth-serving agencies, families, and necessary school staff. Constant and effective communication loops exist between the behavioral health professional and the team leading the behavioral health work. Schools ensure opportunities exist for “warm hand-offs” between school staff and behavioral health professionals. Wraparound services are available for students with Tier 3 needs. School leaders ensure youth-guided services and family partnerships for students with Tier 2 and Tier 3 needs. 1 CLF also promotes practice-based work in schools. These practices are created within a district or school, based on local need and show positive results.