) ‫أنموذج ( أ ) الخاص برسائل الماجستير و اطاريح الدكتوراة ( اخر شهادة‬
University of Baghdad
College Name
College of Science –Baghdad University
Biology Department
Full Name as written
in Passport
Thesis Title
Assistant Lecturer
‫ ٭‬Assistant Professor
Two experiments were carried out in the field of department of Horticulture , College of
Agriculture , Abu- Ghraib , Baghdad , during the spring seasons of 2004 and 2005 which potato
tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desivee) Class Elite and A, were used for the two seasons
respectively .
In each season two experiments were conducted , the first aimed to use Drip irrigation system
and Potash fertilizers (K2SO4) to reduce water salinity stress , while the second experiment aimed to
reduce the water salinity stress by spraying three plant extracts separately,those are Karkade
(Hibiscus sabdarifa ) , Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), and liquorice root (Glycerrhiza glabra )
Anatomy studies were carried out to have better understanding of the influence of salinity
stress on the changes in potato shoot and leaves tissues.
Treatments of the first experiment included three levels of water salinity , 2,4,7 dSm-1 , the 2
dSm-1 level was from field well while 4 dSm-1level was from ground water table and 7 dSm-1 level
was prepared by adding NaCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 at ratios I:I:I to 2 dSm-1 well water . The second
factor was drip and furrow irrigation , while the third factor was fertilization with K 2SO4 (44%K) at
three levels (150 control, 300, 450) kg/donum .
Treatments of this experiment were distributed in Split – Split Plot Design with three replicates
where the method of irrigation was Main Plots , water salinity levels were Sub- Plots and Potash
fertilizers treatment was Sub – Sub- Plots. Means were compared according to L.S.D. test at 5%
significant level .
The treatments in the second experiment Split – Plot Design with three replicates , the water
salinity levels were Main Plots, while the concentration of each extract were Sub-Plots, which was
(0, 2.5, 5)g/l for Karkade and liquorice root extract , and (0,1,2)gm/L for Okra extract .
Means were also compared according to L.S.D. test at 5% significant levels .
Result could be summarized as follows : 1- Increasing levels of irrigation water salinity from 2 to 7 dSm-1 significantly decreased shoot
number , leaf area and carbohydrate percentage in leaves by ( 20.88, 32.60, 7.21 %) and (16.66,
23.65, 40.0 % ) for the two seasons respectively while Drip irrigation with 2 dSm -1 water and
fertilization with (300, 450 kg/Donum ) K2SO4 increasing the shoot number , leaf area and
carbohydrate percentage in leaves by (100, 281.4 , 106.27 % ) and (80.18, 69.95, 418.3% ) for
the seasons 2004 and 2005 respectively .
2- Increasing the salinity water levels from 2 to 7 dSm-1 increased proline accumulation in leaves
and reduced water potential of leaves tissue (more negative ) by (211.7 , 18.5%) and (46.96 ,
25%) for the both seasons respectively . By using drip irrigation with saline water of 2 dSm -1
and adding K2SO4 fertilizer 300 & 450 kg/donum decreased proline accumulation and
increased the water potential of leaves tissue (Less negative ) by (76.72, 22.12%) and (46.96,
29.12%) for the two seasons respectively .
) ‫أنموذج ( أ ) الخاص برسائل الماجستير و اطاريح الدكتوراة ( اخر شهادة‬
3- Leaf percentage of P, K, Ca and Mg were decreased with increasing the salinity levels of
irrigation water by (14.7 , 34.94 , 19.9, 20.8%) and (19.6 , 13.79, 9.52, 14.68% ) for the two
seasons respectively , whereas using drip irrigation with 2 dSm-1 water salinity adding K2SO4
fertilizer (300 & 450kg/donum ) increased them by (309.5, 250.6, 184.3, 173.9%) and (285.7 ,
582.0, 90.6 , 109.8% ) respectively .
4- Results showed that Na and Cl percentage in the leaves were increased with the increasing
irrigation water salinity levels by (61.40, 33.39% ) and (42.60 , 49.10%) respectively , while
commencing drip irrigation and adding K2SO4 at levels of (300 , 450kg/donum) decreased
them by (67.80, 60.18%) and (51.36, 69.40%) for the two seasons respectively .
