Ratcliffe Crescent, Florey ACT 2615 PO Box 223, Kippax ACT 2615 Website: www.floreyps.act.edu.au Telephone (02) 6205 8011 Fax (02) 6205 8002 GUIDELINES TITLE: SCHOOL – PARENTS/CARERS COMMUNICATION GUIDELINES PUBLISHED: 2010 LAST REVIEWED: 2013 IDENTIFIER: 201303 CONTACT: School Board Chair, Florey Primary School RELATED DOCUMENTS: Parents & Carers as Partners in Schooling Policy, September 2001. _________________________________________________________________________ Florey Primary School Communication Guidelines provide a framework for effective and respectful communication which: promotes understanding and cooperative teamwork between parents/carers, staff and students encourages active participation of students, parents/carers and staff in effective communication streamlines communication by encouraging the use of appropriate mechanisms and channels of communication These guidelines aim to engender a strong sense of community where staff, parents/carers and students can share ideas and knowledge in an inclusive environment that contributes to providing the best possible learning outcomes for our children. To achieve this both the intra and inter communication needs of members of the school community have been considered. These guidelines are aligned with: Parents & Carers as Partners in Schooling Policy, September 2001. http://www.det.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/19494/Parnt_Carer_ SchPartners.pdf Communication with parents: Acknowledges “parents/carers as the first educators of their children and their right to participate in their children’s schooling” Within the “scope of parent/carer involvement enables the planning of more inclusive strategies to enhance parent/carer participation. It acknowledges the right of parents/carers to have their opinions respected and considered, including the need for sensitivity to the rights and roles of adults with different caring responsibilities.” Will provide clear information on student well-being, policies, programs, assessments and general concerns. Will be made using a variety of contact mechanisms – verbally in meetings and forums, in writing, by telephone, email, Florey Primary School App; text; using interpreters or other appropriate outside agencies when needed. Will include verbal and written contact with those parent/carers who have been authorised by law to receive information about their children i.e. specifically those parents recorded on the school database as ‘Contact 1’ or ‘Contact 2’ N.B. In cases where parents/carers reside in different locations and provide legal shared custody or responsibility for their children, communication will be duplicated (written) or repeated (verbal) to facilitate equal access to the communication. In emergencies, will necessitate the first available form of communication in the interests of the child’s well-being or safety. Relies on the regularly updated contact and medical details for any students enrolled at Florey Primary School and therefore will need to be reviewed at regular intervals, sometimes with proof of change e.g. court orders, evidence of prescribed medication dosages The guidelines were developed by Florey Primary School Board through consultation with the school community in 2010. Last date reviewed: December 2013. Date next review: Dec 2015.