Cover/Signature Page - Abbreviated Template/Abbreviated Template with Curriculum Institution Submitting Request: Dixie State University Proposed Title: Certificate of English Proficiency Currently Approved Title: N/A School or Division or Location: Dixie State University School of Humanities Department(s) or Area(s) Location: Humanities Department Recommended Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code1 (for new programs): 13.1401 Current Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (for existing programs): N/A Proposed Beginning Date (for new programs): 12/12/2015 Institutional Board of Trustees’ Approval Date: MM/DD/YEAR Proposal Type (check all that apply): Regents’ General Consent Calendar Items R401-5 OCHE Review and Recommendation; Approval on General Consent Calendar SECTION NO. ITEM 5.1.1 Minor* 5.1.2 Emphasis* 5.2.1 X (CER P) Certificate of Proficiency* 5.2.3 (GCR) Graduate Certificate* New Administrative Unit Administrative Unit Transfer 5.4.1 Administrative Unit Restructure Administrative Unit Consolidation 5.4.2 Conditional Three-Year Approval for New Centers, Institutes, or Bureaus New Center 5.4.3 New Institute New Bureau 5.5.1 Out-of-Service Area Delivery of Programs Program Transfer 5.5.2 Program Restructure Program Consolidation 5.5.3 Name Change of Existing Programs Program Discontinuation 5.5.4 Program Suspension Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Program 5.5.5 Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Administrative Unit *Requires “Section V: Program Curriculum” of Abbreviated Template Chief Academic Officer (or Designee) Signature: I certify that all required institutional approvals have been obtained prior to submitting this request to the Office of the Commissioner. ______________________________________ Signature Date: MM/DD/YEAR Printed Name: Name of CAO or Designee 1 CIP codes must be recommended by the submitting institution. For CIP code classifications, please see Program Request - Abbreviated Template Dixie State University 09/09/2015 Section I: Request The DSU ESL Program would like to offer two English Proficiency Certificates (Intermediate and Advanced) to students who have taken and succeeded in our core classes given at each level. Section II: Need There are a number of international students who only come to DSU for a few semesters before returning to their home countries, and they would benefit from having a tangible record of achievement. Obtaining an official certificate of English proficiency will help these students to apply for jobs or academic programs requiring specific levels of proficiency in English. In addition to assisting our recruitment efforts in general, a certificate program would also encourage existing international students to take additional ESL classes (e.g. conversation/speaking courses) beyond the basic requirements needed to attend regular DSU courses. This could have a strong impact on the student’s overall success at Dixie and later in the workplace. There are no similar certificates from university ESL programs offered in Utah, but there are existing English proficiency certificate programs in other states. UNLV is the closest university which has an English proficiency certificate program. UNLV offers four levels of certificates: Intermediate, High Intermediate, Advanced, and Academic Proficiency levels. Students are required to attain 15 credits at 3.2 GPA. North Hennipen Community College (Minnesota) offers an English language proficiency certificate requiring 22 credits (16 credits from four required courses and 6 credit hours of electives). Students need to get a C grade or above in all required courses. Both Berkeley City College and Mt. San Jacinto College (California) have one semester certificates (11-12 required credit hours) for intermediate and advanced students. In this proposal, the following courses would be required for an Intermediate English Proficiency Certificate: Intermediate Speaking (3 credits), Intermediate Academic Communication (3 credits), Intermediate Reading (4 credits), Intermediate Writing (4 credits) and Intermediate Grammar (4 credits) for a total of 18 credits. The proposed Advanced English Proficiency Certificate would require the following courses: Advanced Speaking (3 credits), Advanced Academic Communication (3 credits), Advanced Reading (4 credits), Advanced Writing (4 credits) and Advanced Grammar (4 credits) for a total of 18 credits. To receive the certificate, students would need to pass each class with a B or higher grade. The courses could be taken in one or more semesters, but all courses must be completed within a two-year period. Section III: Institutional Impact The certificate program is expected to have a positive effect on enrollment as it increases the appeal of our program to international students who are only interested in improving their English, and not necessarily in graduating from an American university. As the program will primarily affect enrollment of new students, it would have little if any impact on affiliated departments and programs. As the proposed program is composed entirely of existing courses, no changes to the curriculum or faculty are needed, nor are any new facilities required. Section IV: Finances Some costs for the design and creation of the certificates are anticipated, but this will be done through Dixie State University facilities to keep costs minimal. No other expenses are anticipated. As mentioned earlier, the certificate program should make the program more appealing to international students and thus should bring in more funds to the school. Section V: Program Curriculum ***THIS SECTION OF THE TEMPLATE REQUIRED FOR EMPHASES, MINORS, AND CERTIFICATES ONLY*** All Program Courses (with New Courses in Bold) Course Prefix and Number Title Credit Hours Required Courses for Intermediate Certificate: ESL 0400 ESL 0411 ESL 1500 ESL 1550 ESL 1560 Intermediate Academic Communication Academic Speaking 3 Intermediate Reading in English Intermediate Academic Writing Intermediate English Grammar 3 3 4 4 4 18 Required Courses for Advanced Certificate: ESL 0600 ESL 0611 ESL 2700 ESL 2750 ESL 2760 Advanced Academic Communication Academic Speaking 4 Advanced Reading in English Advanced Academic Writing Advanced English Grammar 3 3 4 4 4 18 Track/Options (if applicable) NA Program Schedule All required courses are offered in the fall and spring semesters. All required courses could be taken in one semester, or divided among multiple semesters. Some of the courses will be available in the summer, but the actual courses offered vary according to enrollment and the availability of professors. There is no generally recommended sequence of courses.