5- Increasing levels of irrigation water from 2 to 7 dSm-1 salinity decreased the number of total
tubers/plant , marketable tubers yield and individual plant yield by (1.87 , 18.03, 24.7 % ) and
(0.18 , 5.66 , 24.30 % ) for both seasons respectively . However using drip irrigation with 2
dSm-1 water salinity level and adding (300, 450 kg/donum ) K 2SO4 fertilizer increased values
above traits (55.9 , 15.70,
116.9 % ) and (100, 107.80, 122.2% ) for the two seasons
respectively .
6- Non marketable tubers yield increased with the increasing irrigation water salinity levels from
2 to 7 dSm-1 , by (5.66, 24.60 % ) for the two seasons respectively , while adding K 2SO4
fertilizer (300 kg/donum) and using drip irrigation with 2 dSm-1 water decreased nonmarketable yield by (115.4 , 566.0%) for the two seasons respectively .
7- The increasing of water salinity levels reduced the percentage of tubers dry matter, starch and
specific gravity by (5.74 , 10.8 , 1.41%) and (9.28 , 1.44 , 1.8%) for the two seasons
respectively, but the drip irrigation with 2 dSm-1 water and adding K2SO4 fertilizer at levels of
(300, 450 kg/donum ) increased them by (168.0 , 122.7, 5.82 % ) and (32.23 , 45.0 , 5.601% )
respectively .
8- Irrigation with 2 dSm-1 water and spraying with liquorice root extract at 2.5g/l ( in both seasons
) increased number of shoots , and leaf area by (105.00, 140.30%) and( 38.68, 136.62% ) for
the two seasons respectively .
9- The irrigation with 2 dSm-1 water and spraying Okra extract (2g/l) and Karkade extract (2.5g/l
), gave a highest carbohydrate percentage in leaves by (74.09 , 75.11%) and ( 95.70 , 81.57%)
for both seasons respectively .
10- Proline accumulation decreased due to irrigation with 2 dSm-1 salinity water and spraying with
Karkade extract (2.5g/l) , liquorice root extract (2.5g/l) and Okra extract (1g/l ) by (240 ,
203,205% ) and (104,192,161%) for the two seasons respectively .
11- Water potential leaves tissues increased (because less negative) by (12.94,12.5%) and ( 25,
18.75% ) respectively when plants were irrigated with 2dSm-1 water salinity and sprayed with
Okra extract (2g/l) , liquorice root extract (2.5g/l) for the two seasons respectively
12- The treatment in ( 10) increased the percentge of K in leaves by (95.00,18.91,47.14%) and
(64.00 ,44.24 ,56.80%) for the two seasons respectively , while the percentage of Na and Cl
were decreased by (51.00 ,50.36 ,61.20%) and (41.50,51.5,44.91% ) and for Cl ( 240 ,202
,204%) and ( 104,192,161.7%) respectively .
13- The treatments in (10) also increased the individual plant yield by (88.00, 40.00,55.35%) and
(105.47,136.8,132.0%) for the two seasons respectively .
14- Above mentioned treatments in (10) increased the percentage of tube dry matter
by(59.64,59.94,62.92% )and(26.13 ,23.28 ,25.72% ),starch by(41.14 ,38.70 ,28.41%) and (
16.30,21.83, 21.32%) and specific gravity by (2.40,1.15,1.62 %) and (1.83, 2.96, 1.85% ) for
the two seasons respectively .
Anatomy Study results : Increasing levels of irrigation water salinity from 2 to 7 dSm -1 caused anatomical changes in plant
tissues as fellow : (1) Increasing the stomata length , width and area by (15.75, 16.41, 38.79% ) respectively
(2) Decreased the stomata number in both upper and lower sides of the leaf by (63.33 , 34.00%
) respectively.
(3) Increased leaf thickness spongy mesophyll by (8.97 , 23.52% ) in the first season .
(4) Increased vessels diameter by 100% with salt accumulated on cells wall in shoots pith tissue