Review for Test on WWI, 1920`s, GD, and WWII

Review for Test: WWI, 1920s, the Great Depression, the New Deal, and WWII
1. What was the name of the ship that was attacked by a German submarine in 1915 killing 128 Americans? Lusitania
2. What day is known as Black Tuesday and is the date the stock market crashed? October 29, 1929
3. This happened in Georgia in 1924 and helped kill the Boll Weevil. Drought
4. What is the name of the small beetle that destroyed Georgia’s cotton crop in the 1920s? Boll Weevil
5. Who was a three-term Governor of Georgia who was a white supremacist that did not want New Deal programs or college
admissions to include African Americans? Eugene Talmadge
6. What was President Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression called? The New Deal
7. Which New Deal program brought electricity to farms and rural homes and made life much easier for farm families?
Rural Electrification Authority (REA)
8. What New Deal program provided jobs for young single men building forest trails and roads, planting trees to reforest the
land and control flooding, and rebuilding parks? Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
9. What New Deal program created a system for retirement and unemployment insurance? Social Security Administration
10. What New Deal program paid farmers not to plant crops on part of their land in hopes of raising prices by cutting
production? Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
11. What New Deal program did Georgia’s textile industry resist? National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
12. Which New Deal program was responsible for such projects in Georgia like Roosevelt State Park in Pine Mountain, Tybee
Island’s seawall, Augusta’s Savannah River levee, and Macon’s airport? Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
13. What New Deal program resulted from President Roosevelt’s view of rural Georgia while sitting on his porch in Warm
Springs in the evenings? Rural Electrification Authority (REA)
14. What improvements in farming came about because of the Rural Electrification Authority? Electric water pumps, electric
milking machines, and lights
15. Why did rural African American farmers in Georgia not reap the benefits of many New Deal programs?
Federal grants went to property owners rather than tenant farmers, and most African Americans were not property owners
16. Which Georgia Governor allowed the federal government to take over the administration of New Deal programs in our
state? Eugene Talmadge
17. What GA Governor’s actions resulted in the university system being placed on probation with the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools? Eugene Talmadge
18. Why did President Franklin D. Roosevelt spend so much time in Georgia? The warm mineral waters of Warm Springs
Georgia helped his polio
19. What was the main focus of the New Deal programs? Relieve the suffering of the unemployed
20. Who was president of the United States when the country fell in the Great Depression? Herbert Hoover
21. What does the term “laissez-faire” mean? The belief that economic problems can work themselves out in the
marketplace without government help or controls
22. The day the country’s stock market crashed is known as what? Black Tuesday
23. What were some modern home conveniences that appeared in the 1920s? pre-packaged frozen foods, small electrical
appliances, quick-cooking and instant foods
24. Who was the famous gangster who headed Chicago’s mob and was imprisoned in Atlanta’s Federal Penitentiary? Al
25. What was one reason that many black farmers moved to the North during the Great Migration? Healthcare for African
Americans was better in the North, Southern public schools for African Americans were poor, and the South restricted the
voting rights of African Americans
26. What were the two main events that affected GA’s agriculture in a negative way during the 1920s? Boll Weevil and the
27. What was Georgia’s first commercial radio station? WSB of Atlanta
28. Methods for freezing foods, the appearance of convenience foods, and commercial radio stations were all associated with
what decade? 1920s
29. Why were the 1920s known as the “roaring twenties”? The fast pace of life and good-times atmosphere supported
roaring parties and a roaring economy
20. How long did Rebecca Latimer Felton serve in the US Congress? 1 day
31. What did the 19th amendment do? Gave women the right to vote
32. What were the three soldier training facilities in Georgia during WWI? Camp Gordon, Fort McPherson, and Camp Benning
33. What two events led the United States into WWI? The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram
34. Which of those events in your answer to question 38 was the final straw that led President Woodrow Wilson to ask
Congress to declare war against the Central Powers? The Zimmerman Telegram
35. Which countries were a part of the Allied Powers in WWI? Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States (joined in
36. What Japanese cities had atomic bombs dropped on them to force the Japanese to surrender and the end of WWII?
37. What happened on December 7, 1941? Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
38. Even though the United States was neutral during the first part of WWII, what was the lend-lease act? Selling or trading military
supplies to Great Britain and eventually the Soviet Union
39. What historical event caused a 1986 GA Commission to be established that fosters tolerance, good citizenship, and character
development among the young people of Georgia? The Holocaust
40. What two shipyards were very important to Georgia’s contribution to WWII? Their main focus was to produce Liberty ships. Savannah
and Brunswick
41. What President spent so much time in Georgia that his home in Warm Springs became known as the “little white house”? FDR
42. What man became Georgia’s youngest Governor in the 20th century who ran our state like a successful business? Richard Russell
43. When FDR died in office, what Vice President took over as President and had to make the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan
to end WWII? Harry Truman
44. What man served 25 consecutive terms in the House of Representatives and promoted a strong national defense for our country? Carl
45. What is the landing of troops at Normandy, France known as? D-Day
46. What new weapon that was used for the first time was dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII? Atomic
47. Give 2 specific examples of how did WWII increased Georgia’s economy? Bell Aircraft, Liberty Ships, Military Training Camps, Increased
Agricultural and Industrial Production
48. What was Bell Aircraft? A plan Georgia built for the military in Marietta Georgia (B-29)
49. Where was the Bell Aircraft plant located? Marietta
50. What Georgian was known as the “father of the two-ocean navy”? Carl Vinson
52. Liberty ships were constructed at what two ports in Georgia? Savannah and Brunswick
53. What three countries were members of the Allied Powers? Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States
54. What event caused FDR to declare war on Japan bringing us into WWII? Attack on Pearl Harbor
55. Give 2 examples of ways in which everyone contributed to the war effort even from home? Victory Gardens, Rationing Supplies,
Building military supplies, Buying War Bonds/Stamps
56. What countries were members of the Axis Powers in WWII? Germany, Italy, Japan
57. How was the U.S. involved in WWII before the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Lend-Lease
58. Where did President FDR pass away? Warm Springs Georgia