BIOMES PROJECT Date Assigned_________________ NAME___________________ DATE DUE_____________________ You must complete both of the following projects. We will spend one class period in the computer lab conducting research for these projects, so please use your time wisely. Task 1. USING THINKING MAPS Points: 10 Select two biomes. Both should be either land biomes or water biomes. Use a Double Bubble Map to Compare and Contrast the biomes. Use words only. All bubbles on the Double Bubble Map must be filled in. Minimum Biome Characteristics to include: Location, Climate, Representative Species, Adaptations of Species for living in that Biome TASK 2. COMPARING FOOD WEBS (POINTS 15) Using the two biomes you used in Task 1, create a diagram using pictures that shows a food web from each biome. Show at least two producers, herbivores, and carnivore/omnivores., and one scavenger as the BARE MINIMUM. Extra points for including more consumers, producers, and decomposers and more complex food chains. (more than two consumers). You will not receive the maximum score if you only go as high as secondary consumers. Write a paragraph (5 sentences minimum) to show how the two food webs are similar and how they are different. Task 3. PROJECTS (POINTS 25) YOU MUST COMPLETE ONE (1) of the following PROJECTS. MAKE SURE ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION IS INCLUDED: You may complete a second project for a maximum 10 points extra credit. REQUIRED INFORMATION Biome Name Location Climate Representative Species; Plant and Animal Show how one ABIOTIC resource impacts the living organisms in the ecosystem. Optional Information Problems in Biome Successional Stages/Succession Influences..(ie. Does Fire or something else play a big role in this biome?) Symbiotic Relationships Adaptations of species for living in this Biome Other items you find interesting about this Biome A. Using the Information you have developed in #2 (Using Thinking Maps) create a collage (No bigger than 11” x 17”) in pictures that: a. Compares and contrasts the characteristics of two biomes. If you do this project, be sure you make clear comparisons and contrasts with color pictures like you would in a thinking map. B. Write a Traveler’s Guide/Review of a biome: Write this with personality and enthusiasm, as if you are a travel expert and you have/are about to tour your biome. C. Create a Biome-based Travel Brochure: Select one Organism that is characteristic of your Biome. Create a travel brochure from that organism’s perspective to entice others to come to your biome. Be sure to use analogies: EXAMPLE: Instead of talking about “hotels,” you should describe various parts of the biome that provide shelter to various organisms. Similarly, “Restaurants” would feature various foods available to your organism in that biome. D. Create a Children’s Story Book. Select one Organism that is characteristic of your Biome. Write and illustrate a children’s story book about the life of that organism in your biome. Your organism can “talk” and have human feelings, but the story must be factual. (i.e., no animals driving cars, or sailing in boats, etc.) E. GROUP PROJECT: This must be completed with students in your Science Class. You Select one biome. Create a 4-5 minute skit OR PUPPET SHOW taking us on a tour of your biome. All individuals must be in the skit or the puppet show at some point. F. GROUP PROJECT: This may be completed with a maximum of FOUR (4) students TOTAL. They may be students from any one of my five classes. Select one biome. Create a 4-5 minute film taking us on a tour of your biome. All individuals must be in the film at some point and the film must be able to be uploaded to YouTube or put on a Flash Drive and playable on Windows Media Player. PLEASE ONLY ATTEMPT THIS IF YOU ARE TECHNOLOGICALLY CAPABLE, AS I CANNOT OFFER MUCH HELP WITH THIS. If you want to complete this project you must do the following: a. Have an adult sign a permission slip acknowledging that this is the project you have chosen and that you understand the requirements. b. Prepare an outline of your script, showing how you plan to incorporate all the required information. This must be submitted by November 10, 2015. c. Have the video either uploaded to YouTube or brought to me in a Windows Media Player compatible format by November 12, 2015. VIDEO PERMISSION SLIP Student Name_________________________ Group members__________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ My Child__________________________ has permission to create a video project for Science Class. We understand that the script is due by November 10, and the video must be uploaded to Youtube by November 12, 2015 or the project will not be eligible for full credit. ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature GRADE SHEET: Please include this sheet with your projects NAME__________________________________ Tasks 1 and 2: The two Biomes I compared are __________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Task #1: Thinking MAPS Information on Thinking Map is accurate and complete (015) Map is neat and legible (0-5) 0-1 2-3 4-5 points 6-7 points Total Only 25% of the information is provided or accurate 25-75% of the information is provided and accurate 80-90% of the information is provided and is accurate Over 90% of the information is provided and accurate 7 points possible (0 points): MAP is illegible and impossible to read or incorrectly completed ( 1 point) MAP is legible but carelessly written (2) Map has been neatly prepared (3 points) Neatness is Exemplary 3 points possible TOTAL For Task 1 Task #2 Comparing Food Webs (15 Points) Task 2 Two Ecosystem/biomes are clearly identified Food Webs have appropriate numbers of producers, consumers, decomposers Summary Paragraph 5 Sentence minimum TOTAL 0-1 Two ecosystems are not identified at all Major components of the food webs are missing 2-3 Ecosystems are vaguely or incorrectly identified Some components missing/food chains are inaccurate Paragraph is too short, with numerous spelling and grammatical errors. Paragraph shows some effort, but numerous spelling and grammar errors 4 Ecosystems are identified, but only minimal info is given Minimum organisms included but are clearly defined/some extra inc. Cohesive paragraph, minimal spelling errors 5 Total Ecosystems are clearly defined/locations provided More than min, included. Food chains show complex relationships Paragraph is exemplary. Virtually no spelling or grammatical errors Total for Task 2 Task 3: The Project Choice I selected was __________________________________________ The Biome I chose was_______________________________________________ TASK 3: PROJECT CHOICE INFORMATION PRESENTATION 0-5 6-10 11-17 18-20 Basic information is missing or predominantly incorrect Most of basic information is presented and is correct Information includes significantly more than basic requirements 40 points possible Project is messy and appears to be hurriedly put together; major errors in spelling or grammar (0-1) Project is a simple presentation of information; no creativity; some errors in spelling or grammar (2-3) All basic information is presented and correct, but no extra information is included Project is error free and meets all requirements, but is not completed with creativity (4) Project is error free and has been completed in a creative manner 10 points possible (5) Task 3 TOTAL Total